Eat Stop it's worked for me.



  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    I'm going to give this a try next week. Just have to figure which day will work best for me. Weekends are definitely out of the question. I'll try to do it just one day a week.
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    I have actually done this too. I find it really good and energising. Once you get over the first initial hunger, it goes away and you totally forget about it. I brought his book, trying to find something different to do, and it works for me as well. Totally love this way of fasting. Im not really doing it to lose weight, but I find it really helps with me IBS, where you give your stomach a rest for the day, it actually makes it feel better.

  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    Wow this is really interesting, I am deffinately going to give this a go! I have a detox plan that I'm going to follow next week but the week after I'm going to try this! Sounds great! I can imagine already how much I'm going to look forwards to my evening meal after the fast haha.

    Thanks for this! :)
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I'm going to bump this and give it a try. Thanks for the info. I have some stubborn pounds that just are NOT going anywhere. Maybe this will kick start it. I like the fact that you are actually eating everyday. That's the best type of fast I can imagine. Thanks for sharing.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I sorta feel like a doofus for buying the e-book a while ago from the website, but there's definitely a lot of good information in it. Just not enough to justify the cost.

    I do some IF here and there, but not on a weekly basis. I think I may begin to pick it up again 1x per week.
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    I have tried IF too, with about 8 hour window. I find that a bit harder than the 24 hr one. I also have tried eating porridge (with peanut butter, raisins, honey, cinnamon) for breakfast, not eat all day, then have it again at night. A little bit like fasting, but like I said, I have IBS and if I have been bad over the weekend, it gives me stomach a rest, but still eating.
  • naturebaby
    naturebaby Posts: 161
    Ok, so here I am, 3 weeks now into this program that the dieticians at our gym, guinea pigged me into. I'm not big on fasting, not at all, I work out hard and I don't want to lose muscle and what about replacing my protein afterwards? I'm just a HUGE skeptic. anyhow, i've been following Brad's plan for three weeks, and the reason I decided to let myself be volunteered is because Brad as well as being a dietician is also a bodybuilder, sooo, thought I'd give it a go. In three weeks i've dropped 2.4 pounds, I'm at 109 and a bit lbs, down from 112, I need to get to 108. Which I will. I can tell you it's the easiest fast i've ever done. Cause I don't feel like i'm fasting. I'm doing it 2x's a week. It's not for everyone, I don't count calories, I eat sensibly the rest of the time, and it's very important to follow some kind of resistance training program to get the full benefit. I actually have a ton of energy on fasting days. I've seen more lean muscle mass lately then i've seen in awhile. I think I actually may adapt this as a permanent way to lean for a competition. It beats the traditional way of dehydration and damn near starvation. I fast from 6:00p.m on the first day until 6:00p.m on the second day, then I eat normally. During the fast, I drink lots of water and no-cal juices. I'm really happy with my results, and for those of you who do fast, and are successful..I actually "get it" now. I'm very surprised to find that i'm putting friends and family through this program as just works so very well. I sound like an, it's all good, it's working for me! It's a quite simple and effective and safe way to get into a calorie deficit..without pain...the hardest part for me, was giving up my breakfast on the fast day, but then I just ate it for dinner:laugh: .
    just putting on option out there for people, it's working for me, not for everyone, especially if you're diabetic or if you plan on doing no resistance training, then definitely don't do it! If you're anti-fasting, as I actually once was, then that's ok too, we're all allowed our own opinions and strategies when it comes to getting those stubborn pounds off. :drinker: I'm happy to say, these few pounds that i've been struggling to get off since May..are gone! and for that it was worth my time.:wink:

    I have been succesful fasting one other time and it seemed to me my thinking just got very clear and sharp! I loved that feeling.
    question: why must you do this along with resistance training?
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Ok, so here I am, 3 weeks now into this program that the dieticians at our gym, guinea pigged me into. I'm not big on fasting, not at all, I work out hard and I don't want to lose muscle and what about replacing my protein afterwards? I'm just a HUGE skeptic. anyhow, i've been following Brad's plan for three weeks, and the reason I decided to let myself be volunteered is because Brad as well as being a dietician is also a bodybuilder, sooo, thought I'd give it a go. In three weeks i've dropped 2.4 pounds, I'm at 109 and a bit lbs, down from 112, I need to get to 108. Which I will. I can tell you it's the easiest fast i've ever done. Cause I don't feel like i'm fasting. I'm doing it 2x's a week. It's not for everyone, I don't count calories, I eat sensibly the rest of the time, and it's very important to follow some kind of resistance training program to get the full benefit. I actually have a ton of energy on fasting days. I've seen more lean muscle mass lately then i've seen in awhile. I think I actually may adapt this as a permanent way to lean for a competition. It beats the traditional way of dehydration and damn near starvation. I fast from 6:00p.m on the first day until 6:00p.m on the second day, then I eat normally. During the fast, I drink lots of water and no-cal juices. I'm really happy with my results, and for those of you who do fast, and are successful..I actually "get it" now. I'm very surprised to find that i'm putting friends and family through this program as just works so very well. I sound like an, it's all good, it's working for me! It's a quite simple and effective and safe way to get into a calorie deficit..without pain...the hardest part for me, was giving up my breakfast on the fast day, but then I just ate it for dinner:laugh: .
    just putting on option out there for people, it's working for me, not for everyone, especially if you're diabetic or if you plan on doing no resistance training, then definitely don't do it! If you're anti-fasting, as I actually once was, then that's ok too, we're all allowed our own opinions and strategies when it comes to getting those stubborn pounds off. :drinker: I'm happy to say, these few pounds that i've been struggling to get off since May..are gone! and for that it was worth my time.:wink:

    I have been succesful fasting one other time and it seemed to me my thinking just got very clear and sharp! I loved that feeling.
    question: why must you do this along with resistance training?

