🍃🍂September Daily Weigh-in and Logging Challenge🍂🍃



  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,916 Member
    Hi! I’m Jill and I absolutely ❤️ this group of like-minded friends. If you’re here, then you’re our friend!

    Welcome to 🍃🍂September🍂🍃!
    Fall is my favorite season. I live in Michigan, and I love the chilly mornings and evenings.☕️ I love the sunny days and love watching the trees change colors 🌳 🍃🍂🍁… and the smell of fall. I don’t even mind the rainy days.

    My goals this September are to:
    🍃Get outside and 🚶‍♀️or 🚴
    🍃Enjoy the season
    🍃Log daily
    🍃15 minutes of intentional exercise each day

    September 1: 213
    September 2: 213
    September 3: 212
    September 4: 212.8
    September 5: 212.8
    September 6: 213
    September 7: 212.8
    September 8: 211.6
    September 9: 213.6
    September 10: 213.1
    September 11: 213.9… ugh… I keep waiting for things to be perfect for me to get on my healthy and consistent walking and eating… so it never happens. Triggers to snack will always be there… so I’m the one that needs to adjust.
    September 12: 214.5 time to change things up! Today is day 1!
    September 13: 213.6 better…let’s go!
    September 14: 213.2 let’s keep it going!
    September 15: 212.5 here we go!
    September 16: 211.8 what?! 😁
    September 17: 214.6 no sweat 😅 small rebound 🏀 🤣
    September 18: 213.6 back in the game… let’s go!
    September 19: 212.6 Let’s go! 😁
    September 20: 213.7 logging gets back on track today. 😉
    September 21: 213.4
    September 22: 212.9
    September 23: 212.5 Have a good Monday!
    September 24: 213.4
    September 25: 212.4
    September 26: 213.6… boing, boing, boing
    September 27: 213.3
    September 28: 214.3 Hmmf....It's time to get back on the logging wagon...not this haphazard sometimes I log but most times I don't. It works when I'm consistent....and it's time to get consistent again. :)
    September 29: 213.3
    September 30: 214.9 Yowza! I am so ready for a restart. Walking and logging everyday… I can do this! I need to wake up and get things going again.

    One of my favorite songs!

    See you in October!

  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 4,784 Member
    edited 4:21PM
    September Reflection

    I didn’t quite meet my normal BMI range, but I got close. Down 1.7 pounds in September; 87.3 pounds overall. These last five pounds have been tough, and the last pound even tougher. I’m thinking that my body is telling me that I am there, so when I reach the normal BMI range will call it. No - it isn’t five pounds under the normal BMI, or the 100 pounds that I was thinking about, but by far surpasses what I thought at the beginning of my journey. It has been a constant struggle the past few months to lose just a few tenths of a pound a week - I'm thinking this is where my body wants to be, and I have been too hard on myself for not getting any farther. I must admit, I am really nervous about making this decision. I know how to lose weight – but how to switch to maintaining is a mystery.
    So, this will be my plan going forward:
    • Get to the normal BMI range (as of today just .7 pounds to go – earlier in the week just .1 pound away)
    • No changes in my diet and exercise – if I lose a little bit more after reaching my goal- great – but if I just stay the same be happy with that! Will continue this way through 2024 at least.
    • Continue to log everything – daily tracking of food, exercise and other SMART goals. Instead of a daily calorie limit – weekly limit.
    • Weigh in twice weekly to coincide with the Challenges I am in
    • Catch up with the Daily Accountability and Hogwarts Groups twice weekly - Check in Daily with the BL group – need to start limited my screen time and stop obsessing!
    • Once I reach my goal (hopefully in the next few weeks of October – I will stay in the “losing” groups of my challenges until the round ends, then switch to maintenance.

    On the knee front - I got a gel injection for my meniscus tear, and it feels wonderful. So glad to be able to do what I want to do without pain. I still ache in the night but take a couple of arthritis Tylenol before bedtime which helps.

    I reached the 1,900-mile marker on my quest to walk 2,024 miles in 2024, logging about 200 miles this month, as we speak am at 1934 miles. My tracker says that I will hit my goal in Mid-October. My second goal of hitting 2,024 intentional miles is coming along – currently at 1514 miles, ironically the tracker says I will meet my goal on December 31!

    I finished the Wish by Nicolas Sparks, very enjoyable; I just started reading Heart and Soul by Nora Roberts. I am re-reading Chamber of Secrets along with the Hogwarts challenge. My non-fiction this month is The Beck Diet Solution. The Biggest Loser Group that I am in is reading and discussing together and am really enjoying so far.

    I have two obstacles in October that I should be able to overcome. We are going on a long weekend trip to Florida in mid October, and then having a big 60 birthday party celebration for my younger sister at the end of the month.

