Most annoying said by someone who is trying to lose weight.



  • xvxCelticWandererxvx
    xvxCelticWandererxvx Posts: 2,890 Member
    Someone, who will remain nameless, was always a larger girl, and always says things like, "I just can't lose weight. I've tried WW, hypnotism, this, that, and nothing works!!" ............. as she continually eats nothing but fast food and drinks copious amounts of pop/soda. Only to now have had TWO stomach reduction and/or lap band surgeries and still hasn't lost weight.
  • Irenaekl
    Irenaekl Posts: 116 Member
    Thx mjharman for looking that up. I guess that's a better philosophy than 'if it fits in your mouth' !:smile:

    Too many people use the 'if it fits in your mouth' philosophy :wink:
  • Tessyloowhoo
    Someone on MFP said this on my newsfeed after i logged my 60min lifting session and 50 min of HIIT in my exercise diary.

    "You are doing great, but if you focus on diet ALONE and zero exercise. You will create long term GREAT 2"

    really? really? i deleted this person the same day!
  • ItsJenney
    I've been ludicrously active over the summer, and on many occasions said "Yeah, it's incredible, I'm eating 2,500 to 3,000 calories a day and still losing weight!", without thinking how incredibly insensitive it was to petite female colleagues suffering on 1,500 calories a day and battling to lose. A friend had to have a word in the end and tell me to just shut the fudge up.

    My husband does this. I have a degree in Nutrition and can watch my diet pretty well, but although he isn't very active he still has a lot more muscle mass than I do. So he is trying to lose weight and (I'm the one who did his numbers), he can eat 2200 calories a day and lose weight without excercising and I feel like a hamster on a treadmill who never stops moving and if I eat more than 1400 calories a day I gain or maintain...then after carefully weighing and logging my food, he will walk by and snatch food off my plate. And I'm like "THAT's MY MORSEL!!!!!"
  • Vicki8524
    My coworker's daughter is doing WW. So my co worker says she is going to just eat what her daughter tells her to eat so she can loose weight too without joining WW. Umm. OK? How does that work? Yesterday she tells me is going to stop drinking diet coke cause she saw on TV that there is a lot of sodium in them. So I ask her "how much sodium is in a can?" (I really don't know, never drank it) And she goes, "I don't know. A lot." And I go, "well do you know how much sodium you are consuming on a daily basis vs. what you should be?" And of course she goes "no I have no idea." Sigh. So moronic. You can't piggyback on someone else's WW journey!!! She drives me crazy. She always says "no I can't eat that." when treats are passed around. I am like "yes! you can! " and I take one. I know it drives her crazy that I snack all day and have lost weight. I think she thinks I am doing some crazy diet or something.
  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    1. I have A LOT of friends who are quite overweight, if not obese, who complain constantly about their weight, but also constantly post photos to Instagram of donuts, ice cream, pies, etc. they decide to consume on a daily basis.

    2. When these same people ask me my secret and I tell them I've done it through exercise and changing my eating habits, they say, "that's too hard," "I don't have time," or, "I don't want to deprive myself of good food."

    UGH! Then stop complaining!

    3. "I don't want to lift weights because I don't want to look like a man."

    Edited to add no. 3.
  • TravelerX
    TravelerX Posts: 7 Member
    My sister is obese and has gone through lap band surgery. I heard this from her on more than one occasion while we were talking on the phone:

    Her: "I've been eating so much better lately. Hold on a sec, I'm placing my order."
    Me: "Where are you"
    Her: "At Culver's, in the drive-through."
    Me: "Okay, they have some decent food. What did you get?"
    Her: "A burger, cheese curds, and a concrete mixer."

    This made me lol.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I see many examples of people with lack of commitment.
  • VelvetMorning
    VelvetMorning Posts: 398 Member
    I used to be a heavier girl (5'3, 180) and now I am 105 ~ it's annoying when people are talking about dietary choices and I give some input and get the, "You've never been fat, what do you know?" attitude.
  • blondiebabe92
    blondiebabe92 Posts: 132 Member
    I hate when people are like just one meal. I don't run two miles and walk everywhere to gain it all back in 6 bites.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    "I dont drink any soda"

    While drinking copious amounts of juice, fruit punch, and powerades
  • dawningr
    dawningr Posts: 387 Member
    My overweight co-worker has slimfasts every day for lunch and looks at the portion sizes of my homemade meals and says omg I can't believe you are going to eat all that food!

    Well IIFYM and I'm sorry but I don't want to have a little shake for lunch I want a big fat meal that's going to leave me satisfied and not hungry. If you cared at all about watching what you ate you'd ditch your stupid little shake and eat my 4 chicken taco lettuce wraps, my 1/2 gallon sized Turkey Cranberry Salad, or my buffalo chicken loaded sweet potato with me.

    PS... not knocking slim fasts or drinking your meals but they just don't fill me up and they obviously arent working for her either as she has about 100 lbs to lose.

