
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,430 Member


    A week where I ride my bicycle every day.
    A week to hike to several waterfalls.
    A week where I spend most of the time in bed sleeping or reading.
    A week where I play with artistic things like colouring, piano, etc.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,462 Member
    Annie – so far it looks like the oven had a stuck relay. However, until we replace the relay (or get a new oven), I need to watch it very carefully whenever I use the oven.

    Used the slicer at BK for the tomatoes. Actually, the tomatoes that I brought were too soft so I did take some of theirs. I also took some of their onions. Well, it’s not like onions cost a whole lot, I took maybe one or two onions. Oh well…

    Looks like a beautiful day for a pool get together.

    Came home from work and pulled the pork for the pulled pork sandwiches. I was surprised how fatty this piece of meat was. I need to get a better cut next time. I cooked the pork last night and just had it in the refrig and then put it in the microwave for a few minutes so that it was warm. Have it in the crock pot right now.

    Have to go clean the spa. Looks like inept me will just HAVE to go in it to clean it. Ain’t life hard?

    Heather – yea for running water!

    Michele NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,193 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,167 Member
    Today is embrace your ‘Geekness’ day! French Fries too. I was thinking on the French fries and realize I don’t really care for them, but the sweetness of the Catchup is what I like them for! So giving them up when eating out. Baked potatoes instead!


    RVRita in Roswell 🤖👽👾
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,167 Member
    Here is session 6 of my Pre-diabetes class. Talks about different types of diets.
    Session 6:
    Diet Trends & Myths
    During this session, you will learn some of the dangers of fad diets and why fad diets don’t work. Over the last few weeks, you have learned some basic information about eating healthy and getting active. It is not flashy information and we are not promising you will lose 10 pounds in one week or reach optimal health overnight. Instead we are focusing on small changes because we know that making small changes is a proven way to lose weight, get healthy and stay healthy.
    So, the next time you see an amazing diet online or on TV, you won’t be tempted to waste your time or money. Let’s start by looking at some of the popular fad diets that you likely have heard of or maybe have even tried before.
    Popular Fad Diets

    Popular Fad Diet Problem
    High Protein/Low Carbohydrate Diets
    ➢Eat large amounts of protein ➢Limit or avoid carbohydrate
    foods (pasta, breads, & rice) and sugar
    ➢High in saturated fat and cholesterol
    ➢Low in antioxidants
    ➢Leads to nausea, dehydration,
    headaches, dizziness & feeling
    ➢Once you add breads and
    other grains back into your diet you regain weight lost
    Liquid Diets
    ➢Substitute meals with a shake or drink
    ➢These diets are usually very low in calories
    ➢Not a long term solution ➢Once you start eating solid
    foods, weight that was lost will
    likely return
    ➢Lacking in many important
    nutrients and fiber
    High Carbohydrate/Low Fat Diets
    ➢Eat mainly high complex
    ➢ Limit sugar, fat, and protein
    ➢You will feel hungry more often ➢Your body will not get
    appropriate fat-soluble vitamins (Vitamins A,D,E & K)
    In addition to the popular fad diets discussed, there’s a new diet trend on the rise. Some people may remove common food allergens from their diet such as gluten, even though they do not have an allergy or sensitivity.
    Remember, removing large groups of foods from your diet may leave you without important vitamins and minerals. Some people do suffer from serious medical

    conditions that make them allergic to certain foods. Always check with you doctor if you think you might have a food allergy.
    ✓ Skill Building Activity: Fad Diets You Have Tried in the Past (your coach will lead you through this activity)
    How to Spot a Fad Diet
    ➢ Plans that require you to spend large amounts of money on special foods, products, pre-made meals, and/or supplements
    ➢ Does not encourage regular activity of at least 30 minutes of exercise, 3 days a week
    ➢ Recommends replacing 2 or more meals (real food) for liquid supplements or shakes
    ➢ Eliminates one or more food groups or gives lists of “good” and “bad” foods
    ➢ Does not include a long-term maintenance plan
    ➢ Promises a quick fix or weight loss of more than 1-2
    pounds a week
    ➢ Sounds “too good to be true”, it is a fad diet
    ✓ Skill Building Activity: Fad Diets in the Media (your coach will lead you through this activity)
    Why Fad Diets are Unsafe
    ➢ Denies your body of important nutrients

