

  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I feel like this is a desperate for attention kind of post. Come on here, brag about how big and curvy and confident you are and about how your hot boss does all these favors for you, ask what to make of it and then sit back while everyone cuts down his hot wife for being not as confident and tells you how much better fat girls are than skinny ones. You're a married woman flirting with a married man and you want a thumbs up? His wife has every right to be a ***** to you and hopefully she's being one to him too at home.

    Was just about to post something similar. It's irritating to see everyone cut the 'hot' and 'skinny' woman down and post about how she's either jealous or insecure. Not all attractive people are low-esteemed b*tches with daddy issues. Some are independent, successful and just as confident if not more so, than you (they don't all have issues).

    What if this isn't even related to how he's been treating you? For all you know, you ripped a big one in her space and she's offended. Just sayin.

    Unless he has openly admitted that he has feelings for the OP, the "hot wife" has no reason to be jealous or hostile towards the OP. The OP hasn't done anything to illicit that response from her, therefore her hostile actions are proof of her insecurities... not the fact that she's "hot" (presumably).

    Agreed. Why is it so common that when a husband cheats or looks at another woman, the wife automatically goes after the other woman and not the guilty party, the husband? Blows my mind. He is the guilty party, the one who made the lifetime commitment....
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Paid Time Off - in itself, not fraudulent, illegal, etc. But it needs to be approved by whatever powers in the corporation have the power to do so, and marked so by HR/Payroll. If they're claiming time worked that isn't worked, then you have a worker's compensation and legal issue. There's no harm in giving people paid time off... it just depends on how you're doing it.

    But most people aren't above board on this *kitten*, so who really cares. /sigh.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    So many people have made sooo many assumptions here. You don't know that he hasn't been authorized to give her these privileges. The OP sees them as special privileges, but he may well be completely within his authority, and could probably do the same for any of his employees. The $5 raise might be something that everyone is entitled to after they are released from a training or probationary period. Maybe her boss hasn't extended himself to her any farther than professionally necessary...
    ^THIS. About 15 years ago, I switch from one state government job to another, which was a "one grade" promotion (G14 --> G15). After 2 months, I received another "one grade" promotion (--> G16). As much as I would love to claim that I kicked that so much @$$ that they had no choice but to promote me, it was all pre-planned. I was replacing an incumbent (G17) who transferred to another agency. They had to downgrade his position (-->G15) to advertise it because it was easier to promote after-the-fact to G16 than to advertise it as it should've been (Loopholes, red-tape, etc.)
    Beyond that, even though everyone G12 and above was exempt/salaried, we had several on-the-book ways to get additional pay (comp leave/pay, on-call leave/pay, etc.) Additionally, managers were given some leeway to grant 'off-the-books' comp leave as either reward or making up for extensive hours worked on a project. It's my understanding that these policies were put into place to compete with the private sector who payed a lot more for the same work experience.
    If a state government that has written policies/procedures for everything except wiping yourself can do this sort of stuff, I would imagine that some private sector companies would allow similar leeway to remain agile in a highly-competitive market.
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    Not to be rude, but I think the whole thing is in your imagination. I don't doubt this guy is nice to you. I bet he's nice to everyone. You just want to see it as though he has the hots for you, and his wife is seething with jealousy.
  • AdriMinus80
    I feel like this is a desperate for attention kind of post. Come on here, brag about how big and curvy and confident you are and about how your hot boss does all these favors for you, ask what to make of it and then sit back while everyone cuts down his hot wife for being not as confident and tells you how much better fat girls are than skinny ones. You're a married woman flirting with a married man and you want a thumbs up? His wife has every right to be a ***** to you and hopefully she's being one to him too at home.

