

  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    If one were capable of completely omitting carbs from their diet, they would die.

    I am still correct that the body cannot function without carbs

    The body needs carbs to function.

    However, you don't need carbs in your diet. Your body can manufacture the carbs it needs from protein and fatty acids.

    So, you are right and wrong. You will not die if you completely omit carbs from your body, but the body will not function without carbs.

    Semantics. Obviously, you understood my point.

    I understood it because I know the distinction between eating carbs and using carbs.

    It's an important distinction.

    End of the day, you don't need carbs in your diet. That's sort of the bottom line and you seemed to be under the impression that you do.
  • theopenforum
    theopenforum Posts: 280 Member
    wow this post is nuts, so Im not going to pile on and just answer the original question

    no carbs are not bad, and quite necessary depending on what you are after in terms of your lifestyle whether it be to stay fit or build muscle or powerlift etc. All require carbs to a varying degree. It is too many carbs where you start to have issues and overly processed carbs can also be a problem. Like everything in this world it should be taken in moderation to go with whatever your particular diet and weight loss goals require


  • annakow
    annakow Posts: 385 Member
    No. carbs are fuel to your body.
  • angelamangus1
    angelamangus1 Posts: 164 Member
    No carbs are not bad. Carbs are good, they give your body fuel. It all depends on the type of carbs you eat. Everyone is going to have an opinion on this and it is up to you to decide what is best for your body. We are all different and what works for some will not work for others. I personally like to eat carbs and try to manage my macros accordingly. Find what works for you because in the end it is your lifestyle that you are changing. :wink:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    If one were capable of completely omitting carbs from their diet, they would die.

    I am still correct that the body cannot function without carbs

    The body needs carbs to function.

    However, you don't need carbs in your diet. Your body can manufacture the carbs it needs from protein and fatty acids.

    So, you are right and wrong. You will not die if you completely omit carbs from your body, but the body will not function without carbs.

    Semantics. Obviously, you understood my point.

    I understood it because I know the distinction between eating carbs and using carbs.

    It's an important distinction.

    End of the day, you don't need carbs in your diet. That's sort of the bottom line and you seemed to be under the impression that you do.

    I will concede that one could consume a "no-carb" diet and continue to live, however, it is ridiculous to presume that there are no potential harmful effects that could lead to greater health issues, and therefore, a lower quality of life. Omitting foods for the sake of it serves no useful purpose in a healthy individual, and if anything, could create nutrient deficiencies that ultimately lead to illness.
  • TPlenge
    TPlenge Posts: 31 Member
    It depends on your body. I thrived on a high complex carb vegetarian diet most of my life, but now that I am approaching 50 my blood sugar goes through the roof. Listen to your body.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If I eliminated all carbs from my diet, OTHERS would die. :devil:
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    If I eliminated all carbs from my diet, OTHERS would die. :devil:

  • hsawtelle
    hsawtelle Posts: 5 Member

    fat and protein can be converted to energy, but that is a lot of extra work for the liver

    This is a red herring. Lipid and protein metabolism happens largely within the muscle cells. There are by-products that are handled by enzymes within the liver and/or kidneys (no more "extra work" than your lungs absorbing oxygen or your heart moving your blood -- it is their "job"), and are reintegrated into energy production, or excreted from the body if not needed.

    To suggest that fat or protein metabolism is somehow toxic or problematic or inferior to carbohydrate metabolism is not correct. If a large excess (beyond the body's energy needs) of any macronutrient is consumed, that can of course stress the system.

    Unlike fats and proteins, carbohydrate metabolism can wreak havoc on the blood sugar feedback hormone mechanisms in susceptible people. On the other hand some people can eat whatever they want in moderation and it doesn't matter. Everyone is different. The attitude of many posters that we are all the same and all of our problems can be solved from a common maintenance manual like a car is silly.

    Anyone curious about carbohydrate metabolism should read "Why We Get Fat" by Gary Taubes. It is thought-provoking and scientific but written in plain English.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    YES. If you eat 1 carb, YOU WILL DIE. That is a FACT. Science.

    Do you have links to the studies showing this?

    This person has a sense of humor. You're taking it too seriously. :-)
    100% of people eating carbs will die. 100% of people not eating carbs will die. Teehee.

    But ... zombies and vampires.
  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member

    If I eliminated all carbs from my diet, OTHERS would die. :devil:


    nope too difficult here have some carbs

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    fat and protein can be converted to energy, but that is a lot of extra work for the liver

    This is a red herring. Lipid and protein metabolism happens largely within the muscle cells. There are by-products that are handled by enzymes within the liver and/or kidneys (no more "extra work" than your lungs absorbing oxygen or your heart moving your blood -- it is their "job"), and are reintegrated into energy production, or excreted from the body if not needed.