    How do you know they're not working for her? How do you know she hasn't lost weight?
  • blondiebabe92
    blondiebabe92 Posts: 132 Member
    My sister is obese and has gone through lap band surgery. I heard this from her on more than one occasion while we were talking on the phone:

    Her: "I've been eating so much better lately. Hold on a sec, I'm placing my order."
    Me: "Where are you"
    Her: "At Culver's, in the drive-through."
    Me: "Okay, they have some decent food. What did you get?"
    Her: "A burger, cheese curds, and a concrete mixer."

    This made me lol.
    me too, just out of curiosity I wanted to see the calories and did the basic burger and mini concrete. 1317 calories
  • emmeylou
    emmeylou Posts: 175 Member
    I used to be a heavier girl (5'3, 180) and now I am 105 ~ it's annoying when people are talking about dietary choices and I give some input and get the, "You've never been fat, what do you know?" attitude.

    I've had this happen a few times and every single time I just LMAO!!!! I generally just shake my head and walk away, but sometimes I explain that i've lost 140lbs and suddenly what I have to say sounds like gold... Tee hee
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    Pretty much there are two categories:

    1 (most common): "I want to lose weight! How did you do it? What do you mean, going to the gym and watching what you eat? But no, really, what's your secret?" - sometimes that last part is only implied, but they're always disappointed.

    2: "I'm losing weight by [taking these magic drops/eating some magic combo of foods/popping the latest Dr. Oz pill]! You should totally try it!" Um, no thanks. For one, I'm actually trying to put on a couple of pounds right now and for two... um... well, we can talk once you've gotten your miraculous results. (Or for my co-worker who kept trying to push the HGH drops on everyone, you've admitted you went down five pounds and up 15. Now I'm no math major, but I'm pretty sure that's not weight loss...)

    But my favorite managed to combine both of these - a coworker was asking how I lost weight, and we just got a program at work where we can actually go to the (free!) gym during work hours, so I was saying how now would be a great time to start, you know, get out of the office and refresh the brain and all, and she said, "yeah, no. My accupuncturist just gave me this Chinese medicine, I'm going to wait for that to work first and then maybe I'll start going to the gym." :noway:

    Ah well, everybody's got to walk their own path...
  • MNA76
    MNA76 Posts: 1,541
    Hello. Especially, before I've had my coffee.
  • ItsJenney
    When fat people call other people too skinny.

    I still have 20 pounds to lose, but my mother, who I have helped with Bodybugg, fitbit, doing her mealplans for her (Iam a nutritionist), and encouraging her in every way possible tells me that I'm too skinny and I don't need to lose weight...because I'm smaller than her and she isn't losing. Then she follows that up with she is trying so hard and NOTHING works. well...stop grabbing KFC on the way home for dinner every night. Maybe listen to me a little. I don't know...PARTICIPATE in your weight loss?
  • MommaKit79
    My Aunt constantly tells me that she cant get out and walk much because it hurts her hips and feet...she is about 5'2" and almost 400 lbs. OH, and she is just too tired...then proceeds to eat junk, and too much.

    WELL YEAH, it is going to hurt with that much weight on them and your body is going to be tired carrying it all. Start small and work your way up and they'll hurt less and you'll get used to it and not be as tired.

    OH, and maybe stop eating the sugar and junk, since you have sugar issues anyway, and maybe you wont always feel so tired!!
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I have a friend who is diabetic and 100 lbs overweight and claims she can't lose weight because she doesn't eat all day (but drinks soda all day) at work and then eats all night so she must be in starvation mode. She also says she doesn't mind the fat around her middle - she just wants to get the fat off her arms. Wishful spot reduction thinking.
    Recent conversation:

    Her: You're looking so good. I wish I could lose weight.
    Me: I can help you. You just need to start counting calories.
    Her: I can't count calories. It's too much work. I just bought these raspberry ketone pills that I saw on Dr. Oz so I'm gonna try that.
    Me: OK, well let me know if you change your mind. We can walk together or I can show you my weight lifting routine. By the way, how did those green coffee pills work?
    Her: They didn't work.

    Recently I joined the Y where she has a membership. Just before that she also joined a boot camp type gym and it was so strenuous that she cried after and could barely move for three days. I told her she didn't have to risk injury to get a good workout and offered again to show her my routine and to help her out. She declined with all kinds of excuses. "I'm not a morning person" "I don't have time" I'm done offering to help someone who wants results without the work.
  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    I used to be a heavier girl (5'3, 180) and now I am 105 ~ it's annoying when people are talking about dietary choices and I give some input and get the, "You've never been fat, what do you know?" attitude.

    I got this last year when my company participated in our local YMCA's Team Lean competition. I was speaking to a woman about working out and the way I eat and she said, "You don't know, you've never been fat." :noway: I quickly showed her my before pictures.