Nothing Irritates Me More...



  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    ****ing TONING....

    Diet = Weight Loss
    Exercise = Fitness
    Lifting Heavy Weight = Muscle Building/Definition
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    I have a couple right now. One is that you can't lose weight (like, REALLY lose weight!) unless you're running. I heard this just the other day and then again a day later that if I REALLY wanted to burn calories to lose major weight, I had to RUN. NO. NO I DO NOT! If I run, it's because I want to and I don't. I may jog or do intervals, but I don't enjoy running so I don't do it. Next are people who say that their weight loss is POINTLESS because they only lost half a pound. WHAT? If you lose anything, that is progress! PROGRESS! They don't get that over the course of one year, that half a pound could add up to 26. Do some people lose a lot more? Why yes! But does everyone have to? No. Does it make that half pound loss any less good? NO. I'm in this for the long haul and I've lost right at 45 to 50lbs. over the last couple of years. It may not be big and dramatic, but it is PROGRESS! I just wish that people could not only appreciate it for me, but for themselves. :/

    I also agree on the weightlifting. Some women can bulk easily, but it's not every woman. I have higher testosterone levels and put on muscle quite easily which I am super thankful for. But I don't eat at excess so I'm good. But I enjoy lifting and enjoy the effects. I am SICK TO DEATH of hearing people say that lifting or BW exercises won't help you lose. Like someone else mentioned, I hate the gym mentality, too. I guess more bugs me than I thought! HA!
  • runnermama81
    runnermama81 Posts: 388 Member

    I hate thick legs... said no man ever.

    Made my day!
  • StrictlyPro
    If that is the most irritating thing in your life, congrats

    There are too many irritating fitness myths to even list
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    "Eating all that bacon and red meat is gonna give you high cholesterol! "

    Here, lemme show you my blood tests that show the opposite...
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    This is a deadlock and i have stopped arguing over them now. I just nod..How is it going to affect me anyway?
    1. Heavy weights = bulky.
    2. Eat dinner before 4 PM (This one from a PT to my colleague)
    3. Eat only proteins for dinner(right from the same source as above)
    4. eating less than 1200 calories a day and saying my goal is these many pounds and after that i can relax :laugh:
    5. Fasting on 3-4 days out of the week
  • LadyMustard
    LadyMustard Posts: 104 Member
    I get that more from men than women actually. My close friends are all male, and they all recommend I stick to cardio, because weights are for men and women should not try and gain too much muscle.

    Damn.... I am an incredibly competitive person, and being told specifically "NOT" to do something makes me want to do it all the more. I had ZERO motivation to work out today until I read this.

    *fired up*
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I hate it when people who have no idea whatsoever what is actually "healthy" go on a diet and flaunt it around. It usually consists of eating a salad at every single meal drowned in ranch topped with bacon and a side of toast. Or they'll be like "wow, are you sure you want to eat that?" to other people who are probably consuming a meal 1/2 the calories than their salad.

    I also hate the people who always say "Don't worry, i haven't lost any pounds yet but ive been in the gym. I've probably been gaining muscle". When in reality they have been eating foods they "believe" are healthy but still WAY beyond their TDEE.

    I hate people who think doing a 30 day no-weight squat challenge is going to get them super "toned" and nice *kitten*.

    Lastly, I hate people who decide to hold "Biggest Loser" competitions and have the winner determined by POUNDS lost; not percentage of body weight lost. If you mention that someone larger can lose more weight in a designated time they say "that's not true. it's just as hard to lose weight if not harder when you're fat. you wouldnt understand".

    Now i'm just one of those people that just watches the world burn.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Yes! Agreed OP! I used to be one of those women though, because that's what I was taught to believe growing up. I try to tell the girls I workout with now, and most of them are catching on. I had a discussion with one of my friends just yesterday, who thought the same thing. She's been doing machines at the gym, and lifting weights, and she was like, "wow, I'm getting smaller! I was worried that I was going to get bulky, but I'm losing inches!" Lol. I was like, told you so! :wink:
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Than when I'm having a conversation with another woman and she says she doesn't like lifting because she's afraid of getting bulky or says to me something along the lines of oh, you're lifting because you're trying to bulk up huh? Excuse me??? NOPE. WRONG.

    I had this happen over the weekend and I immediately had to change the subject because I could no longer have a serious conversation with the other person. The misconception with women lifting and getting "bulky" drives me insane. Also, what if I was trying to "bulk up?" That's my business, and mine alone.

    I'm lifting to be healthy, have muscle, lean out, burn more calories, increase my metabolism, improve my running, have a nice butt, be strong, look good naked, live a long life, and plenty more reasons.

    Rant over.

    So I'm curious, what fitness "myths" irritate you?

    None really, because I got used to many people thinking that and did not bother getting upset about it. It is one of the most prevailing weightlifting myth around. If I thought that people might be interested I would tell them that they were wrong and why ( and did so in a respectful tone, because it is not the people's fault that they have the wrong info), if not I switched on the in-one-ear-out-of-the-other button and let it be. I also did not share why I lifted, because they were my own reasons ( and pretty similar to your's ) general what happened in the gym or with lifting related comments just were not that important to me. I save my really strong emotions like hate for stuff that is much more important than what people believe in regard to exercise.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    That's really the only myth that bothered me. Probably because I've experienced whiplash with it for like 15yrs, lol. Now I just go along with it and say, "Hell yeah, I'm trying to bulk up!" Key word... trying... lol! I just laugh when they try and talk me down.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I too am trying to look good naked. That is my main motivator .. just cause I am tired of the protruding stomach and the appearance of being the typical overweight north american guy. I was pretty slim and fit back in 2006 and I want to get back there.
  • LumpySpacePrincess1
    Than groups of people providing false information. One person is forgivable, the second's probably a bit slow, but once it starts piling up its clearly a group effort to be as dumb as humanly possible.
    "Should I do the purple drank diet?"
    "Oh yes! I read (no link provided) that it helps lose weight everywhere EXCEPT your breasticles."
    "My Aunt Bertha did that diet for 3 months and lost 80lbs! She shortly thereafter killed herself, but the coffin was super light."
    "Ooo you should do it! I've never done it before and want someone to risk their health first! Keep me updated :D"
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    I would love to see people clean up after themselves.


    I cannot stand when people don't put things away at the gym!
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    It gets me when people say that all the weight will come back on after I go off my "diet." I'm tired of telling them that I am not on a "diet" and that I am trying to eat and live healthier. And the other, when/if they notice a weight loss they want to know what diet I am on. I just say "calorie deficit." It usually takes a minute before that sets in. By then, I change the subject!

    This /\

    People want to know what my magic pill is - they get very disinterested when I tell them discipline, consistency, determination, five hours of working out every week, recording my food, planning all my meals....... Being honest with myself and eating consciously!
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    When people say muscle "weighs" more than fat....WRONG! It's more dense but 5lbs of muscle weighs the same as 5lbs of fat!

    ^^^^^^^ too! 5lbs is 5lbs.

    The implied statement is "per volume." One cc of muscle does weigh more than one cc of fat. It irritates me when people don't get the implied statement in that phrase.

    Edited to add:

    Other myths that bug me:
    * Fasting is dangerous (so how come every major religion embraces fasting?)
    * That successful weight loss is just calories in and calories out. (Yeah, because all humans are exactly the same and no one ever experiences medical conditions that make weight loss difficult or impossible)
    * Only work within your "fat burning" heart rate zone. (The 220-your age is utter b. s. It is based on no science at all.)