9/11/01 Where were you?



  • MAN Not you guys too GET OVER IT!!!!!!!!

    Do we still talk about Oklahoma City? Or any of the other attacks that have happened????... this was the day our Government attacked US!...

    MOVE ON!!!!

    Well well said

    Both of you should get off this thread, don't let the door hit you...
  • jeanw426
    I was working at my first job out of college at 22 years old in Midtown Manhattan. I remember walking through the streets of NYC at 8AM that morning thinking what a beautiful day it was outside- the weather was perfect. By 9AM, that all changed. We were terrified. The rumors were flying that the subways would be bombed or the Empire State Building would be hit next. If you walked to the corner of the street my building was one, all you saw was black billowing smoke from lower Manhattan. I don't think I've ever prayed so much in my life as I did that day. Once the bridges were open to pedestrian traffic around lunchtime, I walked into Queens over the 59th Street bridge with some of my co-workers and met my father on the other side. I had never seen him cry before that moment. I don't think I will ever forget a moment of that day or even the next few days after that for as long as I live. May those who perished rest in peace, may their families find some comfort and solace and God bless the brave firemen, police crews, EMTs, nurses and volunteers who worked tirelessly to help the injured and put their own lives at risk. We will never forget.
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    I was a sophomore in high school in the library for a computer class. The TVs were on and a group of us were standing in front of the TV watching. We didn't realize how serious it was at first. None of the teachers or librarians told us to go back to our seats. Later that day we leaned one of our classmates' mother was a flight attendant on one of the planes. We all cried because we knew the unfortunate fate the flight attendants had :( I went home and hugged my mother like I never hugged her before
  • hobobba
    Senior in High School. All of us were unsure of what exactly what was happening and then we watched as the second tower was hit. We were supposed to take a field trip down there too later on in the year.
  • KitaT92
    KitaT92 Posts: 50 Member
    Walking on the track. Felt sick so I cut my walk short and heard the devestating news on the TJMS.
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    MAN Not you guys too GET OVER IT!!!!!!!!

    Do we still talk about Oklahoma City? Or any of the other attacks that have happened????... this was the day our Government attacked US!...

    MOVE ON!!!!

    Well well said

    Shouldn't you two be starting a Michael Moore fan page somewhere?
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    First week of undergrad at university. I had just woken up and turned on my television right before the second plane hit.
  • Denisse210
    Denisse210 Posts: 292 Member
    7th grade english class. I had a very strict teacher so we knew something was wrong when she dropped everything and turned on the news. I couldnt believe i was seeing people throwing themselves off the towers. The rest of the school day is a blurr, none of our teachers continued with lesson plans.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    MAN Not you guys too GET OVER IT!!!!!!!!

    Do we still talk about Oklahoma City? Or any of the other attacks that have happened????... this was the day our Government attacked US!...

    MOVE ON!!!!

    Well well said

    Whether it was our own government that attacked us or terrorists.. it was still a tragic terrible day and even more so if it *was* our government. And if it was you'll never prove that, it'll remain a theory like Kennedy's assassination. People lost people they loved, people they cared about either to the attack itself or while they were trying to help those who were involved. Whether it was our government or terrorists, the American citizens still need to band together, stand together, stand strong and remind those against us that we will not go willingly into the night. We will not be fear mongered into submission. We will not bend. This is our country and our freedoms to have. Not our governments to grant or a terrorists to take away.

    Remembering days like today should remind us of what it is to be an American. What it means to be a republic and what our constitution actually means. Citizens needs to stand up, stand together and fight for what is ours.
  • michellechawner
    10 months prior to 9/11 my family and I moved from NY, to California for a job transfer through my father. We lived 45 minutes outside of the city.

    I woke up and noticed all the lights were on downstairs... it was really early, and I remembered my father was leaving for a business trip back east. I heard the TV on. I came downstairs and saw my mother and father just staring at the TV light a deer in the headlights. Needless to say, dad decided to cancel his trip.

    I immediately grabbed my cell and started calling my friends back in NY - we were having trouble getting through. I was able to get texts through, and they had all just been released from school, as they shut down all the local schools because of the attack.

    I remember going to school and they teacher had the tv on in EVERY CLASS. So many people asked if my friends were ok, as I was born and raised in NY for 15 years and had just moved to CA 10 months prior. Thankfully all my friends and their families were ok. One of the families at my church in NY lost someone, leaving his wife and 3 kids under the age of 6. He's the only one I knew who perished.

    I cannot believe it's been 12 years.
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    I was rushing around my apartment, late for work, and trying to find the keys to our truck. It turned out that my husband had mistakenly taken them to his office. I walked the streets of our downtown, to get my keys, and get out to work. I was so frustrated, irritated, I hate to be late, and I felt inconvenienced.

    By the time I got into the truck, the first plane had hit. I didn't understand what they radio was reporting about. But I remember suddenly feeling incredible selfish for how I felt just moments earlier. I was in disbelief at what was happening.

    I worked in a small office, and we just huddled around the radio, listening to events unfold.

    My husband was sent home early, as were most of the people who worked downtown.