    My Goals for October:
    • Reach the Normal BMI range and then maintain or lose weight
    • Reach my 2,024 in 2024 Goal
    • Transition to weekly Calorie Limit
    • Less Screen time
    • Alternate Cardio and Strength – at least 20 Minutes each day with one day off for full body stretch workout
    • Average 14K Steps per day
    • Work on increasing my intentional miles to ensure I meet the 2,024 goal
    • Continue with Intermittent Fasting Window
    • Stay under Sodium Limit

    By Before and After for September:

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,848 Member
    iLive2Walk wrote: »

    Before and After for September:


    @iLive2Walk Nailed It!!!!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,848 Member
    ozdeelite wrote: »
    @deepwoodslady thank you. Today’s the big day. Also seeing optometrist because my eyesight is blurry.

    I actually lost weight this month. But it’s just losing the same weight again. The lowest I got was 106.8 then I regained up to 110kg after a plateau and here I am at 109.1kg. It would be so good to actually lose 15kg - my gut really is huge. It’s so swollen and uncomfortable and could actually be related to my kidneys.

    @ozdeelite I understand all too well about losing and gaining the same pounds over and over again. When we have health issues, it's just that much more that has to be factored in and there is absolutely no way around it. I'm so confused these days on exactly what I can or should even eat. My endocrinologist wants me on low carb to cut my blood glucose numbers. He started seeing me when my numbers were running at an average of 500 per day (90-100 is normal). On the 3 macros that means less carbs, more protein and more fat. However, my family doctor wants me to cut protein as it is especially hard on my overworked kidneys (due to the diabetes). That leaves fat. Because I have coronary artery disease and have already had one heart attack and one stent placed inside my heart, I can't have a lot of fat. Especially saturated fat. So that leaves me little to nothing to eat and macros that are almost invisible. The only other solution would be low-starch veggies to keep the carbs down but I have an eating disorder with an aversion to most grown foods which includes both vegetables and fruits. At 64 years, old it is something I've lived with all my life. I saw a dietician but they sent me for my heart issues after the stent placement. She tried to up my carbs to an unGodly number so avoid fats in my macros. In essence, it would have killed me as I was running in the daily 500's at that time and my A1C was almost 12 (should be in the 5's). These are all health problems for me. You are facing your own and dieting can be very challenging around them. Do the best you can, my friend. And do your research too. One of the best things we can do for ourselves is to continue getting in as much exercise and movement as possible. Perhaps add hand weights too. Losing our excess weight is so important, but we have to cater to our medical issues first and foremost. That may mean the weight loss is slower than we would like but if we stay consistent, the weight will come off and our medical issues should improve. I'm rooting for you, my friend and am one of your biggest cheerleaders! We got this!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,848 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 64 years old and from Michigan USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    This Challenge Starting Weight (from Aug 29th): 190.2
    Goal: 186.2 (Four lb Loss)
    Actual Ending Weight: 193.8
    Total Lost/Gained this month: 3.6 lbs Gained

    **********************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME********************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.


    09/01- DNW -(Trend Weight DNW )-

    09/02-192.4-(Trend Weight 191.5)-

    09/03-192.0-(Trend Weight 191.6)-

    09/04-190.8-(Trend Weight 191.5)-

    09/05-190.8-(Trend Weight 191.4)-

    09/06-189.4-(Trend Weight 191.2)-

    09/07-189.0-(Trend Weight 191.0)-

    09/08-189.6-(Trend Weight 190.9)-

    09/09-191.0-(Trend Weight 190.9)-

    09/10-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    09/11-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    09/12-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    09/13-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    09/14-192.8-(Trend Weight 191.5)-

    09/15-193.2-(Trend Weight 191.6)-


    09/16-193.6-(Trend Weight 191.8)-

    09/17-193.8-(Trend Weight 192.2)-

    09/18-192.4-(Trend Weight 192.3)-

    09/19-194.6-(Trend Weight 192.6)-

    09/20-193.4-(Trend Weight 193.4)-

    09/21-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    09/22-193.8-(Trend Weight 193.5)-

    09/23-193.8-(Trend Weight 193.6)-

    09/24-193.4-(Trend Weight 193.8)-

    09/25-192.6-(Trend Weight 193.7)-

    09/26-191.8-(Trend Weight 103/5)-

    09/27-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    09/28-192.2-(Trend Weight 193.4)-

    09/29-193.6-(Trend Weight 193.6)- More ice cream because I was too weak to say no. They leave today at 7:00 pm and I’m going to make them take the ice cream with them!

    09/30-193.6-(Trend Weight 193.8)- Holding steady is just not good enough for me right now. Not at this number I am at. I plan a very good day today and some extra movement with more yard work. I’m making tacos today (instead of taco Tuesday). It’s one of my son’s favorites but mine will be modified to be lower carb. No contractor today which was unexpected. I gained 3.6 lbs this month which is totally unacceptable to me. October needs to be a banner month. See you there!