

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member

    My handsome son and I - he's lost about forty pounds since then and is looking lean! x
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member

    DH and I a couple of weeks ago - taken during a walk in Richmond Park - which is why I look worn out! x
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Sorry about all the pics I've posted! I was only trying it out and got carried away!

    It's a rather dismal day here in London. One good thing about it is that I'm off parent caring duties today. My dad is going on a trip with his church group so I know he is being looked after and I don't have to do anything for him (that's in theory - it doesn't mean that I won't get a panic phone call from him). DH and I are doing an evening visit to mum-in-law, so I don't have to go to the nursing home till then.

    I have already done a decent bit of time in my gym this morning, but will hope to get another hour in later on. Other than that I intend to walk down to the village and do some errands and then stop off in the coffee shop for an espresso. It's a good place to do 'people watching' as they get many celebrities in there (it is very close to some rehearsal studios). In the past I have sat a table over from Kenneth Branagh; Sean Connery; Sir John Mills (although that was a few years back, obviously); Tom Courtenay; Donny Osmond; Maggie Smith and many others. It's quite amusing that it is normally the 'hangers-on' that make all the fuss and noise and the bigger names just behave normally. Such is life.

    MacMadame - I hear you about not getting enough sleep. I've been an insomniac since I was a teenager and often get barely two hours sleep in a night. In my experience nothing helps. Sleeping pills are a waste of time and just make me feel leaden the next day. Nowadays I just plug myself into my ipod and listen to relaxation music or even hypnotherapy tracks. They don't necessarily help bring sleep, but at least my body relaxes.

    Mimi - look at you! Exercising for two hours!! I'm impressed, especially as I know it's not your favourite thing to do.

    Michele - what a great remark from your daughter. For her to realise that you are taking care of yourself means you are leaving her a wonderful legacy that she will, hopefully emulate.

    Ainslieglen - put the rocky July behind you and embrace the successes that August will bring.

    Barbie - keep taking care of your knee, hopefully it will be healed soon. The same goes for you with your injury Viv.

    Jeannie - I looked at the website for Carlsbad Caverns. Remarkable place by the looks of things. I'm envious!

    Barb - good luck with getting Houdini/Mai Li's bandage on!

    Jackie - I can't remember if I did wish you a happy birthday (memory is going!) but it sounds like you had a good time and I'm pleased that you are getting a raise from the 'hotel'.

    For those of you who showed interest in my hummus recipe, I don't have one! I do it all by instinct if you like, but next time I make it I'll make sure I make a note and try to write up a recipe for you.

    To everyone else, my apologies for not writing a personal reply. There seems to be a lot of us on here these days - speaking of which, hello to all the newbies! You have definitely come to the right place.

    Enough from me for now. Have a great day please.

    Amanda x
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone

    Amanda thanks for sharing your pics with us. And from one caregiver to another enjoy your day off. I know how much that means!

    I got to get out & go to the movies with my adult children yesterday. It was fun. My son skinny thing that he is got buttered popcorn. I only took a taste when he offered and declined the other times. Good thing he wasn't sitting right next to me. I don't know if I could have resisted otherwise.

    Got in 200 exercise calories this morning and am now off to the shower. House cleaning for me today!

    I'll check back later,

  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412

    Well I almost got it LOL. I don't know why the pic has the girls way off to the side, but It's there. My oldest grand daughter is all but cut out grrrrrrr.
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412

    My oldest daughter Tina and my grand daughters. I was in this pic also but it cut me completely out. The pic must be too big to fit on here. I will try something different later. I THINK I know what I am doing wrong.
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Sorry for all the pic posts, I am trying to get this right. I guess I am a perfectionist when it comes to pics. I love taking pics and can't stand it doesn't turn out right :grumble:
  • BarbieCat1
    Morning... I'm about to bike over to the gym for personal training and the treadmill, but wanted to check in first. I think I'll try a photo.. I use SmugMug... let's see if works... just a little cartoon for us..


    edit: Yep.. it works. It's really easy... I'm going to give the posting URL exactly as I used it... but putting spaces between the img letters..... for actually photo posting, remove those spaces between i m g.

    [i m g]http://photos.smugmug.com/photos/16858910_LsQch-Th-1.gif[i m g]

    Love seeing the family photos, ladies... thanks for sharing.

