Couch to 5K (week 1)



  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    Morning everyone!

    ljc - I don't have the I touch, but I have an Iphone ordered, yay!! I can't wait till it gets here! Let's see if I can help you... Do you have your sensor upside down, maybe? There is a little button on the back you may have to press at first... it's a reset button but I can't remember if I had to push it to 'activate' it initially?? I bought this to attach the sensor to my shoes: and I do have to take a few steps before it will tell me it has found my sensor.

    Also, did you update your weight? Maybe it needs that information first before it will begin?

    I hope that helps! You are doing awesome also and once you get the sensor working you will love the feedback you get from it!!

    I ran 5k for real last night!!!! It took me 38 minutes, but I ran the whole darn thing! It felt great!! I didn't even include my 5 min warm up in the 5k like I usually do. Now, to try and work on increasing my speed!
  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108
    Going for Week 2 day 2 today...provided the horrid weather stays away until later...otherwise I will do it inside at the fitness center (blah). Still trying to motivate myself to being active....hiking, walking, etc...but running will take some getting used to!

    ljc : my husband is going on a 7 week Senior Master Sergeant training for the Air Force in Alabama. Should be interesting because I will be here with 2 kids (the oldest just turned 2) and moving to MD from VA while he's gone! Thank goodness the AF pays to move us!
  • annecolorgreen
    annecolorgreen Posts: 116 Member
    Lori--great job! It's amazing how much "easier" everything gets over time!

    LJC--maybe I can help. I had SOOOOO much trouble with mine at first...even took it back to the running store where I bought it. Tried a different sensor but still couldn't figure it out. Dh messed with it, depressed the button for longer than what it said, and it worked! Now I have no trouble getting it to "activate".

    My knee--still "popping". I ran yesterday without any trouble and did hot yoga today. Went to a festival and walked around and then had to find my car in a parking garage...and it started popping. Made me wish I'd used the temp handicapped tag that I have. I'm leaning toward using it when I'm in Hawaii now. Running in the morning with our group. I'm hanging with the slower group now due to my injury but that's okay. Still improving! Yesterday, I did 2.25 miles not including the warm up and cool down...but I did 3/1 intervals.

    I bought something tonight for my aches and pains but haven't tried it yet! It's a foam roller...have you seen them? They had them at the running store but they were more expensive than the one I got at Target--and it came with an instructional DVD. I'm going to try it out tomorrow.

    I'm on-call tonight but hoping to get some sleep so I will do well on my run in the morning.

    Enjoy your holiday weekend but be active!
  • annecolorgreen
    annecolorgreen Posts: 116 Member
    JPotvin--your kids are beautiful! I just know you will do well while your husband is gone! (it will help with the stress :))
  • Max_Power
    Max_Power Posts: 84 Member
    Let's see... Week 7 Day 3 today, I think? It's getting harder to keep track now that I'm rarely using the podcasts, pretty much just basing it on distance. Did 2 1/2 miles again, in just about 30:00 even this time, where it took me 31:30 on Wednesday evening. I made a definite effort to pick up the pace a bit, but I know I'm still slow. I don't care about that at all right now though, just want to get through the distances. Before this program, the furthest I had ever run at once was 1.5 miles.

    I've heard good things about the Nike+ sensors, and I usually have Nike shoes with the spot for the sensor, but I don't have an ipod. I have an Android phone, and I'm sure there are GPS based distance apps, I just need to look around and see what my options are.

    JPotvin- Definitely be careful not to get caught running in bad weather, it's not fun! :)
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    I'm so excited! I got my Nike Sensor to work. (Thanks Lori and Anne! I held the button down longer and it just started to work). Then went out and did a 5K. Well I walked 3/4 of the 1st K, but then I ran. Went out into the woods again. Nothing stung me this time, just a bug up the nose. :laugh: I LOVE the Nike Sensor. Max, you have to look into something like it. It told me the distance, how fast I was running, and I could play my own music. I actually used the DJ Beatsmith week 9 Podcast. The beat helps. I was REALLY slow. 49 minutes, but I did it.

    More exciting news. My son is officially engaged. He asked his girlfriend's dad's permission yesterday (so old fashion haha). They are planning on getting married at the courthouse some time this fall and then a wedding next October. He is in the Army and will be deployed again in January for 4 months. This way she will have all the benefits of being a spouse. JPotvin, my son is stationed at Ft. Benning in Columbus GA, but lives in Alabama. Good luck with the move and little ones.