    Oh honey! No, I'm sorry you feel this way. I like to get attention in the real world. Online attention seems fake, specially from strangers that know only my username on MFP and that I'm a fat girl. I was raised by a great woman honey, a woman that taught me to respect myself, my job and my family. I am not a rude person and that is why I continue to talk to his wife in the nicest manner possible. I am not as good as I wished I would be in pushing people off but then again, I felt maybe he was just a good person, which can ALSO exist! Not everyone is a **** in this world! I didn't cut his wife down, ... I actually said she is ****ing hot and amazing!!! She does have a bad attitude though... I am more of a calm person and down to earth. I don't need anyones thumbs up either, again... you're a stranger. All I wanted to get is people's idea of what they think may be going on... I highlighted the idea that I didn't want to feel as if he was flirting and that I keep in mind that there are good people out there. Maybe the fact that I am super hard worker with no college degree that has been able to move up in this industry pretty quickly, who makes more money than most people she knows her age ....... maybe he saw that and admired that about me and saw himself in me when he was younger. Not everyone is a stuck up ***** (fat or not) and not everyone is trying to take another womans man away. NEVER once did I mention I flirted or that he asked me on a date. I have a daughter and I have taught her that one should always respect once self. SPECIALLY in the industry that I work with where men take up 95% of the space! A woman should know how to carry herself, how to speak and how to take **** like this... which in my way is by continuing to be nice to him and his wife, avoid as much conversation as I can and KEEP WORKING HARD!
  • AdriMinus80
    I think I'm more concerned by the fact that you're not reporting your time properly and therefore stealing from the company. That you come in late and take time off and he just lets you do it. That to me is more serious than his wife shooting you evil looks.

    He paid me for 2 days of work because my kid was sick..... and I had worked 3 days in a row until 8 pm because we had a huge submittal. I didn't have sick time because I was new and I guess I don't deserve to get paid to spend 2 days with my sick son at home. But he paid them and I didn't argue it. I should have though. But I have a family so I didn't. When I come in late and leave early ... I don't get paid for that time. He was just more flexible to my time in and time out. Yeah ... it did seem weird how nice he was and I did talk to my husband about it. I didn't report to anyone else so I just kept working my *kitten* off as best as I could, taking on new projects and trying to learn everything on my own so that I could help his project... I thought that maybe he appreciated the fact that even though I have 2 kids and a husband at home that I would stay 4 or 5 hours over my time to help him complete the things we had to complete. I took those 2 days as more of a reward that I needed.

    Are you salaried or paid hourly? If salaried, you work WHATEVER hours are needed to complete the job - I know this from my husband, who sometimes is working from home at all hours of the night and weekend. If you are paid hourly, that should have been pay that was time and a half. And I'm sorry, but unless your starting wage was some outrageous amount per hour or in some very specialized field, $5 an hour increase after only 2 weeks is NOT normal.

    I'm hourly and should have I said no to a raise? Would you? after knowing him for 2 weeks and not thinking anything BAD about how he carried himself with me? I know you would say yes! COME ON!
  • AdriMinus80
    Not to be rude, but I think the whole thing is in your imagination. I don't doubt this guy is nice to you. I bet he's nice to everyone. You just want to see it as though he has the hots for you, and his wife is seething with jealousy.

    Maybe I'm just imagining a cup of tea on my desk and a $5 raise after two weeks and a wife that stares like she wants to kill me. Maybe, but then again.... MAYBE NOT! And why do you think this is all unreal? Is it because I'm fat and fat girls don't get hit on? LOL... They do honey. I don't think I get jealousy from anyone else tbh. I'm not that fake and stuck up. I'm just a woman observing.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    This begs the question...

    Can you post pictures of the hot wife, so we can judge if she is appropriately hot enough?
  • AdriMinus80
    Paid Time Off - in itself, not fraudulent, illegal, etc. But it needs to be approved by whatever powers in the corporation have the power to do so, and marked so by HR/Payroll. If they're claiming time worked that isn't worked, then you have a worker's compensation and legal issue. There's no harm in giving people paid time off... it just depends on how you're doing it.

    But most people aren't above board on this *kitten*, so who really cares. /sigh.

    I'm sure he discussed this with the powers above ....... I didn't ask. He's my boss and decided to pay and that was that. Should I return the money or go to jail? LOL ....
  • Rosannajo88
    Rosannajo88 Posts: 212 Member
    What does your husband think?
  • AdriMinus80
    So you listed off a bunch of things that her husband did that are inappropriate (stealing from the company in the form of hours, upping your salary by a lot, extra super special attention that is outside the scope of the normal boss-underling relationship), and you're wondering why she doesn't like you?

    Just because a woman is hot doesn't mean she's stupid. And just because you view everything that has transpired as appropriate doesn't mean that any of this is appropriate for him to do. These sorts of things could get him fired. And you too. Any wife, no matter what she looks like, would be understandably miffed. Honestly, I don't think you view his actions as appropriate at all. The smart, rational woman in you knows his behavior isn't above board. The woman in you who is flattered by the attention, however...

    Absolutely agree with what Ginger says here.

