Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 267



  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,145 Member
    Female 5’1” Age 74 years
    *Travel - no scale part of the time
    HWE 197.0 (2/2008)
    Weight on 1/17/17 174.5
    OGW 137 (set by WW 2008, WW goal 1985 was 126) UGW was 125 (HS weight) Started LCHF/Keto 7/17/2017 (mid round 10)

    👍👍This is NOT A DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE👍👍
    Rnd 7 167.0 to Rnd 17 155.5
    To Rnd 27 146*
    To Rnd 37 139.0
    To Rnd 47 133.5*
    To Rnd 57 131.5
    To Rnd 67 128.0
    To Rnd 77 125.0
    To Rnd 87 121.0*
    To Rnd 97 121.0
    To Rnd 107 122.0
    To Rnd 117 116.0
    To Rnd 127 117.0
    To Rnd 137 117.0
    To Rnd 147 116.0 🙌
    To Rnd 157 115.5
    To Rnd 167 119.4
    To Rnd 177 118.3
    To Rnd 187 120.0
    To Rnd 197 121.5
    To Rnd 207 123.5
    To Rnd 217 126.5
    To Rnd 227 127.5
    To Rnd 237 128.0
    To Rnd 247 135.5
    To Rnd 257 134.5
    Rnd 258 133.5
    Rnd 259 133.0
    Rnd 260 133.5
    Rnd 261 133.5
    Rnd 262 132.5
    Rnd 263 133.0
    Rnd 264 134.0
    Rnd 265 133.0
    Rnd 266 134.0
    We ALL have good rounds and bad but that is part of life. Don’t stay away, stay accountable. We don’t judge, we support.-Jpv,2/13/19

    What we need to succeed is a sustainable way of eating, not a DIET we go on and off.

    This is NOT A DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE.

    We are unstoppable not because we do not have failures but because we continue on despite them. - paraphrase of original quote by Beau Taplin

    Up and down - just riding the waves of life. 🌊 🏄‍♀️ (My new mantra-3/19/22)

    "Do or do not. There is no try." -Yoda

    Comments pertain to previous day

    SW RND 267 132.5
    7/25 132.0 Back to dentist this morning for bite check. Then facial by DGD#3 Instagram@estibribriel Lunch @Great Greek with neighbor
    7/26 132.0 OMG Golden Corral today! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

    Added IE & IM to glossary
  • fmfdfa2020
    fmfdfa2020 Posts: 1,065 Member
    Round 267

    07/26 -DNW- (Trend weight DNW) Today is my usual no-weigh Friday. I was still off the rails yesterday so it’s just as well. In regards to Foodie daughter, is it okay to keep blaming her and her Mary Poppins endless tote bags of food during her 4 days per week here or should I be blaming myself when she doesn’t actually sit down on top of me and force it down my pie hole? Ah….truth hurts. I am coming to realize that I do wonderfully as long as I’m not around food. I am safe at home around food most of the time as it is carefully selected things I keep in my home. However, I am Horrible in travel, during holidays and occasions, and around other people when they eat. It is horrid. After all this time, I’ve gained resolve but absolutely no willpower or strength in my bid for more self-control. It’s a hard realization but an honest one. That Hershey bar of @quiltingjaine s, I would have licked the melted chocolate off the paper. No, it would have never made it to the freezer! Did I mention I’m not a child and I’m actually 64 years old? I’ve had a LIFETIME to gain a backbone. I’m having a lot of self-realization in a different light this morning. I hope these feelings last and help me move forward in a more positive and successful manner. Did I mention that my older friend who broke her hip and her pelvic (two different falls) has now fallen again and broke two vertebra in her back and also her pelvic again? I’m glad for the Friday morning Fosamax and hope it someday helps me better than it is helping her. Health is important, chocolate is not. It’s frivolous at my current weight and not very good for my diabetes either!

    Hi @deepwoodslady Re: "In regards to Foodie daughter, is it okay to keep blaming her and her Mary Poppins endless tote bags of food during her 4 days per week here or should I be blaming myself when she doesn’t actually sit down on top of me and force it down my pie hole? Ah….truth hurts. I am coming to realize that I do wonderfully as long as I’m not around food. I am safe at home around food most of the time as it is carefully selected things I keep in my home."

