When is it socially acceptable for shirtless running?



  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member

    I don't really care what you choose to do. IMO, it always looks "douchey." Is there a reason guys NEED to run shirtless?

    When I see a guy running shirtless I just assume he's multi-tasking and working on his tan while running.

    I would prefer not to see a guy with floppy moobs running shirtless. But ultimately it's his choice.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    When I see a guy running shirtless, I think he's pretty full of himself and looking for attention. Maybe that's not fair, but that's always my first thought.

    When I see a guy running shirtless, or a woman running in a sports bra, I normally think "can't say I blame them, it's hellishly hot today"
  • pauldix
    pauldix Posts: 35 Member
    If it's a dark night, why not?
  • spookiefox
    spookiefox Posts: 215 Member
    I was going to ask this in the fitness message board but I thought I would get some more honest (and entertaining) answers from the regulars on here.

    So when is it acceptable for a guy to run shirtless? I know you should be able to whenever bc screw everyone else but honestly I do care what people think and would rather not gross them out.

    So what is the criteria besides the weather? Is a full 6 pack required? Is it possible to not look like a douche shirtless running? Thoughts on when it is socially acceptable? Guidelines to follow?

    I don't really care what you choose to do. IMO, it always looks "douchey." Is there a reason guys NEED to run shirtless?

    I live in the Saint Louis area. In the summer it's well over 100 degrees, with 95+% humidity. I have to say that there have been days that I wanted to run shirtless. Days when even the light weight, space age material sleeveless running shirt felt like running with an insulated jacket on.

    It feels that way for women too, yet it's still illegal, even in St. Louis when it's hot and humid, for them to strip half naked.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    I was going to ask this in the fitness message board but I thought I would get some more honest (and entertaining) answers from the regulars on here.

    So when is it acceptable for a guy to run shirtless? I know you should be able to whenever bc screw everyone else but honestly I do care what people think and would rather not gross them out.

    So what is the criteria besides the weather? Is a full 6 pack required? Is it possible to not look like a douche shirtless running? Thoughts on when it is socially acceptable? Guidelines to follow?

    I don't really care what you choose to do. IMO, it always looks "douchey." Is there a reason guys NEED to run shirtless?

    I live in the Saint Louis area. In the summer it's well over 100 degrees, with 95+% humidity. I have to say that there have been days that I wanted to run shirtless. Days when even the light weight, space age material sleeveless running shirt felt like running with an insulated jacket on.

    This is the main reason but it's finally calming down around the Memphis, TN area. But yeah, for most of the spring/summer/early fall it feels more like your swimming than running in the humidity. That and it would be nice not to have to use band aids for my nips every time i get a little distance.
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    Run shirtless all you want and be proud. Don't worry about what other people are going to think.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    whenever you are running past my house.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I was going to ask this in the fitness message board but I thought I would get some more honest (and entertaining) answers from the regulars on here.

    So when is it acceptable for a guy to run shirtless? I know you should be able to whenever bc screw everyone else but honestly I do care what people think and would rather not gross them out.

    So what is the criteria besides the weather? Is a full 6 pack required? Is it possible to not look like a douche shirtless running? Thoughts on when it is socially acceptable? Guidelines to follow?

    I don't really care what you choose to do. IMO, it always looks "douchey." Is there a reason guys NEED to run shirtless?

    I live in the Saint Louis area. In the summer it's well over 100 degrees, with 95+% humidity. I have to say that there have been days that I wanted to run shirtless. Days when even the light weight, space age material sleeveless running shirt felt like running with an insulated jacket on.

    It feels that way for women too, yet it's still illegal, even in St. Louis when it's hot and humid, for them to strip half naked.

    I fail to follow your logic. Because it's illegal for women, I (and other men) should not be able to do it? If that's a law you want on the books, I suggest you write your congressman, because until such time as there is a law against it I shall run shirtless if I please.

    ETA : given the young ladies I run past in my area I am fully in support of any efforts to remove the ban on women running topless. If you want to approach equality that way.
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    No matter your physique, there are always going to be people judging you for running shirtless for one reason or another, and as you can see there is a pretty wide spread of opinion on the subject, so just do what you want to do. The only thing I've ever thought when seeing a guy running topless is "lucky *kitten*, i%*(!^@&!^ gender inequality." Not that running totally topless would be comfortable for most of us women anyway.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I was going to ask this in the fitness message board but I thought I would get some more honest (and entertaining) answers from the regulars on here.

    So when is it acceptable for a guy to run shirtless? I know you should be able to whenever bc screw everyone else but honestly I do care what people think and would rather not gross them out.

    So what is the criteria besides the weather? Is a full 6 pack required? Is it possible to not look like a douche shirtless running? Thoughts on when it is socially acceptable? Guidelines to follow?

    I don't really care what you choose to do. IMO, it always looks "douchey." Is there a reason guys NEED to run shirtless?

    I live in the Saint Louis area. In the summer it's well over 100 degrees, with 95+% humidity. I have to say that there have been days that I wanted to run shirtless. Days when even the light weight, space age material sleeveless running shirt felt like running with an insulated jacket on.

    It feels that way for women too, yet it's still illegal, even in St. Louis when it's hot and humid, for them to strip half naked.

    I fail to follow your logic. Because it's illegal for women, I (and other men) should not be able to do it? If that's a law you want on the books, I suggest you write your congressman, because until such time as there is a law against it I shall run shirtless if I please.

    women run around here all the time in just a sports bra - or crop tops, etc.... as for running HALF NAKED unless you have zero breast tissue why on earth would you want to?!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    It's always fine. As long as you are comfortable.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    What I also think is douchey is any implication that size, weight, or appearance has anything to do with it. Wearing clothes is not to prevent people from seeing what they have arbitrarily labelled ugly.

    Well..I guess I'm already a douche bc I think that my size/weight. and appearance do have things to do with it for me personally. Not to say I would care about someone I don't think has the ideal appearance doing it, wouldn't bother me at all and I wouldn't label them ugly.

    But I do care about myself as far as size/weight/appearance/attractiveness in society. Sorry, everyone does regardless if they admit it or not. It is a construct of society.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Sometimes I workout shirtless in my basement but then I have nothing to whip the sweat off my face.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    i think we need some video.

  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I'm pretty sure that guys are not supposed to care. I certainly don't and haven't in the past. Take the shirt off to run.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    i think we need some video.

    For scientific purposes, of course. It's the only way we can accurately judge if you're shirtless running material. Slo-mo would be extra helpful.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    running shirtless=less laundry my wife has to do...

    less laundry=happier wife.

    of course I could do the laundry myself, but I suck at folding. I actually make her less mad by not trying.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    running shirtless=less laundry my wife has to do...

    less laundry=happier wife.

    of course I could do the laundry myself, but I suck at folding. I actually make her less mad by not trying.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,503 Member
    i think we need some video.



    Yes, video.
    Pretty please?
  • agdyl
    agdyl Posts: 246 Member
    It's always fine. As long as you are comfortable.

    I agree. There was a guy running shirtless the other day when the weather was cool enough that it didn't make loads of sense to me, but my next thought was to be bummed that it's fall because that guy should run shirtless more often.

    Seriously - not everyone is going to approve of anything you do. If you're comfortable (flab or not), do it.