Ummmmm is this E harmony (fitness)?

Msdnice Posts: 50
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
What in the world? People use this to find dates? Heck.....I'm trying to lose weight with support....not find someone to stress me the hell out and trigger my emotional eating.... Geez! Get your priorities right. Wow!


  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
  • stackhead
    stackhead Posts: 121 Member
    Where do people do this? I've honestly never seen any posts that do this. Maybe i'm just not looking in the right places...
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    It's not a dating site? I'm outta here in that case.

  • Msdnice
    I just started yesterday and have seen it 7 times.
  • Msdnice
    Now 'that' was funny.
    TINAHUNTER1969 Posts: 219 Member
    Yep - I want friends who are encouraging and on here for the right reasons.
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    I think there are some people who enjoy flirting on here. I'm not here for that so I just move on. No problem.

    What exactly triggered your emotional eating?
    TINAHUNTER1969 Posts: 219 Member
    lol love the gorilla
  • abbyolurin1
    abbyolurin1 Posts: 153 Member
    It's not a dating site? I'm outta here in that case.


    One of the funniest gifs i've seen in a long time!
  • Msdnice
    Work, people ( their negativity) and hormones (refuse to get on medications)
  • Msdnice
    I had to look up GIF.....ughhhhh the world of acronyms!!!!!! Help!!!!! LOL
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    So what keeps you from using thirds app for weightloss? Concentrate on what is important to you and all will be giod...
  • Msdnice
    What is that? I just started 'yesterday'. Can't say I'm deterred from using MFP....just observed on the first day the use for others. I'm ne to calorie counting like this.
  • SkinnyWannabeGal
    SkinnyWannabeGal Posts: 143 Member
    Awesome gorilla. Is he single?
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    The thing you must remember is that MFP has a wide band of users so you are going to come across all types of people. Just like anywhere, you will see flirting and people trying to hook up.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    They say people who use MFP are 3 times more likely to find a relationship. Lol.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    You do you. It's your choice if you eat to soothe emotions and your choice if you google "gif ". No one makes you.

    It is also your choice not to flirt or not to consider anyone you meet here as a possible date. That's cool. I don't date anyone here (but many of my friends are fodder for a great fantasy life) .

    Don't use other people and their choices as your ready excuse for when this doesn't magically get you to your goals. It doesn't affect you a whit if someones friendships here develop into romantic relationships. It makes sense :they've got shared interests and goals.

    You do you. Try to not be so judgy of others. It is taking you off your square.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    People complain about this from time to time, and I do have to say, I haven't seen it happening excessively on this site. Why do you care? People meet other people all over the place, even the gym. Why would this be any different? Focus on your own goals.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    The thing you must remember is that MFP has a wide band of users so you are going to come across all types of people. Just like anywhere, you will see flirting and people trying to hook up.

    Lighten up!! This is just a website!!!

    Focus on your weight loss goals!!!
  • mrhonesty
    mrhonesty Posts: 274 Member
    I have had people flirt and I'm sure I come off as a flirt but find nothing wrong with it. Someone sees my chubby *kitten* on here and reads my diary and still wants to flirt? Why not. What is this rehab?
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