    ➢ Decreases calorie intake below what your body needs
    ➢ Feeling deprived by not allowing favorite foods
    ➢ Strict food choices that are not realistic to follow
    long term
    ➢ The weight that was lost is regained
    ➢ Metabolism is slowed
    ❖ See Handout: Why Fad Diets Don’t Work Healthy Eating is a Life-Long Commitment
    The best way to lose weight and keep it off long-term is to follow a healthy eating plan. A healthy eating plan allows for ​all​ ​types ​of foods, includes balance and variety as well as regular exercise. Healthy eating is a life-long commitment that will keep you feeling your best.
    ❖ See Handouts: Keys to Successful Healthy Eating Part 1& 2
    Fad diets promise quick results. However, many of these diets are too restrictive, unsafe, and cannot be maintained for a long period of time. A healthy eating plan is balanced and not restrictive. If you ever have questions about diets, be sure to ask your coach.

    Keep Moving
    Fad diets may not be healthy but “fad exercises” can be a fun and exciting way to stay active. Grab a friend and try out a new activity this week.
    □ While watching TV, looking through magazines, or at the grocery store, use your new skills to identify Fad Diets. Explain why you think it would not be successful.
    □ Look over your food uploads from the past week. Do you notice any foods you may or may not eat based on a fad diet you have tried in the past?
    □ Goal setting​: Work with your coach to set one goal this week associated with this session. Example: I will practice at least 2 of the “Keys to Successful Healthy Eating” this week.
    List your goal here or message it to your coach: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

    □ Share any experiences you have had with fad diets in the group discussion.
    □ Why do you feel that diet would not have worked for you in the long run? Share your thoughts in the group discussion.
    □ Have you noticed any new fad diets in the media? Share reasons you feel that diet would not work long term with your group.
    “There is no diet that will do what healthy eating does.” -Unknown

    Why Fad Diets Don’t Work
    Fad Diet Why it Doesn’t Work
    Purchase meals from a specific company
    ● Expensive
    ● Doesn’t teach how to
    prepare healthy and satisfying meals
    Drink meal replacement shakes
    ● Void of many main nutrients that a whole food meal contains such as fiber, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals
    Eat only “approved” foods
    ● Feeling deprived when foods are labeled as “good or bad”
    ● Leads to stronger cravings and in some cases an urge to binge or eat more than needed
    Plans that require fasting
    ● Not fueling your body tells your metabolism to greatly slow down
    Cleanses or detoxes
    ● Not long term solutions
    ● Can create cravings for
    “real” foods
    ● Your body is great at
    cleansing itself already

    Keys to Successful Healthy Eating, Part 1
    􏰀 The diet industry brings in billions of dollars each year. They do this by promising you drastic weight loss with minimal effort in a short period of time.
    􏰀 Unfortunately, this is not the recipe for a successful diet.​ ​Below are a couple keys to a successful eating plan that the weight-loss industry doesn’t want you to know.
    Keys to a successful eating plan:
    1. You do not need to purchase any special foods,
    products or supplements.
    ​􏰀​A successful diet is filled with whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean cuts of meat, legumes and nuts/seeds.
    2. You have to be active.
    ​􏰀​A successful weight loss plan encourages regular activity (at least 30 minutes of exercise 3 or more days each week).

