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How About We Don't Delete Newsfeeds



  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,247 Member
    Please write up what you find. Your compare and contrast of alternatives. ( to save me from having to do it 🤣)
    Here, here! I try out other platforms I find that they are far better in many ways in terms of logging food and integration of my Fitbit data...

    Yes please - particularly interested in ones that integrate well with your Fitbit!

    Cronometer integrates Fitbit data much more fully than MFP. I don't see anything like the newsfeed for interaction, so I have not explored it much more that logging a bit. The logging there is different than here, but works well enough, and I am guessing once I got used to the interface, I would find it easier.

    MyNetDiary seems to have the ability to put together a friend list, but I would need to pay to directly use my Fitbit, however, since I linked my Fitbit to GoogleFit, I can import information through it. I only started playing with it yesterday, so I am still exploring.

    LoseIt I looked at, but I haven't played with it much, and have no idea on Fitbit integration or friends interactions.
  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,261 Member
    COGypsy wrote: »
    You could potentially find that on a better and more curated food database, you would need fewer custom entries. I like the forums, but haven't tracked on MFP for years, even before I stopped calorie counting. The other platform is much more straightforward and included a lot more "current" types of entries like Factor meals and Hello Fresh recipes. Not being crowdsourced, I felt the information was a lot more reliable which made entering my own stuff tremendously faster and easier once I didn't have to doublecheck or just hand enter every ingredient. I guess what I'm saying is that the sunk cost here might not be as high as you imagine.

    What app is this please?

    I tracked on Nutrionix. But be warned, it is just a tracker. No ads, no blogs, no newsfeed, no forums, no social aspect whatsoever. But it has voice logging and a barcode scanner. I haven’t tracked in quite a while, so no idea how well those work, but I’ve found it to be a handy little app when I need it.
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 796 Member
    I am not sure why the newsfeed could not be updated instead of abandoned, but with the privacy feature, it served a real need that is not served now... Hope it will be recognized and implemented in a workable way soon.
  • MsShroom
    MsShroom Posts: 7 Member
    This is so messed up - I have been using the newsfeed to go back to daily feelings and goals to keep me motivated - then it's just GONE?! No archive of it to access? This is such bad form. I have been using MFP since 2011 = I picked up again this year with daily checking in and affirmations an have hit a new goal of dropping 55 lbs - I went in to update and basically all my input is just GONE?! not the way wanted to celebrate my 1/2 yr goal... very disappointed and hope the data isn't just lost to the internet graveyard of bits...
  • Spadesheart
    Spadesheart Posts: 479 Member
    COGypsy wrote: »
    You could potentially find that on a better and more curated food database, you would need fewer custom entries. I like the forums, but haven't tracked on MFP for years, even before I stopped calorie counting. The other platform is much more straightforward and included a lot more "current" types of entries like Factor meals and Hello Fresh recipes. Not being crowdsourced, I felt the information was a lot more reliable which made entering my own stuff tremendously faster and easier once I didn't have to doublecheck or just hand enter every ingredient. I guess what I'm saying is that the sunk cost here might not be as high as you imagine.

    What app is this please?

    The first wave of people leaving chose loseit, and I tried that for a while but ulitimately they have some of the same issues as mfp; its a really old app so implenting pretty standard features like pictures isn't going to happen without pain. In general I found it harder to navigate and clunky.

    Mynetdiary has been the best free alternative I've tried with a good Interface and robust social features. I've made a mfp migrant group there as well.

    And heres a friend link from me
  • vegas711
    vegas711 Posts: 92 Member
    "Little used" is a politicians cop out Betty. Respectfully, Members are leaving in droves. Update the tech then. Other apps have it. in 12 years I have used community and blogs 8 times. I check my newsfeed with friends multiple times during the day. An absolute lazy, bonehead decision. Restore it. You customer base has spoken.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,159 Member
    edited July 1
    sunrise611 wrote: »
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    Here's an off the wall question. Is it wrong to still send out friend requests?

    What's the point? You can't follow them and root for them the same way and they can't do that for you. The News Feed is incomparable and will never be replaced no matter how much they try to enhance the ugly Activity Feed.

