Learn What it means to "Eat Clean"



  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    80% + 10% + 10% ???? There's MATH!!!??? Who said there was going to be freaking MATH!!:mad:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    So first the mythological "toxins" get tossed around, then the (completely false) rev your metabolism garbage gets tossed in, and on and on.

    I think I just filled my diet myths bingo card on this topic.

    Ooh the food combining myth too! Yes, combine protein and carbs, so not only can you get the insulin spike from carbs, but add in the protein so you can double your insulin spike! Not that insulin spikes are a bad thing, but it's always amusing.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Honestly, I think that is up to the individual, dont you? What sort of means do you have or are willing to do? How important or unimportant are making beans?
    I think that more people know how dangerous it is to consume things like diet soda and Lean cuisines to lose weight.
    Everyone situation is different. I know plenty of friend who were not raised in an environment that did not consume twinkies, doritos or cheese puffs on a continual basis and there for need a bit of guidance when looking to make a change in eating habits.
    I agree with what you are saying, and i think giving a good baseline is what is important. A basic understanding of what it means to eat healthy - if you dont like the term, leave it out:)

    1) Eat Whole Foods - whole fruits and vegetables, whole grains, grass-fed and free-range meats, low fat dairy products, unsalted nuts, and seeds.

    2) Avoid Processed Foods – Put simply, if you cant pronounce it, don’t eat it.

    3) Eliminate Refined Sugar – refined sugar is nothing but calories. You can use sweetners like Stevia, but avoid aspartame, Splenda, Sweet N Low and similar.

    4) Eat 5-6 small meals per day - By eating smaller meals throughout the day you can help rev up your metabolism and reduce the chance that you’ll eat some Doritos or Oreos rather than that whole grain cracker with nut butter and strawberries. You never get so hungry on this plan that you’ll feel deprived or feel the need to cheat.

    5) Cook your own meals - Instead of buying meals in a box, cook meals from scratch. That’s not as hard as it sounds! Clean, whole foods need little preparation beyond chopping and sautéing to make satisfying, delicious meals your family will love.

    6) Combine protein with carbs - When you do snack or eat a meal, make sure that meal is balanced. For the most satisfaction from your diet, and so you’ll be less tempted to eat junk food, combine protein with carbs or carbs and fat. This simple act will fuel your body and quash hunger pangs.

    most of this is complete BS...and can someone explain to me why bread is unclean, but freakin' Stevia is a-OK?

    Arbitrary rules are arbitrary.

    OH OH I CAN!!!

    Because op is simply regurgitating information she read on some female fitness website as opposed to actually doing research.


    I was going to leave this alone until I read all that nonsense in the OPs follow up. Why are diet soda's dangerous? Or lean cuisines?

    Why grass-fed, free-range, low fat, unsalted...blah blah blah?

    Don't look into the properties of an apple, I"m sure you can't pronounce most of them... Ludicrous.

    Eliminate rifined sugar? Why would I do that? It's effing delicious and harmless.

    Eat 5-6 small meals? That sounds unsatisfying and tedious.

    The onle thing you said that has any merit is "Eat whole foods". Generally not a bad idea.
  • rosellasweet
    rosellasweet Posts: 163 Member
    Reminds me of a conversation I heard in a store.

    Customer: "The package says all natural?"
    Clerk: "Yeah?"
    Customer: "So why do you add sodium chloride? And what the hell is sodium bicarbonate!?!"
    Clerk: "Salt. And Baking Soda."

    Everyone knows salt isn't natural! It's da devil.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    How can you tell someone is a "Clean Eater"?

    Don't worry - they'll tell you.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    How can you tell someone is a "Clean Eater"?

    Don't worry - they'll tell you.

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    So first the mythological "toxins" get tossed around, then the (completely false) rev your metabolism garbage gets tossed in, and on and on.

    I think I just filled my diet myths bingo card on this topic.

    OOooooo! Someone needs to put up the MFP bingo card so we can check.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    eating clean gave me ebola.

    eating pizza and pop tarts cured me.

    my anecdotal evidence is just as good as anyone else's.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Honestly, I think that is up to the individual, dont you? What sort of means do you have or are willing to do? How important or unimportant are making beans?
    I think that more people know how dangerous it is to consume things like diet soda and Lean cuisines to lose weight.
    Everyone situation is different. I know plenty of friend who were not raised in an environment that did not consume twinkies, doritos or cheese puffs on a continual basis and there for need a bit of guidance when looking to make a change in eating habits.
    I agree with what you are saying, and i think giving a good baseline is what is important. A basic understanding of what it means to eat healthy - if you dont like the term, leave it out:)

    1) Eat Whole Foods - whole fruits and vegetables, whole grains, grass-fed and free-range meats, low fat dairy products, unsalted nuts, and seeds.

