Do you work out on your period?



  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    For me, I can't workout when I'm in a lot of pain (which happens for a couple days during my period). You gotta try and see if it works for you.
  • SpecialKitty7
    SpecialKitty7 Posts: 678 Member
    do what feels right. even after pain meds, the cramps are still terrible, and if i try to "power through" and work out anyway, they become unbearable. for me anyway, light exercise does not make it better, only worse.
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    Yes.... I'm not about to let Aunt Flo ruin my daily plans just because she's visiting. That B can do what she wants, I'm not entertaining her.
    Ditto - and well said BTW :wink: It something that will be with me most of my life and I refuse to let the "visit" derail my program - I don't let it interfere with work or errands, why let it interfere in other areas of my life?
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    I workout during. I've been told by some of my friends that working out with cramps actually helps ease the cramps, but i'd rather spend that day on the couch, with tylenol, my blanket and a cup of tea!
  • crystalfisher89
    crystalfisher89 Posts: 196 Member
    I ALWAYS workout on my period. Actually often harder because it relieves my cramps and helps suppress my appetite too. I find it helps me feel less cranky and helps with the bloating of the body as well, so YES, do workout! :)
  • ShinyFuture
    ShinyFuture Posts: 314 Member
    It depends. I have 'volume' issues, so the first 2 days when it's super heavy I don't work out, but once it slows down I'm back at it.
  • tiny_T_123
    tiny_T_123 Posts: 10 Member
    Absolutely! Always makes me feel better, especially if crampy and grumpy. Bring on the good endorphins! :happy:
  • astange83
    Keep on pushing, maybe even a bit harder and eat as normal, its the week I generally lose most of my weight for the month!
  • Natalie511
    Natalie511 Posts: 75 Member
    I still workout...but I might just do weights or a lighter routine...that is if I am not cramping like that case I rest...drink plenty of water and the heating pad...
  • ribc4ges
    I do, I just wear darker pants and stick to the treadmill and exercise bike :')
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    I physically can't workout if my cramps are raging. Many will say light activity helps, but I'd rather lie in the bath popping pills. My cramps only last 2-3 days though, so the resr of my period is fair game!

    Ditto. I get cramps so severe that I vomit from the pain. I literally can't do anything except lie down. If I get up to use the bathroom, I vomit on my way there. Over-the-counter painkillers have no effect, so I take a prescription drug to lessen the pain. But I still feel just blahhh when I have cramps. My cramps only last 1 day out of my period though. So on that one day, I just count it as a rest day and skip my workout. I workout on all the other days of my period though. Unless you're in pain, there's nothing wrong with working out on your period.

    Ditto. altho mine last at least 3 days and i regularly overflow overnight pads, 2-3 a day the first couple days. So i dont go anywhere...ever... during that time.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Yes I do, I have very bad, doubled over in pain cramps but working out seems to really help ease them up.
  • snsmyth
    snsmyth Posts: 35 Member
    On my period, yes. On a migraine, no. On Flood day I have considered Depends because of the potential for mess.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Yes.... I'm not about to let Aunt Flo ruin my daily plans just because she's visiting. That B can do what she wants, I'm not entertaining her.
    Ditto - and well said BTW :wink: It something that will be with me most of my life and I refuse to let the "visit" derail my program - I don't let it interfere with work or errands, why let it interfere in other areas of my life?

    Because work and many errands are a lot less optional. For women who have lighter periods or find it doable to work out during their periods, your answer makes sense. For women who have very heavy flows, fatigue, migraines, nausea, severe cramps or backaches, it doesn't make as much sense. For some, walking or changing position when sitting or lying down feels terribly uncomfortable during their periods. There aren't always medical solutions for all women-the pill and tampons aren't options (or adequate options) for all women. Some women really do have to just get through the week as best they can. That often does mean cutting out activities that can be optional. These women may not be the norm, but they also aren't rare. (I quoted your post, but I was responding to several other posters, not just you, which is why my answer is so lengthy. I was more thinking of those asking what kind of a question this is.)

    OP, I think menstruation is a special snowflake week. Every woman's body and cycles are different-only you know what is workable for you and what you need. (Exercise does lessen cramping and even fatigue for many women. If you feel able to, go for it.)
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member
    Only on light days. So I get 2 days of awesome cramping and lounging with a heat pad on, eating under my cal goals :p
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Absolutely! For the first day or so, I may go easy, but I don't let that TOM get in the way! And Cramps may be eating my insides, but physical activity always makes them a lot better afterwards!
  • MaiLinna
    MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
    I'll only do lighter activities like yoga or pilates until I feel up to snuff.
  • micqs
    micqs Posts: 186 Member
    I do but only if my cramps are bearable. I get cramps to the point where my legs ache and standing even hurts. Midol and pamprin do sh** for them. So I take it easy then get back at it.
  • dynamitegalxo
    dynamitegalxo Posts: 299 Member
    wow. women do not shut off 1 week out of the month. unless you have a specific medical condition that requires medication preventing you from exertion or physical activity, why would you stop working out or eating correctly? good lord.
    copy/paste of my last reply:Did you know that women for generations were told to never work out during their periods?
    your point being? you're using the past tense. most women of menstruating age are young enough at this point that they shouldn't have received incorrect/outdated/pick your term education along these lines.

    again, what's your point?
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Yes, I get up take some Advil and hit the gym. My first period after I started going to the gym was smooth sailing, the next month I honestly thought I was going to pass out from the pain - hence the Advil each morning of my period :wink: