Eat Stop it's worked for me.



  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    BradPilon,eatstopeat author, has a few video on
    One of his video, he compared
    Fasting and Exercising

    Fasting has most of benefits of exercise except for exercise the benefit is only last for couple of hours but for fasting 24 hours.

    I stopped eating at 5PM today. I planned to drink some coffee durring the fasting tomorrow.
  • unknownndoll
    unknownndoll Posts: 161 Member
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Well I started my second fast last night at 7:00, well, I guess it was actually 7:30 by the time I finished my slushy (go out with a bang right, lol). Will go to Kickboxing and eat right after, I have premade dinner today so I don't have to worry about prepping anything when I get home from class at about 7:05 or so. I'm really hoping the heartburn is less this time, I'm going to drink less in the afternoon and hope for the best. Good luck guys! :bigsmile:
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    My 1st water fast went very well..better than what I expected. My energy level only went down in the last 3 hour. of the fasting. and I wanted to eat but I hang in there. I'm going to fast tomorrow again tomorrow around 5PM.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    That vid is showing how exercise and fasting can work together for fat burning not just saying that you should just fast and not exercise. Just thought I would clarify that for people who didn't check the vid out :)
  • 33casey
    33casey Posts: 5 Member
    This could be a dumb question, I just want to clarify:

    So, if I am supposed to consume 1200 cal/day, and I fast on 2 days during the week, do I have to consume those 2400 cals on other days, or do I just forget about them?
    BRITBRITNOLA Posts: 55 Member
    You can eat after you are done fasting. So when I fast again on Wed, I will not eat until after 6pm. After 6pm you eat, sensibly of course. But I would recommend trying to cram 1200 calories in only two meals. My last fast was yesterday. I ate about half my calorie allotment for the day.

    My 2 days last week went surprisingly well. I wasn't hungry for most of the day. And when I did get hungry I either drank more water or exercised. I am looking forward to Wed's fast. It feels like I get more done when I am not thinking of what I am going to eat. My fast days are currently Wednesday and Sunday. Probably will change the days later on to make the closer to each other.

    Hope everyone I doing well with this method. I feel like this method along with my 4 meals a day will help me lose faster. My weigh in is tomorrow so we can test that theory soon.
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    So I'm finally going to give this a go. I've been a bit scared of it up to now but I've got a week of camping next week and although I've planned healthy meals I can see me having too many cals anyway!

    I'm starting tonight from 5.30pm and going to see if I can manage maybe 20-22 hours on my first go, just to see how I go! I'm strength training after dinner tonight and I've planned some circuit training tomorrow afternoon near the end of the fast as exercise usually curbs my hunger for a bit!

    Wish me luck!! :)
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Well, I'm glad I did my fast yesterday because it saved me from a lot of unnecessary nervous munching during the day. Unfortunately, didn't do so great once I went off the fast. Let stress and situation get to me. But still was able to stay within my calories. So my next fast is Wednesday 5:30 to Thursday 5:30. I think I can pull off 24 hours this time, although I will shoot for 3:30 and see how I feel after that.

    Great job on everyone's successes. I agree with Brit that it is nice not having to think about food. Yesterday, there was so much food at this pool get-together (good and bad choices), but it was nice not having to worry about any of them. I felt good too to have self-control. Not so good to lose it later. But hula-hooping with the family helped to work some of it off :)
  • katya143
    katya143 Posts: 313 Member
    Today is my fast day, will be eating at 7:30pm, let the countdown begin! LOL
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    :bigsmile: Well I finished my second fast last night at 7:00 and the second time went much better than the first, I didn't drink as much water near the time I had kickboxing and took a couple Tums before I went and had no heartburn YAY!! AND I"m down 1.6 pounds today, this is huge for me because I have PCOS and normally only go down by about .2 each time. I feel so much more energetic today and have no tummy issues that I would normally have. I think I will try to keep this up on a regular basis to speed up my weight loss. Thanks imagymrat for sharing this with us! :flowerforyou:
    Congrats to everyone on doing so well too! :bigsmile:
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    jb-sweet_99: Congrats on the weight loss!
    p1nkpr1ncess: Good luck, I know you can do it! It's not hard as you think. We only skip breakfast & lunch.

    I lose 1 lb this morning. I plan to start my fast at 5PM. On the last hour of the fast, I'll do some cardio this time.
  • batty5
    batty5 Posts: 193
    Very interested in this especially as I have IBS & other problems including a stomach one so may be good to rest it but due to other medical problems the only exercise I am able to do is in deep water. For the next 12 weeks the pool I use is undergoing maintenance & the temporary pool will be only 1 metre deep which means all I can do is breaststroke swimming. So my question is will it work as well? I always swim to capacity. Thanks
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Very interested in this especially as I have IBS & other problems including a stomach one so may be good to rest it but due to other medical problems the only exercise I am able to do is in deep water. For the next 12 weeks the pool I use is undergoing maintenance & the temporary pool will be only 1 metre deep which means all I can do is breaststroke swimming. So my question is will it work as well? I always swim to capacity. Thanks

    Yes , check out this video
    BradPilon,eatstopeat author, has a few video on
    One of his video, he compared
    Fasting and Exercising

    Fasting has most of benefits of exercise except for exercise the benefit is only last for couple of hours but for fasting 24 hours.

