Most annoying said by someone who is trying to lose weight.



  • benjicloverdale
    benjicloverdale Posts: 92 Member
    Thx mjharman for looking that up. I guess that's a better philosophy than 'if it fits in your mouth' !:smile:
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    KittyJoi, you win with the one about the boobs. I have pretty large boobs, but they look better a little smaller when I lose weight rather than being surrounded by a bunch o' fat when I've been heavier. That's just plain ridiculous. Also, when you hit 40, you tend to start looking at the carbs and your cholesterol, your overall health, rather than being ok with short and stocky because "you don't want to lose your boobs". The real answer is because they don't want to eat healthier and move more. It's not easy, but sometimes you have to work to meet your goals.

    Losing your boobs is hard to define. My wife has lost about 70 lbs, and went from a D to a DDD.

    Sure they're *technically* smaller .. but .. if the band shrinks faster that the cup .. they "get bigger"

  • benjicloverdale
    benjicloverdale Posts: 92 Member
    Thx mjharman again. I did delete the first half cuz I didn't want to quote the whole post.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Conversation I had more than once with a guy I used to know who complained about his weight all the time:

    Him: Cracks open a Coke.
    Me: "I thought you were trying to lose weight?"
    Him: "It's just one Coke."|
    Me: "What do you mean, just one? I've seen you drink two others so far today."
    Him: "Those were Gatorade and Snapple."
    Me: "You know they're the same thing in terms of calories, right?"
    Him: "Lay off me!!"

    We weren't friends for long. lol
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    My overweight niece, who is 18 and 5 feet, about 200 lbs, who will make any excuse whatsoever to tell me that my healthy eating and exercise isn't "good for me" in one way or another.

    "That's too much protein."

    "Granola bars are healthy and greek yogurt isn't."

    "Coffee isn't good for you."

    "You are going to damage your body by lifting like that."

    It goes on and on...and she is entering college to become a doctor!
  • ajlandon
    ajlandon Posts: 115 Member
    Most advice based on personal experience is annoying, especially when dangerous or irrelevant.

    I think the worst one was someone suggesting that I eat one serving of instant oats (made with water) for breakfast, a 200 cal protein bar for lunch, and one plain chicken breast for dinner. No fruits or vegetables, something like 600 calories total per day, and seriously deficient in nutrients. :\
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I've been ludicrously active over the summer, and on many occasions said "Yeah, it's incredible, I'm eating 2,500 to 3,000 calories a day and still losing weight!", without thinking how incredibly insensitive it was to petite female colleagues suffering on 1,500 calories a day and battling to lose. A friend had to have a word in the end and tell me to just shut the fudge up.
  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
    When they say 'I can't seem to lose weight and I've been trying so hard
    for xxxxxx amount of time'. But every other day they live in drive thrus!!
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    "I'm doing everything right, and still not losing"

    When they really, really aren't.
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    No specifics, but the ones who'll believe and buy any fad anyone tries to sell them, but ingore the free advice from people with experience losing and maintaining that loss.

    This one...
    People often ask me what I'm doing, but when I tell them, they don't want to listen. I guess it sounds like too much work. I can only hope that someday they will figure it out, too...just as I did.

    yes. they don't want to hear the truth. Only want to hear whatever fad diet in vogue is the answer!
  • shelbelw
    shelbelw Posts: 48 Member
    My sister is obese and has gone through lap band surgery. I heard this from her on more than one occasion while we were talking on the phone:

    Her: "I've been eating so much better lately. Hold on a sec, I'm placing my order."
    Me: "Where are you"
    Her: "At Culver's, in the drive-through."
    Me: "Okay, they have some decent food. What did you get?"
    Her: "A burger, cheese curds, and a concrete mixer."
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    "I'm doing everything right, and still not losing"

    When they really, really aren't.

    Or they do it for 2 days and then call that "doing it right"
  • serafin366
    serafin366 Posts: 60 Member
    The famous "I'll start again Monday"

    Also, my mom is having Gastric Bypass Surgery in the near future so she keeps saying stuff like "stuff will be different after mysurgery" and Wait until I have my surgery, there will be no junk in the house" yes she continues to eat worse than ever.
  • monicastryin
    monicastryin Posts: 40 Member
  • monicastryin
    monicastryin Posts: 40 Member
    Well in the last thread I was in I saw " being a little overweight is more exercise for your body and better than being skinny" and "I love my curves and so does my bf" by someone who was mistaking the body shape of "ROUND" as being curvy.


    I can't stop laughing at this.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Scene set-up: At work, when a co-worker who is on the "fat boy" program comes in after the mandatory pt they have to do 3 times a week. ("Fat Boy" program is just the nickname when you fail weigh ins in the military)

    Me: What did you all do today?
    Them: We did the PT test.
    Me: Wow, how did you do?
    Them: Okay. I am going to get off of it tomorrow though.
    Me: Oh? You making weigh ins?
    Them: Going to tape out, have 5 pounds of epsom salt to use in the bath tub when I get home tonight.

    BTW: How cool would it be to train a dragon! I mean, really! How cool would that be!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Conversation I had more than once with a guy I used to know who complained about his weight all the time:

    Him: Cracks open a Coke.
    Me: "I thought you were trying to lose weight?"
    Him: "It's just one Coke."|
    Me: "What do you mean, just one? I've seen you drink two others so far today."
    Him: "Those were Gatorade and Snapple."
    Me: "You know they're the same thing in terms of calories, right?"
    Him: "Lay off me!!"

    We weren't friends for long. lol

    Any combination of "I want to lose some weight" / "I can't lose any weight no matter what I do" coupled with behaviours that indicate why they "can't" pretty much gets to me.

    Look, be big and happy with it, be smaller and happy with that but please, do not complain then compound the problem in the most obvious manner possible.
  • CaliforniaBarbie
    CaliforniaBarbie Posts: 346 Member
    my oldest brother told me and my other brother "i dont know why you guys go to the gym, thats too much work"
  • KittyJoi
    KittyJoi Posts: 13 Member
    The famous "I'll start again Monday"

    Also, my mom is having Gastric Bypass Surgery in the near future so she keeps saying stuff like "stuff will be different after mysurgery" and Wait until I have my surgery, there will be no junk in the house" yes she continues to eat worse than ever.

    She's like a drug addict having a big binge before rehab.