    I so emphathize with you. I, too, have a very hard time with cravings and bingeing (as I know others on here do as well), and laughed and related to your comment about the melting chocolate not making it to the freezer. I don't think it's fair to blame this on your self-control since there are many reasons for cravings/bingeing. I know for myself if I eat sugar, white flour, processed foods, my cravings are off the chart. Only when I've been without it for 3 to 4 days, do they subside some, but not totally. Right now while I'm trying to lose (and probably even if I wasn't trying to lose), I could not - no-way, no-how - control myself for those 4 days when your daughter brings tempting food into the house. Maybe she could keep non-perishables in her room hidden (yep, hidden, as I would still go in there and get them ;) ), and perishables, maybe a cooler in her room. I know for people that don't experience severe cravings/binges - those that can eat just 1 cookie - this may sound extreme, but for me, it's a matter of living the rest of my life as a healthy, active person, or someone who has many ailments. I hope you can figure out how you and she can co-exist without jeopardizing your health. Good Luck <3

    P.S. When I travel (non-vacations), I take all my food with me, which I think I've seen you post that you do this as well. The only thing I can say is if I wait too long to eat, or I let myself have just one slip, I'm done, then I eat the entire trip, and weeks after I get home.
  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 964 Member
    SW RND 267 236.6
    7/25 - 236.6
    7/26 - 233.8
  • reshii_devi
    reshii_devi Posts: 565 Member
    so glad you enjoyed it @musicsax @judefit ~ its a nice quickie to keep in rotation!

    love that idea @Skyleen75 ~ definitely giving it some thought
  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 780 Member

    R267 JGMTD#37
    #HSF 📣#bestshapeofmylife📣

    Mission: Continuously improve daily habits that strengthen a “Healthy, Strong & Fit” identity.
    #HSF 📣#bestshapeofmylife📣
    #helpfulhabits R266 Let’s Go! 💪🏻🙌🏻⚡️

    About Me & Goals
    About Me:
    F65, 5’6” married, MawMaw Proud. Clean P:E (Proteing> (Cg+Fg) Greater than 1:1 ratio. A clean/whole food WOE. Track macros, all fitness and NSVs. I’ve had an unhealthy relationship with food my entire life. HW 172lbs in 2010. Lost 30lbs in 2014 to 130. Crazy🎢 for 10yr. Joined JGMTD R231 7/31/23. Lost 15lbs 8/1 -11/23. Said goodbye FOREVER to the 🎢! I’ve named my journey #HSF & On my way to 📣#bestshapeofmylife📣
    In order to stay within my health goals, I must continue to track all measures.

    #HSF July Level Up
    Daily Nutrition:
    #HSF Kcals = 1350 avg.
    Whole Food
    P:E P>E (C+F)
    💦80 oz

    Body (weekly)
    🏋️‍♀️90 min/week
    🚶‍♀️10k - 5x week in Z2💗
    (Includes sprint & plyo)
    🙆‍♀️ everyday
    🎾 minimum 4x/wk
    ✅💤🛏️ 7-8 hrs/night
    ⚖️ no less than 4x /wk

    Mind & Soul (Daily)
    📚(🙏📝🧐) pray, read, research
    ✅Proactive Habit Formation
    ✅Recognize NSVs

    R267 #37 SW 131.0
    7/25 ⚖️131.0
    My 37th round and will celebrate ONE YEAR of this challenge on 7/31! I’ll be crunched for time over the next few days because of family and stuff that rarely happens. Won’t be including my history, “July Level up” etc. until later this challenge (probably this weekend). I do plan to evaluate my year and create new aspirations moving forward. I’ll re-read my journal. I’m glad that 7/31 is my Anniversary and 8/1 is another FRESH NEW START. I have learned that each 10-day challenge is not a simple roll-over from the previous unless there is a conscious decision to make it one. After all, this is a 10-day challenge! It’s the opportunity to tweak the previous 10 days and re-commit to forming new habits. I’m really excited and thankful! Also, I am a totally 💯 different person than I was a year ago. If you would have asked me one year ago if I would do this …. Every 10 days… for one entire year, I honestly would have said no way would I do this for one whole year!!! But now, I 💯 would do it all over again! I never missed a day, I never stopped working on “Me”…. I’ve learned more than I can imagine… So for those just starting…… One day at a time, for 10-days WORKS! Good luck to all! And thanks for being REAL! I learn from EACH POST!

