
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,167 Member
    Today is Mac and cheese, sharks (yikes!!), and nudes?? Weird combination!


    RVRita in Roswell, 👽
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,462 Member
    Did a Core Cardio DVD. It’s really not for me. Then went for a walk around the neighborhood.

    There are times when my eyes really burn. The eye MD said it’s because I have dry eye and to use wetting drops 3 or 4 times/day. Well, there are times when I use them 5 times/day. Then again, there are times when I only use them twice/day. Yesterday one eye was really burning me. Wonder why they don’t work immediately when I use the wetting drops? Anyway, this gal last night told me about these gel drops which to my understanding keep your eyes moist longer. I’m going to have to check them out.

    Wasn’t a whole lot of people last night but you know what? I’m so used to Newcomers pool parties where there are a lot more people and I’m running around being sure things are full (enough napkins, forks, water, etc) and that food is appropriately cut, by the time I am ready to socialize, people are leaving. Well, that didn’t happen last night. I was actually able to sit down and TALK to people. That was so nice. J talked to me about maybe doing this again at the end of the summer. Yesterday it was HOT with a capital “H”. Surprisingly, tho, no one went in the pool. Maybe it was too hot and the sun too intense. Anyway, it’s already 81 and it’s only 9:44 so I’ll be going in the pool in a bit.

    Lanette – thanks for reminding me that I need to make the chicken for this week. Think I’ll do that now so that it can be in the oven (and I’ll just have to keep an eye on it) while I’m here. Oh, they called, the new relay will be around $30. So even tho the oven is 17 years old, we’ll probably pay that. It’ll be much less than the cost of a new oven. Update: I only needed to marinate it

    Another nice thing about a small group vs. Newcomers pool party is that after a Newcomer party, I’d have to spend hours and hours cleaning, organizing, etc. This time, only an hour to put away things, etc. Of course, everyone loved the kittens

    Vince needs to grill the chicken, it isn’t baked. He’ll probably do it late tonight when it’s cooler

    barbie – I use Libby (and Hoopla), only thing is that there aren’t as many ebooks as there are physical books. It’s interesting that here in NC you have access to all of the libraries in NC whereas in FL I only have access to the books in that county. Wish there was a way I could get access to books in another county.

    Debbie – OK, who kidnapped your MIL and left that person?????

    M – I just carry my phone with me when I go walking. To be honest, a part of me always thinks of the people who get hit by cars while walking because they had earbuds in and were listing to them and not to traffic

    Tracey – I have a pair of crocs like the picture you posted. I wear those when I go into the pool. I also wore them yesterday. I honestly don’t thinking they help much, but they’re sure better than flip-flops. How long did it take for your pain to improve? Maybe I’m just too much in a hurry to get this feeling better which is why I’d like for them to just cut it out or use laser or something. I do wear my Birkenstocks. They told me that they’re OK to wear. I don’t wear them a whole lot. Maybe I should try wearing the ones I wear into the pool area more often??? So glad your foot and hip are better. Yes, I was sad, too, to learn that Richard Simmons passed away. Jess met him on a flight to australia once

    Lisa – never heard of “whomp” biscuits but that’s a cute name.

    Off to the pool

    Michele NC
    who will use the wetting drops first
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,559 Member
    Good morning ladies! <3

    Rita - so very happy this "plate" plan is working so well for you. I agree, finding an eating plan that is healthy and sustainable is the key. I too tried WW and different trendy diets throughout my life without paying that much attention to nutrition or what was best for my own unique body. Keeping the "plate" in mind has helped me too.

    Debbie - bet you are enjoying your weekend alone. Nice to hear MIL was treating you well.

    Tracey - glad your feet are doing better. The photo of the slippers you posted look a lot like the "recovery slippers" my podiatrist recommends. Are the skies smokey in your area? I saw a "smoke map" of the US & Canada, and apparently, at least as of yesterday, there was slight smoke in the atmosphere in my area due to fires in California and Oregon, and it looked heavier in some spots in Canada. The sky here does have a slight haze, but I don't smell any smoke as in previous years. Hoping we get to skip that step and rains return to the areas being hit with fires.

    Barbara - glad to hear water is coming back - takes some of the pressure off for sure.

    Happy Foot: My foot is just fine today - a little redness on top of the foot but no pain at all or swelling. I think giving it the day off yesterday really paid off. Was able to get my normal early morning walk in. Very thankful, it could have been so much worse. And I moved that paver I tripped over - that wasn't the first time I'd caught my toe on it, I should have moved it a long time ago. Duh!

    Talked to Mrs. Roger yesterday, she said to come over and help myself to blueberries. They are just starting to ripen, the bushes are loaded. :) She and Roger aren't really blueberry eaters so I'll be able to pack away a lot in the freezer.

    About Pennsylvania yesterday:
    Kind of scary that the bad guy was able to somehow sneak under security's watchful eye and set up on a rooftop where people in the crowd even saw him. Maybe security in charge of rooftops was watching dancing kitty videos on TikTok or something. It should make a candidate from either party who gives speeches in public a queasy feeling. Hope they figure it out and remedy it before things turn even more tragic.

    It's a gorgeous cool morning. Doing laundry and getting ready to hang things out in the sun.

    Reminder to get your Weekly Check-In info to me by tomorrow noon. <3

    Make it a fabulous day!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,016 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,016 Member
    Recently I’ve been getting a lot of men friend requests. I sent each of them this message, have you?


    Recently I have been getting an awful lot of friend requests from men and I am curious as to why. No rude or inappropriate comments or questions (yet). A couple of them asking if I was married or if I was happy which is weird. Can you enlighten me?

