What do women really want in a guy?



  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    Fly on the wall waiting to see how many women actually are honest.....
    Then I'll explain my cat and yarn theory.

    *pulls up a chair and waits for the Tao of Cee*
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Does any one know the answer here? No? Nobody? Kinda what I figured. It's like asking what color is the rainbow...
  • GLLove
    GLLove Posts: 77
    Money....plain and simple, all women want the guy to have money. Ladies, don't argue or disagree, because you all know it's true. If you liked two guys, both were identical twin brothers, and both were trash collectors, and being identical twins, they had the same personalities, the same likes and dislikes, and were basically the same person, and they both wanted to marry you. You love them both and can't decide which one to marry....then, one of them hits the lottery for $200 million. Which one would you marry? If any woman who says she'd marry the brother who didn't hit the lottery, she is lying. We all know that women go after the money.

    Ha. This is a ridiculous hypothetical. Just like asking anyone if there were two free cherry suckers to choose from. They were exactly the same way in every way and happened to be your favorite, one was wrapped up in a $100 bill. Which one would you take? What this doesnt take into account is any emotional bonds between a man and a woman.

    It is very hard as a woman to say what you want and what you dont want and it be the rule. Besides just making up your own mind, there are pressures from family, friends, and society about what you should want. Its only experience that shows what does and doesnt work for you. No two women are the same, and the same person varies greatly between phases in her life.

    You are special and different and the key to attracting someone who thinks you are the bee's knees is to be yourself and be confident in who you are. Yeah, so maybe it wont be the hot temp you've been drooling over for months, but maybe it will be someone who loves you and gets you and makes you feel great just being yourself.
  • Angiebug1969
    Angiebug1969 Posts: 152
    I've been married for 23 years... my most favorite of his attributes:

    He makes me laugh

    He's absolutely honest

    He's ambitious

    He puts 100% effort into me, our marriage & family

  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    When I find him I will let you know. I don't like an overly emotional guy, nor a bad guy, but both.... as in manly but can show his emotions when he needs to.
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member

    How did you know Bulldog? :flowerforyou:
  • kenlad64
    kenlad64 Posts: 377 Member
    I don't care what women want in a man. I'm glad my wife wants a man like me.

    I feel the same way, ...and on a bad day, as long as she puts up with me and she is sorta happy, ...then I too am happy! :smile:
  • C_Bran
    C_Bran Posts: 254
    Fly on the wall waiting to see how many women actually are honest.....
    Then I'll explain my cat and yarn theory.

    *pulls up a chair and waits for the Tao of Cee*

    Aiight..... Cat and yarn theory.
    The short and sweet version. If you place a piece of yarn on a table high enough where a cat can only reach it by jumping, the cat will play with that piece of yarn for God knows how long.

    If you take that same piece of yarn down and give it to the cat the fun is gone....the cat will no longer play with it and will be bored with the yarn.

    Same thing applies to women (theoretically). If you make yourself readily available and always, ALWAYS available everytime she wants to play, she will eventually get bored and you will be considered the piece of yarn that is lying on the floor. If you limit your availability and demonstrate that you have a life outside of her, you are considered the piece of yarn just out of reach and her interest will stay high and you can continue to move forward.

    I know folks are going to try and shoot holes in this and women will say that this is not them....... Whatever. I've researched it and did a wonderful college project on it for a social psychology class. It is a subconcious thing that is internal in humans (men or women).

    So fire away and keep it clean so this thread doesn't get locked.....
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    Aside from a few details, I think the findings are fairly true. I think at the basic level we are driven to chose a mate that is strong and healthy and can help support a life you want to share....but then evolution takes over and we no longer need a hunter/gatherer b/c women can hunt and gather for themselves so some just want a partner, an equal. Obviously there are women who only want a man with money, or only want a sexy man, etc. But for a TRUE relationship those things are meaningless in the long term.

    For me, I think the basic message of the study was that women look for a parter that wants to connect on an emotional level above all else. No matter how much money a man has or how good looking he is, if he's "dead behind the eyes" then he's not going to sustain a loving and healthy relationship.

    I married my husband b/c he was kind, hard working, sincere, family oriented, honest, faithful, genuinely interested in me and what I think and feel and willing to share his thoughts and feelings with me, to the best of his ability. At times, I do wish money wasn't such an elusive *kitten*, but I don't blame my husband or feel that I would be better off with someone with more money. Only b/c money gives one a little more freedom in this culture (trips, gifts, etc), but in and of itself means nothing to the relationship. My husband has never given me gifts or brought me flowers, and although I wish he did sometimes, its not something about the relationship I feel is necessary for the love to sustain.
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    I will be honest............... I need a man with a sense of humor life is too short not to laugh ! I dont need someone who has a rock hard body I like a little meat on my man and the romance is a MUST , I am a hopeless romantic and I think you need to be able to communicate WELL with one another , If you cant talk about anything and everything what will you have when your older? I see couples out to dinner and never say one word to each other and I think thats sad, I never want to be in that place in my relationships.

    Laughter Is Key and intimacy is at least 60 percent of the relationship !!!! I want someone who has a back bone and will stand up for him self as well as me, someone who makes you feel safe.