    The eat stop eat program emphasizes that the combination of fasting 1-2 times weekly for 24 hours and resistance training 3 times per week will preserves the muscles from wasting away when there is no food. If you don’t train, however, the body will eat up the muscles. This is called atrophy – muscles shrink from not being used.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Okay, so from 8 p.m. tonight until 8 p.m. Monday night will be my first fast. I'm writing it down hoping that it will help me to stick to it. I have a step class tomorrow (I hope if my schedule allows) so I will be curious to see how I feel. I will try another fast probably on Wednesday evening to Thursday evening if it works out, but we will have to see. Here goes...
  • RMX82
    RMX82 Posts: 172
    I was on the Warrior Diet for a while, where you basically fast during the day and feast at night. Well, not a complete fast, but berries, and things like that during the day, then the bulk of the food all at once at night. I'll tell ya what though, when you fast you feel AMAZING, because your system isn't bogged down with digestion all day long. You feel so much more alert and focused. I really enjoyed it but it's hard to stay on something like that for the long run.
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    Ok, I'm fasting from 7pm tonight to 7pm tomorrow. I hope I can stick with this. I'm debating on working out before bed and if it'll make me more hungry tomorrow.
  • nikki_zav
    nikki_zav Posts: 320 Member
    Sounds interesting and a decently healthy way to fast and really kickstart some good weight loss. I have quite a few lbs I'd like to loose before a wedding in September.
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    Can I think tea with cream and/or splenda during the fast? Splenda has calories.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Ok, I'm fasting from 7pm tonight to 7pm tomorrow. I hope I can stick with this. I'm debating on working out before bed and if it'll make me more hungry tomorrow.

    I wish you all the success and will be interested to see how you do. I've decided to work out just so that I can eat up the time since I stopped eating last night at 8 p.m., but had to get up at 2 a.m., which means I have a total of 18 hours ahead of me to fill with something OTHER than food.

    My downfall will be having to remember not to "pick" while I'm fixing my kids their snacks or lunches. I CAN DO THIS!!!! (I hope)
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    Can I think tea with cream and/or splenda during the fast? Splenda has calories.

    You cant eat/drink anything with any calories to it. All drinks ie tea and coffee should be without milk or sugar/splenda. Herbal teas are totally fine as well.

    I also find it easiest to fast between 2pm and 2pm.
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    Can I think tea with cream and/or splenda during the fast? Splenda has calories.

    You cant eat/drink anything with any calories to it. All drinks ie tea and coffee should be without milk or sugar/splenda. Herbal teas are totally fine as well.

    I also find it easiest to fast between 2pm and 2pm.

    :( Well, I recently got up and have 11.5 hours to go. I'm rarely hungry in the morning, the hard part is going to be the afternoon. At least it's a busy day at work today, so if won't be as hard as normal.

    I meant to eat dinner last night at 5/6 pm, but I was busy watching True Blood and my husband made dinner late.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Well, I have a little over 9 hours to go. I went to the gym this morning. I felt like I was dragging, but still burned a little over 500 calories, which is the norm. I'm not actually feeling hungry. But I think I have a better idea why I haven't been losing weight. It's amazing how much mindless eating I must do. Everytime I went into the frig to get water, I found myself starting to pick at something, just a bite. Or making my son a peanut butter and banana sandwich, I had to keep remind myself not to take a nibble. I usually don't count those calories, but my almost picking alone would have probably added up to an additional 200 calories easy.

    To get through the rest of the day, I am going to the library with my kids, then probably napping (as I have been up since 2 - that should kill about two hours), and then hitting the gym again with hubby for support at 6. By the time I'm done there and get home and shower, 8 p.m. should be here and my 24 hours should be up.

    So what is the theory behind doing it twice a week? I'm assuming 3 days is excessive. But does one day a week have any benefit? Does two days have TWICE the benefit? Couldn't find any information on the internet about those particular questions, so any advice would be helpful. I'm going to try it for a month without mentioning it to anybody and see how I feel. If I find benefits, I might try and get my hubby to do it with me for him to drop those stubborn 10 lb.

    Hope everyone is having a happy, active day!
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Way to go! You have to find a 24 hour period that you can stick to. I initially tried 3pm-3pm...didn't work too well for me, I didn't make it :laugh: , 6:30 to 6:30 seems to work best for around with it. and you have to take in NO calories..nothing, not even splenda! sorry :cry: ...I'm fasting once per week, that's it, just maintaining now!
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    I fell off 4 hours short. 7pm last night til 3pm today. I was fine up into 11am - 1pm. 1pm was the worst. The afternoon is the worst for me, because I'm sitting at a desk all day long, with nothing to do, but think about food. I believe I can do this and I'm going to try a different time frame; I was so close. I'm going to try again Wednesday 2-3pm til Thursday 2-3 pm. It'll be easier not eating at home, compared to not eating in the afternoon at work. At home, I can do things, like work out, take the dogs out, take a nap, etc. I'll be back in a few days, to let everyone know how it went again.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    doing 7pm tonight to 7pm tomorrow. Will be doing chest and triceps resistance training tomorrow at 5pm so will be interesting without having any food in me for the day.

    Hardest bit for me is that I work in an office and sometimes just snack (albeit generally healthy things) when I'm bored.

    See how I go :)