Most annoying said by someone who is trying to lose weight.



  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    Everyone always asks what I'm doing & I say myfitnesspal where I can track my calories, but still eat what I want. Them: Oh that's too hard or would take too much time.
  • TheRealOrson
    TheRealOrson Posts: 1,415 Member
    "I'm not going to do any weights.....I don't want to get bulky".

    This makes me rage harder than don't just accidentally get huge. If people could actually understand the very deliberate effort one must go to in order to gain mass, they would stop saying this.
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    "i'm sorry but i'm not giving up pop (soda) or giving up going out to eat with my friends 3-4 nights a week"

    oh come on now... yes you can make healthy decisions when going out to eat but if you're at a chain restuarant the sodium will be through the roof and even the things that claim to be 600 cals are probabaly closer to 700-800... and if you can't swap out soda/diet soda etc for water then i dunno... baby steps are critical, if you can't do the little things what else will you cave in on...
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    "I don't want to lift weights because it will make me all manly and stuff"

    Just.. Shut up...
  • TheRealOrson
    TheRealOrson Posts: 1,415 Member
    "I don't want to lift weights because it will make me all manly and stuff"

    Just.. Shut up...

  • Leighjr
    Leighjr Posts: 26 Member
    My ex carer talking about herself, i'm fat, i need to lose a bit

    She was about 5'3 - 5'4 and 50kg and wanted to get back down to 49kg, the weight she was at 16 lol

    I was constantly re-assuring her she was fine when I was the one needing to lose weight ;-)
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    Someone I know: "I need to lose weight!"
    *Seem them eating full stack of Pringles (and if someone asked for one, she said no) and then eating a pie and a sausage roll"
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    My favorite is when someone is not losing and everyone tells them they need to eat MORE... :noway:

    That's kind of like the drunk guy that wakes up in the morning and has another beer to sober up and get rid of a hangover!!! :laugh:
  • stephiehampshire
    Me "Do you want to go here for dinner tonight"
    Her "No thanks Im watching what I eat Im having a cuppa soup for dinner"

    2 days later

    Her "Hey everyone I made mars bar cupcakes and snickers cheesecake who wants some"

  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    My favorite is when someone is not losing and everyone tells them they need to eat MORE... :noway:

    That's kind of like the drunk guy that wakes up in the morning and has another beer to sober up and get rid of a hangover!!! :laugh:

    ^^^^ Yes! Unfortunately, I can relate to this one...a dear friend insisting that she wasn't losing weight because she wasn't eating enough.

    In truth, she didn't realize how much she was I told her to use MFP to track calories. I'm not sure if she actually did this or not, but she doesn't say it anymore...
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    *personally, i subscribe to the IIFIYM philosophy, so either would be cool with me IIFIYM - but what was silly was his reasoning, and I made fun of him for it - because that's the kind of office in which i work

    What is IIFIYM?

    Eating what you want, when you want, as long as what you''re eating is in moderation.
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Scene set-up: At work, when a co-worker who is on the "fat boy" program comes in after the mandatory pt they have to do 3 times a week. ("Fat Boy" program is just the nickname when you fail weigh ins in the military)

    Me: What did you all do today?
    Them: We did the PT test.
    Me: Wow, how did you do?
    Them: Okay. I am going to get off of it tomorrow though.
    Me: Oh? You making weigh ins?
    Them: Going to tape out, have 5 pounds of epsom salt to use in the bath tub when I get home tonight.

    BTW: How cool would it be to train a dragon! I mean, really! How cool would that be!

    It would be SO cool! That film makes me hope that the thing swooping out the corner of my eye isn't a pigeon but a Horrorcow - they smell like chocolate!
  • DashDeV
    DashDeV Posts: 545 Member
    When fat people call other people too skinny.
  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    I was watching my housemate cook (sort of). I asked him why only chicken and veg (because he eats sunday roast style dinner with potatoes about 80% of the time). He said because im trying to lose weight so im cutting out carbs. He said this whilst eating the skin of a ready cooked chicken before drinking the juice in the bag the chicken came from. I nearly puked.
  • elisabeisme
    elisabeisme Posts: 308 Member
    "It must be nice to be single and have time to workout. I used to look like that when I was single. Now, I'd rather my spend time with my kids."
    - Anonymous dad, sitting in a lawn chair drinking beer, while he watches my boyfriend run up and down the field helping the soccer coach do sprinting drills with this guy's kid.

    Duh. This IS my boyfriend's workout.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    From pretty much every person who has ever told me they are trying to lose weight- "I don't want to get to skinny!" Yes because getting to skinny is a problem we all face, lol.

    Love this one. It's not like it's going to accidentally happen. "Whoops! Too skinny all of a sudden because I didn't eat that doughnut!"
  • AbstractAsterism
    AbstractAsterism Posts: 153 Member
    My husband is in the Navy, and for a while was on mandatory PT because he put on a few. He wasn't fat by Navy standards, but he had to take a little off, it wasn't a big deal.

    I was a big girl when I got pregnant. I was 250 pounds. Ok, I had a great, healthy pregnancy. My husband, Thor bless him, was talking to me one day when he put his head to my stomach and said "And after you come out, Peanut, Mommy has to get on the treadmill with me!"

    .... yeeeeeeeah.
  • emmeylou
    emmeylou Posts: 175 Member
    "My Dr. told me not to lose too much weight - it would be difficult on my joints to have no padding." :noway:

    I just want to say... I can understand this. I don't know anything about the person who said this... but if they have join problems already I would highly suggest they keep some of that padding. I am 22 and since losing 140 lbs my hips kill me now. The only thing that has changed is the weight loss... so I can sorta see how a doctor might actually say that!

    Also, in general.. everybody's definition of what a "little" weight to lose is different. When I was 100+ pounds overweight, a "little" was 40 lbs. Now, a "little" would be 2-3.
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    Scene set-up: At work, when a co-worker who is on the "fat boy" program comes in after the mandatory pt they have to do 3 times a week. ("Fat Boy" program is just the nickname when you fail weigh ins in the military)

    Me: What did you all do today?
    Them: We did the PT test.
    Me: Wow, how did you do?
    Them: Okay. I am going to get off of it tomorrow though.
    Me: Oh? You making weigh ins?
    Them: Going to tape out, have 5 pounds of epsom salt to use in the bath tub when I get home tonight.

    BTW: How cool would it be to train a dragon! I mean, really! How cool would that be!

    Lol I loove this! Also damn straight I want a dragon so I can fly to work!
  • emeretta
    emeretta Posts: 13 Member
    I know there are many different way for different people to make their goals, but i really hate hearing from people (even if they have been successful) "don't eat dairy/gluten/red meat/fruit/etc". For me a change was not eating drive thrue or 'treats'. Do you know me? Noooo. Do you know what my docto's advice has been? Do you know my family history? Nooo. I know they mean well, but it just irks me a bit.

    I find myself (stupidly telling myself) that i don't want to be 'too skinny'. I want to be strong. Because my job requires strength and i am afraid if i lose too much weight i won't be able to do it. Which of course is just silly. I can keep up my strength while losing my squish.