    So what you're saying is I can still do it! Nice!!
  • ByeByeToDiabetes
    ByeByeToDiabetes Posts: 61 Member
    Please write up what you find. Your compare and contrast of alternatives. ( to save me from having to do it 🤣)
    Here, here! I try out other platforms I find that they are far better in many ways in terms of logging food and integration of my Fitbit data...

    Yes please - particularly interested in ones that integrate well with your Fitbit!

    Cronometer integrates Fitbit data much more fully than MFP. I don't see anything like the newsfeed for interaction, so I have not explored it much more that logging a bit. The logging there is different than here, but works well enough, and I am guessing once I got used to the interface, I would find it easier.

    MyNetDiary seems to have the ability to put together a friend list, but I would need to pay to directly use my Fitbit, however, since I linked my Fitbit to GoogleFit, I can import information through it. I only started playing with it yesterday, so I am still exploring.

    LoseIt I looked at, but I haven't played with it much, and have no idea on Fitbit integration or friends interactions.

    Cronometer is food logging only
    MyNetDiary has old community posts from April 2023 showing the last entry, so I guess it's not used by too many.
    Lose it, a bit different, but I will get used to it.

    Still searching...because I need interaction with 'friends' not just a forum.
  • ByeByeToDiabetes
    ByeByeToDiabetes Posts: 61 Member
    I found my new home at FATSecret. I love it. There is even a MFP refugee, which made me laugh. Hope to see some of you there.
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,440 Member
    Thanks to everyone for their suggestions! When I looked up one of them, an article comparing calorie counter apps came up, so thought I would share:
  • mrsfuzzycat
    mrsfuzzycat Posts: 3 Member
    I used the newsfeed every day and I really really miss it. I didn't use it to share with friends but I did use it to record my private thoughts on my progress or lack of some days. I recorded the resons why I didn't lose weight on a particular day to help me understand my ups and downs. I was just starting to look for 1 or 2 like-minded people to be friends with and now it's gone. Please reconsider, MFP! It really is what set this app apart.
  • Peppegal
    Peppegal Posts: 36 Member
    This has really stressed me out because I don't see the support and progress by the friends I have made. I don't know who doesn't use the Newsfeed, it doesn't make any sense to me. I feel crippled in this app now. I have a busy lifestyle and I just need to get in and check on my buddies and get back to my business. It's been hectic for me lately so I don't know where my friends have transferred to. It's very sad that somebody would get rid of her "wall" type feature that many apps use. SAD, VERY SAD!!!
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,440 Member
    I used the newsfeed every day and I really really miss it. I didn't use it to share with friends but I did use it to record my private thoughts on my progress or lack of some days. I recorded the resons why I didn't lose weight on a particular day to help me understand my ups and downs. I was just starting to look for 1 or 2 like-minded people to be friends with and now it's gone. Please reconsider, MFP! It really is what set this app apart.

    They previously took away the personal blogs we each had too. Quite a while ago, but was good to have somewhere to journal.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,233 Member
    I used the newsfeed every day and I really really miss it. I didn't use it to share with friends but I did use it to record my private thoughts on my progress or lack of some days. I recorded the resons why I didn't lose weight on a particular day to help me understand my ups and downs. I was just starting to look for 1 or 2 like-minded people to be friends with and now it's gone. Please reconsider, MFP! It really is what set this app apart.

    Now you can use your activity feed for that! 😀
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,233 Member
    I used the newsfeed every day and I really really miss it. I didn't use it to share with friends but I did use it to record my private thoughts on my progress or lack of some days. I recorded the resons why I didn't lose weight on a particular day to help me understand my ups and downs. I was just starting to look for 1 or 2 like-minded people to be friends with and now it's gone. Please reconsider, MFP! It really is what set this app apart.

    They previously took away the personal blogs we each had too. Quite a while ago, but was good to have somewhere to journal.

    You can journal to your heart's content on the activity feed.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,866 Member
    Please write up what you find. Your compare and contrast of alternatives. ( to save me from having to do it 🤣)
    Here, here! I try out other platforms I find that they are far better in many ways in terms of logging food and integration of my Fitbit data...

    Yes please - particularly interested in ones that integrate well with your Fitbit!

