Ummmmm is this E harmony (fitness)?



  • jpbgrad98CHANGED
    Ok, ok... I have never posted on a topic that has had so much drama in it... Generally speaking, I try to stay out of things like this. But, I really feel like I need to put my two cents in. This has really stirred some emotions up and I need to let it out...

    That is the most beautiful picture of bacon I have ever seen... and yes, I will take 2 slices.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I've met awesome friends and an awesome girlfriend all while using this site for fitness reasons....

    I don't see your problem with that? Are you bitter that people are achieving their fitness goals and also finding lasting friendships and relationships with people who share the same interests?
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Too. early. for. this.

    Can I have your number? KIK? Facebook?
  • FearAnLoathingJ
    FearAnLoathingJ Posts: 337 Member
    What in the world? People use this to find dates? Heck.....I'm trying to lose weight with support....not find someone to stress me the hell out and trigger my emotional eating.... Geez! Get your priorities right. Wow!

    Why does everyone have to have the same priorities as you? My advice to you is to take the energy you are wasting worrying about what everyone else is doing and focus on yourself.
  • Msdnice
    Yes I am.....I just signed on for THE FIRST TIME EVER.....yesterday at 8pm.....I am highly jealous after signing on a don receiving 15 messages from weirdos.......I am very jealous. You got me. White flag.......really?
  • Msdnice
    Two options.....
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Yes I am.....I just signed on for THE FIRST TIME EVER.....yesterday at 8pm.....I am highly jealous after signing on a don receiving 15 messages from weirdos.......I am very jealous. You got me. White flag.......really?
    I've been on this site for years. I won't say I've never gotten the odd compliment or a creeper message here and there, but I'm pretty confident you are exaggerating or possibly even making this up.

    As for people hooking up here, I don't know where that's happening since mostly I see either silliness or debate over nutrition/fitness. Usually both.

    But I stay out of the obvious crying for attention threads. If you go into those, you're kind of asking for it.

    Although I suppose this is an obvious crying for attention thread and here I am. :ohwell:
  • jollyjoe321
    jollyjoe321 Posts: 529 Member
    Wait... this isn't a dating site?
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Work, people ( their negativity) and hormones (refuse to get on medications)

    Then I would really suggest you stay away from the forums, or it could get really ugly around your house! Just find some people on here that are around your age and weight range and add them to your friend list for support. Check out the Success Stories threads to find them. Whatever you do, do NOT go into Chit Chat Fun and Games!

    Oh, and E Harmony is for Christians. This is more like, or Hookup,com (I am assuming that is a real site!)

    You will get used to the various personalities on here.This is quite the melting pot.
  • jollyjoe321
    jollyjoe321 Posts: 529 Member
    Most of the stuff on here is great for boosting self-esteem and stuff anyway, if you think it's getting out of hand it's pretty easy to close it off really.
  • IronCakes
    IronCakes Posts: 317 Member
    Yes I am.....I just signed on for THE FIRST TIME EVER.....yesterday at 8pm.....I am highly jealous after signing on a don receiving 15 messages from weirdos.......I am very jealous. You got me. White flag.......really?

    Um you have no pictures and your profile is private so unless you recently changed that, why would anyone message you?

    How about you stop worrying about other people and worry about that support you need? You are better off in the motivation and support part of the forums.

  • lislynhar
    lislynhar Posts: 7 Member
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    What in the world? People use this to find dates? Heck.....I'm trying to lose weight with support....not find someone to stress me the hell out and trigger my emotional eating.... Geez! Get your priorities right. Wow!

  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    Complain away you guys don't bother me


    There's that Shakespeare quote!
  • Msdnice
    Wowwwwwwwwwwwwww I ruffled some feathers......didn't even know it would be that serious.......really? Well luckily I have not been on here for 24 hours and have learned the true atmosphere.......let me show you how much I don't give a's called create a new damn page and say the hell with this crap and do my life......which clearly many of you don't have because you are going off on some bull.....please remember every single one of you CHOSE to respond.......which meansssssssssss you allowed something you easily could have ignored (which thousands DID on 'this post) it but DID in order for the post to stay alive......YOU GUYS brought it to try again. Coming after a faceless poster who will create another page and go into obscurity is a matter of fact I think I'll create another page and go off on myself on this post and have you fools agree with me and disagree.......yeah I'll do that on my downtime........oh the irony. You have no idea if I'm doing that now......ok.....bye bye Msdnice......hello......Ireallydon'tgiveadamnifyoufindloveonthestreetorinternetiwillnevermeetyousoitsnotthatdeep
  • jollyjoe321
    jollyjoe321 Posts: 529 Member
    Wowwwwwwwwwwwwww I ruffled some feathers......didn't even know it would be that serious.......really? Well luckily I have not been on here for 24 hours and have learned the true atmosphere.......let me show you how much I don't give a's called create a new damn page and say the hell with this crap and do my life......which clearly many of you don't have because you are going off on some bull.....please remember every single one of you CHOSE to respond.......which meansssssssssss you allowed something you easily could have ignored (which thousands DID on 'this post) it but DID in order for the post to stay alive......YOU GUYS brought it to try again. Coming after a faceless poster who will create another page and go into obscurity is a matter of fact I think I'll create another page and go off on myself on this post and have you fools agree with me and disagree.......yeah I'll do that on my downtime........oh the irony. You have no idea if I'm doing that now......ok.....bye bye Msdnice......hello......Ireallydon'tgiveadamnifyoufindloveonthestreetorinternetiwillnevermeetyousoitsnotthatdeep

    You don't get noticed if you don't ruffle a few feathers... :D

    Nice to have you here! =)
  • JamieM8168
    JamieM8168 Posts: 248 Member
    You're already complaining after 24 hrs. Oh boy! :yawn:
  • SkinnyFatAlbert
    SkinnyFatAlbert Posts: 482 Member
    Well you do burn more calories playing hide the salami than you do polishing the sausage.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    You posted TWICE to a response......and 'that' wasn't 'that' serious......I will not be cyber bullied......please. Please take my faceless pic and have a seat.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Someone sent me a note saying they wanted to defend me on here....thanks that's sweet.....but I got this. I have the right to express like everyone else.....if people have a problem they can do two things:
    1. Ignore it
    2. Respond

    But don't think those choices are for you only.

    So repost, respond and repost again.....this thread will die down just like the others.....this too shall pass...oh well I ruffled feathers ...anddddddd? Complain away you guys don't bother me

    Claims to be new to site and forums, yet knows how it works a little too well?

    Yeah, I smell troll. Who got booted off the forums lately? For they have returned!!
This discussion has been closed.