LESS Alcohol ~ MARCH 2025 ~ One Day at A Time
Good morning LA/AF friends -
Thank you all for the birthday well wishes and also for the condolences; it's been a bit of a roller coaster week for sure.
@NonnieDoiron That is really a lot of trash for one week in one neighborhood, I rarely see any trash in my neighborhood. I guess lucked out moving here, I would hate to have collect and discard it all like you do. Kudos to you for doing that for your neighbors (and yourself).
@SurferGirl1982 hope you had luck at the slots yesterday.
@Womona I clicked the quote under your last post and got the above. I'm on a computer (not my phone) so I don't know if that makes a difference.
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My March:
AF: 2
A: 7
I'm going away next week for about 10 days and have a ton of stuff to do before then, so I really have to lay off the wine for this week so I get everything done. Generally, once I start drinking, I don't do much more work-wise for the day, and the next morning I feel like crap and have a hard time getting started on anything.
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@SparkSpringtime69 Happy Birthday and good idea to get in AF days before vacation!
@Michieb125 and @SunnyDays930 and @MissMay thanks for your words of comfort.
I am back to feeling calibrated. And I lost another lb.! That makes almost 4 lbs. since late Jan. I am a slow loser! Still going full speed sober and still hitting the exercise.
@NonnieDoiron too bad that area with trash doesn't have a sign stating littering will result in a $500 fine and a camera in the area. But it's a good thing you are doing. You're setting a great example for others. Now I want to pick up trash.
@Womona this new name look up is very tricky. I have to type VERY SLOWLY and hit that first key hard, watch as the list of values appear and quickly pick the name soon as it appears instead of typing the whole thing out. If I make a typo, the name doesn't turn blue. MFP geniuses, I hope they fix this.
@SurferGirl1982 I don't use the gym floor either. And I don't like bosu balls and ropes and all that weird stuff. Gym floor at my gym is full of the ripped and perfect bodies who want to be on display. And the local firemen are always there in their t-shirts. All way too intimidating. I join the gang who goes into a classroom behind a closed door with the wild disco lights, the room is dim of course, crazy loud music pumping and we sing as we work out a group. We give each other high fives. We laugh. We scream. We curse during tricep pushups. That's my tribe.
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@Womona Yes, working out at home can be a little difficult as far as sticking to a schedule. I'm still not on track with my drinking. But, when I'm not drinking, I do have a bit of a schedule. It depends on the time of year or weather. In the winter, I will workout mid-morning (10am or so). And, in the summer, I like to work out in the yard. So, I'll work out in the early afternoon (1am or so). I have multiple workouts planned out so they are fairly short (doable) and I vary them day by day. Another good time for me is after dinner around 7pm…there's nothing on TV and my husband usually goes in the other room to watch TV. The only other thing that I can think to do around 7pm is play the lottery video machines 😀
We've joined the gym before but we never went. I was thinking about joining again just so my husband might be more motivated to go. He joined in January by himself and only went once. You have to remember that we live in a town with a population of 7000. So, our gym doesn't have a pool. I do think they have some classes. But I'm not sure. The nearby larger town has a gym that has been there for years, a Planet Fitness, and a YMCA (that does have a pool and water aerobics). But it wouldn't be worth traveling 30 minutes each way to go.
As far as the "quote" thing. I'm using a computer and I can quote someone. But I am no longer able to edit the quote. Sometimes, I would just like to quote one or two sentences and could delete the rest. But, if it's possible, I haven't figured it out yet.
Well, I had much more to say and people to reply to, but this post is getting too long. So I'll be back later!
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This past weekend was my first AF weekend in I don’t even know how long, thanks to Lent season. Normally, I enjoy my drinks on the weekends, and Saturday night I met up with family (which usually leads to drinks and conversations). But I remembered a few folks in this group mentioning soda water and lime, so I gave it a try... and honestly, it was a fantastic substitute! By Sunday, I was pleasantly surprised by how clear my mind felt. It was such a refreshing change to go into my work week feeling focused and energized! Looking forward to seeing how this continues to impact me.
AF = 5
A = 4
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What's up guys. I'm new here, but I've enjoyed finding these different groups and challenges that have the same goals in mind that I've been looking for, for a long time now.
Alcohol consumption and dependence for me has gradually increased throughout my 20's and now earlier 30's being an all time low and at times feels uncontrollable. I've always be health conscious but the last few years have been filled with stress and exhaustion and my self-care strength has dwindled to almost nothing.
I'm looking forward to being a part of this group and hopefully able to make the changes that I need! I was able to go without any alcohol at all yesterday and hopefully will be able to do the same today. Thank you guys for this group and look forward to being part of the journey with others on here.
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I’m trying the quote feature for you @Womona just to see if it works or not - the quote is visible now while I’m typing - but…..fingers crossed!
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A very big welcome to you!!! I think you will find this group to be very support, as well as have great tips for cutting way back - whatever your goal is, happy you are here. Great job on your AF day!
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Did somebody say MONDAY ?
Great day to start a new~
▪︎tweak to existing goal
▪︎self care routine
▪︎healthy food choice
Give me feed back to a new for you.
☆8 out of 10 exercise days
☆"Rarely drink" is my new rank on LESS Alcohol
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Happy Monday LA friends:
The weekend turned out to be a challenge with managing my elderly mother’s health situation from afar. It included discussions with two other sisters who live across the country. I was mentally exhausted. My mom is back on track but I was intentional and chose to have wine on Sat/Sun which were also my chosen “off” days. About 1/2 bottle of wine on each of those two days — and a hint more……I can resist because I really don’t want to feel poorly. But I’m definitely more tired today and less clear headed.
I’m in a much better head space starting off the week and set my new weekly targets allowing for just 2 A days.
May you find your own best solutions for today!7 -
@globalhiker Your workout group sounds like a lot of fun. Unfortunately, I would probably be too shy to do that either, unless I had someone to go with my first time.
My only experience with Bosu balls was in physical therapy. I've been in PT quite a bit. I had to go for six weeks before and after knee replacement and after a couple of hospital visits. I also had a balance issue caused by these crystals in your ear canal called BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo). It's actually very common and very easily treated.
I consider Bosu balls complete torture. Of course, I was not drinking when I would go to PT. But when I'm drinking regularly and somewhat heavily my balance and coordination is not the best (it's actually called proprioception). Bosu balls…NOT!
As far as the ropes, I've never used them. But I'm interested in them. They look like they would be fun and a good workout.
I'm really impressed with your AF streak. I really think you should keep it up. I'll be joining soon!
Have a great day!
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@margim5 I haven't had a streak at all lately. But an AF weekend…feels good doesn't it? Congrats!
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this entire upgrade is FUBAR... The Quote Button now Quotes the entire message and you can't pick and chose what you want to respond to. I'm not sure if it will notify the person so I'm going to leave this as is to see if you get the notice.
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Happy Belated Birthday and the Birthday drink win!! Sorry to hear about the passing of your friend.3 -
March Madness! Goal 50% AF (AF=16 A=15) Goal revision since I've already hit 5.
Planned March Events that might include Alcohol
3/12 ~ Bookclub
3/28 ~ ConcertWith this upgrade, I'm finding it very difficult to update my post and keep the spoilers so you don't have to scroll through all my history. Seems I'm going to have to move those details to offline, otherwise it will take me hours to recreate each time.
Monthly Stats - On Target
AF = 4
A = 5
Current Streak - AF = 0
Longest Streak - AF = 8My last post was the 6th reflecting days 1 - 5 with 4 AF days. Days 6 - 9, the wine devil won.
Wednesday, saw a post on FB (really) from my DIL that Julian (5 yo) was hitting his brother (4 mo old). Jealousy related, of course. I messaged her and ask if there was anything that I could do. She said I could come get Julian at any time.
Thursday, I did go get Julian. Took him to the mall, walked around, let him play in the kids play area, then headed to lunch. The plan was to have lunch and then go see a movie. My husband got sick while at the mall so I had to juggle sick husband and crazy kid. Managed to get them both reigned in, but husband wanted to go home. That delayed the movie, so we had to chose another one, but we still got to go. After the movie, came back home, made dinner, had some play time and then took Julian home.
Friday, he had another meltdown. I explained to my son and DIL that they need to carve out time to spend with Julian, without his brother. I assured them either grandmother would come to the rescue and sit for the little one while they spend time with Julian. DIL came back with all kinds of excuses re breast feeding as the reason she could not. I was quite frustrated.
Saturday, I went to the dermatologist as I have these age spots on my face that I would like gone. She was not supportive as she said 1) they would just come back and 2) either procedure with leave scaring or remove pigmentation. So... a No... My husband's brother and sister came out to visit. I have very little in common with either of them so it was a long day. We had breakfast, sat around all afternoon and had pizza.
Sunday, me time....down time. I did come down with a cold. It's all in my head..
Each of these days was accompanied by a glass or two of wine. It's so easy to say yes, when the prior day was a yes.8 -
7 AF
(A means 3+; LA means 1-2; and AF means none)
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Hi everyone! 🥰
My name is Ellie, I'm 47 years old and I'm from UK. I'm married and mum to 3 young adults.
I work as a cook and sometimes 50 hours a week. It's stressful and that's why red wine relaxes me. In the last 6 months it became silly. I could easily drink a bottle of wine a night 3 or 4 times a week 😢 it started to become a norm. The last time I drunk bottle of wine it scared me because it didn't even make me drunk 😢 I thought on going on something stronger like vodka and then decided I need to calm it down.
So today is my day 10 alcohol free and so far I felt good, but this evening I felt really tempted 😢 then I found this group and I feel so much better 🥰 thank you ❤️
Instead of going shopping and getting wine, I'm in my pyjamas in bed reading your successes and struggles. I only have 1 hour left until shops close and I will be
10 AF
Thank you so much ❤️
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Welcome Ellie, @strong_fit_ells
I'm glad you found this group and I'm glad you're at 10AF. Keep it going!!!
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Welcome @strong_fit_ells and @connor_manning . Everyone here is super chill and supportive. Wherever you are in your soberish goals, you will find like minded people here.
I am 61 and have been thinking about my drinking, cutting back, going completely AF, drinking nightly, and every thing else you can think of, for 20 years. I am now on Day 9 AF and I am doing it for Lent but will think long and hard before I indulge again after Easter. I am too old for this 5h!t. Alcohol really makes me feel terrible at this point in my life. It literally throws me into Afib at 2 am after a night of boozing. Hopefully it will be out of mind by the end of April. I have still been going to bars with my husband and he drinks 2 beers and I will have my seltzer. I find this helps work the sober muscle and normalizes NOT drinking. I would not recommend this though if you are sorely tempted.
Have a healthy week, Friends.
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@SparkSpringtime69 I wish it was a neighborhood! That trash was literally from the less than 1 mile stretch of road I live on.
@globalhiker there used to be a sign at one end of our road that indicated a $1,000 fine for littering. One of our drunk driving litter bugs plowed it down one night, and the county never replaced it… not that they ever enforced it! I’ve never seen a patrol on our street since we moved in 2018. The only time I see a deputy car is if someone calls them or there is a wreck.
After I gathered that trash on Saturday, it stayed clear until Sunday afternoon when someone decided to chuck their Bojangle’s meal box out the window.
I literally only pick up the trash because it absolutely disgusts me that God made us stewards of this world and these litter bugs have no idea how their litter impacts His creation. There are horses in a pasture nearby, and those poor horses are navigating beer bottles and plastic bags along the fence line to graze. It just breaks my heart, and I pray they don’t get glass in their hooves. I’ve found animal carcasses wrapped up in discarded plastic bags… like they were searching for food and got stuck.I’ve also found the mowed down mailboxes and seen the tire tracks drug deep into the drainage ditches just feet from neighbor’s houses from drunk drivers who never stopped. It’s very sad.
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@SparkSpringtime69 hmmm… the quote thing does not seem to play well with an iPhone anymore. Dang, I’m never on MFP on my laptop. What a pain! Oh, and I’m totally with you on not getting anything done after a drink!
Welcome newbies! So glad you’re here. This is such a supportive group, I hope you get as much out of it as I do!
@SurferGirl1982 I love the Bosu ball! The Battle Ropes are a great workout, but I can assure you, they are not fun!! Haha!
AF tonight! I did it! Whee!!
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welcome newbies! I hope you get as much out of this group as I do! Everyone is so supportive.
@SurferGirl1982 I love the Bosu ball, but can see why you hate it. Battle Ropes are a great workout, but they are not fun!!!! Haha!
AF tonight! Yay!1 -
@Womona Well the Bosu ball is cool if you have good balance 🙃 But when a physical therapist is making you do it, well, it's not fun. Of course, it's safe. They'll catch you if you fall!
Yeah! That's what they're called…Battle Ropes. I've only seen them being used on TV. But they seem like they would be fun. I'll give you an update if I ever try them. I can just see it now…not pretty 😱 I hope there's no paramedics involved * LOL
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Made it through yesterday without any alcohol at all. Really trying to cut it out as much as possible without the thought of moderation. Just want to live life without it as much as possible.
Was hoping I would sleep better without it last night but kinda tossed and turned, but I’ve got other changes to make besides just the alcohol that should help soon.
Hopefully another alcohol free day is in the books today.6 -
Congrats on being AF! You’ll sleep better before you know it. Don’t be discouraged. That first night or two makes you feel like NA isn’t doing anything, but it is.
Hey look, the quote thing is working for me!!!
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Challenge for today…. We are golfing for the first time all season, followed by dinner. I have gotten out of the habit of drinking on the golf course, but I know I’m going to want a glass of wine afterwards.
I wanted to be AF today and tomorrow. Maybe they will give me club soda with a splash of cranberry in a wine glass. Usually when I ask for that, I get this giant glass more suited to Pepsi or something! Grrr. The glass totally matters!!! Wish me luck!
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not drinking on the golf course is super challenging for me, but you can do it! Good luck!
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Hellos and welcomes to @strong_fit_ells @connor_manning
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To go along with my above post(the new format would not allow me to add text after the user names 🤬)
Our place here is for individual goals, no need to try to keep up with anyone else. Not a challenge thread, this is a lifestyle change for all of us at our own do-able pace.
I agree @Womona. That sounds difficult to over come, the drinks while golfing. I mean they have a gal in a cart at our old golf course going around taking drink orders 🙄.
Does not scream healthy activity or safe conscious either. We played the driving range while in Hawaii last June and loved it for exercise to burn off the brunch we had just eaten.
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Half way through the 12 week "get back into shape" goal I have put upon myself. (Remember it only takes TWO short weeks of non exercise to derail all that hard work)
Here is how I fell from grace with not working out. I let an injury last April, along with approaching the age of 65 trick me into assuming I did not need to fully keep up with workouts. BAD BAD IDEA!
Now I am once again embracing my muscular physic at this age. Years ago my female body image idle was a soft body builder.
So on that note, off to my aquatic weighted workout.
Great day to everyone.
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