
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,975 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,574 Member
    Today’s gratitude: hot tub, chiropractor, ibuprofen. Tried something new, dressed and worked in the side yard with Joe before morning routine (readings, PT, etc) and after only 1 cup of tea. Good chat time too. Proud of myself for moving the compost pile. Reward? Found a bay laurel seedling in the old raised bed. Potted it and pray it survives. It’s called Myrtlewood here in Oregon and there are lots around but none on our property. It’s one of those trees that smells like home.
    Heather Bet your surgeon will be over the moon about your progress. Would you remind me what prognosis G is facing? So glad the water main was repaired by morning. Thanks for thinking of me ;}
    Lisa You said it. Takes longer than we think possible and shudder to imagine the cost. If we weren’t optimistic, we’d never try to maintain/improve our homes. [sigh] $100 worth of yarn for $6? WOW that was some deal! Brava for forcing yourself to eat earlier than you wanted to for the CT.
    Annie, guys carrying buckets of household water as children,? Something I need to remember when I’m whining about our water situation, and be thankful for pumps and pipes ;} Rainy day tea and reading sound like the right rX.
    Carol, thanks for understanding! There are two other companies that might be able to complete our water project. One is in McKinleyville (2 hrs, 104 mi) and one in Bandon (1.5 hrs, 75 miles). Either would charge travel time and we haven’t dared ask how far out they’re booked. Best of luck, with the surgery, the equipment and the PT. ((hugs))
    Lanette hmm, I’ll try to keep in mind the possibility Joe knows more than he’s saying, and try to really listen to him less reactively. Glad you got in some good auntie time with your nephew. What a hard time he had.
    Beth what a gift to take V8 to your mom every day. ((hugs))
    Michele I’ll give ONE protein bars a try, thanks! I like Nugo and rX bars, probably because they’re sweet ;) Hope your oven is fixed soon, good luck with the grant and ((hugs)) to Jess.

    Later, lighter, lovelies, thanks!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,430 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Matcha-the adventurous one

    Chai-chilled out and loves to always eat

    Tenshi-a bit shy still- she was outside for two weeks longer than her sisters. She is great with me but still a bit scared of dh(he is loud and not gentle)

    Seems appropriate :) ... but Machka is spelled slightly differently. :):tongue:

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,430 Member
    Hello All,

    Speaking of DH, he has found many wonderful classic movies for us to enjoy on our ‘movie nights’ at home. I caregive for my 92 yr old mom and she just loves the classic old movies so it’s fun for us all. And I budget popcorn into my daily calories those days.

    xo Jean

    That sounds great!

    I collect DVDs so I can watch what I want ... mostly movies pre-2000.

    Machka in Oz

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,757 Member
    edited July 13
    Carol - I think you'll do very well! They should hand you a packet of instructions from the class that you have to go to - as you're hearing from everyone else, following those will set you right.

    Heather - So pleased that your water issue is fixed, so perhaps it was worth a restless night to get that corrected.

    Vicki - I woke up thinking about you, and hope they've been able to get some of your heart issues controlled and that you're doing well with it.

    Rita - So glad you're feeling better!

    Beth - I was laughing at myself in the aftermath of the "snake" scare, I promise. I was raised in the country, and you look for them any time you're outside. But still, two days later, I'm jumping every time I see a leaf blow by... It will pass. I think of you and your mama often. Just holding you in my heart.

    Barbara AHMOD - The last four years I was at home, we hauled well water in the house every day in buckets. WABAC Machine water story:
    We had one of the old fashioned wells, big enough to hide a body, and when the pump went out in 1973, my father refused to repair it. Any drinking water had to be boiled first, and Mama used the old Wesson oil bottles for keeping boiled, clean water in the fridge. Bath water had to be heated in a pot on the stove. Luckily, my father only took a bath every six months or so, because HE wasn't the one hauling the water.

    My sister and I always had to pull up the day's drinking and cooking water together, as it took both of us to pull the three-gallon bucket up 30 feet, and then both of us to haul five gallon buckets of water in the house. Bath water for us kids was shared - oldest first, youngest last. In restrospect, it may be part of my preference for showers as opposed to baths. They really were "people soup" by the time it got to me and then my baby sister.

    It became just part of life, in the end. I remember the first apartment I lived in, being so thrilled with just turning the water on in the sink and watching it run. Pure luxury!
    I'd be very happy with a bay laurel as well--I can never find them in garden centers here, so would have to special order, and we've seldom had good luck with special order trees.