    Keys to Successful Healthy Eating, Part 2
    4 Keys to Health Eating
    1. You do not have to substitute a meal with a supplement or liquid shake.
    ● These “meal replacements” do not contain many valuable nutrients like fiber, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, or bioavailable vitamins and minerals.
    2. There are no good or bad foods.
    ● A healthy and successful diet allows any and all foods in moderation.
    3. A successful diet teaches you how to maintain weight in the long run.
    ● Short term weight loss plans are not created to help you keep the weight off.
    4. Healthy weight loss happens at about a 1-2 pound loss per
    ● This is different for everyone, but a successful weight loss plan does not support a drastic weight loss within a short period of time.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,430 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Here is session 6 of my Pre-diabetes class. Talks about different types of diets.
    Session 6:
    Diet Trends & Myths
    During this session, you will learn some of the dangers of fad diets and why fad diets don’t work. Over the last few weeks, you have learned some basic information about eating healthy and getting active. It is not flashy information and we are not promising you will lose 10 pounds in one week or reach optimal health overnight. Instead we are focusing on small changes because we know that making small changes is a proven way to lose weight, get healthy and stay healthy.
    So, the next time you see an amazing diet online or on TV, you won’t be tempted to waste your time or money. Let’s start by looking at some of the popular fad diets that you likely have heard of or maybe have even tried before.
    Popular Fad Diets

    Popular Fad Diet Problem
    High Protein/Low Carbohydrate Diets
    ➢Eat large amounts of protein ➢Limit or avoid carbohydrate
    foods (pasta, breads, & rice) and sugar
    ➢High in saturated fat and cholesterol
    ➢Low in antioxidants
    ➢Leads to nausea, dehydration,
    headaches, dizziness & feeling
    ➢Once you add breads and
    other grains back into your diet you regain weight lost
    Liquid Diets
    ➢Substitute meals with a shake or drink
    ➢These diets are usually very low in calories
    ➢Not a long term solution ➢Once you start eating solid
    foods, weight that was lost will
    likely return
    ➢Lacking in many important
    nutrients and fiber
    High Carbohydrate/Low Fat Diets
    ➢Eat mainly high complex
    ➢ Limit sugar, fat, and protein
    ➢You will feel hungry more often ➢Your body will not get
    appropriate fat-soluble vitamins (Vitamins A,D,E & K)
    In addition to the popular fad diets discussed, there’s a new diet trend on the rise. Some people may remove common food allergens from their diet such as gluten, even though they do not have an allergy or sensitivity.
    Remember, removing large groups of foods from your diet may leave you without important vitamins and minerals. Some people do suffer from serious medical

    conditions that make them allergic to certain foods. Always check with you doctor if you think you might have a food allergy.
    ✓ Skill Building Activity: Fad Diets You Have Tried in the Past (your coach will lead you through this activity)
    How to Spot a Fad Diet
    ➢ Plans that require you to spend large amounts of money on special foods, products, pre-made meals, and/or supplements
    ➢ Does not encourage regular activity of at least 30 minutes of exercise, 3 days a week
    ➢ Recommends replacing 2 or more meals (real food) for liquid supplements or shakes
    ➢ Eliminates one or more food groups or gives lists of “good” and “bad” foods
    ➢ Does not include a long-term maintenance plan
    ➢ Promises a quick fix or weight loss of more than 1-2
    pounds a week
    ➢ Sounds “too good to be true”, it is a fad diet
    ✓ Skill Building Activity: Fad Diets in the Media (your coach will lead you through this activity)
    Why Fad Diets are Unsafe
    ➢ Denies your body of important nutrients

    ➢ Decreases calorie intake below what your body needs
    ➢ Feeling deprived by not allowing favorite foods
    ➢ Strict food choices that are not realistic to follow
    long term
    ➢ The weight that was lost is regained
    ➢ Metabolism is slowed
    ❖ See Handout: Why Fad Diets Don’t Work Healthy Eating is a Life-Long Commitment
    The best way to lose weight and keep it off long-term is to follow a healthy eating plan. A healthy eating plan allows for ​all​ ​types ​of foods, includes balance and variety as well as regular exercise. Healthy eating is a life-long commitment that will keep you feeling your best.
    ❖ See Handouts: Keys to Successful Healthy Eating Part 1& 2
    Fad diets promise quick results. However, many of these diets are too restrictive, unsafe, and cannot be maintained for a long period of time. A healthy eating plan is balanced and not restrictive. If you ever have questions about diets, be sure to ask your coach.