    7/26 ✅July Level Up but no reading or journal. P:E 1.4:1 Pg 125. Good day. Ate salad for first time in a year and won’t ever again. Leafy greens are my enemy. 🎾🏋️‍♀️. Family leaving today.

    7/25 ⚖️131.0
    7/26 ⚖️131.2
    7/27 ⚖️132.4
    7/31 JGMTD One year Anniversary!🎉

    7/27 ✅July Level Up however still no reading or journal but now that family left late yesterday, will get fully back on track. P:E 1.2:1 Pg 120. 🚶‍♀️10k

    ⚖️ The scale reflects four days of irregular schedule and total discombobulation. I give myself a B+ in nutrition. Looking forward to getting back in the groove!

    I will do at least one thing that challenges me big-time today. Step out of comfort zone. I’ll get a taste of what’s in my realm of capability…. Becoming #HSF
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Round 267
    July 25 – August 3, 2024

    62 year old female, 5’5”. I am married, semi-nomadic (we live in three states, Mass, Maine, Florida).

    SW WW Sept 29, 2001 - 168.8 (initially lost 29.8, became staff, then weight up and down 18 years with low of 126.8)
    SW MFP Sept 14, 2020 – 153 (lost 40, then stress took off another 2.2 lb with low of 120.8, then stress became gain)
    SW MFP Jan 1, 2023 – 146.6
    GW Maintaining between 124 - 126

    Continuing to figure out maintaining, and to work on best nutrition and exercise.

    Harry and Han are our cats, who travel with us. Have two “kids”, who are very much adults, a two grandsons. We have two parents, 87(mother), 85(MIL) still with us, and I have logically been needing to help them more as they age. I got my act in gear during COVID, somewhat inspired by NOT becoming my parents. I lost 30 lbs and was exercising daily. Unfortunately, I am an “all in or not” person. Hubby and I seeing our family home and downsizing distractions, plus medical incident with my father and all their new needs, became an excuse (father has since passed and I am DPOA, Personal representative AKA executor, trustee, and oversee the majority of my mother’s care). A year and a half later, I gained 25 lbs and lost all my athletic improvements. I need to figure out balance and how to make health be a daily priority for life!

