Starting over

Hello Everyone. My name is Tom. About 15 years ago I was able to lose 60 lbs in about 6 months and get into really good shape through diet and exorcize and using great online comunities for support. Years later I ended up tearing a tendon in my ankle leaving me unable to run andstarting a new career which left me with much less time for exercise and meal prep. Long story short I gained it all back and then a little and after years of working at a desk I now have back problems and high blood pressure. To get to the point Im planning a dream vacation next year and I would like to look good in beach photos. I am going to try and do it again but this time I wont have nearly as much time to spend in the gym. Ive had several false starts over the past couple of years. Step one is done joining my fitness pal and intoducing myself. Looking forward to that dream vacation in my beach bod.


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,954 Member
    Hi, Tom, and welcome!

    You probably already know this, but the good news is that weight loss can be accomplished entirely on the eating side of the equation. Yes, exercise is good for a body, and does let us eat somewhat more (and consequently get better nutrition) alongside the same sensibly moderate weight loss rate.

    You're smart to start well ahead, because slower loss helps us preserve existing muscle while losing mostly fat. (60 pounds in 6 months is quite aggressively fast, unless well over 250 pounds . . . .) Adding exercise to the extent possible, especially strength exercise, and getting overall good nutrition (especially but not exclusively adequate protein) are also parts of that "better beach bod" formula.

    Best wishes for success
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 11,169 Member
    Welcome, Tom!

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