Couch to 5K (week 1)



  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Wohoooo!!! I complted week 8 day #1 - 28 mins :) *i honestly felt like I could keep going* Great SIGN!!!

    J Potvin - that is incredible that you rain 2.45 miles in only 26.40!!! Wohooooo :):):) Great Job I give you credit for running outside - once I get a good time at the treadmill 5K I will do ti outside (probably not till next Spring though) For some reason I find it harder to run outside, maybe because the treadmill I just zone out and watch TV lol

    MaxPower - maybe you are pushing yourself a little bit too much? Its not a bad idea though.. I have followed the C25K plan exactly and I havent had a problem at all. I also agree with your point that there is nothing disappointing about only running 30 mins! Member back a few weeks when we were all worried about the 3 min intervals or the 5 lol

    ljc - sounds like you have a great plan in place :)
  • carfam07
    carfam07 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, I completed week5day2 today!! I can feel my endurance building!! Lost 2 pounds this week-woo hoo!!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    carfam07 - great job on completing week 5 day#2 :) Keep it up!!!

    Went to the gym again today.. did another run, I know I really shouldnt be doing it 3 days in a row. But.. I LOVE RUNNING!! I said it.. I am really really enjoying it!! I am taking tomorrow off from the gym altogether. Only one more run than I am onto week 9!
  • Max_Power
    Max_Power Posts: 84 Member
    Day 28, first run as a C25K Graduate! I went for 41 minutes, 3.6 miles. I'm really loving this "My Tracks" program on my Droid. It records time, speed, distance, elevation, and maps the track (all while I'm listening to mp3's on the same device) and then I can upload it all to Google Maps and a spreadsheet to track. I'm just testing it out right now if anyone wants to take a look at my map- Oh, and if you click on my end point you can see all the stats from my run.

    Carfam- way to go! I remember weeks 5 and 6 were where I really started to feel my endurance building and I actually started to feel it in my legs before I got out of breath! Now the fun really begins!

    Sundinsgurl- I know what you mean about loving running now, it's great! Definitely be careful not to burn yourself out on 3 days in a row, but if you have the urge to run I say go for it! I always have waited at least 1 day if not 2 between runs, my burn-outs probably have been from increasing my time/distance too fast.

    JPotvin- wow, that is impressive that you can continue to run with the kids and the dog. You have so many built-in excuses of why you could not run and no one would blame you, so it's great that you're keeping at it!

    As for me, I don't really have a plan of attack right now. I think I'm just going to keep doing today's route/40 minutes for a couple weeks to try to build some consistency and then I'll decide from there. I will definitely continue to participate here though!
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    I haven't done much this week. I ran on Wednesday for 1 mile is all. I just don't know how to get in my exercise during the week. I get to work at 7:30 and have practice until 5:45. I've tried before work, but it's just too hard to get up at 5:30 every day. Then by the time practice is over I'm just too tired and hungry. Lunch might work, but I'd need to shower and that takes a lot of time. Maybe when the weather get cooler (still above 90 this week here) I could walk for 45 minutes. I'm still working on this and I'm not going to give up. My son is now getting married on Jan. 1 (long story that includes her family) so I have 3 months to see what I can lose. I want to look nice so I have more motivation. Next 5K is the Race for the Cure on Oct 2 in Houston. Leaving next Friday. Going to run 3 miles this afternoon.

    Max - great job. My aunt lives in Johnston City, which looks really close to your run.

    Carfam - the program really works. I'm amazed I can run this long and far.

    Sundinsgurl - you are doing awesome!

    JPotvin - Max is right, you are doing a great job of keeping with it.

    Goal30Lori – Did you all see Lori’s thread about losing 40 pounds? She looks awesome!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Completed my final run of week 8 - wohooo BRING IT ON week 9!!! Also tried an hour total body conditioning class today and loved it!!

    Max Power - I will be careful not to burn myself out. I need to keep some energy for the rest of the week and work!

    ljc - thanks hun!!!
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    I put on DJ Beatsmith's last podcast and it made the run a lot better. Did almost 3 miles. I think I messed up the calibration on the Nike +. I really need to go to a track and get it set.

    What is Total Body Conditioning, Sundinsgurl? I'm assuming a class.

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Hey! Ya it was a class at the Y. Ive never been to it before.. thought I'd try it out. Here's how the Y describes it:
    Total Body Conditioning: Improve muscular strength and endurance using resistance training principles, giving an intense workout for all major muscle groups.

    The instructor came up to me and told me that the class was too full, so he didnt get to do what he wanted to do. He told me not to be discouraged and not come next week. I told him that I had a lot of fun - I did! We used these gliders -circular frisbee like discs you slide on to do some cardio, than strength training. We used free weights - than did a bit of core. So all in in all it was a total body conditioning since it worked my entire body. I was covered ins weat when I was done so I knew it was a good workout. I am thinking that I will be attending this class each Friday from now on!
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    Oh that does sound fun. I'm glad you enjoyed it. We have swim practice at a YMCA and I just looked at the classes offered there. I could do a class right after practice every day but Tuesday. That just might work. Thanks for the suggestion! :smile: I just saw that your birthday is Oct. 11. Mine is Oct. 6.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    jlc- it is definetley a fun class and a great workout!! At my Y they have one Tuesday night so I might do that tomorrow after work as well.. we'll see how ambitious I am feeling after work lol

    Completed Level 9 - run #1 today! Wohoooo I did 30 mins straight of running :):):):) I cant believe I am almost done this journey! than its all about improving distance and time
  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    Hey all! I'm still reading! Not getting on as much lately though!

    Laurie - Thank you!! I'm feeling great lately!