    Round 126 153.0 equivalent 9/14/20
    Round 127 149.2 9/24/20
    Round 128 147.2 10/4/20
    Round 129 145.8 10/14/20
    Round 130 144.4 10/24/20
    Round 131 142.2 11/3/20
    Round 132 139.4 11/13/20
    Round 133 137.2 11/23/20
    Round 134 136.4 12/3/20
    Round 135 132.6 12/13/20
    Round 136 132.0 12/23/20
    Round 137 132.0 1/2/21
    Round 138 131.0 1/12/21
    Round 139 128.2 1/22/21
    Round 176 138.2 1/26/22 Harry 10 lb 14 oz Han Solo 11 lb 13 oz
    Round 177 134.8 2/5/22
    Round 178 137.0 2/15/22 Harry 10 lb 15.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11 oz
    Round 181 138.2 3/17/22 Harry 10 lb 14 oz Han Solo 11 lb 10.5 oz
    Round 182 137.8 3/27/22 Harry 10 lb 14.5oz Han Solo 11 lb 12.5 oz
    Round 183 133.4 4/6/22 Harry 11 lb .5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 13 oz
    Round 184 136.0 4/16/22 Harry 10 lb 15.5 oz Han Solo 11lb 12.5 oz
    Round 185 136.8 4/26/22 Harry 10 lb 15.5 oz Han Solo 11lb 13 oz
    Round 186 136.0 5/6/22 Harry 10 lb 14.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 12.5 oz
    Round 187 137.8 5/16/22 Harry 10 lb 14.0 oz Han Solo 11lb 11.5 oz
    Round 188 135.8 5/26/22 Harry 10 lb 10.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 12 oz
    Round 210 146.6 1/01/23 Harry 10 lb 15.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 12 oz
    Round 211 144.4 1/11/23
    Round 212 146.6 1/21/23 Harry 10 lb 14 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11 oz
    Round 213 143.4 1/31/23 Harry 10 lb 14.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 10.5 oz
    Round 214 142.4 2/10/23
    Round 215 140.0 2/20/23 Harry 10 lb 12 oz Han Solo 11 lb 6 oz
    Round 216 138.0 3/2/23 Harry 10 lb 11.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 6.5 oz
    Round 217 136.0 3/12/23 Harry 10 lb 15 oz Han Solo 11 lb 6 oz
    Round 218 134.0 3/22/23 Harry 10 lb 14.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 7.5 oz
    Round 219 133.8 4/1/23 Harry 11 lb .5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 9.5 oz
    Round 220 131.4 4/11/23 Harry 10 lb 14.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11 oz
    Round 221 130.0 4/21/23 Harry 10 lb 14.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11.5 oz
    Round 222 128.2 5/1/23 Harry 10 lb 15 oz Han Solo 11 lb 12.5 oz
    Round 223 128.4 5/11/23 Harry 10 lb 15.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11 oz
    Round 224 127.2 5/21/23 Harry 10 lb 14 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11.5 oz
    Round 225 125.8 5/31/23 Harry 10 lb 12 oz Han Solo 11 lb 9.5 oz
    Round 226 124.2 6/10/23
    Round 227 125.8 6/20/23 Harry 10 lb 8.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 12.5 oz
    Round 228 125.8 6/30/23 Harry 10 lb 13 oz Han Solo 11 lb 13.5 oz
    Round 229 125.8 7/10/23
    Round 230 122.6 7/20/23
    Round 231 125.0 7/30/23 Harry 10lb 10.5 oz Han Solo 12 lb .5 oz
    Round 232 123.6 8/9/23 Harry 10 lb 10 oz Han Solo 12 lb 2.5 oz
    Round 233 125.8 8/19/23 Harry 10 lb 10 oz Han Solo 12 lb 1.5 oz
    Round 234 125.8 8/29/23 Harry 10 lb 10.5 oz Han Solo 12 lb 1.5 oz
    Round 235 127.2 9/8/23
    Round 236 127.4 9/18/23 Harry 10 lb 6.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11.5 oz
    Round 237 126.4 9/28/23
    Round 238 124.4 10/8/23 Harry 10 lb 3 oz Han Solo 12 lb 1 oz
    Round 239 124.2 10/18/23 Harry 10 lb 1 oz Han Solo 12 lb 0 oz
    Round 240 125.0 10/28.23 Harry 10 lb Han Solo 11 lb 14 oz
    Round 241 127.8 11/8/23
    Round 243 127.6 11/28/23 Harry 10 lb 1.5 oz Han Solo 12 lb .5 oz
    Round 244 129.0 12/7/23 Harry 10 lb .5 oz Han Solo 12 lb .5 oz
    Round 245 129.0 12/17/23
    Round 246 129.4 12/27/23 Harry 10 lb 1 oz Han Solo 12 lb 2 oz
    Round 247 128.6 1/6/23 Harry 10 lb 3.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 14 oz
    Round 248 127.0 1/16/24 Harry 10 lb 8.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 14.5 oz
    Round 249 128.6 1/26/24 Harry 10 lb 10.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 14 oz
    Round 250 125.8 2/5/24 Harry 11 lb .5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 15 oz.
    Round 251 127.2 2/15/24 Harry 11 lb 1.5 oz Han Solo 11 ln 15 oz
    Round 252 128.0 2/25/24 Harry 11 lb 5.5 oz Han Solo 12 lb
    Round 253 128.6 3/6/24 Harry 11 lb 6.5 oz Han Solo 12 lb
    Round 255 127.8 3/26/24 Harry 11 lb 8 oz Han Solo 12 lb .5 oz
    Round 256 127.4 4/5/124 Harry 11 lb 8 Han Solo 12 lb 1 oz
    Round 257 126.4 4/15/24 Harry 11 lb 11 oz Han Solo 12 lb .5 oz
    Round 258 127.0 4/15/24 Harry 11 lb 7.5 oz Han Solo 11 ln 15 oz
    Round 259 127.0 5/7/24 Harry 11 lb 7.5 oz Han Solo 12 lb .5 oz
    Round 260 missed the round, though I weighed almost every day
    Round 261 129.8 5/25/24
    Round 262 131.0 6/4/24 Harry 11 lb 9.5 oz Han Solo 12 lb 1.5 oz
    Round 263 132.2 6/14/24 Harry 11 lb 7.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 15 oz
    Round 264 missed
    Round 265 135.2 7/4/24 Harry 11 lb 5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 15.5
    Round 266 134.8 7/14/24 Harry 11 lb 5.5 oz Han Solo 12 lb .5 oz
    Round 267 133.6 7/24/24 Harry 11 lb 5 oz Han Solo 12 lb 2 oz

    SW: 133.6


    7/25 – 133.4 yesterday day and dinner went off without a hitch. After dinner was good, when about 9 pm came and oh man was it challenging. Anyhow, I resisted and got through. Completed 5 days eating on track. Exercise still not happening. I won’t bore you with the excuses.

