How can i recover from a 5000 calorie binge , help :(



  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Get off the stationary bike and pick up something heavy. Oh, and eat a little more until you've put on enough muscle mass to justify getting down to 8% bf without being 140 pounds.

    Or, stay on the bike and whine about the advice you're given.

    But 140 lbs looks great on a guy who's 5'10"! Not. You'd think he would want to gain muscle mass to reach his desired BF% and lose his "beer belly" rather than just diet & cardio himself into a twig, but maybe that's the look he's going for.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member

    Lol K . U didnt have to type all that extra sht at the bottom . Even if i am young im still on a serious weight loss journey like everybody else is . These people are 40 and 30 years old trying to argue with a teenage boy LOL .. so they are the ones that need to grow up if you ask me haaha

    The worst part about this is we/they are older than you and their lives consist of watching college football and relaxing on a Saturday night while you're a fully competent 18 year old obsessed about his weight and at the gym.. go have fun and get off the internet ... gotta go... off to the bar... gonna drink 5000 calories and not going to worry about it
    Your still on this damn thread ?? I went to the gym AN HOUR ago , come back and your STILL on this thread Lol ? . Your obviously not to busy if you been on myfitness pal all day , arguing with strangers for fun lol.. I have to admit , nice combat tho but your still old dumb and immature as hell lol ima do like 10 pushups when i come back ima probly see another dumass response from u LOL

    Just to note, my 7-year-old daughter did 10 push-ups before bed tonight.
    Awesome ' . Aha its funny how ur a grown woman with kids. Acting like a kid yourself LOL im young so i have an excuse to be a little immature here and there .. But you guys are GROWN . *kitten*. PEOPLE thats just pathetic lol .. Must be a midlife crises thing going on around on this thread .. Lol . Go ahead reply somethinnn else thats immature im waiting haha . Were are the mature adults that can actually answer my question ..

    Ah. A teenager begging for help and acting like a brat. Keep eating 1000 calories and day and cycling. That's so adorable. I'm sure you'll hit your goals. lol
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks

    Lol K . U didnt have to type all that extra sht at the bottom . Even if i am young im still on a serious weight loss journey like everybody else is . These people are 40 and 30 years old trying to argue with a teenage boy LOL .. so they are the ones that need to grow up if you ask me haaha

    The worst part about this is we/they are older than you and their lives consist of watching college football and relaxing on a Saturday night while you're a fully competent 18 year old obsessed about his weight and at the gym.. go have fun and get off the internet ... gotta go... off to the bar... gonna drink 5000 calories and not going to worry about it
    Your still on this damn thread ?? I went to the gym AN HOUR ago , come back and your STILL on this thread Lol ? . Your obviously not to busy if you been on myfitness pal all day , arguing with strangers for fun lol.. I have to admit , nice combat tho but your still old dumb and immature as hell lol ima do like 10 pushups when i come back ima probly see another dumass response from u LOL

    Just to note, my 7-year-old daughter did 10 push-ups before bed tonight.
    Awesome ' . Aha its funny how ur a grown woman with kids. Acting like a kid yourself LOL im young so i have an excuse to be a little immature here and there .. But you guys are GROWN . *kitten*. PEOPLE thats just pathetic lol .. Must be a midlife crises thing going on around on this thread .. Lol . Go ahead reply somethinnn else thats immature im waiting haha . Were are the mature adults that can actually answer my question ..

    Oh, I know. I'm terribly ashamed of myself.

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Time out.

    OP, how old are you?
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Time out.

    OP, how old are you?

    He sounds a lot like my younger brother (when said younger brother is throwing a tantrum) so I'm gonna say...15.-16.
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    If you are serious about wanting help, let me suggest the following:

    1) Stop insulting people
    2) Open your diary so we can see what you're eating and have a look at your macros, how consistently you're eating, etc.
    3) Explain your exercise regimen. You talk alot about cardio but it may be that you need to be lifting, particularly if you are interested in changing your body mass ratios to become leaner. That's not all about cardio, necessarily.