    We watched news cast after newscast all that evening.
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I was in the radiology waiting room at the children's hospital. My 6 week old son needed a barium swallow. I hadn't watched the news that morning--trying to get my toddler daughter on her way & my son ready to go. They had the news on & I really didn't know what I was watching at first. It was awful. I feel so sad for the families of those who were lost that day & all the soldiers lost since & so grateful that there are people willing to put themselves at risk to keep us safe.
  • CaeliGirl11
    CaeliGirl11 Posts: 108 Member
    I was in class at Florida State and all of a sudden a couple of cell phones went off including my professor's. We all thought it was weird that within a few seconds of each other people were getting phone calls. Then an announcement was made in the building that all classes were cancelled and that everyone should go home or to their dorm rooms. My heart was racing, I didn't know what was going on. My roomates picked me up and we listed on the radio to what was going on and tried to piece it together...a plane? Hit what? A plane hit a buiding in New York? My friend who was driving the car started to freak out and had to pull over, she knew someone who had been working at the WTC on an internship. She had to call immediatley, but of course no calls were going through. I couldn't even get a call in to my mom at that point. Then I started freaking out, my parents and brother live in Tampa; MacDill Airforce Base...I started to get irrational. But wasn't everyone's thoughts becoming irrational when they couldn't get in touch with people? We made it back in time to see the second tower fall on TV, a memory that will forever be imprinted. How can something like that crumble? Something so big, something so strong? My world changed. My views of the world changed and my views of America changed. I'm not sure if everything we do is right but on that day; what happened that day, that was wrong.
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    I was 6 miles away. We could see the smoke, tried calling friends but the network was over loaded. Everyone was so worried about friends and relatives, crazy few days. I think about 2 friends that passed, on Christmas, 4th of July picnics, whenever .... ripped out of life. I have had 12 Christmas with my kids since ....

    Here is a cool story many havent seen before, a buddy was stuck in lower Manhattan and got off the island on a small fishing boat.

  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I was at home getting ready for work - didn't have a clue what was going on. A friend called, freaking out, and asked if I'd talked to my parents ... they both had meetings at the Pentagon on a regular basis. We spent all day at work sitting in the library listening to the radio.
  • LFDBabs
    LFDBabs Posts: 297 Member
    I work at a fire department. When I passed by the ready-room, the TV was on and everyone was glued to it and the silence was not normal. A shift of 14 guys is NEVER quiet! I went in and sat with them and we watched in horror as the second plane hit. The mood at our fire department, in Western New York State, was somber to say the least. Then, I had to go home and try and explain it to my children, who were very young, and will never know the simple freedoms that I used to take for granted.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    It was the day before my 21st birthday. At the time I was working a third shift job and had just fallen asleep after getting home from work. I made arrangements to take the night off work so that I could enjoy my birthday turning 21 at the stroke of midnight. My dad woke me up after both planes hit just in time to see the first tower fall on TV.

    I figured no place would be open that evening (and it turned out I was right) so I ended up going into work and we didn't celebrate my birthday that year.
  • seilidhe
    seilidhe Posts: 1,042 Member
    It was the end of a work "day" for me, and the next shift was coming on. One of the guys got a call from his wife who told him that someone in a small plane had crashed into the World Trade Towers. We made some jokes about not being able to see buildings that big, speculated as to whether the pilot had had a heart attack, and finally, one guy got his radio turned on and we heard the actual news. Shocked silence fell in the room and the laughter ended. I stayed and listened for a little while, but it was time for me to go home. After I got into my car, all I could do was sit there in the parking lot and sob as I listened to the radio. Finally, I drove home, tears streaming down my face. I ran into the house, yelled at the kids to get up and get ready for school, and turned on the tv. I sat there and cried for a few hours until I couldn't cry any longer and exhaustion just took over and I went to bed.
  • annie4dhokies
    annie4dhokies Posts: 24 Member
    a new college freshman...I had an 8:00 English class...didn't know what had happened until I walked into my Intro to Gov't class...pretty surreal that was the class where I found out we had been attacked.

    My class was cancelled. Walking through campus on that beautiful Tuesday was a blur. Since most of the dorms didn't have A/C...many windows were opened and all you could hear was the news...

    Back at the dorms, I found my friends in tears and in fear. Being in Southwest VA, many of my friends have parents or relatives who work at the Pentagon or close by...

    It was a day that I'll never forget and I think about often.

    God Bless you all and the USA!
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    I was living near Syracuse, and was at home getting ready to go to work. We usually watched Good Morning America, but that morning we didn't. My daughter was a year and a half old, we loaded up in our car so my husband could drop me off. We always listened to Howard Stern on the way, and heard Cabbie yelling that the towers were being attacked. We didn't know whether to take it seriously or not, I mean, it was Howard Stern. Once we realized it wasn't a joke, we then realized we were about 400 miles away from this nightmare. I remember going into work crying, wondering what would be attacked next, wondering if I would see my daughter again. I remember every station on TV was replaying this nightmare over and over again for over a week. I remember how eerie it was to not see any planes in the sky for days. I remember every second of that day. I will always remember those who lost their lives, those who sacrificed their lives, the hero's, and the families who will forever have a hole in their hearts.