Bullies, meanies, and Police! OH MY!



  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    Whoops thought this thread was a roll call.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    Thanks for this, but I think I'm done with trying to be helpful, here. For every post like yours, there are 20 complaining about "bullies", "know-it alls" and "rude people".

    I'm not so knowledgeable that my lack of input will be detrimental to the site or anything, but any effort I make to prevent people from having to learn things the hard way appears to be met with resistance and resentment. It isn't like I'm paid to be here. I thought I was being kind, but if that isn't the way it is perceived, I'm just wasting my time.


    the public forums are for entertainment. the real exchange of useful information and support happens in the private groups and/or on our walls.

    THEN we are mean for not letting them into the special person cool kids table where all the real and helpful information is...

  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008

    It's been forever since I've seen this gif.

    OMG me too this is so funny thanks for posting it
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    An easy fix for people whose delivery sucks who are tired of hearing that their delivery sucks: change the delivery, or suck it up when you get feedback about your delivery sucking.

    (Not aimed at OP)
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    An easy fix for people whose delivery sucks who are tired of hearing that their delivery sucks: change the delivery, or suck it up when you get feedback about your delivery sucking.

    (Not aimed at OP)

    It doesn't matter how you deliver it... someone is still going to find a reason to get butthurt.

    Because butthurt is their perpetual state of being and they're walking around looking for reasons to justify it.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member

    It's been forever since I've seen this gif.

    bahahahaha. My 1yo pulls this face! Oh dear :laugh:
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member

    I wish there was a clapping smiley but I'll have to settle for :drinker:
  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    sigh this thread again ...

    OP you might want to add "no originality" to your thread concerns...

    Oh and In...before the "police" lock this thing down..

  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    sigh this thread again ...

    OP you might want to add "no originality" to your thread concerns...

    Oh and In...before the "police" lock this thing down..


  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    sigh this thread again ...

    OP you might want to add "no originality" to your thread concerns...

    Oh and In...before the "police" lock this thing down..


    Damn! I knew I was missing something!

    I mean...

    *Stomps off crying*

    Eta... Updated original post ;-)
  • landodewd
    landodewd Posts: 43 Member
    It doesn't matter if I get yelled at! Thats why I am overweight is because no one said put down that damn cheeseburger! If I am doing something wrong tell me im a big boy literally ha. You guys care more about me than most people I know and I don't even know you :drinker:
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member

    I'm grateful for the "mean" people (who I've never actually witnessed being "mean" btw)
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    I want to hug you. With my legs.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    An easy fix for people whose delivery sucks who are tired of hearing that their delivery sucks: change the delivery, or suck it up when you get feedback about your delivery sucking.

    (Not aimed at OP)

    It doesn't matter how you deliver it... someone is still going to find a reason to get butthurt.

    Because butthurt is their perpetual state of being and they're walking around looking for reasons to justify it.

    So true. I see too many ops (and peeps who just join in) getting mad when nobody has been even a little mean. It's ridiculous some days, it is true - for some people if you don't say what they want to hear you are a bully :noway:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    I love you Mirey!!!

  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    It doesn't matter how you deliver it... someone is still going to find a reason to get butthurt.

    Because butthurt is their perpetual state of being and they're walking around looking for reasons to justify it.

    If your delivery doesn't suck, chalk it up to butthurt and move on. Others observing won't take it that way unless they are also prone to the butthurt. Someone once tried to accuse me of trying to be mean because I disagreed with them, and it was clearly a case of the butthurts.

    But if your delivery sucks (and it's only those people that my comments are addressed at), own it or at least accept your butthurt at being told your delivery sucks is your own doing.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    sigh this thread again ...

    OP you might want to add "no originality" to your thread concerns...

    Oh and In...before the "police" lock this thing down..


    dude, ease up on the Propecia...

    medical evidence suggests that using too much may make you grouchy.
  • DainaLC
    DainaLC Posts: 18,937 Member
    Awe, I love you guys! This is great!!
  • eringetsfit
    eringetsfit Posts: 20 Member
    Sometimes I roll my eyes and get kind of pissy when someone tells me something that I SHOULD know and DO know but refuse / am scared to accept (for example - i eat ~1200 calories and sometimes a bit under, it's popular to tell someone to increase their calories to avoid going into starvation mode). I *know* that and I *know* that eating too little does more harm than good (which is exactly why I'm still struggling with my weight 10 years since my first 'diet'). It's just tough for me to accept a 1 lb a week loss instead of a 2 lb a week loss, maybe because of my perfectionist nature. I guess what I"m trying to say is that sometimes truth hurts and anger and hurt feelings is a snap reaction to that. So maybe we need some meanies around here..