How do you do it?



  • CaliforniaBarbie
    CaliforniaBarbie Posts: 346 Member
    If you want it bad enough you MAKE time.

  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    You have to prioritise the dedicated time to working out.

    You can make this easier by incorporating it into your daily routine. For example, i have to take my son to school and collect him every day. I walk down with him, and run back. In the afternoons i do a 5km run which ends in front of his school, i then walk back with him. Easy, huh?
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I have 6 kids. Two of whom play sports. We have to deal with homework, practices and games.
    Exercise is a priority you have to make. The gym is open at 5:30 during the week. If I don't get 30 minutes a day in, it's because I chose not to not because I didn't have time.
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    I workout first thing in the morning and I plan my meals ahead of time. :smile:
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    Everyone is busy these days. How do all of you fit workouts in and stay healthy in your eating habits? Not having time to work out is my biggest problem!

    I set my alarm clock for 5.30am, have a heater on timer in the winter to warm the room and keep a caffeine pill and bottle of water next to the bed, which I swallow as soon as the alarm goes off.

    I have changed jobs so now get to sleep in until 6am.

    When I went to the gym, I would sometimes sleep in my gym clothes and would pack my bag the night before so I could just pick it up and go.

    I swapped that for working out at home with DVD's and free weights. Saves on having to spend time traveling to the gym.

    Forced myself to do it the first few weeks but now if I miss a day, I feel so rubbish all day that is great motivation not to miss another one!
  • jaimie120
    jaimie120 Posts: 39 Member
    If it is important to you, you will find the time. Bottom line we are all busy, we all have commitments and we all have to prioritize our lives to fit in what is needed/wanted/wished. Good luck.
  • DesdemonaRose
    I might be the queen of time crunch (or at least part of the family) since I work full time +duty, am a single parent to a Kindergartener, have a little over an hour worth of commute, and am finishing up a college degree.

    It is hard, but you can shorten food time as well, ie cooking. There are nights where dinner is just what I can quickly grab from the fridge/freezer and pan fry or throw in the oven to bake. Microwaves are amazing appliances too! You dont' have to make a 3 course meal every night.

    I work out during lunch, even if it's just walking around the base (I work on a really hilly base so it gives me a tiny bit of bonus). I do have access to a gym, then, which helps. I've started C25k which is a running program and doesn't require anything more than a good pair of shoes.

    Multitasking can be a win if you really are pressed for time. I have studied for school while on a stationary bike many times. I watch all of my tv while cleaning or doing something else. I may be a little addicted to multitasking.. but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do! Buy a stationary bike or even the little peddle things they make for people with bad knees. You wont' burn as much as you would while biking but you'll burn more than just sitting. Do situps, pushups, whatever. If you like games get a Kinect or Wii sport games instead of something where you just sit in a chair. Rockband can burn a lot of calories if you REALLY get into it and dance around a lot.
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    Prioritize and plan. That's really all it takes... DVRs help :P. You have to make YOU the priority.

    I work anywhere from 50-65 hours a week (averaging 60 the last 3 months) with a 45 minute commute each way. I still have time for 3-4x a week 2 hour workouts. I also prep a lot of my food on the weekends and I eat a lot of grab & go stuff - I still weigh and portion. And sure, if time is tight or I am exhausted, I'll pop out or order in. I pack my breakfast & lunch the night before and eat at work. I am up at 4:45 and out of the house by 5:15, at work by 6. I work til 2:15-2:30 and race to the gym til 5 and then go home and back to work til 9 or 10. Hopefully the hours will give before I do....
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    I had this problem, and to a large extent still do.

    First of all I just worked on calories, and lost weight. About the same time as I started on MFP we got a puppy, so dog walking was my exercise. That worked pretty well and I continued to lose. I also noticed the gains in my fitness pretty quickly and rapidly went from 1 mile to 3-4 miles regularly without noticing the effort required.

    After a few months I realised that to get where I wanted to be, I was going to have to do something. My issue (and yes, it is an excuse!) was that, working on the road, I didn't have a regular time where I could fit exercise in. Sometimes I would leave early, sometimes later. Sometimes I would be home by 5:30, sometimes not until 8 or later. Besides, I didn't want to become a slave to a gym and reach a physique that I would not be willing to maintain.

    My solution to date has been to download a cheap app to my iPad - Volt Fitness. It is one of many that are available on iTunes from FREE (works for me!) to a few £££. Whilst I am not going to vouch for it's professional credentials, it certainly gets me moving and out of breath and because it is on my iPad, I can do it when I can fit it in - at the moment that is usually about 10:30 in the evening! Crucially for me, no equipment is required so even if I am away overnight for work I can still do a workout. I have only been doing it for a week, but so far so good!

    Hope this helps!