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,500 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,124 Member
    edited July 14
    Michele - sorry to read about Shadow.
    I still think your callous is Plantar Fasciitis, I couldn’t afford the orthotics that were recommended and was talking to a couple of ladies at ceramics that had it. They had both tried the orthotics and said the pain was much worse, one of them told me to try these sandals and my pain has improved 90%. It’s still not 100% but is so much better. I bought a pair at our dollar store for $5. Walmart sells them too.
    I wear knock off Birkenstocks and do exercises for PF and I’m getting better. It might be worth a try.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    These are the sandals I wear for issues with my feet- they are rated for PF.
    LOVE them, so comfortable.
    They have great sales on them.
    They have a 55% off coupon right now with code SUMMER


    I have four or five pair plus I have their rain boots that are super cute

    Napa Valley,CA

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,968 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Recently I’ve been getting a lot of men friend requests. I sent each of them this message, have you?


    Recently I have been getting an awful lot of friend requests from men and I am curious as to why. No rude or inappropriate comments or questions (yet). A couple of them asking if I was married or if I was happy which is weird. Can you enlighten me?


    I just assume that they aren’t real men but spam bots. I’m not exactly sure how that works but they seem to have similar or the same profile picture and different names. I delete them and move on. Machka has talked about them before, I think.
  • defiant63
    defiant63 Posts: 10 Member
    My goal each month is to weigh less than I did at the beginning. Did ok for June but not doing so well for July. How can I gain 6 pounds in 2 days??? Gonna keep persisting Have an appointment for a hip replacement Oct 1 and I need to lose some weight before then
  • defiant63
    defiant63 Posts: 10 Member
    Post above from Karen in BC
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,124 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Debbie – OK, who kidnapped your MIL and left that person?????

    Michele NC
    who will use the wetting drops first

    the big thing is how will she be towards DH tomorrow evening when he is over there by himself.
    She puts on a fake persona with me I think. It would be nice if she was really like this and appreciated when we go over there.
    I will take what ever peace I can get.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,119 Member
    defiant63 wrote: »
    My goal each month is to weigh less than I did at the beginning. Did ok for June but not doing so well for July. How can I gain 6 pounds in 2 days??? Gonna keep persisting Have an appointment for a hip replacement Oct 1 and I need to lose some weight before then

    :) Possibly water retention from high sodium or certain foods that don't digest quickly. I don't let daily fluctuations bug me. I just continue with my well planned food and exercise.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,500 Member
    Tracey ~ WOW! That hope chest is beautifully made! You must have gotten your creativity from him.

    Carol in GA
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,757 Member
    edited July 14
    Michele - I'm so sorry for your friend's passing. Expecting the loss of someone doesn't mean we can prepare our hearts.

    Tracey - I think the chest looks good in both pictures, but computer colors are always off. Varnish will definitely go yellow or orange over time, so freshening it up won't hurt at all. I miss refinishing furniture! You did a great job. So pleased your feet are doing so much better!

    Heather - Bless Bea's heart, she's going to be on the stage someday, I'm thinking. So much fun to watch them grow up, thank you for letting us all be part of that.

    Allie - Been thinking about you, hope you're feeling better!

    Carol - Thinking about you. I'm sure the knee replacement will go very well.

    Karen in BC - Welcome! Lots of good advice and support here. Six pounds in two days could well be water weight, or just the fluctuations that our bodies deal with every day. We've got one person going through her second hip replacement and one through her knee replacement this month alone, so you're definitely in good company! Try not to let the frustrations of day to day weight gains or losses bump you off your path.

    Was able to work outside for nearly an hour and a half this morning, and got a lot of brush pulled over to the burn area for Corey. Since those were cleared, he was able to get a tremendous amount of the treefall cut up. Still lots more to do, but no deadlines.

    I looked down the other day when I was barefoot and noticed that the inside of my ankle on my right leg was bending toward the floor, and the arch was nearly flat to the floor. I remembered the arch supports I used for quite some time years back, at Heather's advice. Two days later, I'm really pleased at how much they're helping.

    The house smells like a barbecue joint, Corey's making pulled pork for dinner. Looking forward to a barbecue slider, and a few bites of mac & cheese. He's making the side dish just for me, as he isn't fond of it, but I think it's the only rational side dish with barbecue. He's making cole slaw for himself, but I'll pass. Never thought cabbage was truly edible... but then again, it is green, and I am a little biased about green stuff. 👀😲😁

    Hope it's been a lovely, peaceful Sunday in your neck of the woods.

    Love from scorchy, torchy Arkansas,

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,575 Member
    England lost the final against Spain. John was very philosophical.
    Now we only have the Olympics to suffer through. What a summer! We always have Wimbledon, which is bad enough, but we've had Queens, Euros, Wimbledon, and now the Olympics. All of these take up the normal free to air schedules and bump off my favourite programmes. I have now run out of recordings. This evening watched my last two recordings and then I downloaded another free channel onto Firefox, and was able to watch an episode I'd missed, but I had to endure the ads. :#
    I did record something that was on at the same time as the final for John and I to watch tomorrow.

    Food excellent, but I ate too much. Dairy stuff. I did avoid alcohol while he was gone, so I'm proud of that.

    Seeing my hunky consultant surgeon tomorrow morning. :D Just a check on how the old op is coming along.
    Will put my best face forward. >:)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,964 Member
    Michelle - I'm sure your mom was there to meet her when she passed.
    Yes they say death comes in 3s so Dr Ruth,Richard Simmons,and Shannon Doherty.. so sad she was only 53
    I don't think the Cephlex is working as im still in pain ,but taking it faithfully and drinking lots of water and cranberry juice ,don't really have ro much of an appetite.
    Go see the dietician tomorrow morning