Why do people disregard walking?



  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    I don't know you guys.....buy my support team somewhat sucks when I begin to talk about my cardiovascular choice......WALKING. I do Leslie Sansone EVERYDAY and have seen great results but I hate telling people I WALK....because they never have anything good to say about it......but Leslie is NO JOKE.....I usually have an average HR of 150 and reach highs of 166-168 (94%). So I'm sweating and my heart is getting a workout.

    Leslie is the only workout I can truly do and STAY COMMITTED to. I can't commit to others....but I want to celebrate and be proud of my walking choice.....ughhhhh.....any walkers out there with great things to say about it? I really need to hear some good things right about now. I'm having one of those days.

    What kind of walking do you do where you have an average HR of 150?? I only have an average of 125 doing kettlebells.
  • stillnot2late
    stillnot2late Posts: 385 Member
    LESLIE SANSONE DIE HARD FAN HERE - FOR YEARS AND YEARS. SINCE I CAN'T DO MY SPEED WALKING ANYMORE BECAUSE OF FOOT PROBLEMS, LESLIE IS MY HEART AND SOUL COMMITMENT. sorry for the caps, didn't realize. I do other nice mild DVD for strength also. If I were to do what other people felt I should do, I would be in a wheelchair.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    People disregard any lifestyle choice that they haven't practically experienced the results off. My dad is a heart patient and has taken amazing care of himself just by walking after dinner every day. I'm a big cardio fan at the gym, but even on days I can't get into the gym I walk around the mall, or back and forth from school. I avoid taking a car or the bus unless its really lousy weather. You can easily fit walking into your day, even a trip to the grocery store by foot adds up a lot in the long run. Tried and tested :) Don't give up on what works for you and tune out the naysayers
    The normal means of locomotion for humans is a lifestyle choice? Is that as an alternative to crawling or something? Are there millions of people who crawl everywhere they go instead? Or do they crabwalk?
  • stillnot2late
    stillnot2late Posts: 385 Member
    I don't know you guys.....buy my support team somewhat sucks when I begin to talk about my cardiovascular choice......WALKING. I do Leslie Sansone EVERYDAY and have seen great results but I hate telling people I WALK....because they never have anything good to say about it......but Leslie is NO JOKE.....I usually have an average HR of 150 and reach highs of 166-168 (94%). So I'm sweating and my heart is getting a workout.

    Leslie is the only workout I can truly do and STAY COMMITTED to. I can't commit to others....but I want to celebrate and be proud of my walking choice.....ughhhhh.....any walkers out there with great things to say about it? I really need to hear some good things right about now. I'm having one of those days.

    What kind of walking do you do where you have an average HR of 150?? I only have an average of 125 doing kettlebells.

    Mine gets up that high - and higher - and I have to slow down. It's probably just an individual thing, it makes me sick because I'm really feeling it and having fun and notice my heart rate and then have to slow down. before I really got into the walking and the Sansone, I was hitting 150 after about 5 minutes. Now it takes about 20 minutes to get that high.
  • funkim55
    funkim55 Posts: 216 Member
    Walking is a fantastic way to lose weight. I know, because I used to do 3 to 4 miles every day with my golden retriever.

    As long as you're moving, and walking at least 30 minutes a day, you will lose weight.

    Currently, I don't walk like I used to, because my golden passed away; I can't walk as far with my two little dogs. But I know the closer you get to 10,000 steps a day, the better off you will be.

    Have fun!!!
  • NewTnme
    NewTnme Posts: 258 Member
    I luv, luv ,LOVE Leslie Sandstone!!! I love walking as well... Walk on Walkers:drinker:
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Walking is for people who's time means nothing.

    I work part time, and the days I have off I take my children out on their scooters so walk/run chasing them! Does spending time with my children, while keeping them and myself active, mean nothing? We spend a good 3/4 hours out on the seafront.

    I think walking is pretty good exercise, although I do plenty of other exercise too. What I don't understand is a DVD to walk? What do you do, just walk around your living room? Why not just go out?

    I'm English, but when I went to the US I noticed that not many people walk anywhere.
  • joellevh
    joellevh Posts: 27 Member
    I'm a walker too!! I love it! It's my therapy and can def feel it if I don't walk enough!
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    Walking is for people who's time means nothing.

    Please, my time means everything. I walk fast and do intervals of jogging with it while pumping my arms in tae bo fashion. I can get 3 miles down in 45 minutes or 5 miles in one hour and I don't have to get in a car and go to a gym to do it. Any exercise that gets your heart pumping and the sweat pouring is a good one. Besides all that, I am getting a tan. Everyone is going to find what works for them, Just keep at it.
  • sorcha1977
    sorcha1977 Posts: 133 Member
    I lost my first 40 pounds walking around my neighborhood. It has a couple of big hills, and I kept challenging myself to get up those hills faster and with less breath "lost". I started out panting my way up, feeling like death, and then it got to the point where they were a challenge but I didn't feel winded at the top. It was perfect for me because I was too heavy to do most other workouts safely. My knees were in so much pain from daily living that I had to keep it low-impact.

