August Biking Challenge!!!



  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    15 miles today, 265 miles for the month.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    20 miles today, 285 miles for the month.

    Where is everyone?
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    I'm still here, not logging the miles like you, but I did get in 10 km yesterday, dunno what today holds yet I've not yet had my cup of joe :bigsmile:

    You keep racking up the miles and posting about it, gets me off my duff and out there! :drinker:
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    I did another 10 Km today, on deliveries, some of them loaded my trailer up good, hard work going up hills with over 200lbs behind the bike :bigsmile:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    With 15 miles today, I've hit the 300 mile mark for the month!!

    Stu, you are doing great, especially pulling the heavy cart behind you!!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    OK - when I decided to jump in on this challenge I was like 40 miles is easy & I'll finish that in no time! But goodness I've been so busy lately with my other workouts I haven't had time! Its starting to irk me a bit that I can't just get on my bike & ride! :angry: I have 3 different classes each week at the fitness center, then I had a road race last weekend, the weekend before that I was out of town....sounds like excuses but really its irking the heck outta me! I have like 27 miles to go for the month & its almost over! I am hoping I can at least get an hour or two ride in the next few days! I MISS riding my bike! :sad: Kudos to all you people that have 100-200 ++ miles in already! You guys ROCK! (or should I say RIDE?) :laugh:

    Thanks for the challenge! I hope I can meet it!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good afternoon!

    We are on the final stretch here folks, only 5 more days left in august!

    I did a chilly 15 miles early this morning. Normally I ride in the heat of the afternoon, but my work schedule has changed this week. I am currently at 315 miles for the month and hope to get close to 400 miles by month's end. I don't do any running because my knees get too sore. I strength train 4-5 times per week. I feel that is sufficient for keeping me in shape.
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    Not much riding at all yesterday, I just squeaked out 6Km which put me at 250 Km for the month, half of what I wanted to do, but we can't always get what we want...... as the song says ......... but sometimes you get what you need!

    I hope to at least surpass my August total in September :bigsmile:
  • tmcowan
    tmcowan Posts: 322 Member
    I got in a 17 mile ride last night after a 5+ mile run. I think I was a little ambitious in my running goal for the month, just gratefull that I didn't set a mileage goal on the bike. I think I'd be dead by now :smile: Have a Happy Biking weekend.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    8-08-10 2.60 miles
    8-11-10 7.04 miles
    8-12-10 1.57 miles
    8-17-10 2.32 miles
    8-21-10 3.49 miles
    8-28-10 9.31 miles
    8-29-10 3.95 miles

    Total so far: 30.28 miles
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    Good Job Kelly!

    My bike is busted, so no ride today :sad:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    8-08-10 2.60 miles
    8-11-10 7.04 miles
    8-12-10 1.57 miles
    8-17-10 2.32 miles
    8-21-10 3.49 miles
    8-28-10 9.31 miles
    8-29-10 3.95 miles
    8-29-10 3.26 miles I just went out again tonight to get another few miles done!

    Total so far: 33.54 miles Almost there! :laugh:

    Sorry your bike is busted Stu! What happened??
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    8-08-10 2.60 miles
    8-11-10 7.04 miles
    8-12-10 1.57 miles
    8-17-10 2.32 miles
    8-21-10 3.49 miles
    8-28-10 9.31 miles
    8-29-10 3.95 miles
    8-29-10 3.26 miles I just went out again tonight to get another few miles done!

    Total so far: 33.54 miles Almost there! :laugh:

    Sorry your bike is busted Stu! What happened??

    Great job, keep at it!

    Self inflicted, I tow a trailer to do my local deliveries (we run my wife's family's liquor shop) and I have the trailer hitch on the seat tube, I over tightened the hitch and squashed the seat tube, this let to it splitting on the side of the tube :sad:


    Off to the bike shop to buy a new seat tube I guess...... I might also be buying new wheels, my front hub is worn out, hey, I got 15 years out of it :happy:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    I did not ride on Friday, i worked 16 hours and was beat.

    Saturday 15 miles

    Sunday 15 miles

    Total for the month: 345 miles

    I am anticipating riding on Monday and Tuesday, which will give me 375 for the month. I'm just trying to get back in shape after a severe concussion kept me from exercising for 10 weeks.
  • xcbballuver
    Sounds good! Im in :D
  • MichelleFirestone
    MichelleFirestone Posts: 212 Member
    We started riding bike 3 weeks ago as a family. and love it. on weekends we do the rails of trails in lebanon county pa. we only do a small part. during the week we ride bike around town. averaging 5 miles a day.

    8/14- 7 miles 8/25- 5 miles
    8/15- 5 miles 8/26- 7 miles
    8/17- 4 miles 8/28- 12 miles
    8/18- 5 miles 8/29- 5 miles
    8/19- 5 miles
    8/21- 9 miles
    8/22- 5 miles
    8/23- 7 miles
    8/24- 5 miles

    total: 81 miles
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    WOW 15 YEARS STU??!!?? That's awesome! :bigsmile: Hope you get it fixed soon!
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    Yep, I got it fixed, you can see the details here.....

    I've had the bike since I bought it new in Canada in 1988, so that is 22 years!

    I got in only 20 km today so far, I hope to get in another 3km to get my 300 km for the month, that is about 186 miles.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    15 miles yesterday for a total of 360 for the month. Since today is the last day of the month, I will get another 15 miles in today. It's really hot here, but I don't mind the heat too much.

    MichelleFirestone, I live fairly close to you in southern Schuylkill Co., PA. Which rail-trails do you take? We have a nice one near Hamburg that runs along the Schuylkill River.
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    Last day of the month, I had a ride to my chiropractor appointment, after that, I took the LONG way home, and there is this killer hill on it, I attacked it hard and as I'd been riding for almost an hour and I ended up bonking at the top of the hill. I had to hit the 7-11 to get some energy jelly drinks, I also had a banana in my bag, took nearly 15 minutes to stop shaking.

    First time in at least 15 years I've done thing, my own fault, I've not been eating enough nor sleeping enough, I was out of water and ill prepared.

    I did get the needed distance in to break the 300Km mark, not the 500 Km I wanted, but a lot better than last month!