    Keep Moving
    Fad diets may not be healthy but “fad exercises” can be a fun and exciting way to stay active. Grab a friend and try out a new activity this week.
    □ While watching TV, looking through magazines, or at the grocery store, use your new skills to identify Fad Diets. Explain why you think it would not be successful.
    □ Look over your food uploads from the past week. Do you notice any foods you may or may not eat based on a fad diet you have tried in the past?
    □ Goal setting​: Work with your coach to set one goal this week associated with this session. Example: I will practice at least 2 of the “Keys to Successful Healthy Eating” this week.
    List your goal here or message it to your coach: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

    □ Share any experiences you have had with fad diets in the group discussion.
    □ Why do you feel that diet would not have worked for you in the long run? Share your thoughts in the group discussion.
    □ Have you noticed any new fad diets in the media? Share reasons you feel that diet would not work long term with your group.
    “There is no diet that will do what healthy eating does.” -Unknown

    Why Fad Diets Don’t Work
    Fad Diet Why it Doesn’t Work
    Purchase meals from a specific company
    ● Expensive
    ● Doesn’t teach how to
    prepare healthy and satisfying meals
    Drink meal replacement shakes
    ● Void of many main nutrients that a whole food meal contains such as fiber, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals
    Eat only “approved” foods
    ● Feeling deprived when foods are labeled as “good or bad”
    ● Leads to stronger cravings and in some cases an urge to binge or eat more than needed
    Plans that require fasting
    ● Not fueling your body tells your metabolism to greatly slow down
    Cleanses or detoxes
    ● Not long term solutions
    ● Can create cravings for
    “real” foods
    ● Your body is great at
    cleansing itself already

    Keys to Successful Healthy Eating, Part 1
    􏰀 The diet industry brings in billions of dollars each year. They do this by promising you drastic weight loss with minimal effort in a short period of time.
    􏰀 Unfortunately, this is not the recipe for a successful diet.​ ​Below are a couple keys to a successful eating plan that the weight-loss industry doesn’t want you to know.
    Keys to a successful eating plan:
    1. You do not need to purchase any special foods,
    products or supplements.
    ​􏰀​A successful diet is filled with whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean cuts of meat, legumes and nuts/seeds.
    2. You have to be active.
    ​􏰀​A successful weight loss plan encourages regular activity (at least 30 minutes of exercise 3 or more days each week).

    Keys to Successful Healthy Eating, Part 2
    4 Keys to Health Eating
    1. You do not have to substitute a meal with a supplement or liquid shake.
    ● These “meal replacements” do not contain many valuable nutrients like fiber, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, or bioavailable vitamins and minerals.
    2. There are no good or bad foods.
    ● A healthy and successful diet allows any and all foods in moderation.
    3. A successful diet teaches you how to maintain weight in the long run.
    ● Short term weight loss plans are not created to help you keep the weight off.
    4. Healthy weight loss happens at about a 1-2 pound loss per
    ● This is different for everyone, but a successful weight loss plan does not support a drastic weight loss within a short period of time.


    I have actually never tried a fad diet. If I want to lose weight, my go-to has always been to eat fewer calories than I burn.

    I also tend to emphasise exercise over diet.

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,016 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,964 Member
    Afternoon all
    Just not feeling up to snuff today.. Alfie going over tonight to Tom and Elena's..Elena's daughter coming over with her dogs they are Australian shepards and Alfie loves playing with them,but got hurt once and Tom doesn't want to take the chance so will wait until they leave..and then ,I'll drop him off.
    Tracy did her 3 hr glucose test this morning, hope that went well.
  • Rosemarie2972
    Rosemarie2972 Posts: 478 Member
    Machka: I meant to tell you in my 50s I walked a bunch and frequently! I loved it. After the caregiving, I tried getting back to it and it wasn't the same. I never use to have any ear bugs in ..just enjoyed my own thoughts and plans. But at this point I need some way to carry a cell phone and have ear buds. How do others do this? I have not looked into it yet? I was thinking of going to a Best Buy early on a week day morning and seeing if a sales rep could help me. Also Verizon sold me a car charger that doesn't fit my phone. Great..right. So I thought maybe Best Buy could help there. I really should have a car charger for the phone.