    He wants you do weight lifting so you don't lose you muscle.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Thank you for the information. I am going to incorporate this into my program for the month of September and see how it goes. I have a total of 40 pounds I would like to loose. I have cut back on my calories, booze, and am exercising like a mad woman -- (mostly cardio driven) -- but in September I planned to add strength training to my regime. I have been somewhat disappointed with my results in August -- but maybe this along with the added muscle building activities will give me a good push!
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    :bigsmile: Well I finished my second fast last night at 7:00 and the second time went much better than the first, I didn't drink as much water near the time I had kickboxing and took a couple Tums before I went and had no heartburn YAY!! AND I"m down 1.6 pounds today, this is huge for me because I have PCOS and normally only go down by about .2 each time. I feel so much more energetic today and have no tummy issues that I would normally have. I think I will try to keep this up on a regular basis to speed up my weight loss. Thanks imagymrat for sharing this with us! :flowerforyou:
    Congrats to everyone on doing so well too! :bigsmile:

    I'm glad it's working out for so many people, I now do it once every other week. I have to say, I took a beating for posting this, so many nasty emails, claiming, my posts are usually helpful, but this one is just utter nonsense and how could I even think about promoting it....fact is, i'm not promoting anything, it simply works! :tongue:
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    I'm glad it's working out for so many people, I now do it once every other week. I have to say, I took a beating for posting this, so many nasty emails, claiming, my posts are usually helpful, but this one is just utter nonsense and how could I even think about promoting it....fact is, i'm not promoting anything, it simply works! :tongue:

    Wow that's a bit mean! The only reason I really paid the theory any notice was BECAUSE it was YOU who posted it and I know that you don't talk nonsense nor would you advise anyone to do anything that would be detrimental to our health.

    I have done some more research on it and can't believe how many people recommend it :)

    I am in the middle of my first fast day - it's 8.30am here in the UK. Wish me luck, only another 9.5 hours to go! I would be happy to make it to around 20-22 hours though on my first go. This is my "trial fast" to see how much I can handle lol.

    Well done everyone who has been fitting this into their lives, I imagine it will get easier the more times we do it (hope so anyway!!)
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    imagymrat - YOU ARE AWESOME! I love not only your suggestions (I mean you are powerful and all, but not powerful enough to "force" anyone to do anything :wink: ) But I love your strength in deal with negativity and your thoughtfulness in posting helpful things.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    :bigsmile: Well I finished my second fast last night at 7:00 and the second time went much better than the first, I didn't drink as much water near the time I had kickboxing and took a couple Tums before I went and had no heartburn YAY!! AND I"m down 1.6 pounds today, this is huge for me because I have PCOS and normally only go down by about .2 each time. I feel so much more energetic today and have no tummy issues that I would normally have. I think I will try to keep this up on a regular basis to speed up my weight loss. Thanks imagymrat for sharing this with us! :flowerforyou:
    Congrats to everyone on doing so well too! :bigsmile:

    I'm glad it's working out for so many people, I now do it once every other week. I have to say, I took a beating for posting this, so many nasty emails, claiming, my posts are usually helpful, but this one is just utter nonsense and how could I even think about promoting it....fact is, i'm not promoting anything, it simply works! :tongue:

    I'm sorry you've gotten a beating for it :frown: if people would research it before they complained they would change their tune. I feel great while I"m doing the fasting and honestly, like you said, it simply works! I've had a few people that I work with that have just started trying to lose weight try to tell me about starvation mode and how it will burn up your muscles etc. They have no idea. Everything I do I research first, and I, like you wouldn't do, or suggest anything to anyone that would be harmful. I have PCOS and it is extremely hard to lose weight so anything extra that I can do to get the weight off while being healthy, is something I'm gong to do.
    Pay no attention to the negative people, we appreciate you! :bigsmile:

    On that note, I started my third fast last night instead of tonight because I skipped class last night as I wasn't feeling well, so I had enough time to make a good healthy meal with enough leftovers for tonight. I find it easier if I have food ready right when I get home from Kickboxing, the prep time just kills me, lol! Anywho. have a good day all. :bigsmile:
  • batty5
    batty5 Posts: 193
    Am slightly confused as I had assumed that a fast meant only no cal liquids i.e. tea, coffee, water perhaps some lemon juice in tea if required but no sugar so daily intake would be 0 calories but then I see someone has 1,000 on a "fast" day!!! Could someone clarify please? Thanks
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