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How About We Don't Delete Newsfeeds



  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    What value does MFP offer over countless other calorie and tracking sites and apps once this feature has been removed? The social aspect was a key driver for many, and while the news feed may "not have been used by many," what proportion of actually active users utilize it? There must be thousands of defunct accounts on this site and app that are being counted among those who are not using these features, and I'd anticipate that many of those that remain active - and, importantly, serve as promoters for the site and app - are those that use these features. I will no longer recommend MFP to others, as there are other apps with more robust and accurate calorie and activity databases and sites with more active forums and community boards. The only thing that made it stand out from a crowd of similar apps was the ability to create a robust and supportive community of friends.

    This is 100% on target. Without the newsfeed, there are much better options out there for calorie/exercise tracking.

  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,159 Member
    edited July 1
    Here's an off the wall question. Is it wrong to still send out friend requests?
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 477 Member
    edited July 1
    Why on earth 🌍 did you get rid of the news feed?!?!? That’s the only reason I actually have logged in here. You’re likely losing a whole lot of people and hence the revenue from any ads you post. It’s really not a smart move. Good luck with the whole thing then I guess lol.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    @Betty As Julie Roberts character stated in Pretty Woman.... Big Big Mistake, Huge. I see no reason to continue on this site after multiple years. The news feed was the ONLY reason I came back here day after day after day. Very sad.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,233 Member
    edited July 1
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    Here's an off the wall question. Is it wrong to still send out friend requests?

    You can still see your friends ... but hopefully this will reduce the number of friend requests.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    edited July 1
    Save the Newsfeed!! It’s what’s kept me on MFP for 10 years. No reason to stay without it.

    This exactly. I've already messaged my MFP friends that I am out - no reason to stick around without the news feed. It was the reason I logged in for many years. Sad day
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,379 Member
    sunrise611 wrote: »
    I would really like it if MFP could find some way to replicate what we had with the newsfeed. Some place that is easy to navigate to, and is, essentially, invite only (friends list)

    No need to reinvent the wheel. They already had a good thing with the News Feed. No need to replicate it. Just put it back the way it was and leave it alone. But so many good people have already scattered in different directions over this loss.

    The principle was good, the implementation was buggy and probably a symptom of the 'old and hard to maintain' code. The jumping back to the top of the feed was horribly annoying and made it hard to keep up with the feed. Automatic posts for exercise were hit and miss. Adding images on iOS was a pain (based on reading about it from others), and impossible on the website. There was a lot of room for improvement, even if on the whole it was a good thing.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    I thought my app was broken only to find out they have stopped newsfeeds. Why did they do it?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,233 Member
    I thought my app was broken only to find out they have stopped newsfeeds. Why did they do it?

    Read the first page of this thread.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,233 Member
    edited June 14
    This is the situation:
    Betty wrote: »
    Hi y’all, 

Wanted to first acknowledge that saying good bye to any feature is hard, and I too am sad to see the Newsfeed ride off into the sunset. I do feel strongly that social interaction is important for a lot of folks on what can often be a lonely and difficult journey and having friends cheering you on can make a difference. 

    I’ll be transparent that the Newsfeed was one of our oldest features that had many flaws and was no longer sustainable to support. While it was not used by many we understand that it’s a real loss for those who used it.
    While it is not perfect, due to some limitations like no friend or follow features in the Community, our team enabled the Community Activity Feed on profiles within the community as it was an existing feature available from our forum providers. Some of you may even remember seeing it briefly back in 2021 when we updated the Community.
    The community profiles only have two options Public or Private, and the Private option makes the Activity Feed unviewable by others. The next best alternative to utilizing the Activity Feed would be to create a Private Group to invite your friends to and interact with them there.
    I know these options don’t “replace” the Newsfeed by any means, but we hope they help give some members some options to interact with others outside of topic driven discussions.
    Betty wrote: »
    Hi @springlering62 Thanks for the tag and questions. We'll work on getting an informational post up. I'll do my best to answer some of your questions here.

    First off the Friend's List is not impacted by Newsfeed going away. You can still add friends, as you do need to friend someone to send them a Private Message. From the Friends List you can still click on your friend's profile and find the Diary icon to access their Diary if diary sharing is enabled.

    As I mentioned, I know some of the community options aren't super ideal as a Newsfeed stand in and I think there will be growing pains and learnings as y'all find what works best for you and your friend groups.

    Private Messages are still very much an option for one on one communication, and Private groups are a way to communicate with a curated group of people. But yes, not everyone may want to join a group.

    I'm reading all of your feedback and passing it along to the team. We'll continue to research and explore other options for the future that better support different social interaction needs.
    Betty wrote: »
    @Betty I’m getting reports from friends (via groups) that their feed is now gone and they can no longer access their friends list to send private messages.

    We were assured the friends list would remain for this purpose. What’s the deal? Should we be writing down names of friends?

    Heads up for yall who want to stay in touch with friends, in case this is not resolved.

    Hi @springlering62, Yes the feed will likely start going away for folks. However the Friend's list should not be impacted. If anyone is having issues accessing their friends list please contact support by clicking on this link: or send an email to with your device information, and exact problem and our support team will investigate.

    And the official announcement:

    If all goes well, we'll get some new features. :)
  • mjglantz
    mjglantz Posts: 501 Member
    Bring back the newsfeed. Guess you're hearing that loud and clear!
  • Allaesa72
    Allaesa72 Posts: 1,207 Member
    This is a very lonely place now. I know there's the community section. But it's not the same as the news feed. I'm going to try to find a place in there but it's just not the same. This situation reminds of fitbit getting rid of the challenges. I no longer have a fitbit.
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,367 Member
    While I have not left, yet, as I try out other platforms.
    Please write up what you find. Your compare and contrast of alternatives. ( to save me from having to do it 🤣)
  • brenn35
    brenn35 Posts: 35 Member
    so sad, newsfeed really gave us encouragement. We need it back.
  • ElfBodGoals
    ElfBodGoals Posts: 44 Member
    The mad lads really did it. I hope it comes back one day.
  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,261 Member
    The cynic in me says that what they will do it being back or implement a new newfeed, but only for premium members. Either way, I can say I am extremely unhappy. While I have not left, yet, as I try out other platforms I find that they are far better in many ways in terms of logging food and integration of my Fitbit data. It makes me realize how this platform needs vast improvement in those areas, and that it is really only the newfeed and the numerous recipes/meals I have entered here that are keeping me here.

    You could potentially find that on a better and more curated food database, you would need fewer custom entries. I like the forums, but haven't tracked on MFP for years, even before I stopped calorie counting. The other platform is much more straightforward and included a lot more "current" types of entries like Factor meals and Hello Fresh recipes. Not being crowdsourced, I felt the information was a lot more reliable which made entering my own stuff tremendously faster and easier once I didn't have to doublecheck or just hand enter every ingredient. I guess what I'm saying is that the sunk cost here might not be as high as you imagine.
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,440 Member
    edited June 15
    Please write up what you find. Your compare and contrast of alternatives. ( to save me from having to do it 🤣)
    Here, here! I try out other platforms I find that they are far better in many ways in terms of logging food and integration of my Fitbit data...

    Yes please - particularly interested in ones that integrate well with your Fitbit!
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,440 Member
    COGypsy wrote: »
    You could potentially find that on a better and more curated food database, you would need fewer custom entries. I like the forums, but haven't tracked on MFP for years, even before I stopped calorie counting. The other platform is much more straightforward and included a lot more "current" types of entries like Factor meals and Hello Fresh recipes. Not being crowdsourced, I felt the information was a lot more reliable which made entering my own stuff tremendously faster and easier once I didn't have to doublecheck or just hand enter every ingredient. I guess what I'm saying is that the sunk cost here might not be as high as you imagine.

    What app is this please?