    You're not providing enough information for anyone to help you. There's no "magic bullet"; it's about eating at a deficit but your weight is already normal so this may be more about building muscle. Hard to tell without more info.

    You want "yes/no" answers with no information; you want to know if Pepsi is more nutritious than milk. Well, oz for oz, no...but how much milk? What kind of milk? How much Pepsi? Water is less "nutritious" than milk but may be a better choice than either Pepsi or milk, depending on what else you're taking in. Do you use milk for the calcium content? None of that in Pepsi or water...

    This is an education process; there are people here who meeting your criteria for "success" (meaning, hit their goals) who have been studying this stuff for a long time. Get a grip, slow down, cut the hostility, and give us some information we can work with if you really want some support.
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    Time out.

    OP, how old are you?

    And, ^^this...
  • nikky31
    nikky31 Posts: 63 Member
    I have had plenty of binges lol one thing is that you just gotta tell yourself okay it happened lets get over it and eat better tomorrow. I went from eating **** everyday to an actual healthy diet. You are going to have slip up's It happens and nobody is perfect! I agree with the previous post drink a butt load of water it will help the foods wash out quicker. I have lost 17 pounds b4 starting mfp. Also exercising is a key you can burn some calories off and it won't be as bad on the scale. Weight lifting also burns a lot of calories! Helped me go from struggling to do 3 pushups to now actually being able to do 16 (still working on more!) Good luck! Tomorrow is a fresh day and keep in your mind the reason why you want your goals :)
  • MaiLinna
    MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
    To be honest I just wanna puke. Even if I went on a binge, the best I could do is maybe, and I mean MAYBE're one amazing man. Holy crap.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Nothing. Move on.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I am so glad I stopped working with youth. lol what a bunch of **** heads.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Time out.

    OP, how old are you?


    I honestly believe this is an important piece of the puzzle. With this information, we'll be better able to provide meaningful feedback to your question.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    OP, looking back at your post history it seems that you're 5'10", 161 lbs and 15% body fat, but you're obsessed with losing 20 lbs or getting to 9% body fat. You keep asking the same types of questions, then people give you good advice or ask you for more details and you ignore them (or in one case call them "stupid *kitten* answers") and then you post again. What is it that you're looking for? You're a teenage male and I know everything seems super-dramatic at this point in your life, but 20 lbs is not life-altering. You need to get your head straight and start taking a sensible and level-headed approach to getting the body you want and stop looking for quick fixes and stop ignoring advice.U There's a lot of experience here. Maybe find someone whose pictures look the way you want to look and ask them what they do.
    Maybe because the only ppl that have been giving me advice are people unsuccessful ppl and ones who are just as far from there goal weight as i am . If there advice were so good they would be were they want to be and they arent ... So i constantly post these post and hope for a successful person to come along and give me some real advice instead of a bunch of unsuccessful ppl that bearly know what there talking about .

    I'm a very successful person, very close to my goals. I've dropped 60+ pounds in a year, gone from sitting on the couch to running 10k, and I'm consistently improving my strength. I'm approaching the level of fitness I attained before I had kids and let myself go a little. In short, I'm exactly the kind of person you claim to be looking for advice from.

    But after reading this b**chy little post, you're on your own. I'm sick to death of people throwing the advice they are offered back in people's faces.

    People like you pi$s me off lol . Yup im on my own ive been doing it on my own this whole time and im pretty sure im gonna be on my own when its all over . You just typed up that longass paragraph just to knock me down even further ?? Lol cool with me . Bbecause as im typing this im on a stationary bike busting my *kitten* off cos i know im in this by myself NOONE supports me and i relize that now . And i hope that from yur little negative reply that god gives u a horrible binge just like i had . Haha peace

    Keeps saying he's on his own. Keeps coming on MFP asking for help.

    Also bumping to find tomorrow, provided this isn't locked before then.
  • Brandonshields97
    I am so glad I stopped working with youth. lol what a bunch of **** heads.
    Your 2 cents was not needed lol
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    You're coming back to take your next shot. You're not responding to any of the meaningful questions being asked to try to help you. Why?