    All the talk about Money I think is a little over the top I mean of course we all want a man who works hard and who can take care of his responsabilities but he doesnt need to be rich ! ( Im sure that could be an added bonus and any female who says different well I question that) Dont get that comment wrong I said ITS NOT Needed but it could always be helpful most couples fight over money and the stress just trying to get by !

    I like a man who hunts, fishes, likes the outdoors who can fix things when needed but doesnt mind dressing up to hit the town with his woman ! AND DO NOT BE AFRAID TO EXPLORE in other areas !!!! winking:)
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I want a guy who will take time to figure out what I want instead of assuming that there is a magic formula for all women.

    Luckily, I found him.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I got six dollars.. anybody wanna split a burger?

    ****Pulls up in drive way beeps horn*** come on lets go !

    You driving? Good! I didn't wanna siphon the mower gas again..
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    I don't care what women want in a man. I'm glad my wife wants a man like me.

    I feel the same way, ...and on a bad day, as long as she puts up with me and she is sorta happy, ...then I too am happy! :smile:

    YOU ROCK KEN !!!!!!!!!!! and she is a lucky woman to have found someone of your Character!
  • pammbroo
    pammbroo Posts: 550 Member
    Will admit., years of being single and in the dating world has jaded me a tad bit. Have had some laughs and have some great stories, but the amount of BS that goes along can be astounding.

    So at this point, I just want someone to surprise me and be different...
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    I got six dollars.. anybody wanna split a burger?

    ****Pulls up in drive way beeps horn*** come on lets go !

    You driving? Good! I didn't wanna siphon the mower gas again..

    uuuummm sure OK ***he hops in** she asks..so please tell me you at least have enought for the combo right?
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member

    DUH! No brainer BDOGG, we all love you !
  • AdoraK
    AdoraK Posts: 724 Member
    Money....plain and simple, all women want the guy to have money. Ladies, don't argue or disagree, because you all know it's true. If you liked two guys, both were identical twin brothers, and both were trash collectors, and being identical twins, they had the same personalities, the same likes and dislikes, and were basically the same person, and they both wanted to marry you. You love them both and can't decide which one to marry....then, one of them hits the lottery for $200 million. Which one would you marry? If any woman who says she'd marry the brother who didn't hit the lottery, she is lying. We all know that women go after the money.

    Sorry Not ME! I am married and my husband was not a big money maker. I am the one that works in our house and he stays home and takes care of the kids. I prefer it that way! Not everyone is as material as you seem to be!
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I don't care what women want in a man. I'm glad my wife wants a man like me.

    I feel the same way, ...and on a bad day, as long as she puts up with me and she is sorta happy, ...then I too am happy! :smile:

    And vice-versa. He needs to put up with me too.
    I do often hear him say that he wants me to be happy. :smile:
  • prettypain
    prettypain Posts: 90
    Fly on the wall waiting to see how many women actually are honest.....
    Then I'll explain my cat and yarn theory.

    *pulls up a chair and waits for the Tao of Cee*

    Aiight..... Cat and yarn theory.
    The short and sweet version. If you place a piece of yarn on a table high enough where a cat can only reach it by jumping, the cat will play with that piece of yarn for God knows how long.

    If you take that same piece of yarn down and give it to the cat the fun is gone....the cat will no longer play with it and will be bored with the yarn.

    Same thing applies to women (theoretically). If you make yourself readily available and always, ALWAYS available everytime she wants to play, she will eventually get bored and you will be considered the piece of yarn that is lying on the floor. If you limit your availability and demonstrate that you have a life outside of her, you are considered the piece of yarn just out of reach and her interest will stay high and you can continue to move forward.

    I know folks are going to try and shoot holes in this and women will say that this is not them....... Whatever. I've researched it and did a wonderful college project on it for a social psychology class. It is a subconcious thing that is internal in humans (men or women).

    So fire away and keep it clean so this thread doesn't get locked.....
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I see that money is important to many of you. When I met my wife, I was teaching TKD and doing massage. I loved doing it but it wasn't because of the money. Barely making a living.

    Money was never brought up by Jan. I remember spending my last dollar just to be able to cook her dinner when she came over.

    When we decided to get married, I knew I had to get a "real job". I was38, HS Grad, no skills. Not a lot of work for me. Had to take a job through a Temp agency. Worked a lot of very temporary and very medial jobs at $5 and hour.

    I finally got hired on at one of the companies. That immediately bumped me up to.....$5.50 an hour. I was barely able to cover my living expenses in a cheap apartment and my gas to and from work, let alone woo Jan with fine dining and trips.

    Money was never brought up by Jan. She married me. Trusted me with two daughters...still making $5.50 an hour. Man, I would never let my daughter marry a man in my postion if I had any say in it.

    Jan never brought up the fact that she was making more money than I was or that it was ever a factor in my measuring up as a man.

    I stayed at that company for almost 20 years and managed to progress to a point where I was making a decent wage and progressing through the ranks. Got an offer from the company I am working at now. I am making very good money We live well. Have three great daughters. But more importantly, I have a wife that stood beside me through thick and thin. One that never knew the concept of "Yours and Mine". It was always "Ours".
    She didn't need ME to be financially stable. We struggled together. We made our life together. If I would have had to be rich to bring Jan into my life, things would be very different now.

    Be careful what you wish for.