Female users with 'mommy' or 'wifey' in name



  • reddaddie
    reddaddie Posts: 121 Member

    ^^^ This exactly. My first name's Dawn and it's common enough where I couldn't come up with a fun user name. My daughter's name was much easier to work into a user name that wasn't already taken. Plus, I honestly didn't think I'd be around long enough to have to worry about it that much, as I always failed "dieting" before. :blushing:
    Congratulations on "being around" 130 pounds Hat tip!
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Very interesting question and I always wondered why people define themselves in those terms. I'm not a mom, so I can't answer, but it would NEVER occur to me to use 'wife' in my name on here.
  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member
    Oh look another insecure internet feminist trying to start ****. Sorry, honey, some of us are not ashamed of being mothers and wives like feminism today tries to tell us to be. I am very proud to be a stay at home mom, even if I didn't choose to be. If I was married, I would not be ashamed of it. Most of us don't define ourselves as just one part of our life. Just because they chose to use that important part of their life to represent themselves doesn't mean that's all they do or are.

    God, one more of these feminazis spouting off rhetoric without thinking and I will figure out how to strangle someone through the internet.

    Oh by the way, before you say anything, I'm not oppressed or subservient to anyone. Including and especially your little Patriarchy fearing cult. *growls*

    Well, to be fair, emma IS only 23 years old. We can always hope that some life experience will ground her a little.

    Kindly STFU. My age has nothing to do with it. And in different respects (i.e. not bearing children or starting a family) I may have a lot more life experience than you do.

    Just by saying the word "feminazi" you're spouting your own rhetoric. Refusing to believe that social systems play a role in how we identify ourselves is inane. Fear cult. Oh please!
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    wow, I decide to go on a hike and this happens while I'm gone?! why can't this go down when I'm settled down with some ganja and guacamole?

    Pass both, please.

    you got it! :smokin:
  • pkoll
    pkoll Posts: 135 Member
    Ditto, SrToben!
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    I don't do it, but it doesn't bother me smile The 0504 in my name is the day I got my first iPhone....I guess my iPhone defines me, which is pathetic, LOL

    I'm guessing it is because they know their place.
    signed: vincesloveslavelaugh
    How's what?

    Okay, these just made me laugh. :drinker:

    What is your feeling regarding mac & cheese in one's screen name?
    I think all my friends should have food in their names. :drinker:

    Anyway...OP, how do you figure that adding mommy or wifey to your name indicates that you're not your own person?

    How is adding that to my name any different from people with their favorite food or activity in their name? Are they then defined by bacon?
    I don't see anything wrong with it. Being a wife or mother is an honorable and important role.

    Frankly your implied denigration of something so staggering important by suggesting that people are selling themselves short by identifying as one is sounds more sexist to me than someone picking a screen name with 'mom' in it.

    It basically comes across as "Oh you're a Mom? meh, what ELSE are you? Come back when you can put Scientist in your screen name."

    Stop telling people who are perfectly happy that they're oppressing themselves. It's obnoxious and misguided.
    I'm with you on that one, but I'm afraid all the Jared'sMommy234's will swarm and get angry.

    I think maybe people have no imaginations. I hate to think that they really do need to define themselves by men. I don't really have any on my FL, but not for that reason. I think a lot of those types don't particularly flock to a profile like mine. Don't get me wrong, I have tons of friends who are awesome moms and are super proud of their kids and post about them. And that's totally cool. But I think it's a bit reflective of the loveliness of patriarchy when people define their online selves by their kids/husbands.
    Are you sure? I didn't lose my identity when I married my wife. I added another aspect to it, as did she. Obviously our relationships change us, but so what? That doesn't mean we've lost our identities. They're changed by that as much as they are changed by jobs, hobbies and anything else. Can someone chose to lose their identity to a spouse or child? Sure, but that's not always the case, and it seems a bit silly to me that we could presume it to automatically be so based on no more than their profile name.

    And these others I just appreciated for various reasons, but I'd rather breeze through here and then sleep than outline them. Call it an honorable mention.

    Not much to add at the moment - too tired from the new schedule, leaving home at 4:00 am to go off and earn a living, which if I'm not mistaken is supposed to be my husband's job! :tongue:

    I will say, though, that I wouldn't make too many assumptions based on anyone's screen name. I chose mine, not because I am identified "by" or "through" my husband, but because it reminds me of some of my own goals. And yes, in some cases, these are tied in with the partnership and life I've chosen with my husband. Were I ever to change my name to ShhhDon'tTellMrFowlerISpeakToAnyone, then you certainly have my permission to see if I'm in need of an identity, a voice, an education, or a restraining order.