    To suggest that fat or protein metabolism is somehow toxic or problematic or inferior to carbohydrate metabolism is not correct. If a large excess (beyond the body's energy needs) of any macronutrient is consumed, that can of course stress the system.

    Unlike fats and proteins, carbohydrate metabolism can wreak havoc on the blood sugar feedback hormone mechanisms in susceptible people. On the other hand some people can eat whatever they want in moderation and it doesn't matter. Everyone is different. The attitude of many posters that we are all the same and all of our problems can be solved from a common maintenance manual like a car is silly.

    Anyone curious about carbohydrate metabolism should read "Why We Get Fat" by Gary Taubes. It is thought-provoking and scientific but written in plain English.

    Too bad Why We Get Fat is mostly fiction
  • kkerri
    kkerri Posts: 276 Member
    I don't think carbs are bad, but I think refined carbs are not conducive to weight loss.

    And, I also think lifestyle factors into it.

    I lost weight eating tons of carbs (even refined ones) in my 20's when I was working out an hour a day. Fast forward 18 years, 2 kids, a desk job, and some physical issues that prevent me from working out like I used to, and yes, carbs factor into it much more than they used to.

    The people I find, on here, who say it matters not tend to be younger, work out a lot, or have more weight to lose.

    Take someone with a little age, who is not doing CrossFit or PX90, and who doesn't have a whole lot to lose, and yes, I think it matters more.

    Also, I know there is 1200 calorie hatred, but again (for the reasons stated above) there are those who need to eat in that range and carbs don't always factor "into the macros" as easily.

    ****The above opinion is not based on scientific evidence is derived fully from speculation and personal experience****
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member

    It is all about balance.

    CARBS aren't bad. SUGAR isn't bad. FAT isn't bad.


    Find a balance. Eat at a deficit.

  • hsawtelle
    hsawtelle Posts: 5 Member
    If one were capable of completely omitting carbs from their diet, they would die.

    This is incorrect. One does not need to consume even a single gram of carbohydrate to survive. The traditional diet of the Inuit people, for example, contains virtually no carbohydrate for large parts of the year.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    If one were capable of completely omitting carbs from their diet, they would die.

    This is incorrect. One does not need to consume even a single gram of carbohydrate to survive. The traditional diet of the Inuit people, for example, contains virtually no carbohydrate for large parts of the year.

    Yeah... read the thread... all that has already been addressed and clarified. Go away!
  • hsawtelle
    hsawtelle Posts: 5 Member

    Too bad Why We Get Fat is mostly fiction

    Care to elaborate?
  • hsawtelle
    hsawtelle Posts: 5 Member
    Go away!

    I probably will once I finish my coffee. This forum reminds me of "Internet Message Board circa 1997." Kind of nostalgic.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    Too bad Why We Get Fat is mostly fiction

    Care to elaborate?

    Protein is highly insulinogenic. And how often does he talk about ASP?
  • paleojoe
    paleojoe Posts: 442 Member
    bad carbs come from sugars, high fructose corn syrups and related sweeteners, honeys, molasses, fruits, breads and grains, and starchy vegetables like potatoes and carrots.
    good carbs come from leafy green vegetables, squashes and such.
    use the keto calculator (its free) to arrive at the amount of protein, fats and carbs you may need and set those figures into MFP.
    to the extent you consume carbs, it's ideal to have them early in the day and to be 'carb free' at night and allow your body 12 hours of 'ketosis' to consume fats while you sleep.

    my carb intake varies between a low of 20 grams per day to a high of 100 grams per day, always in the am (breakfast). to the extent I use sweeteners I use Truvia. MFP will often default to as much as 300 grams of carbs a day which is way too much. pretty much under 100 grams is considered low carb but many folks go to 50 (I have) with little difficulty. Those who tell you carbs don't count and such are simply incorrect. The science of low carb is overwhelming.

    If you don't have enough money to eat this way then do what is necessary to make enough not accept poverty. that too is a choice.

    Honey, molasses, fruit, potatoes and carrots are bad carbs... really? I'll give you HFCS (devil is in the dose, and the individual consuming it by the way) but you are losing me on the rest.

    Can low carb be effective, and does it have a place... yes. Is it a must for everyone... no.

    Carbs count as much as fat and protein...