    Walking is also my favorite exercise because it gets me outside. Michigan has humid summers and cold winters, which affects my asthma, so I do most of my walking during the spring and fall and then do DVD workouts when the weather is intolerable. Right now, our nights are getting nice and cold, so walking has been *wonderful*. :)
  • squigglypuff
    squigglypuff Posts: 279 Member
    When I started on MFP over two years ago, I only walked. I lost over 30lbs just by walking and logging food. Eventually I started to feel lazy and guilty for "only" walking -- so I added in the 30 Day Shred, yoga, zumba, pilates, weights, and other exercises. Ever since complicating my routine, I've regained about 10lbs and I've been hitting many plateaus. I've been gaining and losing the same 5-10lbs over and over again since I added other exercises.

    I think that most people assume that walking is cheating or looking for an easy way out. They don't realize that it's sustainable and that you can do it basically any where, any time of day, and it's practically free!
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    I find the gym too strenuous on my hips. So I walk and its helped me lose the 25lbs I have so far. And I dont even go out of my way to walk, I simple walk to and from work now. Thats the only extra exercise I get.

    Its about 5000 steps there, 5000 back. So Yeah, only 10,000 steps a day 5 days a week and thats been plenty.
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    I'm about to go for a walk myself... 3.5 miles round trip to the local sandwich shop. My walk will burn 600 or so calories. My sandwich is just barely over that. an hour out of my day, a nice meal, and a net of about 40 calories... win-win.
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    I lost 50 pounds walking, and I continue to walk. Eff what others think.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Walking is for people who's time means nothing.

    I work part time, and the days I have off I take my children out on their scooters so walk/run chasing them! Does spending time with my children, while keeping them and myself active, mean nothing? We spend a good 3/4 hours out on the seafront.

    I think walking is pretty good exercise, although I do plenty of other exercise too. What I don't understand is a DVD to walk? What do you do, just walk around your living room? Why not just go out?

    I'm English, but when I went to the US I noticed that not many people walk anywhere.
    Did you also notice we're one of the fattest nations? Correlation perhaps?:smile:
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    I don't know you guys.....buy my support team somewhat sucks when I begin to talk about my cardiovascular choice......WALKING. I do Leslie Sansone EVERYDAY and have seen great results but I hate telling people I WALK....because they never have anything good to say about it......but Leslie is NO JOKE.....I usually have an average HR of 150 and reach highs of 166-168 (94%). So I'm sweating and my heart is getting a workout.

    Leslie is the only workout I can truly do and STAY COMMITTED to. I can't commit to others....but I want to celebrate and be proud of my walking choice.....ughhhhh.....any walkers out there with great things to say about it? I really need to hear some good things right about now. I'm having one of those days.

    What kind of walking do you do where you have an average HR of 150?? I only have an average of 125 doing kettlebells.

    Speed walking gets your heart rate up. More than kettlebells, depending. Some days I do elliptical in the morning, and some days I speed walk. If I'm over 4.0, I tend to come in around the same heartrate wise as on the elliptical. Also, at 4.5 (which I think is a 12 minute mile), some speed walkers are walking as fast as slow joggers. So....
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    I'm English, but when I went to the US I noticed that not many people walk anywhere.
    Did you also notice we're one of the fattest nations? Correlation perhaps?:smile:
    the US is much more spread out, and with such varying climate that in many parts walking to work, school, etc. is just not feasible for most people. I'm fortunate enough to live in a small town where I can actually walk to most things I need (except work, that's 28 miles away) but I still have to walk at least 1.5 miles to get to any stores or restaurants. I do it, and I enjoy it. but we are a car commuter culture. Yes, I do blame that in part for our high rate of obesity... but I'm doing my part to lower that rate by a smidgeon ;)
  • Pequenalulu
    Everyone has different preferences, but walking has many great benefits. I have plantar fasciitis so though I would love to jog I have to walk. So I enjoy the walk and make it an activity with my dog. Any exercise is good exercise. Keep up the good job!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'm English, but when I went to the US I noticed that not many people walk anywhere.
    Did you also notice we're one of the fattest nations? Correlation perhaps?:smile:
    the US is much more spread out, and with such varying climate that in many parts walking to work, school, etc. is just not feasible for most people. I'm fortunate enough to live in a small town where I can actually walk to most things I need (except work, that's 28 miles away) but I still have to walk at least 1.5 miles to get to any stores or restaurants. I do it, and I enjoy it. but we are a car commuter culture. Yes, I do blame that in part for our high rate of obesity... but I'm doing my part to lower that rate by a smidgeon ;)
    We are spread out. By our own doing. Many european communities have challenging weather, yet they walk. We are a car culture, for sure. I live in a medium sized city with mediocre mass transit. I walk to stores, restaurants, and work (usually I ride, actually). I ride the bus (which then means walking) as much as possible. It all adds up. Good for you!