Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 263



  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,832 Member
    edited June 25
    Well, this is the third time I’m putting a message on this thread, so I hope it goes up. Sorry if this is the third time your receiving this from me. 🤣.
    Hello I’m Helen I’m 61 years young. I’ve been on and off MFP many times. I’m currently nursing a back/hip injury that has effected my ability to exercise recently. But I’m hoping to start physiotherapy soon.
    My current weight is 162lbs Goal weight is 140lbs. I’m 5’5”. I’m going to try intermittent fasting 12/12 split, I’ve started the challenge today. 🤞.
    24/6 day 1 - rd 1. So far good. Everything logged. 45 mins Pilates. And over 10,000 steps. Fasting started 6 mins ago. So I’m really hoping I can stay away from late night snacks, one of my many downfalls.

    @YoungatheartXOXO So glad you have joined us. The next round is starting on 6/25. It is round 264. Here is the link below. See you there!

  • YoungatheartXOXO
    YoungatheartXOXO Posts: 22 Member
    I’m Helen, from the U.K. it’s round number 1 for me.
    I’ve been on and off MFP many times. I’m currently nursing a back/hip injury that has effected my ability to exercise recently. But I’m hoping to start physiotherapy soon.
    My current weight is 162lbs Goal weight is 140lbs. I’m 5’5”. I’m going to try intermittent fasting 12/12 split, I’ve started the challenge today. 🤞.
    Round 1
    Day 1 24\6\24 - So far good. Everything logged. 45 mins Pilates. 11,357 steps 💃. Fasting started 6 mins ago 7pm. So I’m really hoping I can stay away from late night snacks, one of my many downfalls.
    Yay managed to not eat after 7pm!! That is a huge psychological break through for me. If I can do that on one night, I can do it again tonight - one day at a time. 👍🏼

  • _JeffreyD_
    _JeffreyD_ Posts: 1,970 Member
    Male: 66
    OSW: 237.8 (Nov. 2016.) I was actually at 250 in 2011 or so…
    OGW: 199 (just to say I did)
    Maintenance Range Goal: 200-205

    Goals for this round:

    1. Log my food daily; try to eat cleaner.
    2. Daily exercise; at least some movement…
    3. Drink 90 oz. water.
    4. Break 220 for ten-day average.

    Round 263 Posts
    This is my posting format….

    Month/Day: Scale Reading - First thing today after bathroom visit before getting dressed.
    / Logged Food - yesterday; Exercise – yesterday; water - yesterday / Comment

    Previous posts:

    6/15: DNW
    6/16: DNW

    6/17: 223.4
    House guests left yesterday. I am full of it. This scale reading will come down soon.

    I had a really good Father’s Day. At one point yesterday we had four generations in one room. My dad the oldest in a nursing home. My two Grandkids the youngest. I must have had a dust particle in my eye when I read my cards. 😊

    Welcome to the newcomers.

    6/18: 222.4
    /logged; exercised; 88 oz water/
    General sense of depression around the casa yesterday. Not the clinical kind, more like the situational kind.
    [*]Made a decision to cancel a trip in July. We travel with two other couples , we call it the six-pack. One of the guys needs emergency heart surgery. :-(
    [*]DW has the same head cold I just got over. It puts you in a bad mood. Walking on Eggshells. :-)
    [*]Today I meet with a consultant to help me navigate the public aid labyrinth for my parents. :-/

    All the above are basically first world problems. So I am actually grateful.

    6/19: 220.0
    /logged; some exercise; 82 oz water/
    Scale damage from our house guest / reunion weekend almost “repaired.” Just imagine where I would be if I were disciplined.

    Going to the retina specialist today. When I went to the eye doctor a few weeks ago to check on my new “floater” (I named the floater Nemo) he found something on my retina needing further examination. Thus today’s visit.

    I need to be more proactive about my health. When I see how broken down my parents are, I think it is a combination of their genes and their unhealthy choices. I can’t do anything about my gene pool, but I can make better choices. Like, at least paying attention ten days at a time.

    6/20: 220.8
    /logged; not much exercise; 80 oz water/
    Woke way to early today. Hail damaged roof being replaced yesterday and today. Must. Resist. Desire. To. Micro. Manage! That works best if I just leave the property.

    6/21: DNW
    Wacky morning. Our Internet Service Provider was down most of the day. This should not have distracted me from normal activity, but it did….

    6/22: 222.2
    A pathetic performance yesterday. Totally focused…on the wrong things.

    6/23: 221.2
    /did some half hearted logging; exercised; 80 oz water/
    Had a couple snaccidnents. Just a hot muggy day yesterday.

    6/14: 220.0
    SW on day before this round.

    6/24: 220.4
    Not the best round. Not the worst. Lots of social eating and slothing and sugaring and salting.

