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How About We Don't Delete Newsfeeds



  • Darlene_Oregon
    Darlene_Oregon Posts: 186 Member
    @MargaretYakoda Thank you so much for your response. But, at this time, I can't even use my touch screen laptop very easily.

    I just turned 67. But I've never had to wear eyeglasses (except reading glasses for the computer, etc).

    My condition started very suddenly. And to make a long story short, I've seen an optometrist who then called in an ophthalmologist. I guess I had a hemorrhage in my eye. They then referred me to a retinol specialist (MD). But that won't be until next month.

    It's almost funny. But when I'm using my laptop and try to enter a food, I end up hitting the entry above or below what I'm trying to select. A bit frustrating! So using a mouse is much easier 🙂

    Anyways, I hope my condition is fixable. And for the meantime, I think I'll just stay with MFP.

    Take care

  • noogie98
    noogie98 Posts: 423 Member

    Hey MFP, here's a suggestion for you ~ give us back our newsfeed!! So many people used it daily to connect with their friends. It's wasn't a "rarely used feature" as stated in a recent comment by one of your employees. Bring it back, be a hero and save the day for those of us who have loved you in the past and are currently disappointed and pissed!
    A former fan with 4868 days logging
  • Jacq_qui
    Jacq_qui Posts: 431 Member
    Finding it so hard to stay motivated. Who even cares if I complete my diary. It's like, sure I should be doing it for me, but also, accountability is big thing for me. If I see other people doing it, I know for a fact I should be.
  • mlboyer100
    mlboyer100 Posts: 115 Member
    Apparently Mgmt is monitoring this group! As I was scrolling down through comments, reading and hitting Like, Inspiring, Insightful options… something happened! It went from multiple selections to only allowing one selection! It gets better! All of my previous Likes, etc, disappeared! Gone! Like I never responded! They are rigging the Books so the Powers That Be don’t see the real numbers! The reports will show the response numbers they “want to see”, not what they actually are! Absolutely disgusting! This message will probably disappear too!
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,348 Member
    mlboyer100 wrote: »
    Apparently Mgmt is monitoring this group! As I was scrolling down through comments, reading and hitting Like, Inspiring, Insightful options… something happened! It went from multiple selections to only allowing one selection! It gets better! All of my previous Likes, etc, disappeared! Gone! Like I never responded! They are rigging the Books so the Powers That Be don’t see the real numbers! The reports will show the response numbers they “want to see”, not what they actually are! Absolutely disgusting! This message will probably disappear too!

    Mods have been very lenient so far. Guidelines state, for example, to not mention competitors and there are MANY posts where competitors are mentioned since the newsfeed debacle began.

    As for multiple reactions: for one specific post? That's always been limited to just one, we've never been able to select several reactions for the same post. (I'm not having the same issues as you with reactions disappearing either, perhaps a bug - it does seem to be an MFP trademark to be buggy)
    I doubt anyone from management even cares enough to start messing with the individual reactions on board posts.
    And if they wanted to hide our discontent, we certainly wouldn't have multiple threads about our displeasure (this one alone has been allowed to grow to 15 pages).
    I'm unhappy too, but I'm not much into the conspiracy idea.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,853 Member
    mlboyer100 wrote: »
    Apparently Mgmt is monitoring this group! As I was scrolling down through comments, reading and hitting Like, Inspiring, Insightful options… something happened! It went from multiple selections to only allowing one selection! It gets better! All of my previous Likes, etc, disappeared! Gone! Like I never responded! They are rigging the Books so the Powers That Be don’t see the real numbers! The reports will show the response numbers they “want to see”, not what they actually are! Absolutely disgusting! This message will probably disappear too!

    Oh, please.

    The MFP staff could delete every single one of the many threads and posts decrying removal of the newsfeed, and they haven't done so.

    As a post above points out, they haven't even deleted posts that clearly violate the written Community Guidelines.

    Repeating myself for clarity: I think MFP made a terrible decision here that's been a gut-punch to many MFP users, even though I'm not someone who used the newsfeed much myself. I'm sorry that it's being removed, since so many found it so beneficial.

    Someone made a cold business decision about costs vs. benefits, quite possibly a very incorrect and damaging decision. But no one is hovering over a big monitor, looking to see how many likes there are on posts about the subject. The "Powers" that made the decision are looking at financial statements and projections, not counting likes on particular posts.

    The small number of MFP staff who do read a small subset of posts in the Community are regular people like you and me, no more conspiratorial or evil, and they're caught in the middle of all this. (I'm sure it's unpleasant, having been part of rolling out unpopular decisions sometimes in my own career.)

    The MFP staff have zero motivation to make the newsfeed look less popular. If anything, I suspect their current daily working lives would be easier if the executives who made the decision were to change their minds and restore the newsfeed. But it's not gonna happen.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,222 Member
    mlboyer100 wrote: »
    Apparently Mgmt is monitoring this group! As I was scrolling down through comments, reading and hitting Like, Inspiring, Insightful options… something happened! It went from multiple selections to only allowing one selection! It gets better! All of my previous Likes, etc, disappeared! Gone! Like I never responded! They are rigging the Books so the Powers That Be don’t see the real numbers! The reports will show the response numbers they “want to see”, not what they actually are! Absolutely disgusting! This message will probably disappear too!

    That's never been a thing here. Ever. You've only ever been allowed to choose one reaction option. I've been here since 2011, so I feel confident speaking on that. Please don't create conspiracy theories. It doesn't do anything to help the people who are already upset about the Newsfeed removal. Maybe you are confusing that ability with one from another forum? And I second what Lietchi and Ann have said.
  • MySlimGoals
    MySlimGoals Posts: 754 Member
    Who cares that it is old software? Only MFP apparently. It’s so helpful to have the newsfeed and I would like to keep mine.
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Can new software not be implemented to create a wall or ticker or whatever name you want to give a new Newsfeed?? Fine if it was becoming obsolete and difficult to maintain, we get that, but replace it please with something functionally similar.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 814 Member
    To find the "activity feed" that is supposed to replace the newsfeed, you have to go to Community, find your friend THERE, tap their name on a post, then view their profile.

    You need to do that individually for each friend -and you can't get to it by just tapping their name in your friend list. Only from inside the Community section. Your friend list will only let you see their diary and send a message.

    Guys, if you're wanting to sell this as a substitute, at least make it accessible.