    For those who live in Florida and neighboring states, Publix carries Ak Mak crackers... and they cost less than $2 a box !. Cheaper than the high calorie refined flour crackers... so what's not to love? I should mention, because taste matters, the Ak Mak are not hard or dense in texture.. they're more like a whole grain saltine, without the salt.
  • Raynedancer
    Raynedancer Posts: 96 Member
    Good morning, Ladies :smile:

    Well, I got some good sleep last night, if I exclude the 2 times I awoke too warm, checked the thermostat to see that it was set for 74 degrees, but only cooling to 90. I think that maybe the coolant needs recharged. Well, I will have that checked out today.

    Anyway, I wanted to wish everyone a peaceful and successful day. I will check back in later. I need to get started with some exercise.

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,517 Member
    Thanks Barbie! Love the picture, new hairdo?

    Yesterday heard a tinkly ringing, like metallic wind chimes... seemed to be coming from the living room where there is no breeze :wink: . . . Went to the torch lamp, tipped it over and out flew a dragonfly! Coaxed him into a vase and released him outside. What IS with the dragonflies this year?

    July goals
    :heart: Gratitute and Lenten Lifestyle-pretty good only 2 :drinker: exceptions I can remember
    :flowerforyou: 1 hr daily fun activity - average yes, but fell way short on weekends
    :angry: gut'n'butt-dismal failure:sad: :explode: :cry:

    It's Auguts... (Freudian typo.:laugh: )... more than halfway through 2010 and I've only gone from an 18W/1X to a 16/XL.
    Gutt'n'butt is best hope to make the big 2010 goal. Aw GUTS! :tongue:

    gutt'n'butt try 7 day 1.
    Grateful for fun loving, generous DH, second chances and the wonderful 50+ women.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    This is take two, I forgot to do it in a note page and lost it all so I am trying again.

    Mimi - I am so proud of you. Two hours is awesome.
    Donna - glad you got the pics to work. Now you need to shrink them before you upload them to photobucket and they will fit better.
    Amanda - you have done amazingly. You look awesome and your pix were great.
    Elizabeth - I had a rocky July too. let both make August better.
    Macmadame - rest and heal, its important. you are so inspiring and amazing.
    Barbara - at least dragon flies are good luck and signs of great hospitality so they are in the right place
    BC1 I am so impressed that you bike to the gym to workout. I would be worried about the return trip cuz I would be beat.

    To all of the newbies, this is the most amazing, inspiring, supportive group of women I have ever had the priviledge of knowing. they have changed my life and I love them all

    So I am going on a "diet" for two weeks. I am lowering my intitial plan for calories by 200 aday. from 1450 to 1250. I will continue with my exercise as before but may cut down the intensity on the cardio a bit. I am just doing it for 2 weeks to kick start things and hopefully meet my 8/15/10 mini goal of 145. then we are off camping and I don't want to worry about it too much.

    I hope you all have an awesome Monday!!!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I didn't lose any weight in July, but my husband did eating the same foods and not exercising! :explode:

    My 15 year old niece has been staying with me since last Wednesday. Its so great to have someone to walk with every day. I'm sure gonna miss her when she goes home. She's been like a sponge asking loads of questions about what I eat and exercises to do to target her belly. If she was here all the time no telling how thin we'd both be. :drinker:

    About the same time a very sweet little blonde canine hobo showed up on our doorstep. We made her stay outside our fenced yard all weekend in case someone was looking for her, and on the very likely chance she has critters. Today she's at the groomers right now getting the matted hair removed, bathed and dipped. I seriously doubt anyone is looking for her, but will try to find her owner before I invest in spaying. Hubby says we aren't keeping her, but I can already tell she is winning his heart. She's a very friendly calm little gal. My best guess is she is at least part, if not all, golden samoyed. When she gets back we will try her inside our yard and see how she does with my flowers and our kitty. (This is how we've ended up with almost every single pet we've ever had. They choose us!)
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's good to read all the posts. It is crazy how quickly the days go by, August already!:noway: I want to know how you all get your goals under the ticker. I would like to that. If my goals are in front of me every day when I post, I think I'll be more mindful of them. Otherwise it is easy to change them as I go and end up not meeting them. My Dad always said, "It is better to hit a toad in the road than to shoot for the moon and miss." Little immediate goals are better than big, lofty ones that aren't accomplished. Thanks Barbiecat for the new thread. You are my hero in this weight loss journey!:flowerforyou:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Hello All,

    Wow this thread is huge, that's great! I have been very remiss in my posting. We work in a tourist area so summer is hectic, hectic, hectic.

    I have been burning calories like a furnace. I am eating my fresh veggies and fruit. ( Love it! ) Drinking copious amounts of water.
    I am measuring my portions. Staying within my calorie limits.

    And weighing the same through it all. Give or take the 2 to 4 pound flux, that I see from time to time.

