Back At It Again

PrettyGuardian_SailorMom Posts: 1 Member
edited October 5 in Introduce Yourself
Hello to anyone who takes the time to read this. My name is Mariah and I'm yet again trying to pick myself back up from the depths of the candy jar. I've done it before, lost the weight, shunned the sugar but, I got a bit too overconfident. I backtracked quite a bit and now I'm back where I started. And that's okay. Feel free to befriend and join me on this journey. I could use some friendship, motivation and support. In return, I can give you my really good zucchini and sun-dried tomato panini recipe! 🤪


  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 11,213 Member
    Welcome, Mariah!

    There are some great threads created by our members, bookmarked to the top of each category that may be helpful. Just look for "Most Helpful Posts - whatever the category name is”.

    For example:
    You can also ask your questions in any category that interests you, read posts or questions made by other members, join a group, or add some friends.

    Here are some frequently asked questions that may also be helpful: FAQ's
  • Flipping_Bird
    Flipping_Bird Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Mariah,
    Yep I hear you. I’m not sure how this works or how I will know if you respond. I’m at the point that something needs to change. I usually do well for about 3 months and then fall back in to the same habits. The best I seem to do is when I have a group that is on the same journey with me. That’s what I’m looking for someone that that I can be honest with and also motivate at the same time. How did you do today? I did better than usual but really plan on hitting a very strict. Intermittent fasting soon.
  • Turtle9952
    Turtle9952 Posts: 16 Member
    Been on this app over 12 years now. I have had success in losing and maintaining. I am an avid triathlete and have been in the sport for over 10 years. Feel free to friend if you would like.