    7/26 – 134.0 Uptick. I know that this is not due to calories eaten and has to be part of those small ebbs and flows that just happen. Yes, yesterday I did allow myself to eat something at 9 PM, BUT it was selected weighed and tracked, so I am OK with that. Even with those extra calories would not have exceeded my caloric needs for the day. Looks like I have made it through 7 days of thoughtful eating. I am under 135.0, which was looking like the new norm. Trying for 130 max by end of round 268.

    7/27 – 134.2 glad for tracking. I am ok with scale as I am trusting the accuracy of my tracking. This morning, fingers were stiff from packaged rice pilaf last night, and digestive system is not up to par. I am expecting it to shake out over the next few days. Tonight I am facing going out to dinner, so the sodium issue will repeat itself. I have looked at the menu and am pre-tracking my dinner. I am going to do my usual trick of ordering a nice appetizer as my entrée. I find that to be a happy compromise. I get a portion controlled delicious meal with none of the additional calories from the side dishes.

    7/28 –
    7/29 –
    7/30 –
    7/31 –
    8/1 –
    8/2 –
    8/3 –
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,494 Member
    edited July 27
    SModa61 wrote: »

    Awesome! But now to hook that up to my apple watch and get your little one to credit me some exercise calories. :P

    You're too funny! Have a great day!
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,494 Member
    @lisacantwell Congratulations for checking in here two days now! You can do this! This group is a fabulous support community!

    @RichardHaw I never thought about bad knees being genetic, but that does hold true for me as well. Both my parents had bad knees, but I had always chalked it up to the fact that we were a tennis family. I figured it was all those quick starts and stops that did in my knees. My weight loss is helping my knees too, but doc says I'll need them both replaced. I'm trying to put that off a while longer so I only have to do it once and not need it again at 75.
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,494 Member
    65 year old female, 5'5"
    Highest Weight: 213 (in ~2005)
    Lowest Weight: 143 (in ~2019)
    Goal Weigh: 150
    RND 252: SW-191.3, EW-187.6
    RND 253: SW- 187.6, EW- 185.6
    RND 254: SW- 185.6, EW-181.4
    RND 255: SW-181.4, EW—181.4
    RND 256: SW-181.4, EW—179.4
    RND 257: SW- 179.4, EW—178.4
    RND 258: SW—178.4, EW-177.4
    RND 259: SW- 177.4, EW- 176.6
    RND 260: SW- 176.6, EW: 174.0
    RND 261: SW—174.0, EW: 174.2
    RND 262: SW—176, EW: 173.4
    RND 263: SW—173.4, EW: 173.8
    RND 264: SW—173.8, EW: 171.8
    RND 265: SW—171.8, EW: 170.4
    RND 266: SW—170.4, EW: 169.0

    SW RND 267—169

    7/25 169.4 Got in an outdoor walk between rain showers yesterday. The temperatures felt amazing all day, and we sure did need the rain!
    7/26 168 Walked between showers yesterday and also got in an exercise bike workout during the rain with DGD on her own exercise bike. We had so much fun together with that! It’ll be good for both of us because she has our genetic tendency to hold weight.
    7/27 168.8 Guess that’s the rebound after a pound and a half loss yesterday, because there’s no other explanation for it. It happens. Almost always. It’s fine. Was more active yesterday in activities with DGD and then got in a good walk in the evening too. Good day!
  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 936 Member
    Jude, 5'-2, 67 YO
    HW 165
    CW: 125ish

    I’m a serial dieter/gainer whose weight has varied by 50 lbs over the years; I’m working to change my relationship with food. I joined this group in 12/23 at 147, lost 22 lbs and reached my goal in 4/24. I’m now working to understand my patterns so I know where my pitfalls are. My goal is to remain within the same 3-4 lb range for good!

