Couch to 5K (week 1)



  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    w1d2 done! and I must be really slow b/c I'm pretty sure I barley got in a full mile
  • Max_Power
    Max_Power Posts: 84 Member
    Ok, time for me to stop lurking and start participating, I need some accountability! I've been using the food journal off and on for about a year now but this is my first post. I'll try to update my profile sometime today with a little more info about myself.

    Anyways, I just finished W2D3 of C25K yesterday morning, so this seems like the thread for me as far as similar progress. I actually did W1 twice just to ease my knees into it (I've lost some but still weigh 250 lb), but now I am ready to go! It was kind of funny, during my first couple of 90-second intervals yesterday I thought "no way will I be ready for W3 next week" but by the time I was done, I was ready to do the whole thing over again! haha. Of course I didn't, but I did go for an extra hour-long walk later in the afternoon.

    Anyways, sorry to turn this post into a big intro for myself, but I didn't feel like starting my own intro thread. I guess I'm kind of a shy guy, so it will be baby steps for me to start sharing more about myself, but I need to start somewhere for the accountability.

    I start W3D1 on Tuesday! I get up early for a walk every weekday before work, and now I run Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Looking forward to finally participating in a group!

    Oh, one more thing- I am using the Ullrey podcasts right now, once I get a few more weeks into it where it will be fewer but longer intervals, I will probably switch to my own music or time myself. I love sports talk radio when I walk, so we'll see if I can keep up a running pace without a music beat. Right now I'm just afraid I would lose track of where I'm at if I tried timing myself.
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm starting w1d1 tomorrow! I'm running a 5k in October and I've never been a runner (but have always wanted to be!) Hopefully this program will help me feel comfortable with running and I can work my way up from a 5k!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi There,
    I started week 1 day 1 on Thursday and I'm doing day 2 this evening.
    day 1 I made it to 2 miles almost exactly but I had really sore quads yesterday and still sore today. I have not run in 15 years so that's not surprising. I run on a roadside path that is partly hilly and my last 3 runs were uphill.

    Need some help from MFP buddies to help me keep this up as I detest running but I am determined.
    I want to graduate in 10-11 weeks and don't mind repeating a few days if necessary.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Completed Week 1 Day 2 this evening and quads are SORE !!!!!
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    just did w1d3... ahhh! also did day 1 of 30-day Shred earlier.... OMGoodness! Seriously afraid of week 2 here people! I'll make it though!!
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    Just did W2D1.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Completed week 2 day 3 - Felt soooo GREAT!!! onto week 3 tomorrow!!

    TammyK - dont be afraid for week 2.. its only an extra 30 seconds of jogging which you can do no problem. If you find yourself having difficulties than try week 1 for another time or two. YOU CAN DO IT :)
  • Max_Power
    Max_Power Posts: 84 Member
    Just did W3D1 this morning! I handled the 3-min intervals much better than I thought I would. I was also glad that I finally started feeling the burn in my legs more than my lungs. My lung capacity must be improving, and now I will finally have enough endurance to be building strength in my legs. Can't wait to do it again Thursday morning!
  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    Just did W3D1 this morning! I handled the 3-min intervals much better than I thought I would. I was also glad that I finally started feeling the burn in my legs more than my lungs. My lung capacity must be improving, and now I will finally have enough endurance to be building strength in my legs. Can't wait to do it again Thursday morning!

    I did W3D1 today also, and I feel the same way! It's like it's easier than week one, which is totally amazing to me!! Looking forward to the next one!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Today I ended up goin for a run/walk with my friend who is also doing couch to 5K - however she is staying on Week 1 for a bit till she feels more confident. So I did Week 1 with her. I will start my Week 3 tomorrow FOR SURE!! I am actually very excited for Week 3 since goal30Lori and Max_Power are saying its easier than they thought :)

    I also completed Level 2 - Day #7 in the 30 Day Shred
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    completed w1d2 this evening. it felt so much easier than day 1!!! i wanted to do it again (but didnt, my legs are so sore). my shins have been hurting and upon recommendation of MFP members i went and bought some running shoes ($96!!!!) they were expensive but when i ran in them i felt different! more stable and i felt like a REAL runner :-D I also went on a little spree at walmart and bought some new workout clothes (LADIES: they have danskin stuff on sale!! i got two pairs of shorts, a pair of pants, 3 workout tees and a tank top, plus a pack of socks for $56). spent way too much money today...

    cant wait til friday for w1d3.. and then sunday for w2d1.. :-D
  • Max_Power
    Max_Power Posts: 84 Member
    W3D2 today, and not surprisingly it seemed a little harder than D1, but I still made it. I think D1's are a little easier coming off of 2 days of rest, but I'm still looking forward to D3 on Saturday. Today was the first day I did it without a podcast, I wanted to listen to a morning show on the local sports talk station. I had no problem keeping track of the time, although I did feel like I was looking at my watch a little too often. I greatly prefer listening to my own thing than the canned podcast music though, so I will probably continue this method. I realize it wouldn't work for everyone though.

    Soon I will need to start figuring out the actual distances I am running. I know it can be time or distance based, but I would like my final run to actually BE 5K! I've got several weeks to go before I need to worry about that though... Keep running!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I am also doing the timed versions instead of distance right now. Also, I enjoy running with my own music and just keep track of the time.

    Completed Week 3 Day 1... 3 minutes does seem a lot longer than 90 seconds lol but I got through it :) felt great!!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Completed week 1 day 3 this evening and feeling pretty good. I'm more tired than the last 2 sessions but less sore. My runs were faster today as well. I don;t think I've really improved in 1 week but maybe I'm just more confident. The first few days I think I ran quote slowly because I was not sure if I could finish. Now I know I can but we'll see about week 2 which I'll start either tomorrow or Saturday.

    How did everybody else feel after week 1?
    Once you get to week 3, 4 etc do you still feel sore?
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    Just finished W3D1. YEA!! It wasn't that bad. I've been running inside on the treadmill. First it's not light out when I have to workout before work in the morning and second it's been so hot here (over 100 augh!) I'm looking forward to an early workout tomorrow outside. Hopefully it won't be too hot.
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    had a few bad days, physically and emotionally, but got back at it today! I repeated W1D3 and feel good!
  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    had a few bad days, physically and emotionally, but got back at it today! I repeated W1D3 and feel good!

    Way to go Tammy! You can do it!!!
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    W3D2 and felt it more in the legs, but really not that bad. It was easier than W3D1. I've been working out at a park on a running trail, but this morning I ran/walked down by the Mississippi River. It was fun to go something different. I've been using DJ Beatsmith's podrunner intervals. I can do this!!
  • sherri79eaton
    sherri79eaton Posts: 34 Member
    Hey everybody, just wanted to let you know if you have an ipod touch or Iphone, there is an app called "get running", Its .99 and it has the intervals on it for all the 9 weeks and a bonus is that you can play your ipod while using it and it just lowers the volume when voice comes on to tell you when to run/walk and how much time you have left in each interval!! Its great I am loving it, I am on W1D3, which I will do tonight! Week one has not been as hard as I thought it would be, I am a 281 lb girl, so If i can do it anybody can!!
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