    It is an absolutely gorgeous day here. After a summer of high 90s and 100s, it's middle 80s. I'm going to take the dog to the park. Everyone have a great holiday weekend!
  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    JPotvin - Good luck with W2D2! Hope the weather stayed nice for you!

    Anne - I have a friend that rund half-marathons, and she swears by the foam roller! I hope it helps you!

    Max - you can get a sportband for the Nike sensor instead of using an ipod. I've heard good things about the Runkeeper app too though! Way to go on picking up your pace! I agree too though, I'm just happy I can do the distance, I'll work on speed after!

    ljc - Yay for getting the sensor working! YOu are going to love it! I've had a bug up the nose too, LOL! It's no fun! That's FANTASTIC news about your son too! Congratulations!!

    For those of you with the Nike Sensor, I've started a Couch to 5k 'challenge' here:
    It's not really a challenge, but a great place to support each other and keep motivated!!

    Have a great long weekend everyone! I'm going to a birthday party with my son today. First time in a public pool in over a year - I hope my bathing suit looks okay!
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    I was planning on going out for a walk/run this evening, but when I ran out of calories at 5pm, I really had to. I went down by the river and thought I'd try 5k since its so flat. It was different because before, when I was running for time only, I didn't want to go too fast. This time I kept thinking if I run faster, I'll be done sooner. Yesterday the 5K (with a little walking) took me 49.21 min, but that was on a trail with hills. Today it took me 40.44. I was pretty excited when I was finished.
  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108
    I completed W2D3 today....mostly following the directions....I pushed myself to the limit to be able to run as much of it as I could....Basically just walking for no more than 90 seconds at a time, and running no less than 2 minutes at a time. Feeling pretty good!

    Anne, What a bummer about your knee! Glad it is just your meniscus though. I have had surgery on both of my knees...replacing the ACL on my right knee several years ago. Only acts up in cold gotta keep them warm, even when it still seems nice out! Thank you for the compliment on my kids :) I think they are pretty cute most of the time too :wink:

    ljc, Congratulations! I completely understand about them getting married at the courthouse for the benefits (before the big wedding)....the benefits are great :)
  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    ljc - way to go!!! on our Nike+ challenge we are only seconds apart! I like the way you think, I have to try that too!!

    JPotvin - Good for you!!! Soon, it will become an addiction, you'll see! (And I also think your kids are adorable!!)

    Just did W8D1, but kept running until the 5K mark again! It felt really good today!! I can feel it in my shins though, I need to get in tha habit of stretching beforehand!
  • MsElphaba
    MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member
    I just finished W5D1 and wow... Friday is looking pretty scary LOL. But I did it!!!
  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108
    The long weekend is coming to an end, and I "created" Week 2 Day 4. Really tired, but worth was either that...or take a nap on the couch with my baby!

    Goal....thanks for the compliment on my kids :happy:

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • Max_Power
    Max_Power Posts: 84 Member
    Now that the weather is a little cooler and my runs are getting longer, I'm switching to evenings for the last two weeks. W8D1 today, but I was surprised to find the track was in use by the Jr. High FB team, even though there was no school for Labor Day. So I just ran for 30 minutes through the neighborhood, which at my previous pace I'm guessing was still only 2.5 miles. I'll definitely shoot for 2.75 the last two days this week. I'm guessing the track will be in use every weekday evening so I need to get the run tracker program loaded on my Droid. Good thing I didn't have it with me today though, because after my run was over and I was walking back home, I got caught in the rain again! Not nearly as bad as Tuesday morning, and I had no idea it was going to storm when I left my house.

    MrsEJr- I remember when I was on W5D1 looking ahead at D3 and was pretty intimidated by that 20 minute run! But when it came time to do it, I just put my head down and started running, got it done no problem. After that, I was not intimidated by any of the remaining runs- 25 min, 28, 30... no problem. You can do it!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I'm back!! Had to take some time off because of my foot being hurt/being lazy. I left off at Week 5 run #2 being complete... so next up was the 20 minute run! I wasnt sure where to restart from since I was off for almost 1.5 weeks. I started back at the 20 min run anyways - and I completed it :) Wohooo!!! Week 6 here I come :)
  • annecolorgreen
    annecolorgreen Posts: 116 Member
    Wow-I'm shocked that you got right back into it! My dd who is running with me didn't go for a couple of weeks and now she's really struggling.

    Oh, I had a lazy weekend! Saturday, I did run but then spent the rest of the weekend consuming too much alcohol (visit to a winery and then out with friends to a dual piano bar). Kind of wondering if I'm sabotaging myself from reaching my "no longer obese" goal before my trip??? only 0.3 lbs to go prior to this weekend and I leave in one week. Now...I'm up a bit and have further to go :sad:. I didn't go to hot yoga Monday because I felt so dehydrated from the alcohol.