    2) Avoid Processed Foods – Put simply, if you cant pronounce it, don’t eat it.

    3) Eliminate Refined Sugar – refined sugar is nothing but calories. You can use sweetners like Stevia, but avoid aspartame, Splenda, Sweet N Low and similar.

    4) Eat 5-6 small meals per day - By eating smaller meals throughout the day you can help rev up your metabolism and reduce the chance that you’ll eat some Doritos or Oreos rather than that whole grain cracker with nut butter and strawberries. You never get so hungry on this plan that you’ll feel deprived or feel the need to cheat.

    5) Cook your own meals - Instead of buying meals in a box, cook meals from scratch. That’s not as hard as it sounds! Clean, whole foods need little preparation beyond chopping and sautéing to make satisfying, delicious meals your family will love.

    6) Combine protein with carbs - When you do snack or eat a meal, make sure that meal is balanced. For the most satisfaction from your diet, and so you’ll be less tempted to eat junk food, combine protein with carbs or carbs and fat. This simple act will fuel your body and quash hunger pangs.

    most of this is complete BS...and can someone explain to me why bread is unclean, but freakin' Stevia is a-OK?

    Arbitrary rules are arbitrary.

    OH OH I CAN!!!

    Because op is simply regurgitating information she read on some female fitness website as opposed to actually doing research.


    I was going to leave this alone until I read all that nonsense in the OPs follow up. Why are diet soda's dangerous? Or lean cuisines?

    Why grass-fed, free-range, low fat, unsalted...blah blah blah?

    Don't look into the properties of an apple, I"m sure you can't pronounce most of them... Ludicrous.

    Eliminate rifined sugar? Why would I do that? It's effing delicious and harmless.

    Eat 5-6 small meals? That sounds unsatisfying and tedious.

    The onle thing you said that has any merit is "Eat whole foods". Generally not a bad idea.

    I still remember the thread where the person asked about eating "whole" foods..aka...the "whole chicken". :laugh:
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    How can you tell someone is a "Clean Eater"?

    Don't worry - they'll tell you.


    This plus PIE!
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    eating clean gave me ebola.

    eating pizza and pop tarts cured me.

    my anecdotal evidence is just as good as anyone else's.

    I just ate a whole frozen Kashi pizza.

    I feel clean and dirty all at the same time.
  • jvbrooks
    jvbrooks Posts: 82 Member
    Reminds me of a conversation I heard in a store.

    Customer: "The package says all natural?"
    Clerk: "Yeah?"
    Customer: "So why do you add sodium chloride? And what the hell is sodium bicarbonate!?!"
    Clerk: "Salt. And Baking Soda."

    Everyone knows salt isn't natural! It's da devil.

    OP has a point, though. Why we haven't banned dihydrogen monoxide yet is a mystery.

    Dihydrogen monoxide:

    is called "hydroxyl acid", the substance is the major component of acid rain.
    contributes to the "greenhouse effect".
    may cause severe burns.
    is fatal if inhaled.
    contributes to the erosion of our natural landscape.
    accelerates corrosion and rusting of many metals.
    may cause electrical failures and decreased effectiveness of automobile brakes.
    has been found in excised tumors of terminal cancer patients.

    Despite the danger, dihydrogen monoxide is often used:
    as an industrial solvent and coolant.
    in nuclear power plants.
    in the production of Styrofoam.
    as a fire retardant.
    in many forms of cruel animal research.
    in the distribution of pesticides. Even after washing, produce remains contaminated by this chemical.
    as an additive in certain "junk-foods" and other food products
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    In with a mouthful of chocolate.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Clean eating is just a euphemism for orthorexia.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Honestly, I think that is up to the individual, dont you? What sort of means do you have or are willing to do? How important or unimportant are making beans?
    I think that more people know how dangerous it is to consume things like diet soda and Lean cuisines to lose weight.
    Everyone situation is different. I know plenty of friend who were not raised in an environment that did not consume twinkies, doritos or cheese puffs on a continual basis and there for need a bit of guidance when looking to make a change in eating habits.
    I agree with what you are saying, and i think giving a good baseline is what is important. A basic understanding of what it means to eat healthy - if you dont like the term, leave it out:)

    1) Eat Whole Foods - whole fruits and vegetables, whole grains, grass-fed and free-range meats, low fat dairy products, unsalted nuts, and seeds.