    Barbie - Like you, I've learned to do anything outside in the quite early morning. No streetlights here, so I do wait until the sun is at least lighting up the sky somewhat! :blush: Love those early hours. I think it's part of why yesterday was so energy-sapping, because I had to be out walking around parking lots in the afternoon. Exhausting!

    Annie - Enjoy your lunch. Sounds like an adventure of its own... :smiley:

    Ahh, Corey's up and around, morning smooches for me and pets for Egg, makes himself one cup of coffee, and back in the bedroom to sit in bed and read on his laptop for the next couple hours. I'll ferry him the next two cups because it's not quite daylight, but then I need to decide if I'm doing anything outside this morning and go do it if I am. I've got a couple basil plants that are just NOT doing well inside, time to get them outside so they can thrive with the rest.

    Rabbits jumped up in the raised beds and ate most of the greens off Corey's carrots earlier in the week, but didn't disturb the carrots themselves. Will be interesting to see if the carrots survive or grow with nothing more than stalks... It's the first time the wildlife have touched his stuff. He doesn't get upset about it, I think he figures it's just part of the deal. Funny guy.

    That was the only thing the rabbits nibbled on, they don't seem to care about the basil or the potatoes, squash, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions or garlic. So far, anyway.

    Later, my babies,
    Hope it is or was a lovely Saturday for you,
    Lisa in AR
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,016 Member
    4:22am PST and already 83 degrees. Only supposed to get to 108 today

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,430 Member
    Regarding sending plants, etc., to funerals - I have a thing about cut flowers, either giving or being given, because it feels like someone is handing over something beautiful with a very tenuous hold on existence, and in its last few moments of life. Now I know that live plants are not necessarily a good option either, I think I'll stick with donations made in the name of the deceased. I'm glad people often give that as an good option.

    Good plan!

    Here the sympathy / get well plant is the orchid. I received several orchids when my husband had his accident and I've never managed to keep any of them alive. I've done all the recommended things ... but nope.

    Moving - All the years of moving (30+ times as an adult, and a dozen before the age of 6) gave me no compunction about moving because I refused to get attached to a place. However, we bought this house six years ago next week, and it would be hard to leave, I think. So I don't think about it. There's a reasonable chance that my current house is where I will live until I go the way of my aloe vera plant (although I will probably be noisier about the whole thing). I'm OK with that. 🤣😇👀

    I think I've lived in 25 places + some in between times when I travelled for several months or lived in a hostel or more or less did a bit of couch surfing.

    Even as a child I became really good at packing and unpacking.

    In thinking through all the places I lived, I don't feel attached to any of them, except maybe the most recent one.

    There was one, a number of years ago, I would have liked to pick up and take with us because it was a gorgeous old house. That was one of the reasons I wanted the wood floors in our new house. It also had sage green wainscoting which kind of helped inspire me to paint our lounge room and bedroom blue.

    This is inside that old house.

    As for the most recent place, we went back there today to pack up some more things and it still feels like home (whereas our new place feels a bit like one of the many places we've stayed in when travelling), but it is definitely impractical for us. I think it feels like home because we have lived a lot of life there over the past 10 years, and it was our refuge during the early years after my husband's accident and even during the height of the COVID lockdown days. But as I looked around the yard, I was mentally ticking off the things that need doing ... just the simple maintenance stuff, nevermind any new projects. There is a lot of hedging and it all needs trimming. The lawn could use a mow. And the weeds are popping up everywhere ... and everything is on a slope.

    Monique - @mcmillonmail Those rub wounds sound so painful! I'm trying to find something that will help my right ankle without hurting the skin around it, and apparently that doesn't exist. The compression socks are making my ankles hurt worse! They help the edema, but will have to be worn sparingly, I think. Doesn't seem right that something that helps in one way hurts in another. 😔 Finding the balance isn't always easy.

    My compression stockings don't bother my ankles although I do find them hot and itchy after a while.

    Are they too tight around your ankles? Or are they not sitting right? Or maybe a material that isn't working for you?

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,430 Member
    I am well. I know someone posted a link called something like Half the Plate about veggies. I have the site booked marked. I ordered ingredients for 2 veggie recipes. I will make one today and share how it tastes! I am still exploring how to arrange life. I have an art class on Thursday where we all paint the same picture, I am doing yoga to prepare for my yoga retreat, I have a trial core Pilates mat class on Saturday. I can't afford classes with the machines. I found a local writing group that I have been advised I can join. My plan is to stay in 3 days a week and knit, write and clean the house. I am tired trying to go out every day. I am trying to figure out what the weather will be like near Asheville the first week in August. I know what to wear to yoga...but what about the afternoons and evenings. This retreat center is 14 miles from Asheville. I know I am blessed having the problem of needing to sort out activities. I feel so drawn to so much but between the cost of different services, and online zoom programs and local programs I could go broke spending 20 dollars here and 20 dollars there. Sorry to ramble on! Have a good day!