    I'm still trying to run 3 times a week - and I even ran 6k on Sunday! :) I'm on the lookout for a treadmill also - I'm in Canada and it's getting dark and cold here!!!
  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    Hey all! I'm still reading! Not getting on as much lately though!

    Laurie - Thank you!! I'm feeling great lately!

    I'm still trying to run 3 times a week - and I even ran 6k on Sunday! :) I'm on the lookout for a treadmill also - I'm in Canada and it's getting dark and cold here!!!
  • Max_Power
    Max_Power Posts: 84 Member
    ljc- nice job on the 3-mile run! Good job sticking with it even though it sounds like things are busy for you. I'm sure it helps having some motivation in January! Congrats on that by the way...

    Sundinsgurl- Welcome to Week 9! Good job! Looking back I wish I would've just stuck with the time, I think increasing my time to hit the distances specified is how I maybe pushed myself a little too hard at the end. Either way, you're doing great!

    Lori- nice work hitting 6K! Too bad it has to start getting cold, just when we're all hitting our stride! I don't do very well exerting myself in cold weather.

    Anyways, I've taken it fairly easy since my 3.6 mile run last Wed. I went for a couple walks, and on Sunday just did some random, untimed intervals, estimated around 1/4 to 1/2 mile each, from walk to run for about 4 sets. Today I was planning to run after work but I wasn't sure what I was going to do, then it hit me. I decided I'm just going to start the B210K. I hope to get a few good weeks outside, and if it gets too cold before I'm done, I will finish up on a treadmill at the fitness center at work.

    Here's the info I've found if anyone is interested: There is an iphone app and an android app. If anyone else wants to do it, let me know! Don't feel bad if you don't though, it was kind of a last-minute decision on my part. I just need to keep some structure in my workout so I don't start slacking. I'll keep updating my progress here as long as the thread is active.
  • Max_Power
    Max_Power Posts: 84 Member
    B210K Week 1 Day 1 is a 10-min run/1-min walk 4 times. A lot harder than I expected, those 1-minute walks don't allow for much recovery!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Completed run #2 of week 9! only one more to go

    B210K eh??? That sounds very interesting!!!! Once I get to 5 KM in distance and do it for a couple weeks I might just have to try that! Thanks for posting that info it will be very useful! I find that any breaks between running do make it harder to continue running after. max_Power - you can do it!!!! If you have come this far anything is possible!!! We just got to stick to it like we did with this program :)
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    I'm off to Houston tomorrow for their Race for the Cure with my sister and family. I hope I can get the 5K in. Got to thinking that the reason I'm going is to support my sister and she isn't running. I'll see how things shape up down there. At the very least it will be a 5K walk.

    Max, I'm so excited to hear about the B210K. Might be something I can start in the spring. Thanks for letting me "follow along" and see how it goes.

    Sundinsgurl, YEA! You are almost there. And thanks. I did a Muscle Works class at the Y on Monday night that was a killer and it felt great at the same time.

    Lori, I know what you mean. It's getting dark here already too. I'm going to try and get to a track right after practice and hopefully will get something in before it's dark. Not cold yet. :smile: I think my only running days will be on the weekends for now.
  • carfam07
    carfam07 Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks for your encouragement!
  • carfam07
    carfam07 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi all. I completed Week6 day #2 and will do the third day tomorrow. I am down 12 pounds and I am enjoying running. This has been challenging, but a real eye opener for me and my overall health. Thanks for all your encouragement!
  • k8tk9
    k8tk9 Posts: 2 Member

    I wonder if I can join in on this thread? I have just started using MFP to monitor my food intake, as need to lose around 15lbs (at least to start with). I started the C25K, back in June, and despite graduating in August, have lost only 2lb!!!! Although my body shape has changed a bit!

    Therefore, I need to look at what I am eating and try and stick to a plan.

    I loved the 5k, although I did the 5k101 programme, but since finishing it, have been running 30 or so minutes every few days, when I can. I have actually put together some running music, but really need the motivation of someone spurring me on in my ears!!! If you had told me in June I could run 30 mins without stopping, I would never have believed you - so for those starting out, keep with it!

    It was interesting to read about the B210K and I am going to download it later and see if that is something for me, so thanks Max P and maybe I will be joining you.

    Well done on your 40 min run, sounds amazing. I can't beleive you didn't have your GPS on!! I did that once, only for about a 10 min run, not long after I started and I was gutted!!

    By the way, I am based in the UK, but the mornings are dark as are the nights now and it is so difficult to find time to run. Gym isn't easy, as work in the day and have a 6 year old in the evenings. Otherhalf not usually in until late evening and too tired then! Any suggestions?
  • Max_Power
    Max_Power Posts: 84 Member
    ljc- good luck with your run in Houston, I have a friend from college that just moved down there, I hope to get down to visit sometime, maybe a break in the middle of winter! I haven't done any organized/competitive runs yet, but when I do I think I would like to find something that benefits cancer foundations or another good cause.

    k8k9 - Welcome! I definitely found that I missed the structure from C25K which is why I started B210K. After that, it will definitely be too cold/dark to run outside so I may start P90x this winter.

    Me- B210K day 3 today, still 10min run, 1 min walk, x 4 times. There's a sense of satisfaction from long continuous runs like when I ran 40 minutes, but I really feel like there's a good benefit to intervals too. When I'm running then walking for one minute, I just really feel "the burn" in my legs and heat radiating from my body like my metabolism is running like a furnace. And then I repeat it again 3 times! I'm sure a lot of that benefit is there on a continuous run but it's just not as noticeable. I wish I wouldn't have gotten the cheapo HRM last summer that doesn't track calories burned. Maybe I'll have to get a better one.