    Rosemarie from GA
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,757 Member
    Rosemarie - The short answer is "No," you don't have to purchase every book you get to read on a Kindle through Amazon. Many of us have read library books that we've downloaded on our Kindles, and there are other options as well-- select here for a web page that explains all that. Most people find it easiest to go through Amazon as they have such a huge selection that are readable on the Kindle. My husband and I both have Kindle Unlimited subscriptions and considering that he reads upwards of 20-30 books a month, and I pick up three to five, it's worth $11 for us. If a book is listed as Kindle Unlimited, it is free to the subscriber with no end date for having them. You can have ten at a time out, and you just return them electronically when you're done with them.

    As far as reading a book and getting interested in another one before you finish the first one, that's really OK! There are too many books out there that WILL hold my attention. It wastes my time to read a book that no longer interests me. My husband feels he must finish a book if he starts it, and I disagree entirely.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,575 Member
    Rosemarie - I have a recorder attached to my TV so I can fast forward any ads. I rarely watch a live programme with ads, only BBC ones that don't have ads. I check every day which ones I want to record, or use the series option.
    I think you must be thinking of Monet's garden with the waterlilies. I have been there. I haven't heard of Matisse's garden 😕. I have been to his museum in Nice, and the chapel he did the stained glass for. I also entered the lobby of the last block of flats he lived in , in Nice, having been invited there by an old man I met on a bus. It was there he created his wonderful paper cutouts when he was ill.

    I had a good chat with G this morning, who seems to be OK. She is now resigned to having to take steroids and strong antibiotics for the rest of her life. Better than being dead, which the bullous pemphigoid could have resulted in. It was truly horrendous.
    I also chatted to L, who is mega busy visiting friends. She seems to love it, a true extrovert. I love my friends, but in small doses, and then I need lots of recovery time. Also I prefer not to stay with them, but she loves it, and relishes visitors!!! Ugh! :o 😱
    I really have to pace myself. Anything more than a couple of things a week sends me into a tizzy. Lying down in a darkened room is my favourite occupation! :p

    Did quite a lot of exercise this morning and some household chores. Plus the shops with a mask on. I cooked a Greek style pasta salad to have tomorrow evening between the park expedition and John going off for the football. Probably I will throw a bit of cold chicken at it. There will be loads for another day. I used a wholewheat organic pasta. Fusilli.

    Now to take myself upstairs and finish my DH Lawrence biography. Almost done.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,462 Member
    Katie – sad as this may be, I never heard of that way of determining if something is a good source of protein or not. Makes sense. Thanks, I’ll remember that.

    I can’t believe that “callous” on the bottom of my foot is still hurting. I went to a specialist who sold me this insert (to the tune of $450 which Medicare doesn’t cover) and to me if anything it’s gotten bigger. I’m supposed to go see him again in another week for a follow-up and I’m going to mention this. How I wish there was some way to cut it out or burn (with an acid) it out. I remember they did something years ago when I had a plantar wart. I remember having to go for a series of visits and they did something (laser, I think). Haven’t had a problem since then.

    Well, it looks like there will only be 9, possibly 10, of us at this pool get together. But then again, that’s good because it’s much more intimate. Jess called to say that they were cleaning and lost track of the time so she won’t be here. Honestly, I think after having been here yesterday, she probably didn’t want to make another long trip. At least not in her car (which is probably safe to drive) Oh well, she can come another weekend.

    Going to go spend some time with the kitties. One of the kitties keeps wanting to suckle, my understanding is that the mother just abandoned the kitties. Anyway, Vince got this “catifier” which is really a pillowcase (but we put a towel in it) with a cat on the front and these “nipples” sticking up. Hope this helps, he’ll be able to suckle whenever he wants

    Michele NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,964 Member
    Somebody is having a blast with daddy in grandma Joanne's pool..makes me happy to see him happy.