    2) Avoid Processed Foods – Put simply, if you cant pronounce it, don’t eat it.

    3) Eliminate Refined Sugar – refined sugar is nothing but calories. You can use sweetners like Stevia, but avoid aspartame, Splenda, Sweet N Low and similar.

    4) Eat 5-6 small meals per day - By eating smaller meals throughout the day you can help rev up your metabolism and reduce the chance that you’ll eat some Doritos or Oreos rather than that whole grain cracker with nut butter and strawberries. You never get so hungry on this plan that you’ll feel deprived or feel the need to cheat.

    5) Cook your own meals - Instead of buying meals in a box, cook meals from scratch. That’s not as hard as it sounds! Clean, whole foods need little preparation beyond chopping and sautéing to make satisfying, delicious meals your family will love.

    6) Combine protein with carbs - When you do snack or eat a meal, make sure that meal is balanced. For the most satisfaction from your diet, and so you’ll be less tempted to eat junk food, combine protein with carbs or carbs and fat. This simple act will fuel your body and quash hunger pangs.
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    I think that more people know how dangerous it is to consume things like diet soda and Lean cuisines to lose weight.

    Hey, I get it. You have an opinion about this. But let's just agree that this statement is highly debatable. Please don't communicate it as if it's Truth.
    1) Eat Whole Foods - whole fruits and vegetables, whole grains, grass-fed and free-range meats, low fat dairy products, unsalted nuts, and seeds..

    For the sake of avoiding arguments, let's just leave it at eating whole foods. We can all agree that nutrient-dense foods are generally preferable.
    2) Avoid Processed Foods – Put simply, if you cant pronounce it, don’t eat it.

    I'm honestly shocked that organic chemists live past 40.

    3) Eliminate Refined Sugar – refined sugar is nothing but calories. You can use sweetners like Stevia, but avoid aspartame, Splenda, Sweet N Low and similar.

    Again, at best this is debatable.

    4) Eat 5-6 small meals per day - By eating smaller meals throughout the day you can help rev up your metabolism and reduce the chance that you’ll eat some Doritos or Oreos rather than that whole grain cracker with nut butter and strawberries. You never get so hungry on this plan that you’ll feel deprived or feel the need to cheat.

    The whole rev'ing up your metabolism thing has been debunked into massive oblivion by now. But it if helps you control your meals and feel sated, go for it.
    5) Cook your own meals - Instead of buying meals in a box, cook meals from scratch. That’s not as hard as it sounds! Clean, whole foods need little preparation beyond chopping and sautéing to make satisfying, delicious meals your family will love.

    All in for cooking at home. I dislike doing it, but it's much easier to log things accurately when I'm the one weighing things out.
    6) Combine protein with carbs - When you do snack or eat a meal, make sure that meal is balanced. For the most satisfaction from your diet, and so you’ll be less tempted to eat junk food, combine protein with carbs or carbs and fat. This simple act will fuel your body and quash hunger pangs.

    Again, this is really just personal preference, but I'm glad it works for you.

    I'm sorry but it really seems like you may be trying to get this thread locked. Was this necessary? To give a negative between every "quote" just to end it with " Again, this is really just personal preference, but I'm glad it works for you" These forums are generally to share what has worked for others and it is common knowledge that what works for one may not work for others. It just upsets me to see completely negative people on these threads. Everyone has an opinion and whether it is right or wrong negativity isn't going to change that persons opinion. Lighten up! My comment starts at I'm sorry... I don't know why the other stuff isn't in quotes... the
    are on there before i posted it....
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    thanks so much OP, I was really needing an explanation on "clean eating." :flowerforyou:

    unfortunately I think I am excluded from this magical diet. everyone keeps mentioning eating Whole Foods, but that place is much too expensive for me to shop at. :(
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    I think that more people know how dangerous it is to consume things like diet soda and Lean cuisines to lose weight.

    Hey, I get it. You have an opinion about this. But let's just agree that this statement is highly debatable. Please don't communicate it as if it's Truth.
    1) Eat Whole Foods - whole fruits and vegetables, whole grains, grass-fed and free-range meats, low fat dairy products, unsalted nuts, and seeds..

    For the sake of avoiding arguments, let's just leave it at eating whole foods. We can all agree that nutrient-dense foods are generally preferable.
    2) Avoid Processed Foods – Put simply, if you cant pronounce it, don’t eat it.