    EW Rnd 266: 124.0
    SW Rnd 267: 124.0
    Previous rounds:
    SW Rnd 245: 146.6
    SW Rnd 246: 147.0
    SW Rnd 247: 143.4
    SW Rnd 248: 140.8
    SW Rnd 249: 140.6
    SW Rnd 250: 137.2
    SW Rnd 251: 136.2
    SW Rnd 252: 134.2
    SW Rnd 253: 133.4
    SW Rnd 254: 131.6
    SW Rnd 255: 130.0
    SW Rnd 256: 128.8
    SW Rnd 257: 126.8
    SW Rnd 258: 129.0 post AZ trip
    SW Rnd 259: 126.0
    SW Rnd 260: 124.8
    SW Rnd 261: 125.2
    SW Rnd 262:126.6
    SW Rnd 263: 123.4
    SW Rnd 264: 124.4
    SW Rnd 265: 125.0 post MV trip
    SW Rnd 266:125.0
    SW Rnd 267: 124.0
    Goals this round:
    * keep the routine: eating well but not obsessing
    * enjoy the summer- it’s flying by!
    * remember a healthful planned snack is great, grazing is not
    * weigh every morning

    7/25: 124.0
    7/26: 124.0
    7/27: 124.8

    7/27: Friday night wine and sushi at DD#2's house; love those nights. Today DD#1 and her crew are coming to sleep over and the other crew will come over for dinner. Rare treat to have them here, and getting rarer as they have more activities!
  • SheilaBoneham
    SheilaBoneham Posts: 3,172 Member


    📆 2015–2023
    Feb. 2015: highest weight 218.2h
    2015: end weight running average 178.2nd
    2016: end weight running average 147.7
    2017: end weight running average 148
    2018: end weight running average 137.2.
    Extreme elimination diet (doctor prescribed) for diagnostic reasons, very low calories, then boom! Gained 40 pounds.
    2019: end weight running average 176.1
    2020: end weight running average 183.8.
    2021: end weight running average 179.4.
    2022: end weight running average 178.6
    2023: end weight running average 191. 😳

    2024 Rounds
    R146 01/06/24: end weight 191.4 😊
    R147 01/16/24: end weight 192.8 ☹️
    R148 01/16/24: end weight 191.6 (-1.2) 😊
    R149 02/05/24: end weight 193 (+1.4) ☹️
    R150 02/15/24: end weight 194.6 (+1.6) ☹️
    R150 02/15/24: end weight 194.6 (+1.6) ☹️
    R151 02/25/24: end weight 194.2 (-.2) 😊
    R152 03/06/24: end weight 194.4 (+.2) 🙂
    R153 03/16/24: end weight 194.2 (-.2).
    R154 03/26/24: end weight 195 (+.8)
    R155 04/05/24: end weight 194.6 (-.2).
    R156 04/15/24: end weight 194.6 (+/-0).
    R157 04/25/24: end weight DNW
    R158 05/05/24: end weight 197
    R159 05/15/24: end weight 196.6
    R160 05/25/24: end weight 196.6
    R161 06/04/24: end weight 197
    R162 06/14/24: end weight 196.8
    R163 06/24/24: end weight 196.8
    R164 07/04/24: end weight 196.6
    R165 07/14/24: end weight 196.6
    R166 07/24/24: end weight 198

    End-of-2024 Goal—weight 170.

    Day. Weight. Comments.

    7/25 - 197.8

    7/26 - 197.4
    It’s DH’s birthday, so I’m taking him out for dinner. He wants fish, so I’ll be able to stay within bounds. I am baking him a cake, but I plan to give some of it away. 😊

    7/27 - 196.6
    I guess I did ok with lunch out yesterday. I did have birthday cake (red velvet with cream cheese frosting) last night, but it was essentially a “meal,” so my total calories were reasonable. I want to get out in my garden, but the Nextdoor neighbor is sitting outside smoking a stinky cigar and it turns my stomach. It’s an ongoing problem when he’s home in the summer. Luckily, he often cares for his little grandkids and doesn’t smoke in front of them. Anyway, my “gut” seems much better since I’ve stopped drinking coffee (waaa!) so I’m going to try a walk on the river greenway in a bit. Have a great Saturday!

    7/28 -
    7/29 -
    7/30 -
    7/31 -
    8/01 -
    8/02 -
    8/03 -