Addicted to food, really?



  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    The definition of addiction is the strong and harmful need to do something.
    Gambling has no physical withdrawal. Sex addiction either.
    It seems some people draw the line at developing an unhealthy chemical dependence or withdrawal with addiction. But if all addiction is really psychological then you can be addicted to anything.

    But if people are hung up on semantics what about compulsion or obsession. Those are unhealthy as well and rarely a simple case of willpower. The problem with food complulsion is that you can't completely cut food out of your life like you can with other addictive behaviors.
    So yeah I think it's real.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    It was not like I eat some pasta, and was like "oh, my god I have to have more pasta"


    I do not think that anyone can be "addicted to food"

    You weren't addicted to food, so nobody can be addicted to food. I can't give birth, so nobody can give birth. LOGIC!

    I said think, which implies I am thinking and posing a topic for discussion...

    read much?

    If I was saying it was fact it would have read "I am not addicted to food; therefore, no one is addicted to food."
  • shrinkingWITS
    I try to err on the side of compassion when it comes to struggles other people have. Alcohol, drugs, shopping, gambling, eating...people who do these things in excess with detrimental effect to their lives are generally unhappy with the situation and I don't think it's my place to call BS on something just because I haven't experienced it.

    Well said.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    The definition of addiction is the strong and harmful need to do something.
    Gambling has no physical withdrawal. Sex addiction either.
    It seems some people draw the line at developing an unhealthy chemical dependence or withdrawal with addiction. But if all addiction is really psychological then you can be addicted to anything.

    But if people are hung up on semantics what about compulsion or obsession. Those are unhealthy as well and rarely a simple case of willpower. The problem with food complulsion is that you can't completely cut food out of your life like you can with other addictive behaviors.
    So yeah I think it's real.

    reading some of the other posts from posters it would seem to appear that it is real ....
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    How long until this thread is locked? Bets, anyone?
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I literally can't live without food.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    How long until this thread is locked? Bets, anyone?

    not until it rolls! This one is going epic style...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I literally can't live without food.
    well I think that applies to everyone ..LOL
  • shrinkingWITS
    It was not like I eat some pasta, and was like "oh, my god I have to have more pasta"


    I do not think that anyone can be "addicted to food"

    You weren't addicted to food, so nobody can be addicted to food. I can't give birth, so nobody can give birth. LOGIC!

    I said think, which implies I am thinking and posing a topic for discussion...

    read much?

    If I was saying it was fact it would have read "I am not addicted to food; therefore, no one is addicted to food."

    You are getting upset because people are pointing out what you said in your original post...which was something to the effect that addiction doesn't exist and that many people use it as an excuse. You then asked for others opinions. I'm thinking that's what some are annoyed with.

    effect. affect. I forget and I'm vacation so I'm not bothering to see if I used the correct one. lol Grammar police can suck it tonight. BOOYAH!
  • shrinkingWITS
    How long until this thread is locked? Bets, anyone?

    Oh come isn't that epic. lol

    Throw in some politics and then it's locked. Or a birthday shout out.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Interesting topic I never really thought about with food.

    I have been drinking since I was a teenager. Always at parties and with friends. I never understood why people drank alone or became alcoholics because it just never happened to me. I dont think I would be able to say that there is no such thing with food. People have compulsions to do some crazy things. Maybe it is not "technically" an addiction but I think some people are unable to control certain behaviors. I know someone personally that has OCD. It is a horrible thing to witness when they want to stop and they just cant.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    It was not like I eat some pasta, and was like "oh, my god I have to have more pasta"


    I do not think that anyone can be "addicted to food"

    You weren't addicted to food, so nobody can be addicted to food. I can't give birth, so nobody can give birth. LOGIC!

    I said think, which implies I am thinking and posing a topic for discussion...

    read much?

    If I was saying it was fact it would have read "I am not addicted to food; therefore, no one is addicted to food."

    You are getting upset because people are pointing out what you said in your original post...which was something to the effect that addiction doesn't exist and that many people use it as an excuse. You then asked for others opinions. I'm thinking that's what some are annoyed with.

    well I said I would catch flack my prediction came true ..

    I simply took my experience and said I did not experience, and as such did not think it exists, but curious what others thought to expand my thinking on the that now how we all learn and progress? I never made a blanket statement that it must not exist, pretty big difference...
  • cahtchme
    cahtchme Posts: 32 Member
    I tend to agree that food addiction is real. I'm sure there are some that use it as an excuse. But if other addictions exists (smoking, alcohol) then why can't food be one? I don't consider myself to have one, but I know when I eat certain foods they make me quite happy and I just want more and more. I don't want the pleasure of eating that particular food to go away. But I've been able to have the self-control not to go overboard, even though I want another bowl of mashed potatoes. (Yes...potatoes are my downfall). LOL.
  • Wildflower0106
    Wildflower0106 Posts: 247 Member
    I think food addiction is real for SOME, I also think some people say they are addicted to food when in reality they are just lazy and have no self control and "addiction" is an easy excuse.

    I was fat because I was lazy and I ate to much...
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    How long until this thread is locked? Bets, anyone?

    I'd like to place a bet.... but I can't......

    Hello, my name is Sloth, and I am a gambling addict.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I tend to agree that food addiction is real. I'm sure there are some that use it as an excuse. But if other addictions exists (smoking, alcohol) then why can't food be one? I don't consider myself to have one, but I know when I eat certain foods they make me quite happy and I just want more and more. I don't want the pleasure of eating that particular food to go away. But I've been able to have the self-control not to go overboard, even though I want another bowl of mashed potatoes. (Yes...potatoes are my downfall). LOL.

    hmm that is interesting..I just like good food, but it does not make me "happy" ....I guess I do not have any real emotional attachment to food...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    How long until this thread is locked? Bets, anyone?

    I'd like to place a bet.... but I can't......

    Hello, my name is Sloth, and I am a gambling addict.


    bahahahahahaha see you at the casino!
  • shrinkingWITS
    Oh ok, semantics and wording. My bad. lol
  • tjl2329
    tjl2329 Posts: 169 Member
    I was abused as a chold. So I began eating more at night. I could sit at the tsble longer and thus I thought maybe they won't abuse me tonight because I took too long and there chance has passed. Certain foods make me happy. Remind me of happy times. Not sure if I eas addicted or not. But when I first began I wpuld literally cry because I couldn't eat certain things. Per doctor. Jave to watch sugar. Now I usually eat less. Really wanted junk. So I ate 1/4 of a snickers bar and about 15 skittles. Fed the rest to my co cpworkers. Oh and for dinner I had a bag of chips and grapes. So good. I ate the whole bag. Grab bag. Not a full juge bag but still more than I eat. So I guess I'm not addicted because I can and do chose what and how much to eat. Its something you just do. Never discussed it with anyone. But I haye to be told I can't or won't do something. M families fir:st opinion pf my new eating. But not anymore. Thank good I'm npt addicted. They regularly send me for things I can't eat but they can. Just have to look at it as what I choose to eat. I think I agree. Just used it as an exscuse. In my case. Not sure about others.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I haven't read most of the replies but wanted to comment...

    I used to think about eating from the moment I woke up till I went to bed. When I was eating, I thought about what I'd eat next. As soon as I was done eating, I'd wonder how soon was too soon to eat again. It consumed my thoughts. It was never enough. It didn't matter what else I was doing, I was thinking about food.

    Sounds a whole lot like addiction to me. Was it my own responsibility to deal with that? Yes, absolutely, it's on me...but it wasn't merely lack of will power.