    I'm honestly shocked that organic chemists live past 40.

    3) Eliminate Refined Sugar – refined sugar is nothing but calories. You can use sweetners like Stevia, but avoid aspartame, Splenda, Sweet N Low and similar.

    Again, at best this is debatable.

    4) Eat 5-6 small meals per day - By eating smaller meals throughout the day you can help rev up your metabolism and reduce the chance that you’ll eat some Doritos or Oreos rather than that whole grain cracker with nut butter and strawberries. You never get so hungry on this plan that you’ll feel deprived or feel the need to cheat.

    The whole rev'ing up your metabolism thing has been debunked into massive oblivion by now. But it if helps you control your meals and feel sated, go for it.
    5) Cook your own meals - Instead of buying meals in a box, cook meals from scratch. That’s not as hard as it sounds! Clean, whole foods need little preparation beyond chopping and sautéing to make satisfying, delicious meals your family will love.

    All in for cooking at home. I dislike doing it, but it's much easier to log things accurately when I'm the one weighing things out.
    6) Combine protein with carbs - When you do snack or eat a meal, make sure that meal is balanced. For the most satisfaction from your diet, and so you’ll be less tempted to eat junk food, combine protein with carbs or carbs and fat. This simple act will fuel your body and quash hunger pangs.

    Again, this is really just personal preference, but I'm glad it works for you.
    I'm sorry but it really seems like you may be trying to get this thread locked. Was this necessary? To give a negative between every "quote" just to end it with " Again, this is really just personal preference, but I'm glad it works for you" These forums are generally to share what has worked for others and it is common knowledge that what works for one may not work for others. It just upsets me to see completely negative people on these threads. Everyone has an opinion and whether it is right or wrong negativity isn't going to change that persons opinion. Lighten up!

    seriously! How dare you be so mean as to bring facts to this thread?
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I think that more people know how dangerous it is to consume things like diet soda and Lean cuisines to lose weight.

    Hey, I get it. You have an opinion about this. But let's just agree that this statement is highly debatable. Please don't communicate it as if it's Truth.
    1) Eat Whole Foods - whole fruits and vegetables, whole grains, grass-fed and free-range meats, low fat dairy products, unsalted nuts, and seeds..

    For the sake of avoiding arguments, let's just leave it at eating whole foods. We can all agree that nutrient-dense foods are generally preferable.
    2) Avoid Processed Foods – Put simply, if you cant pronounce it, don’t eat it.

    I'm honestly shocked that organic chemists live past 40.

    3) Eliminate Refined Sugar – refined sugar is nothing but calories. You can use sweetners like Stevia, but avoid aspartame, Splenda, Sweet N Low and similar.

    Again, at best this is debatable.

    4) Eat 5-6 small meals per day - By eating smaller meals throughout the day you can help rev up your metabolism and reduce the chance that you’ll eat some Doritos or Oreos rather than that whole grain cracker with nut butter and strawberries. You never get so hungry on this plan that you’ll feel deprived or feel the need to cheat.

    The whole rev'ing up your metabolism thing has been debunked into massive oblivion by now. But it if helps you control your meals and feel sated, go for it.
    5) Cook your own meals - Instead of buying meals in a box, cook meals from scratch. That’s not as hard as it sounds! Clean, whole foods need little preparation beyond chopping and sautéing to make satisfying, delicious meals your family will love.

    All in for cooking at home. I dislike doing it, but it's much easier to log things accurately when I'm the one weighing things out.
    6) Combine protein with carbs - When you do snack or eat a meal, make sure that meal is balanced. For the most satisfaction from your diet, and so you’ll be less tempted to eat junk food, combine protein with carbs or carbs and fat. This simple act will fuel your body and quash hunger pangs.

    Again, this is really just personal preference, but I'm glad it works for you.
    I'm sorry but it really seems like you may be trying to get this thread locked. Was this necessary? To give a negative between every "quote" just to end it with " Again, this is really just personal preference, but I'm glad it works for you" These forums are generally to share what has worked for others and it is common knowledge that what works for one may not work for others. It just upsets me to see completely negative people on these threads. Everyone has an opinion and whether it is right or wrong negativity isn't going to change that persons opinion. Lighten up!

    There's nothing "negative" in their response. Disagreement =/= negativity. Dissenting opinions are just as valid as OPs and in a public forum just as welcome. You, I think, as you said need to lighten up.