    Run tonight was good but it's hotter here now and I can tell the difference in my breathing. I'm sticking with the run/walk group still--pain in my knee is getting a bit worse but still not while I run. Up to 3.5 min/1 min. interval now for 2.5 miles. I'm ice-ing it now and taking anti-inflammatories. My 5K is in a week and a half!!! (I'm doing intervals for that one) The next one is October 2nd and I'm hoping to NOT do intervals for that one.
  • Max_Power
    Max_Power Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome back sundinsgurl, I figured we'd lost you. I'm not sure if I'd be able to pick back up where I left off if I missed over a week, so good job!

    As for me, I did W8D2 tonight, although I can probably stop thinking of it in terms of program days because I've pretty much gone off the program... I ran 3 miles today! Took me just a tick under 38 minutes! I still plan to do one more day this week and three days next week to finish out the 9 weeks, but I will run 3 miles every time and try to pick up my pace. Ideally I would run the final day in the 30 minutes the program specifies, but I doubt that will happen because I am slow. I'm not hanging my head about it though, I will probably just continue to run and try to increase distance/improve pace after the program is over.

    Good luck with your knee Anne, good job sticking with it! I've had a couple weekend detours as well, and you just have to keep pushing through!
  • annecolorgreen
    annecolorgreen Posts: 116 Member
    Funny thing: I thought I "blew it" tonight because I ate some watermelon and a few pieces of dark chocolate. I still have 100 calories! Crazy, huh? No guilt because I wrote it all down! :smile:

    Only exercise today was walking the mall with some new sandals I bought and am trying to decide if I like--chacos. I wanted something with some arch support and that could go between water/land for hiking in Hawaii next week. I *think* I like them.

    Running in the morning with dd...MUCH cooler temps here now--YAY!

    Congrats Max!!!!! You've "graduated"!! :smile:
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi everyone! It's been a crazy and busy week here. I ran Saturday and Sunday last weekend, a short walk on Monday, but that's it. We're going to visit my son and girlfriend this weekend, but I'm determined to get a run in at least one day, hopefully two days. Swim practice after school is just killing my motivation. I'm thinking I'm going to try and run at lunch. There is a locker room at school I can use, just not sure if that would work.

    Anne, it sounds like we're on the same dates for 5Ks. Hope your knee holds out. My 1st one is next Saturday, the 18th. Not in Hawaii though. :smile: I actually feel pretty good about it, even without doing anything this week. I ran 5K last weekend and it wasn't bad. Then the next one is Oct 2 in Houston, Race for the Cure. And then the last one planned is Oct 30, here in Memphis, also a Race for the Cure. My sister is a survivor and I'm doing the one in Houston with her and then she is coming up here for the one in Memphis.

    Max, you are doing awesome! You are ahead of the game. Do you have a 5K planned?

    Sundinsgurl, I'm impressed too. Coming back with the 20-minute run is impressive!

    MrsEJr, the program really works. I'm not sure I really thought I could run 3.1 miles at the beginning, but taking it step by step even I could do it.

    How's it going Lori and JPotvin?

    What are we all going to do next?

    Have a great weekend all. I may not get to post til next Monday, when I return. Should have the wedding plans for my son's wedding though. :love:
  • JPotvin
    JPotvin Posts: 108
    Hey! Things have been going well, at least getting out of the house everyday! I skipped the "real run" on Wednesday and opted for the jog/walk with the stroller and the dog...but I felt better today so took it up a notch :smile: I was babysitting today so, backpacked my 17lb 7 month old, and put the other 2 in the stroller for a long walk...Just a walk though, as I can't run with the little one on my back! The hill home (not huge, but gradual and long) almost knocked me out and I honestly thought about asking my 2 year old to get out of the stroller and help me push it... :laugh: That would have been so funny! (And then we hiked up 3 flights of stairs back to the house).

    I will be running by myself tomorrow as it's my husbands day off from the, hopefully after those 2 days I will be feeling light, free, and be able to run longer. I hope to be able to jog a full 10 minutes before I have to stop and walk tomorrow. I have mapped out different running routes using Gmap pedometer (best site ever...after MFP of course). I have been running/walking no less than 2 miles every time I go out. So, until I am able to do that in 20 minutes (no stopping) I will not be going further than that. *fingers crossed* that I make it through 10 minutes tomorrow!
  • annecolorgreen
    annecolorgreen Posts: 116 Member
    good for you! it's tough when you have little ones :)