9/11/01 Where were you?



  • Canman51
    I was on a survey vessel off of Vietnam. The first email which came in said a plane had hit the world trade centre. We all assumed a small Cesna or similar. Further emails and we realised how serious it was. No internet or TV so it was two weeks before we saw it on TV.
  • dedicationandcommitment
    I was in the 3rd grade and since I live in Texas I didn't really feel a certain kind away except sad for those who lost their life!!
    RIP to the many souls that died on that horrendous day!!
  • raaraa17
    raaraa17 Posts: 1,225 Member
    I was at school, I'm from the UK so it happened in the afternoon over here. I was only 14
    I can remember staring at the TV all night, just knowing that the world had just changed forever.
    I visited the memorial site in NYC in December and felt so sad
  • moniquec37
    on this horrific day, i was at that time employed at aetna insurance company in allentown, pa. I was on the phone with a gentleman checking on his claim status from new jersey. we were chit chatting away and he was tellng me about the different little towns out here in palike virginville, pa, truth or consequences and so on. all of a sudden he yelled " OH MY GOD " into the phone so, I asked if he was alright and he said "A PLANE JUST HIT THE WORLD TRADE CENTER" then the phone went dead, I didnt know what to think. Then all of a sudden my coworkers were coming over to me and calling me saying i should check on my family because a plane hit the World Trade Center. I could believe my ears and then i panicked, all my family was still in new York. I called as many people as i could but couldn't get thru and that is when i heard the 1st tower had fallen. my heart dropped. I frantically called my brothers, aunts, mother in law, sisters in law, and then my father in law(may he rest in peace) and he answered, i asked him if he was alright and he said yes and asked what was going on. as i told him what i had heard and what was happening, he said he will call me back, he needed to get out of the train station. well for the next 7 hours both my husband and i was calling our families trying to get thru to them with no success and by this point my father in law had no cell reception any longer. Finally much laer on that night, our families started to call us from landlines because tower 1 housed the antennaes for the cell phones which had now been destroyed. we were very relieved that everyone was alright, my father in law included, but i will never forget talking to my mother in law whom works at federal plaza right next to the world trade center. She said she didnt even know what was going on until she saw the sky go dark and she looked up from her window at work and literally saw people jumping out of the windows right next to her................. I WILL NEVER EVER FORGET 09/11/01.FOR AS LONG AS I LIVE.
  • bernied262
    bernied262 Posts: 882 Member
    I am in the Uk, i was walking down a corridor at work, when someone rushed me and said that the tower had been attacked. I went into a room with a large screen television and saw the second plane hit. I pretty much stayed glued to the tele for the next 48 hrs, repeatedly saying 'this can't be true'. My thoughts are with those who lost loved ones. My thanks are with those brave men and women who worked tireless afterwards, trying to recover those trapped.
  • GypsyRoad2
    GypsyRoad2 Posts: 433 Member
    I was at home and had walked down the street to talk to my neighbor and she was watching it on TV. We both just stood there in total shock and disbelief at what we were seeing. I will never forget the images of those two towers collapsing. It was the most horrible thing I have ever witnessed. This is a day to remember those victims and all the brave workers that stepped in to help them that awful day.
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    I was at work in Cincinnati Ohio at Magellan behavioral health (insurance company). I remember it very clear as we stood there in total shock to what we saw on TV. So sad.......tears welling up in my eyes now just thinking about it.......I still pray for all those that lost family in this horrible attack and for our military. A truly horrendous day for America & the GOOD people of the world. RIP to the many many people who needlessly lost their precious lives ..... YOU WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN XXX
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    Bowling practice in my home town, suddenly all the scoreboards blinked off and then came back on with 24 screens of what was happening. I was 19 and tt was and still is very hard to explain exactly how it made me feel.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I had just gotten up and was having breakfast with my husband. We turned on the TV and there it was. It was right after the second plane hit. It had just become clear that it wasn't just a tragic accident, but an actual terrorist attack. It was so... unbelievable. The lady news anchor on CNN was crying. I had never seen a news anchor cry before. We watched CNN for three days straight. It didn't matter that we were Canadian, it still felt very close and personal. It was so horrifying to watch the aftermath and even when they played the same video clips over and over everything that happened seemed freshly horrible and far worse every time they showed it. I remember being so angry and thinking, "How dare they?" All those innocent people... the brave fireman.... there are no words.
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    I was at the gym in Doncaster, I was 20 years old. I remember it being on all of the TV screens ( my best friend had called me earlier to tell me "a plane had flown in to a building in America" I thought it was a small plane (1-2 seater), when I got to the gym I couldn't believe my eyes. Very sad.
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    I was in the operating room in Pittsburgh, assisting with a complicated surgery. Someone called on the phone and told the nurse what had happened. When she started to tell the team the head surgeon told her to stop, that we all have to focus on the baby. So no one said anything. I will never forget when we finally finished the surgery several hours later and came out, everyone we saw looked so shell-shocked, and we did not really know what was going on...
  • andiebaco
    andiebaco Posts: 211 Member
    In higschool, a friend told me that he heard the teacher talking about it. I said that she must be wrong and I bet 20 pesos that it wasn't true...
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I was in the school library during my first period prep (high school teacher) and the librarian turned the news on the big screen and we all gathered around to watch. :frown:
  • paradisechaser
    Because of the time difference, I was just walking into my house after school when the first tower collapsed.
  • stephiehampshire
    I'm in the UK so it was in the afternoon for us. I was in school (14 years old) and we were in a Religious Education class discussing the world wars and whether we thought a third world war would happen due to religions. I got home from school and saw the news as the second plane hit the towers and they collapsed, my older sister was sat in our room watching TV in silence with tears running down her face.

    Last year I went to New York for the first time and I went to the top of the Empire State Building and I started to cry, I was stood there looking at how high up we were and I could see ground zero and I thought to myself how scared must someone be that it was a better option to jump from that height?

    In 2005 my family and I were due to go to London for a day trip in the summer when the London bomb attacks happened, we put the trip off and ended up never going. Even now when I go on the tube I get nervous and cant wait to get back out into fresh air as I feel the terror of what happend every time I am on the underground.

    To this day I still dont understand what happened or why anyone would want to cause so much pain and terror and I feel for anyone who was impacted
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Thanks everyone, I am loving reading all of these.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member


  • suv_hater
    suv_hater Posts: 374 Member
    It doesn't matter where I was. I always thought that was a selfish thing to think about.

    There are a lot of people who were actually near the site when it happened, and an unfortunate amount of others who were affected directly by 9/11. Those are the people who can reflect all they want on the tragedy.

    Total facepalm moment when people say they were at the dentist in Topeka when the towers fell. Show some decency.
  • _Krys10_
    _Krys10_ Posts: 1,234 Member
    Being in the DC area it was mass chaos. I was at home getting ready for work and I got a call from my husband who was working as a civilian on Andrews AFB, he was being escorted off with all other civilian contractors. Then we were told that the nuclear power plant that we live near was considered a threat and were instructed to evacuate the so many mile radius around the power plant.

    It's truely a day we will never forget ♥
  • Happy_10yr
    Happy_10yr Posts: 287 Member
    I was working in Metro Detroit. A team mate who had a television in his office yelled out that a plane hit the Trade Center. I was lucky that I was able to reach family in NYC before the phone line crashed. A surreal moment.