    Cronometer integrates Fitbit data much more fully than MFP. I don't see anything like the newsfeed for interaction, so I have not explored it much more that logging a bit. The logging there is different than here, but works well enough, and I am guessing once I got used to the interface, I would find it easier.

    MyNetDiary seems to have the ability to put together a friend list, but I would need to pay to directly use my Fitbit, however, since I linked my Fitbit to GoogleFit, I can import information through it. I only started playing with it yesterday, so I am still exploring.

    LoseIt I looked at, but I haven't played with it much, and have no idea on Fitbit integration or friends interactions.

    Cronometer is food logging only
    MyNetDiary has old community posts from April 2023 showing the last entry, so I guess it's not used by too many.
    Lose it, a bit different, but I will get used to it.

    Still searching...because I need interaction with 'friends' not just a forum.

    I’ve been on MyNetDiary for a few days now.
    I also tried LoseIt.

    The forums on MyNet Diary are actually much busier than here, but you have to find groups that resonate with you and your goals.
    The learning curve is tricky there, but I am finding the features far better on MND than here, or even LoseIt.
    I’m very likely to shift over there full time by the end of the month. I might pop into the forums here occasionally just to see how things are doing.
    But I think this app is on its last legs. And I don’t say that lightly.

  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,247 Member
    Please write up what you find. Your compare and contrast of alternatives. ( to save me from having to do it 🤣)
    Here, here! I try out other platforms I find that they are far better in many ways in terms of logging food and integration of my Fitbit data...

    Yes please - particularly interested in ones that integrate well with your Fitbit!

    Cronometer integrates Fitbit data much more fully than MFP. I don't see anything like the newsfeed for interaction, so I have not explored it much more that logging a bit. The logging there is different than here, but works well enough, and I am guessing once I got used to the interface, I would find it easier.

    MyNetDiary seems to have the ability to put together a friend list, but I would need to pay to directly use my Fitbit, however, since I linked my Fitbit to GoogleFit, I can import information through it. I only started playing with it yesterday, so I am still exploring.

    LoseIt I looked at, but I haven't played with it much, and have no idea on Fitbit integration or friends interactions.

    Cronometer is food logging only
    MyNetDiary has old community posts from April 2023 showing the last entry, so I guess it's not used by too many.
    Lose it, a bit different, but I will get used to it.

    Still searching...because I need interaction with 'friends' not just a forum.

    I’ve been on MyNetDiary for a few days now.
    I also tried LoseIt.

    The forums on MyNet Diary are actually much busier than here, but you have to find groups that resonate with you and your goals.
    The learning curve is tricky there, but I am finding the features far better on MND than here, or even LoseIt.
    I’m very likely to shift over there full time by the end of the month. I might pop into the forums here occasionally just to see how things are doing.
    But I think this app is on its last legs. And I don’t say that lightly.

    As for community posts, if you are looking on the webpage, they are all old. If you are looking on the app, they are far more current. They don't really have a newfeed for a curated friends list although you can have friends there. I am still exploring it though.
  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,261 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I used the newsfeed every day and I really really miss it. I didn't use it to share with friends but I did use it to record my private thoughts on my progress or lack of some days. I recorded the resons why I didn't lose weight on a particular day to help me understand my ups and downs. I was just starting to look for 1 or 2 like-minded people to be friends with and now it's gone. Please reconsider, MFP! It really is what set this app apart.

    Now you can use your activity feed for that! 😀

    Just keep in mind there are no customizable privacy settings. It's either all private or all visible.
  • TheIronsMan
    TheIronsMan Posts: 1,244 Member
    Bring the news feed back or MFP will continue to lose people. I know so many people that either deleted their account or just deleted the app, because of the change. That is what made MFP so much different and better than the other fitness apps. Having to create and join many different groups to be able to keep up with your friends is too big of a hassle to deal with.
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I used the newsfeed every day and I really really miss it. I didn't use it to share with friends but I did use it to record my private thoughts on my progress or lack of some days. I recorded the resons why I didn't lose weight on a particular day to help me understand my ups and downs. I was just starting to look for 1 or 2 like-minded people to be friends with and now it's gone. Please reconsider, MFP! It really is what set this app apart.

    Now you can use your activity feed for that! 😀

    it doesn't work the same. Not even close.