Couch to 5K (week 1)



  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    Did W4D1 this morning, and once again I felt great! The worst part was actually a blister on my foot from breaking in my new running shoes over the weekend, but after a few blocks it didn't hurt much.

    I think part of the reason I was so intimidated was because all the intervals are now in "minutes" instead of seconds. Sounds weird I know, but "90 seconds" sounds so much easier than "3 minutes" or "5 minutes". But once I started the 5 minute interval, I just blocked out of my mind that I was running for X amount of time, and instead I was just running. I wasn't thinking about how many seconds I had left, I just ran until the podcast said to stop. I hope the next two runs go as well, but I'm worried about W4D3 because Day 3's have been my hardest so far.

    Yay! That's fantastic! Week 4 intimidated me too for some reason... I handled the three minutes okay, but for some reason 5 minutes scared me! You know what else is scary.... I listened ahead to week 5.... On W5D3, we run for 20 minutes straight!!:noway:
  • Max_Power
    Max_Power Posts: 84 Member
    Wow, it does ramp up in Week 5! I had skimmed ahead on the coolrunning website, but I guess I just looked at Day 1 of each week assuming they were all the same. Well, I plan to be ready for it!
  • annecolorgreen
    annecolorgreen Posts: 116 Member
    anyone care if I join in? I've been participating in a "No Boundaries" running program but I'm ahead of that group and haven't had a clear training plan to use since i"m kind of doing my own thing (my daughter is going with me which is why I'm doing it--I wanted her to have the trainers there to show her the right ways to do things and help guide her).

    It looks like I'm about on week 4 or 5'ish.

    I'm doing a 5k in Maui September 18th when we are there on vacation (I know, I'm crazy :)).

    I'm really trying to jump start my weight loss. I've been the same weight for over a year after losing 70+ pounds.
  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    Wow, it does ramp up in Week 5! I had skimmed ahead on the coolrunning website, but I guess I just looked at Day 1 of each week assuming they were all the same. Well, I plan to be ready for it!

    I hope I am ready for it! Just did W4D2 - I made it through the runs, but I'm considering repeating this week. Though I may just do W5D1 for a whole week instead of just once... I guess I'll just keep trucking and see how I do first! I'm not as happy with the music selection for the week 4 podcast, and I seriously think that's part of my problem!
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    Welcome Anne!

    Lori - Which podcast are you using?

    Good luck on Day 3 Max!

    Here's my excuse for today. My iPod was in my daughter's car from our run on Monday and I had a massive headache. I'm trying to decide whether to go out this evening or tomorrow morning.
  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    Lori - Which podcast are you using?

    I'm using Robert Ullrey's C25K podcasts. I've loved them all so far, but this week falls a bit short for me!
  • Corrie62
    Corrie62 Posts: 191
    I've been running inside on the treadmill. .

    I am thinking about doing C25K. Once I finally stop thinking about it and do it, I know I am going to be too self concious to do it outside so will likely do treadmill. I was wondering what pace you run and walk at on the treadmill? Any elevation?
  • annecolorgreen
    annecolorgreen Posts: 116 Member
    I can't answer all your questions, but can tell you what the trainer told me, "always set an incline--at least 0.5%--leaving it on 0% is almost like going downhill". They recommended 1-2%.
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    Lori - I'm using DJ Beatsmith and Ullrey. I've started to go back and forth between the two, just for variety.

    I have to work out on a treadmill several times a week because its too dark right now in the morning before work. I'm really, really slow. Walking I go 3.5 and running 4.5, so it averages 4.0. I haven't done an incline though, but what Anne says makes sense. I'm not sure it my mind can get around an incline yet. :smile:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I need to be more like Max-power. I'm constantly looking at the clock going "oh please be over!" during the runs and once I start week 3 next week and have to do 3 mins I really need to take my mind of the time.
    So for week2 days 2&3 I'm going to focus on just running and walking, no clock watching.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I've been running inside on the treadmill. .

    I am thinking about doing C25K. Once I finally stop thinking about it and do it, I know I am going to be too self concious to do it outside so will likely do treadmill. I was wondering what pace you run and walk at on the treadmill? Any elevation?

    I run outside and Ia m a bit self conscious but I'm getting over it. It makes life a bit more complicated having to plan around weather and daylight but I'm enjoying running outside and with the sloping terrain I'm probably getting a better workout.
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    Today was a bad day. Really, really didn't want to get up this morning, but I had to because I took yesterday off. Kindda thought today would be easier because of that, but maybe the 2 glasses of wine I had last night had something to do with my lethargy. I started W4D2, but only got thru 3/4 of it. I ran on the treadmill inside after being outside for the last three runs. I much prefer outside.

    Oh well, I'm going to repeat W4D2. Thanks for listening to me.
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    Finshed week 2 last night. I feel great. I'm looking forward to Friday morning for week 3.
  • Corrie62
    Corrie62 Posts: 191
    Way to go everyone. I hope that there is a similar post when I finally stop making excuses to do C25K. For now I will rely on your well earned knowledge of this challenge. Today's question is music. I know many of you are using the podrunner's to run. While I haven't listened to any of the music, I looked at the playlists and didn't recognize anything. Is there a place that has podrunner music that is more like 60's 70's 80's? I am old after all..:wink:
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    hey all! just wanted to let you all know what's going on w/me. I'm going to hold off doing the c25k plan a little. I have a 10k on Oct 17 and I'm doing it with a friend who doesn't/can't? run. So I'll be walking it with her and I need to focus on training for that. I do plan to get back to the c25k after so I can run a 5k soon :) all the best everyone!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Week 4 #1 - done! up to 5 mins in running :) thats pretty good... I really have to stop clock watching though because when I check and see that there is "2| mins left till I can walk - they seem like the longest 2 mins of my life!!

    any tips?
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hey ljc1057 don't worry about not finishing that one session, you still got a workout in. Some days we just won't feel as strong as others and that's OK. :flowerforyou:

    sundinsgurl - I have been struggling with clock watching as well so this evening I made a conscious decision not to look at my ipod at all and just wait to hear the prompts.
    I accomplished it !!! What worked for me was really just thinking about the running, each step, my form and just enjoying the scenery. When I felt the need to check something I looked at my HRM heart rate instead.

    So, Week 2 Day 2 complete as of this evening and I felt much better than after day 1. The weather was cooler and I didn't run as fast but got my heart rate up to right where it should be. Day 3 on Sunday !!!
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    Thanks meokk!

    Just finished W4D2 - I'm going to count it as day 2 because I didn't finish day 2 on Thursday. It was so much better running outside even though its already 85.

    Sundinsgurl - When I run on the treadmill I look at the clock the whole time. This morning, outside though, I didn't. The first 3 minute run I started to look at my watch, but I stopped myself. Then I didn't know how much I had left. Just listened to the prompts. It was a lot better.
  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    I did week 4 day 3 last night, and it finally felt good! I can't believe I'm going to be on week 5!! I Have a feeling I may be repeating some days this week, but I'm okay with that! I have 7 weeks until my 5k.....
  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    I did week 4 day 3 last night, and it finally felt good! I can't believe I'm going to be on week 5!! I Have a feeling I may be repeating some days this week, but I'm okay with that! I have 7 weeks until my 5k.....

    Did week 5 day one tonight... I know I should have a day of rest, but I just would way rather run than anything else!!! It felt good!