    Rosemarie from GA

    Remember that you don't have to do things.

    But also remember that walking is free and provides a person with a lot of benefits. If I could do anything I wanted, I would block out a minimum of an hour a day for exercise ... walking, cycling, etc.

    (That was me with the Half my Plate website)

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,430 Member
    edited July 13
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Barbie ... glad the tooth extraction went well!

    Barbara ... yes, my birthday was on the 4th! Good memory!!

    Beth near Buffalo

    Happy Birthday!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,430 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Reading, trying to catch up. More later, but for my kitten people.......
    Kittens got their first shots today and I know the vet said they might be sleepy.....which is true, they basically haven't moved much since came home. But Tori keeps crying when she moves her leg or it is touched. Is this normal? I hope they feel better tomorrow......

    Thank you!
    Kylia a worried kitty momma in Ohio

    I hope Tori is OK!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,430 Member
    Naah, I can really only whistle if I am sucking the air in, so looks like I'm sipping from a straw!😂😁.

    That's the only way I can do it too! Have never been able to do it properly.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,430 Member
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Greetings fabulous ladies. So happy to have spent the time catching up on all the positive developments, learnings, photos, food porn and stories of your everyday courage, compassion, resilience and recipes. There are times I can almost see this thread as a movie. Who would you like to play you???? Myself? Selma Hayek with salt and pepper hair.

    Machka: I love all you have done with the new house, and given the benefits of this location, I think you and DH are well on the way to a happier, healthier and safer lifestyle. May it become the best place you have ever lived.

    Catherine Zeta-Jones :)

    And thank you. Yes, we were talking today on our drives back and forth and back and forth about the exercise benefits and some of the other benefits of our new place. It will take a little while to get everything set up, but we'll have a gym in our garage in the next few months and the garage is attached to the side of the house ... just 2 steps down. We'll have it set up like another room of the house making it so much easier to wander in there and walk on the treadmill or row or whatever.

    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Everyone: Thanks for being here and giving this community your stories and spirit. I always learn so much here, and I cherish your presence in my life.

    Back when I was still working my full time professional job I was always happiest when I was on a trip, just back from a trip or getting ready for a trip. This summer feels like that and it’s wonderful. Put this epistle in a spoiler.
    Since Mother’s Day weekend, I’ve been on three short jaunts, packed with emotional reconnections, friendship and fun. 1) Charleston, S.C. with my special friend for Bonnie Raitt concert; 2) Burbank, California for my 50th High School Reunion; and 3) road trip to Taos with a friend visiting from east coast. And I am about to embark on another short trip beginning this weekend with my special friend and fellow Golden Goober, N. He will arrive here in his van on Saturday after driving west from New Hampshire and making stops to golf in different states. Once he arrives here, I’ll hop in the van and together we’ll take 3 days to drive up to my nephew’s house on a river in Idaho. One stop we will make will be to Yampah Spa and Vapor Caves in Glenwood Canyon. I’ve booked a massage for him….his first! We have talked about this at length and he is very amenable. This will be our fifth playdate in just over a year and since he's coming to my humble abode, there is a tad more excitement and giddiness. I don’t stress about him, but I do rack my brain about how to surprise and delight him. And quite honestly, it doesn’t take much because he is such an upbeat and cheerful person naturally.

    My girlfriend from NYC/Atlantic City had mentioned to me months ago that she wanted to see Diana Ross performing at Red Rocks. So I procured tickets, and J flew out. The day after the concert, we jumped in my car and drove the scenic route to Taos for the weekend. She loves art, good food and culture. Taos did not disappoint. And for that matter, neither did Diana Ross, who is still gorgeous and glamourous at 80. Ever the pro, she actually sang “No wind. No rain. Or winters storm….” While getting drenched and blasted by a freakishly fast and furious thunderstorm. This was in an ampitheatre, and I estimate 90% of the patrons stayed till end of show huddled under plastic ponchos. It was memorable.

    I'm so glad you're having such fun!

    Machka in Oz

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,500 Member
    Lanette ~ Sure hope your foot gets better. Also, hope the vet can help the old cat.