    For now, I'll just console myself for being trapped in my pathetic, subservient role in this oppressive patriarchy under which I've found myself living by being thankful that I don't have to insult anyone else to bolster my opinion or to establish that I "value" education. I would rather be friends with empowered, intelligent individuals who have a little less to prove.

    Also, I heard a rumor that BrainyBurro is not really a burro. Now I'm wondering what he's really trying to say!

    Edit to fix multitudinous quotes/end quotes.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    wow, I decide to go on a hike and this happens while I'm gone?! why can't this go down when I'm settled down with some ganja and guacamole?

    It could be worse. I have to take part in it to even get to see it. All the good stuff gets deleted while I'm at work.

    I hope nothing happens tomorrow, I have a helllllla busy day at work. I will miss all the good stuff. :(
  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Not so much on the internet, but growing up I always got introduced as *father or mother's name*'s daughter. Then after I got married it became *husband's name*'s wife, and then *Son's name*'s mother. I'm not sure if it was a Southern thing or just part of growing up female. If someone wants to define themselves by their kids or spouse I guess it's up to them. I just always thought it would have been nice to just be me without qualifying it in relation to someone else.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    wow, I decide to go on a hike and this happens while I'm gone?! why can't this go down when I'm settled down with some ganja and guacamole?

    It could be worse. I have to take part in it to even get to see it. All the good stuff gets deleted while I'm at work.

    I hope nothing happens tomorrow, I have a helllllla busy day at work. I will miss all the good stuff. :(

    Well, you know what they say. You can't just wait for things to happen. You have to make them happen.

    I may have to mamacat myself now. That's enough internet for me tonight.
  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
    Since I've returned I guess I'll settle this... Sigh.

    ITT: women get upset they're not mommies or are otherwise upset by the fact that their username, whatever it may be +mommy or 'wifey' was already taken by a more internet savvy individual.

    Thus they feel the need to create or comment in this thread, telling all of us how 'THEY DIDN'T WANT TO BE (THEIRNAMEHERE+MOMMY) ANYWAY!!'

    Male "beta" individuals realizing these users are against "mommy, or wifey" in usernames, quickly realizing these individuals may be single and willing to endure their cringe-worthy behavior, immediately jump on the hate train and also deciding that they now dislike said users.

    All other male individuals contributing to this thread in a negative manor that do not fall into either of the categories above are most likely upset that their mommy didn't make their Cheerios the way they liked them, thus are forever scarred by the word mommy and likely women in general, and the mere sight of "mommy" or "wifey" distresses them, and the cringe-worthy beings that they are need to share this, because all BETA males love to gossip.

    Please go.

    Source: http://www.webmd.com/anxiety-panic/guide/mental-health-social-anxiety-disorder
  • arathena720
    arathena720 Posts: 449 Member
    You know what else is lame and problematic? When a woman invokes her boyfriend/husband etc etc as soon as you talk to her about ANYTHING whatsoever in whatever context. Geez woman relax!

    That's woman speak for "go away, I've blown things better looking and more intelligent into a Kleenex"
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    wow, I decide to go on a hike and this happens while I'm gone?! why can't this go down when I'm settled down with some ganja and guacamole?
    Why hello...
  • Naomi0504
    Naomi0504 Posts: 964 Member

    All other male individuals contributing to this thread in a negative manor that do not fall into either of the categories above are most likely upset that their mommy didn't make their Cheerios the way they liked them, thus are forever scarred by the word mommy and likely women in general, and the mere sight of "mommy" or "wifey" distresses them, and the cringe-worthy beings that they are need to share this, because all BETA males love to gossip

    Love this!
  • reddaddie
    reddaddie Posts: 121 Member
    I am a dad of seven kids, some adopted. We also fostered a dozen or so. I'm not red anymore salt & paprika more like.
  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
    How do you feel about that? I am not sure how I feel. Why cant a woman be her own person on a fitness website? Why does she have to define herself as a mommy or a wifey? I dont see any daddios or hubbies!

  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member

    All other male individuals contributing to this thread in a negative manor that do not fall into either of the categories above are most likely upset that their mommy didn't make their Cheerios the way they liked them, thus are forever scarred by the word mommy and likely women in general, and the mere sight of "mommy" or "wifey" distresses them, and the cringe-worthy beings that they are need to share this, because all BETA males love to gossip

    Love this!

  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
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