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  • Spaff_luceat_lux_vestra_BSB
    Ellevated wrote: »
    I'm really sad about how the optimism in this thread seems to be dwindling since I last checked it, and understandably so.

    I've been using MFP almost every single day since March 2016. Even on the days where I didn't log food (which is pretty rare), I still checked out what other people were up to on my newsfeed. I might have come for the database, but I stayed for the community. When life gets busy and I haven't had time to keep up with my newsfeed, I miss it. I have made many good friends from my interactions there.

    And no, I'm not a paying member, but I still see adverts and the more 'free members' that leave as a result of the retirement of the news feed, the fewer people there'll be to show ads to. Incidentally, I probably would have upgraded my membership to premium years ago if the app wasn't so glitchy. If you want to make more money, MFP, fix the glitches and keep the newsfeed!

    I'm going to be checking out alternative apps. I'm currently exploring Fooducate, which has a community element/news feed to it. Anyone else tried that?

    A bunch of us went to Loseit
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,475 Member
    I agree save the News feed
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 789 Member
    Hey All...please go rate the mfp app...give it a 1 and comment. If enough people do it they will see how unhappy we are

    Keep speaking up

    I did exactly that!! Keep flooding the App reviews stating you want the NEWSFEED. It’s the PAL part of MyFitnessPal!!
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 789 Member
    Betty wrote: »
    👋 Hi, just chiming in again to say I'm continuing to read and pass along your feedback.

    In regards to the forums, I'll work on collecting feedback and see what is possible with our forum providers to make improvements here. I can't make any promises, but always happy to research what can and can't be done here.

    @Betty - I used posting my Diary privately to my friends in the NEWSFEED as my way of being accountable. How can I continue to do that with my personal private friends so I can continue my weight loss journey privately and safely?
  • Spaff_luceat_lux_vestra_BSB
    So my newsfeed button is officially gone.

    I clicked on friends… and there is no way to
    directly go from my IOS app to friends activity pages.

    So do we have to keep a list of screennames on a notepad, then go to community and do a search for them? That is really inefficient especially for app users. The app also doesn’t allow copy and paste from friends list to community.

    This roll out is really lousy and discourteous corporate MFP.

    @betty @durden - doesn’t seem like MFP has taken any of the hundreds of users pleas into consideration, nor has it been transparent about the timing of this roll out. There are people that don’t read the community boards that just woke up to having no newsfeed.

    Between emails outreach, numerous posts in this board and a social media campaign… corporate MFP has just given many loyal years long users the middle finger.

    It was posted that the newsfeeds would go away “sometime before end of June.” Having a date would have been nice so users could have communicated with friends on their feed.

    After 10+ years, I have ended my paid subscription.

    Hey M....GO visit Francisco Partners in NY...maybe you can at least talk to a real person👍
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 1,010 Member
    My newsfeed is now gone, and so am I. I switched to cronometer which is a much better tracker, the newsfeed was the only reason I stayed. I will use MFP for the community section only, needless to say, I will not renew prime membership. Sad to see MFP destroy a great community and possibly its user base. I‘m on IG now to substitute for the newsfeed,
  • Spaff_luceat_lux_vestra_BSB
    Hey PALS

    Francisco Partners phone # in New York...646-434-1343

    MFP phone # 415-766-2365 ....goes straight to a message...this person is unavailable...shocking I know.

    But hey you never know we might get lucky and get to talk to someone
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    I guess you never really know how important people are until they are gone. Grieving the end of my time here with my pals.

    As others said, even when I wasn't tracking, I always came back to MFP for my Newsfeed family.

    This sucks, and the activity feed is the worst. Just tried to use it, and it's a mess. It takes you to a nonsense page and then directs back to the app. I entered my weigh in (loss), and it didn't post. So we have less features with the same glitches, and no safe space with our support pals.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,903 Member
    What an incredibly interesting position "VP Customer Happiness" 🙃🙃🙃 I have been around the corporate business world and the military for over 40 years and really never knew that was a position. Great message. 😕
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 745 Member
    What an incredibly interesting position "VP Customer Happiness" 🙃🙃🙃 I have been around the corporate business world and the military for over 40 years and really never knew that was a position. Great message. 😕

    Best velvet glove delivery I've ever read.
  • Pennyandlu
    Pennyandlu Posts: 6 Member
    edited June 1
    Here's the email I received

    Dear Michelle,
    First and foremost I am genuinely sorry for the impact that our removal of the newsfeed is having on our community. I won’t deny that it is a real loss for those who were actively engaging with their friends to get the motivation and support needed to be successful in this journey. I have worked at MyFitnessPal for over a decade and personally the newsfeed used to be my favorite feature.

    The newsfeed is an old service that had costs and other issues associated with it and unfortunately only a very small percentage of our members actually used this feature.

    So while I do understand and support the business reasons behind this change, it isn’t without regard to how much it will be missed. I also fully recognize that the other social features we have, do not replicate what the newsfeed was providing. While we hope to bring more features into the app to help our members be successful, we don’t plan to restore the (old) newsfeed. I know this isn’t the answer you would have wanted, but I did at the very least want to reach out to you personally to let you know that we got your message. Our Board of Directors and our executive leadership team have read and discussed your email specifically.

    I understand if you want nothing more to do with us, but we would love an opportunity to hear more from you. Would you be willing to meet with myself and some senior folks from our product team in the future? We can’t always give the customer want they want, but we can always listen and learn and do better next time.

    Again I am sorry for the frustration and inconvenience and disruption of your MyFitnessPal relationships this change has caused you.
    Olivia Carlson
    VP Customer Happiness

    This should satisfy the delusion that some of my friends on the newsfeed have that a "miracle" is going to happen and we'll be saved. If the "Bluebird Of Happiness (VP Customer Happiness)" can't save us no one can. It's time to find somewhere else to land.................the general consensus seems to be IG for photos and Lose It for the newsfeed and tracking food and exercise but don't wait too long to decide!

  • Lady_jk24
    Lady_jk24 Posts: 39 Member
    To be fare it didn’t have a newsfeed 12’years ago when I first joined and it was fine
  • Spaff_luceat_lux_vestra_BSB
    JamieS74 wrote: »
    I love the newsfeed! It's been such a help with motivation, being able to see friends activities, being able to comment and boost each other has been the main reason for me staying with mfp. Please reconsider keeping the newsfeed

    See above letter from mfp...they are not changing their minds 😪
  • WiseMacRory
    WiseMacRory Posts: 11 Member
    edited June 1
    I miss it terribly. It is still on the web version. It was great to see how people are doing. Very sad. The app has been going down hill very quickly since Under Armour sold it. A lot of features don’t work and they continue to deprecate features with nothing overly appealing being added. I have been on for over 10 years now.

    Do you remember when they had challenges too? Use to be a really cool app.

    I hope the board is reading and hearing. I keep questioning the premium fees I pay. This adds one more reason to stop and find a new platform.
  • MAWaugh924
    MAWaugh924 Posts: 4 Member
    My personal feed hasn’t updated in just about a month. Is this why? I’ve been trying to trouble shoot it all morning.