    I am healthy as a horse.

    My goals stay the same, for this month.

    I love reading all your posts, and will make it an additional goal to post more often.

    :heart: Alice
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!
    I just got back on the horse after a long time and have been looking for a group like this.
    I am 52 years old (53 this month) and I would like the friendship and support of women who are experencing the same challenges as I am. Women who and offer advice as well as a shoulder to cry on.
    I am starting August at 228 and at 5'3+ it is close to 100 pounds over weight. I have a thyroid problem but I am seeing a Dr to get that under control. I am caretaker to my Father and disabled brother and am working part-time. I would like to enrole in classes this fall as I am pretty sure I will not be able to support myself on part time wages. I have very little free time but my goals for August are to fit in some exercise 3 times a week for about 20 minutes and to drink 8 glasses of water per day. I would like to lose 8 pounds to be at 220 by end of August.
    I am looking forward to getting to know all of you better.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I am 52 years old (53 this month)
    Me, too!

    I'm trying to decide what I want for my birthday. I think I just want to be around my friends. Maybe I'll schedule a get-together. I'm also eying an iPad but I can't really justify it.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I read all the posts and did an individual reply doc in Word. It is 2 pages long! I decided that it is too long for anyone to really read through it. We certainly are a talkative bunch. lol

    To all getting ready to travel: Good luck getting in your exercise and eating well. Chili’s has a Caribbean salad with either chicken or shrimp that is 620 calories as served. I’m sure most of the calories is the dressing. It is fantastic. I got the dressing on the side and could only finish half of what they gave me. It has fruit and veggies in it.

    Jackie - A belated Happy Birthday!

    All the pictures were great. Thanks for posting them everyone. It's nice to see the kids, grandkids, weddings, etc. Don't worry if they take up space or don't center right. It's great to see them and get to know you all just a little better through them.

    Speaking of house cleaning.......I have just enough time to clean before I have to start running kids around and getting ready for our trip to the lake this weekend.

    My August goals are to really stick to the DASH diet and to do something about my sore shoulders and neck. I hate the thought of going through doctors and PT again.

    Gratz to all who met or even came close to their goals last month. That is amazing considering how busy we all are and how much is on each of our plates with family and pets.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Here's to a new Month! Already three pages to read:noway: and it's only the morning of the 2nd ! ....this may take awhile....

    Chiclet - Congrats on wearing those pants!

    Viv- sorry about your Uncle in the hospital

    Linda - I'm sure the next two weeks are going to fly by before your wedding

    Rebel - your new picture is quite the inspiration:drinker:

    Mimi - with all the coming and going you did...the fact that you still lost is amazing and a job well done:flowerforyou:

    Bec- we are here to support you, and you can do this:smile: you will feel so much better as you continue on this journey.

    Pamela - GFY on your loss :drinker:

    Elizabeth - the great thing about this is there is always a new day and month ahead of us to begin anew:flowerforyou:

    Jeannie - glad you enjoyed the Caverns, it's been a long time since I was there I think I was about 9 yrs old when my parents took me.

    Barb - good luck with those dressings for Mai Li, I know that when Peanut has a bandage he really dislikes it too:grumble:

    MacMadame - just looking at your ticker tells me that you are successful:flowerforyou: even if last month wasn't all you wanted it to be.

    Erica - :cry: sorry about your hours being cut, I know how hard it is trying to adjust to less when everything is costing more.

    Amanda - I loved the pictures...and now I know why we are on page three and it's only August 2nd:wink:

    Cindy - WOW passing on the popcorn....wish I could say I did the same...but I had to help my Hubby eat 1/2 of the small:blushing: naughty naughty me.

    Donna- nice pic's (finally:wink: )

    Robin- hope that "kick start" works for you:flowerforyou:

    Peggy - Welcome to the best place to get encouragment:flowerforyou:

    I updated my August goal to lose #2 saying I want to lose 1/2 lb a week was too vague. If I can lose those two I will be under the 120 mark and that is a major milestone for this shorty:smile:

    Everyone have a good day:drinker: drink your water and get out and exercise because we all want to win this battle we have set before us.

  • Angusowner
    Good Day, ladies!

    I really enjoyed the pictures, Amanda & Donna! What beautiful women (both young & "young"!). Donna, I am fairly new to the Grandmother role, but find it is one of the best roles I have in life.

    Cathy, I am also an Iowan (at least I assume you are from Iowa - Iowamama.). My daugher was going to school in D.C. & transferred back here to Iowa State. When she came back, a young man from there followed her. He had lived in Ireland, Saudi Arabia, and Alexandria, VA, but he likes the midwest best -or so he says because he's in love ; ) - Of course, they, like my husband & I, love to travel whenever possible!

