Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 273



  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 971 Member
    @Skyleen75: "The lungs are the primary organ that excretes fat during weight loss. For example, if you lose 10 pounds of fat, 8.4 pounds of it will be exhaled as carbon dioxide, and the remaining 1.6 pounds will turn into water.”

    Wow, I love this! That's motivation to move!
  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 810 Member
    judefit1 wrote: »
    Jude, 5’-2”, 67 YO
    HW 165
    CW: 125ish
    I joined this group in Rnd 245 on Dec 18 2023, when I realized I was eating my way through the holidays; I finally got on the scale and was hovering just under 150 lbs. It took about 4 months to reach my goal weight of 125. Sounds great, but I’ve done this before, which is why I’m still here.
    It’s not just about losing, it’s about changing the habits of a lifetime that keep me stuck in self-defeating cycles with food.

    EW Rnd 271: 126.8
    SW Rnd 272: 125.0
    Previous rounds:
    SW Rnd 245: 146.6
    SW Rnd 246: 147.0
    SW Rnd 247: 143.4
    SW Rnd 248: 140.8
    SW Rnd 249: 140.6
    SW Rnd 250: 137.2
    SW Rnd 251: 136.2
    SW Rnd 252: 134.2
    SW Rnd 253: 133.4
    SW Rnd 254: 131.6
    SW Rnd 255: 130.0
    SW Rnd 256: 128.8
    SW Rnd 257: 126.8
    SW Rnd 258: 129.0 post AZ trip
    SW Rnd 259: 126.0
    SW Rnd 260: 124.8
    SW Rnd 261: 125.2
    SW Rnd 262:126.6
    SW Rnd 263: 123.4
    SW Rnd 264: 124.4
    SW Rnd 265: 125.0 post MV trip
    SW Rnd 266:125.0
    SW Rnd 267: 124.0
    SW Rnd 268: 125.4
    SW Rnd 269: 123.8
    SW Rnd 270: 125.8
    SW Rnd 271: 126.2 post Italy trip
    SW Rnd 272: 126.8
    SW Rnd 273: 125.0
    Goals this round:
    * work towards getting under 125
    * continue to work on sleep cycle to get to 7/11
    * wine only on weekends; planned snacks only

    9/23: 125.0
    9/24: 125.6
    9/25: 125.0
    9/26: 126.0
    9/27: 126.0
    9/28: 126.0
    9/29: DNW
    9/30: 126.0
    10/1: 125.0

    10/1: new month, and a good start.
    I noticed something that I've observed before-when I've maintained my weight for a long time (5 months this time), I start thinking I've gained, or the scale is wrong, and my mind starts playing tricks.

    “When I'm losing weight, it's easy to see results and feel positive; when I'm stable, I feel the self-criticism coming on. This may be where my younger self's eating disorders started: self image rather than reality. Which is why the scale and group support are most important: keeping me realistic- and positive- about where I am. It's so easy to fall into self-doubt... “

    Thank you for putting into words my own personal struggle. Real as real can get.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,747 Member
    edited October 1
    Thank you, @quiltingjaine !
    74 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 147.0
    UGW: 140.0
    09/21 - 149.7 at 9:00 a.m. ...zero...still recovering... :#
    09/22 - 150.3 at 6:30 a.m. ...5.40 miles in 108 mins to the post office and back.
    09/23 - 149.4 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    09/24 - 150.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then cleaned house
    09/25 - 151.2 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    09/26 - 149.0 at 5:30 a.m ...Grandson Duty then nothing
    09/27 - 149.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    09/28 - 150.9 at 9:30 a.m. ...total rest day
    09/29 - 150.9 at 6:30 a.m. ...5.30 miles in 106 mins to the Ruins and back
    09/30 - 152.9 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then a 60 min workout w/trainer
    10/01 -
    10/02 -
    Good luck everyone!
  • SheilaBoneham
    SheilaBoneham Posts: 3,196 Member