    Historical Averages:
    R 94: 210.7 (20191108 = date of the last day of the round)
    R 95: 210.3
    R 96: 210.5
    R 97: 211.3 (20191208)
    R 98: 212.7
    R 99: 212.5* (some ghost vaycay entries)
    R 100: 215.0* (ghost vaycay entries) (20200107)
    R 101: 216.0* (some ghost vaycay entries)
    R 102: 212.6
    R 103: 211.9 (20200206)
    R 104: 210.9
    R 105: 212.5
    R 106: 211.2 (20200307)
    R 107: DNF
    R 115: 215.6 (20200605)
    R 116: 213.7
    R 117: 213.1
    R 118: 212.1 (20200705)
    R 119: 212.4
    R 120: 211.5
    R 121: 207.9 (20200804)
    R 122: 207.4
    R 123: 207.3
    R 124: 209.4 (20200903)
    R 125: 208.9
    R 126: 209.6
    R 127: 209.1 (20201003)
    R 128: 210.0
    R 129: 210.6
    R 130: 210.7 (20201102)
    R 131: 211.5
    R 132: 209.2
    R 133: 211.7 (20201202)
    R 134: 211.0
    R 135: 211.5
    R 136: DNW (20210101)
    R 137: DNW
    R 138: DNW
    R 139: 215.7
    R 140: 215.2 (20210210)
    R 141: 213.6
    R 142: 212.8 (20210302)
    R 143: 211.5
    R 144: 212.2
    R 145: 211.6 (20210401)
    R 146: DNW – scale broke during this round.
    R 147: 213.1
    R 148: 212.3 (20210501)
    R 149: 209.7 (vacay 2nd half)
    R 150: 210.4 (vacay 1st half)
    R 151: 210.7
    R 152: 211.0 (20210610)
    R 153: 210.7
    R 154: 210.6
    R 155: 210.0 (20210710)
    R 156: 210.9
    R 157: 210.6
    R 158: 207.8 (20210809)
    R 159: 207.9
    R 160: 205.9
    R 161: 206.2 (20210908)
    R 162: 205.9
    R 163: 206.8
    R 164: 207.1 (20211008)
    R 165: 207.0
    R 166: 207.3
    R 167: 207.8 (20211107)
    R 168: 206.2
    R 169: 207.3
    R 170: 208.2 (20211207)
    R 171: 208.6
    R 172: 207.4
    R 173: 210.5 (20220106) Mostly estimated
    R 174: 210.5 Mostly estimated
    R 175: 211.8 Mostly estimated
    R 176: 213.6 (20220205)
    R 177: 214.6
    R 178: 213.7
    R 179: 213.7 (20220307)
    R 180: 213.7
    R.181: 214.2
    R 182: 216.4 (20220406)
    R 183: DNW
    R 184: 216.2
    R 185: 217.0 (20220506)
    R 186: 216.8
    R 187: 215.9
    R 188: 217.1 (20220605)
    R 189: 216.2
    R 190: 215.5
    R 191: 217.3 (20220705)
    R 192: 217.9
    R 193: DNW
    R 194: 215.2 (20220804) Some guesstimates early I the round with no scale.
    R 195: 216.2
    R 196: 213.8
    R 197: 216.0 (20220903)
    R 198: 213.6
    R 199: 214.7 (partial round)
    R 200: 215.4 (20221003)
    R 201: 215.6
    R 202: 214.8
    R 203: 215.7 (20221102)
    R 204: 216.7
    R 205: 217.2
    R 206 DNW
    R 207: 217.4
    R 208: 218.6
    R 209: DNW (20230101)
    R 210: DNW
    R 211: DNW
    R 212: DNW
    R 213: DNW (20230210)
    R 214: 222.5 (post-surgery date)
    R 215: 221.5 (20230302)
    R 216: 222.2
    R 217: 221.8
    R 218 – 226 no data. AWOL
    R 227: 224.8
    R 228 – 242 no data. AWOL
    R 243: 225.3 (20231207)
    R 244: 224.4
    R 245 – R 249 AWOL
    R 250: 226.2
    R 251: 227.4
    R 252: 226.1 (20240306)
    R 253: 223.0
    R 254: 223.6
    R 255: 224.4 (20240405)
    R 256: 221.7
    R 257: 220.4 incomplete
    R 258: 223.2 (20240505)
    R 259: 222.1
    R 260: 220.1
    R 261: 220.6 (20240604)
    R 262: 219.3
    R 263: 220.4

    I like to track averages due to my wild fluctuations. For the same reason, I like to weigh daily so I can see the lows from time to time. It gives me hope.
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,166 Member
    edited June 25
    Well, this is the third time I’m putting a message on this thread, so I hope it goes up.

    Hi Helen! WELCOME! Round 264 starts today! See you there!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,727 Member
    Thank you, @quiltingjaine !
    74 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 147.0
    UGW: 140.0
    06/13 - 149.5 at 6:00 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing
    06/14 - 151.0 at 7:45 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    06/15 - 149.9 at 7:00 a.m. ...5.46 miles in 110 mins to the post office and back
    06/16 - 149.7 at 7:30 a.m. ...nothing
    06/17 - 150.4 at 7:30 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    06/18 - 150.5 at 7:30 a.m. ...cleaned house
    06/19 - 151.2 at 8:10 a.m. ...5.44 miles in 115 mins then b'day lunch at daughters
    06/20 - 150.5 at 7:15 a.m. ...Doctors appointment...ugh!
    06/21 - 151.2 at 6:30 a.m. ...Blood Draw
    06/22 - 150.8 at 6:00 a.m. ...Both Grandsons for a few hours
    06/23 - 150.4 at 7:20 a.m. ...Grandson had his 1st baseball game. I had Bean. Made soup.
    06/24 - 150.0 at 6:30 a.m. ...5.52 miles in 110 mins to the post office and back
    Good luck everyone!