    Erica, I hope that the job situation gets straightened out quickly!

    I really have enjoyed reading the posts today. I am off to my home town to meet with my siblings to finish getting things set up with the realtor. We list my Mother's house this week. Definitely bittersweet. The most difficult will be holidays, not so much the actual house, but the fact that not celebrating at that place means she's not with us. We actually celebrated Mother's Day there even though Mom died April 1. My goal for today: do not head to Dairy Queen after meeting with my sibs!

    I am going early to spend time with my sister. How can 2 sisters have such different body types? She has always been thin and can eat like a horse. I have had periods of thinness, but have been up & down my entire life. Everything I eat, I wear. Anyway, I got that many of you are animal lovers. We have always been an animal family - everyone owns at least 1 dog, with some having cats (many of us have allergies that prevent cat-owning - we can only cat "admire"), and various fish, hamsters, rabbits, etc. I have a delightful scottish terrier named Angus. He is not a typical scotty (I've had scotties in the past) because he is not as territorial as some. I adore him! He is 10. Anyway, (I can't even say - "to make a long story short" because I have already rambled...) My sister had to put her dear shih-tsu to sleep on Friday, and she is having such a tough time. That dear dog helped her through the death due to cancer of her 21-year-old daughter, the death of our mother, and countless other stressful events over the last 13 years. I wish could help her through this!

    I have really been chatty today. 2 questions:
    1. I have never used photobucket. Any way to take pictures directly from photos on computer to post? MAybe I should look into photobucket!
    2. Yoga may be something I should get into. I have yogo on wii fit & have tried it, but not with much regularity. I just don't know how long, which ones to do, etc. Does anybody use wii fit yoga & can give me advice? How about other programs? I am a short little round person (5'1.5" or 1.57 m) so flexibility is something on which I need to work.

    Thanks, everyone. This is my therapy!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Welcome Newbies!!

    Thanks Donna and Amanda for all the pics. Amanda, what an amazing change from the older pic to the current one. I was probably the first to see the first photo you posted earlier today as I was still up when it arrived.

    So about my July goals--even revising the weight loss goal downward to 8 lbs. lost didn't quite work. I ended up only down 6 pounds from where I was at the start of July. Hopefully I will make more progress in August. I would like to be at least 20 lbs. lighter than I am now by the end of September.

    I ran across a pair of casual pants--the "Amanda" style jean by Gloria Vanderbilt. These were not denims, but a twill in a darker celery green shade. I got them for a great price over the 4th of July holiday, and could squeeze into them, but hadn't yet worn them. I was in the store again and decided to swap them for a size smaller, and the clearance prices are so low, I got another pair in tan. I should be able to wear both of them by mid-month.

    Mai Li and I called a truce. She stopped licking her leg, and I agreed not to try to bandage it!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: We will see how she feels about the application of topical ointment and taking a pill in a little while. The house is just too peaceful now to upset the atmosphere.:bigsmile:

    My mom's vacuum cleaner died in the midst of the cleaning lady's activities last week. I think it is a motor, and since the thing is 15 years old, I figured to just go get her another, but NO--we have to take it in for a "free estimate" in order for them to tell us what one shop already told me--get a new one. Considering she has trouble getting bags that fit properly for this one, I can't see the point of getting it repaired, but I will humour her and take it in. And THEN we will go get a new one!!:laugh:

    Speaking of my mom's "cleaning lady"--she is actually a friend of mine that I used to work with. When she was laid off she started doing cleaning for others and general housekeeping, cooking, etc. and has several regular clients, all of them elderly. She called me this morning with some sad news.

    This morning, she went to the home of one of her "regulars"-- a gentlemen in his 90's-- and found the newspaper outside, and no response to door or phone. She called 911, and while she was on the phone a neighbor came out and said he had been taken to the hospital on Saturday night. Then his son arrived at the house, as he knew she would be coming over, and told her he had died last evening!! She was very upset, as he had been perfectly fine on Friday when she last saw him. Turns out he had called his son and told him he 'didn't feel right' and had called an ambulance on Saturday. Once in the hospital, they said he had pneumonia. His heart couldn't stand the strain and that was that.

    Now, in addition to losing a friend and a client, she has a major hole in her income that will have to be plugged quickly, as she is the only one working in her household. And to top it off, today was her BIRTHDAY!!! I hope her day improves!!!

    Hope everyone around here has a good day. BFN