    Carol in GA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,430 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) When we moved into our current house from one on the other side of town, two of my friends offered "help". One came to the old house and worked for a long time with me to do the final cleaning. The other prepared dinner for us, brought it to the new house and had dinner with us. Cleaning with the first friend was fun since she was great company and an excellent worker. The other, not so much. She and her husband wanted to talk politics while we ate and although we share similar views on the topics, it's not something I enjoy talking about. We were exhausted when they left.

    :) My whole experience with the wisdom tooth extraction has been so easy and painless that I am embarrassed at how much I whined about it and dreaded it. Good lesson for me. I hope all of you with upcoming "procedures" have similar experiences.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA where the heat has finally gone away.

    I'm glad your experience went well.

    I didn't want to tell anyone my wisdom tooth story before your procedure.

    The dentist discovered that I had 4 impacted wisdom teeth, and that my mother had 2 impacted wisdom teeth. So we both decided to get them done just after Christmas one year. We had to drive 4 or 5 hours to Edmonton and had to see a specialist who would put us under and remove the wisdom teeth while we were asleep.

    I can't remember if I was married to my ex-husband or not, by then, but he came with my mother, father and me.

    I went first, and it all went well until I started to wake up. There I was struggling to resurface (I always have a terrible time coming to after anaesthetic) when I heard a voice right near me say, "We've got to get these ones out of here before the next patient goes in because that patient is going to be screaming". I'm lying there in a haze thinking, "Say what???" I can't be positive that's what was said, but it has stuck with me.

    They hurried us out and I remember next to nothing of that night or the trip back home the next day.

    I do remember the next week. I was in so much pain! They had to break bones to get my teeth out and apparently it was quite a struggle. I was spitting out pieces of bone for that whole week and more. At some point during that week, both my mother and I developed horrendous sinus infections. We were so sick.

    Thinking about it now, I really wonder about the specialist we saw. I don't think it should have gone that badly. But it was 37 years ago, so who knows what kind of tools they had back then to do the job.

    I also remember that, during that week, my ex-husband developed a mild cold and coughed loudly every few minutes. I had such a headache from the whole wisdom tooth thing and every cough just slammed into my head. I think I eventually asked him to go away ... probably not quite as politely as that. :tongue:

    I also remember I ate a lot of poached eggs. I am not fond of poached eggs, but they were the only thing I could get in.

    I am so glad your process was much, much better.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,430 Member

    Did it, did it, did it - the center section is done on Viv's quilt! Happy dance of joy in Arkansas, to the tune of "I'm all right! Don't nobody worry 'bout me!" Kenny Loggins. The rest is easy, more strips of the wood-grain gray oak around the whole center section to make up the flat top of a queen-sized bed, and then panels around the sides and bottom to cover the sides of a mattress and boxspring. What's there right now at left and right are the quilt on my bed showing through, it's the only place big enough to hold it without using the floor! :smiley: Seriously the most complex quilt I have ever attempted. Hard part's over, now it's just the finishing... and the computer doesn't do the colors justice, they're all vivid.


    WOW! That's amazing!!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,430 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Today’s gratitude: we have dishes and vegetables to wash, and bottled water to rinse them. The “other redwood tree” survived the tank’s move. Cistern is working as it should, holding water and apparently not cracked or leaking. New control box installed so water pumps automatically from cistern to storage tanks in the pump room. After we’ve used the water from the storage tank that hasn’t gone through the UV light, (a few days? A week?) we should be safe to drink the water.
    Cry me a river:
    Water guy and his helper came, moved the tank to the side yard, removed one disconnected tank of unclear purpose and change the uv light. They did NOT hook up the new storage tank, but marked the area we need to level. He will bring his digging guy back to show him what needs to be dug, and trenched, then level with gravel. Next step plumbing, connecting the tank, adding a float valve in the cistern so the automatic pump stops if the water level in the cistern gets too low to avoid burning up the new pump. So I melted down afterwards shrieking at poor Joe, So what? He has family visiting next week so he comes back after the 18th with the digging guy? Then what? a week or a month til the digging guy trenches? Bet he doesn’t bring the gravel and has to make a second trip? Then another week before he comes back to plumb and connect the tank? Another week, month or year to remove the other unneeded tanks and strange plastic box/shelf that makes it impossible to clean the UV sleeve? I want to cry!!! Joe is taking this all calmly and encouraging me to put it out of my mind, do something that makes me happy, think positive thoughts so I dug weeds from around the apple tree and transplanted the daphne. This toxic anger is tainting my body. Maybe I just need a good cry to get it all out and then move on.

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections.

    I would have done exactly the same thing ...

    ... and then I would want to step in and make sure the project got done by hiring someone else to do it. But maybe that's not an option.

    I hope it gets done soon.

    M in Oz