    I do know if you both worked for me, today would be your last day. You both are stealing from the company.
    That is not cool, its called fraud.

    Totally inappropriate behavior on both your part for the work place.

    Whoa fraud? What about this is fraud?

    I had a boss that gave people paid time off for good work or before a long-time demanding project. She also gave her employees 2 paid -half days to use one summer, just for the hell of it. I call that a good employer who knows a happy employee is a good worker.

    Seriously, if you didn't sleep with him or do anything inappropriate then just ignore her. If she is upset that her husband is flirting with you, that is their problem, not yours.

    Thanks! LOL... *****es be acting like I gave this man head for 2 days of work! LOL.... The fact that I FEEL it is wrong for her to be so mad at me for something I haven't done says a lot about what type of woman I am. THE INTERNET. THE INTERNET. lol... cracks me up!
  • AdriMinus80
    What does your husband think?

    I told him every time and he said that as long as he didn't say anything sexual or ask me out on a date or cross the line that I shouldn't worry about it and that maybe he was just a good person to begin with, asked me not to make it a big deal. SO... I didn't... I've continued to be nice and smile.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    So you listed off a bunch of things that her husband did that are inappropriate (stealing from the company in the form of hours, upping your salary by a lot, extra super special attention that is outside the scope of the normal boss-underling relationship), and you're wondering why she doesn't like you?

    Just because a woman is hot doesn't mean she's stupid. And just because you view everything that has transpired as appropriate doesn't mean that any of this is appropriate for him to do. These sorts of things could get him fired. And you too. Any wife, no matter what she looks like, would be understandably miffed. Honestly, I don't think you view his actions as appropriate at all. The smart, rational woman in you knows his behavior isn't above board. The woman in you who is flattered by the attention, however...

    Absolutely agree with what Ginger says here.

    I do know if you both worked for me, today would be your last day. You both are stealing from the company.
    That is not cool, its called fraud.

    Totally inappropriate behavior on both your part for the work place.

    Whoa fraud? What about this is fraud?

    I had a boss that gave people paid time off for good work or before a long-time demanding project. She also gave her employees 2 paid -half days to use one summer, just for the hell of it. I call that a good employer who knows a happy employee is a good worker.

    Seriously, if you didn't sleep with him or do anything inappropriate then just ignore her. If she is upset that her husband is flirting with you, that is their problem, not yours.

    Thanks! LOL... *****es be acting like I gave this man head for 2 days of work! LOL.... The fact that I FEEL it is wrong for her to be so mad at me for something I haven't done says a lot about what type of woman I am. THE INTERNET. THE INTERNET. lol... cracks me up!

    I'm calling troll. Or, as we say in the South, this dog won't hunt.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Paid Time Off - in itself, not fraudulent, illegal, etc. But it needs to be approved by whatever powers in the corporation have the power to do so, and marked so by HR/Payroll. If they're claiming time worked that isn't worked, then you have a worker's compensation and legal issue. There's no harm in giving people paid time off... it just depends on how you're doing it.

    But most people aren't above board on this *kitten*, so who really cares. /sigh.

    I'm sure he discussed this with the powers above ....... I didn't ask. He's my boss and decided to pay and that was that. Should I return the money or go to jail? LOL ....

    It's out of your hands, but it sounds as if he is giving you considerations others may not be getting, unless $5 raises for all are the norm. It could be because he likes how you look. Could be because he has room in his budget. Could be that he wants to bed you down on the side.

    Don't know. Only one person can tell you. The fact that suddenly the wife doesn't like you *IS* telling. It means people have seen you and he, and are talking. That could make for a very interesting work environment. Do you want an interesting work environment?
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    this dog won't hunt.
    That's how I describe my wife's dog.
  • AdriMinus80
    This begs the question...

    Can you post pictures of the hot wife, so we can judge if she is appropriately hot enough?

    LOL! I so wish... Don't want to stalk her ... LOL... She has a nice figure and a nice face. I'm the type of girl that will admit when a woman is beautiful no MATTER how she treats me or who she is. Physically she is nice. She does tell me, however, that she punishes her daughter a lot, and when she spoke to me about it she seemed a little bit of a control freak, telling her to draw things a certain exact way and punishing for not doing so. IDK. I dont know how they are at home and I don't care but she does seem like a rough woman!
  • iamanadult
    iamanadult Posts: 709 Member
    Thanks! LOL... *****es be acting like I gave this man head for 2 days of work! LOL.... The fact that I FEEL it is wrong for her to be so mad at me for something I haven't done says a lot about what type of woman I am. THE INTERNET. THE INTERNET. lol... cracks me up!