    📆 2015–2023
    Feb. 2015: highest weight 218.2h
    2015: end weight running average 178.2nd
    2016: end weight running average 147.7
    2017: end weight running average 148
    2018: end weight running average 137.2.
    Extreme elimination diet (doctor prescribed) for diagnostic reasons, very low calories, then boom! Gained 40 pounds.
    2019: end weight running average 176.1
    2020: end weight running average 183.8.
    2021: end weight running average 179.4.
    2022: end weight running average 178.6
    2023: end weight running average 191. 😳

    2024 Rounds
    R146 01/06/24: end weight 191.4 😊
    R147 01/16/24: end weight 192.8 ☹️
    R148 01/16/24: end weight 191.6 (-1.2) 😊
    R149 02/05/24: end weight 193 (+1.4) ☹️
    R150 02/15/24: end weight 194.6 (+1.6) ☹️
    R150 02/15/24: end weight 194.6 (+1.6) ☹️
    R151 02/25/24: end weight 194.2 (-.2) 😊
    R152 03/06/24: end weight 194.4 (+.2) 🙂
    R153 03/16/24: end weight 194.2 (-.2).
    R154 03/26/24: end weight 195 (+.8)
    R155 04/05/24: end weight 194.6 (-.2).
    R156 04/15/24: end weight 194.6 (+/-0).
    R157 04/25/24: end weight DNW
    R158 05/05/24: end weight 197
    R159 05/15/24: end weight 196.6
    R160 05/25/24: end weight 196.6
    R161 06/04/24: end weight 197
    R162 06/14/24: end weight 196.8
    R163 06/24/24: end weight 196.8
    R164 07/04/24: end weight 196.6
    R165 07/14/24: end weight 196.6
    R166 07/24/24: end weight 198
    R167 08/03/24: end weight 197.2
    R168 08/13/24: end weight 197.6
    R169 08/23/24: end weight 196.8/197.6
    R170 09/02/24: end weight 197.6/197.4
    R171 09/12/24: end weight 196.4/197.9
    R172 09/22/24: end weight 196.2/196.7

    End-of-2024 Goal—weight 170.

    Day/Weight/Trend Weight/Comment

    09/23 - 195.8/196.3
    Oh, good, finally something is working.

    09/24 - 197.4/196.6
    Crazy. But I did have a lot of carbs yesterday, and went over my calorie goal. Tomorrow….

    09/25 - 197/196.6
    Let go, fat cells, let go! Jeesh. These bounce backs from low readings are disheartening. But at least I feel a bit more in control. Off to get my hair cut—that should be worth half an ounce. 😂

    09/26 - 195
    Such weird swings, but today’s # makes me happier. I’ve been eating either breakfast or lunch, not both, and I don’t miss the missing meal, so that’s a plus. Also doing better with late-night snacks. I’ve been having a bowl of cereal with fruit & kefir at night to get in my collagen powder in, and that is very satisfying. I’ve cut out the junk snacking. I’m also starting to trust my gut, so able to go for longer walks. All good!

    09/27 - 196.4/196.2
    Crazy ups and downs. Oh well! At least I’m trending in the right direction finally. Going out for Italian lunch with DH, but I’ve already planned my order—a really good tilapia in wine and lemon sauce, and I’ll skip the pasta.

    If you’re in the path of the storm, be safe!

    09/28 - 197.4/196.4
    I ate responsibly yesterday but was very thirsty later, so the food was salty and that’s the uptick. Not worried about it.

    09/29 - 196.4/196.4
    Ate a bit more than I’d planned yesterday, but not too bad.

    09/30 - 196.4/196.4
    It doesn’t look like I’ll make my year’s goal of 170, but I really want to finish lower than last year. I am doing much better with snacking, so there’s that. Onward!

    10/01 - 196.8/196.5
    I had a laser procedure this morning to clear clouding in one of my post-cataract lenses, second procedure in two weeks. It all went fine, but I have a headache, which I always do after getting dilated and having bright lights in my eyes. I think I’ll take a nap. 😊

    10/02 -