    I think this post shows your personality well. I can understand why she may not like you all that much.
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    I think I'm more concerned by the fact that you're not reporting your time properly and therefore stealing from the company. That you come in late and take time off and he just lets you do it. That to me is more serious than his wife shooting you evil looks.

    He paid me for 2 days of work because my kid was sick..... and I had worked 3 days in a row until 8 pm because we had a huge submittal. I didn't have sick time because I was new and I guess I don't deserve to get paid to spend 2 days with my sick son at home. But he paid them and I didn't argue it. I should have though. But I have a family so I didn't. When I come in late and leave early ... I don't get paid for that time. He was just more flexible to my time in and time out. Yeah ... it did seem weird how nice he was and I did talk to my husband about it. I didn't report to anyone else so I just kept working my *kitten* off as best as I could, taking on new projects and trying to learn everything on my own so that I could help his project... I thought that maybe he appreciated the fact that even though I have 2 kids and a husband at home that I would stay 4 or 5 hours over my time to help him complete the things we had to complete. I took those 2 days as more of a reward that I needed.

    Are you salaried or paid hourly? If salaried, you work WHATEVER hours are needed to complete the job - I know this from my husband, who sometimes is working from home at all hours of the night and weekend. If you are paid hourly, that should have been pay that was time and a half. And I'm sorry, but unless your starting wage was some outrageous amount per hour or in some very specialized field, $5 an hour increase after only 2 weeks is NOT normal.

    I'm hourly and should have I said no to a raise? Would you? after knowing him for 2 weeks and not thinking anything BAD about how he carried himself with me? I know you would say yes! COME ON!

    I'd certainly be questioning what prompted a $5 an hour raise after only 2 weeks. And no, I wouldn't be oblivious of the gestures only be niceties. Yes, I have had employers who were nice and allowed me time off for personal matters, however, unless I had already earned that time off, it was unpaid leave.
  • KokowithaK
    KokowithaK Posts: 88 Member
    I feel like this is a desperate for attention kind of post. Come on here, brag about how big and curvy and confident you are and about how your hot boss does all these favors for you, ask what to make of it and then sit back while everyone cuts down his hot wife for being not as confident and tells you how much better fat girls are than skinny ones. You're a married woman flirting with a married man and you want a thumbs up? His wife has every right to be a ***** to you and hopefully she's being one to him too at home.

    Was just about to post something similar. It's irritating to see everyone cut the 'hot' and 'skinny' woman down and post about how she's either jealous or insecure. Not all attractive people are low-esteemed b*tches with daddy issues. Some are independent, successful and just as confident if not more so, than you (they don't all have issues).

    What if this isn't even related to how he's been treating you? For all you know, you ripped a big one in her space and she's offended. Just sayin.

    Unless he has openly admitted that he has feelings for the OP, the "hot wife" has no reason to be jealous or hostile towards the OP. The OP hasn't done anything to illicit that response from her, therefore her hostile actions are proof of her insecurities... not the fact that she's "hot" (presumably).

    Words don't need to be said when actions are louder. And who even knows if the 'hot wife' is even jealous or hostile; we're only going by the OP's word. The 'hot wife' isn't even here to defend herself. The entire story could be made up for all I know and made as an ego boost for the OP (not saying it is).
  • KokowithaK
    KokowithaK Posts: 88 Member
    I feel like this is a desperate for attention kind of post. Come on here, brag about how big and curvy and confident you are and about how your hot boss does all these favors for you, ask what to make of it and then sit back while everyone cuts down his hot wife for being not as confident and tells you how much better fat girls are than skinny ones. You're a married woman flirting with a married man and you want a thumbs up? His wife has every right to be a ***** to you and hopefully she's being one to him too at home.

    Was just about to post something similar. It's irritating to see everyone cut the 'hot' and 'skinny' woman down and post about how she's either jealous or insecure. Not all attractive people are low-esteemed b*tches with daddy issues. Some are independent, successful and just as confident if not more so, than you (they don't all have issues).

    What if this isn't even related to how he's been treating you? For all you know, you ripped a big one in her space and she's offended. Just sayin.

    I love your tattoos!!

    Thanks :D