    - age
    - diary
    - exercise routine
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I am so glad I stopped working with youth. lol what a bunch of **** heads.
    Your 2 cents was not needed lol

    Your not getting what you want, so your throw a temper-tantrum like a 2 year old. Instead of focusing on your healthy/weight loss, perhaps a psychiatrist would be of more help to you.
  • Brandonshields97
    I am so glad I stopped working with youth. lol what a bunch of **** heads.
    Your 2 cents was not needed lol

    Your not getting what you want, so your throw a temper-tantrum like a 2 year old. Instead of focusing on your healthy/weight loss, perhaps a psychiatrist would be of more help to you.
    I actually have a psychiatrist because im depressed ... Now you can make fun of me and say that i deserve to be depressed or u can say whatever you want to about it . But just know that karma is real . Im still a human whether im 18 or 40 .. But if you wanna make fun of my depression , i promise you . will pay you back for me .
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks

    Lol K . U didnt have to type all that extra sht at the bottom . Even if i am young im still on a serious weight loss journey like everybody else is . These people are 40 and 30 years old trying to argue with a teenage boy LOL .. so they are the ones that need to grow up if you ask me haaha

    The worst part about this is we/they are older than you and their lives consist of watching college football and relaxing on a Saturday night while you're a fully competent 18 year old obsessed about his weight and at the gym.. go have fun and get off the internet ... gotta go... off to the bar... gonna drink 5000 calories and not going to worry about it
    Your still on this damn thread ?? I went to the gym AN HOUR ago , come back and your STILL on this thread Lol ? . Your obviously not to busy if you been on myfitness pal all day , arguing with strangers for fun lol.. I have to admit , nice combat tho but your still old dumb and immature as hell lol ima do like 10 pushups when i come back ima probly see another dumass response from u LOL

    Just to note, my 7-year-old daughter did 10 push-ups before bed tonight.
    Awesome ' . Aha its funny how ur a grown woman with kids. Acting like a kid yourself LOL im young so i have an excuse to be a little immature here and there .. But you guys are GROWN . *kitten*. PEOPLE thats just pathetic lol .. Must be a midlife crises thing going on around on this thread .. Lol . Go ahead reply somethinnn else thats immature im waiting haha . Were are the mature adults that can actually answer my question ..

    Ah. A teenager begging for help and acting like a brat. Keep eating 1000 calories and day and cycling. That's so adorable. I'm sure you'll hit your goals. lol
    Oh my , whata comeback . Lol a year from now when i finally reach my goal and ima remember all of you *kitten* . And everybody else that really posted something positive and tried to help me and ima laugh .. Post some transformation pictures up .. And say " i made it " and motivate ppl who kno exactly how i feel instead of wasting sweet exercise time just so i can bring there day down even worse . But you old *kitten* moms that keep posting negative replys should really be ashamed of yourself . Go spend some time with your kids or something . And u never know u guys think ur all that now but by the rime im your age ima be a f***ing bodybuilder i promise , just for all u hating *kitten* doubting and negative ppl

    Honestly, that advice is solid. I really shouldn't be picking on an angry 15 year old kid.

    I'm sorry, OP.
  • Brandonshields97
    You're coming back to take your next shot. You're not responding to any of the meaningful questions being asked to try to help you. Why?

    - age
    - diary
    - exercise routine
    Im 18 . Do cardio everyday for 1 1/2 to 2 hours . im supposed to eat 1800 cals but im constantly binging . And weights like 4 times a week
  • NordicAlien
    NordicAlien Posts: 110 Member
    OP, looking back at your post history it seems that you're 5'10", 161 lbs and 15% body fat, but you're obsessed with losing 20 lbs or getting to 9% body fat. You keep asking the same types of questions, then people give you good advice or ask you for more details and you ignore them (or in one case call them "stupid *kitten* answers") and then you post again. What is it that you're looking for? You're a teenage male and I know everything seems super-dramatic at this point in your life, but 20 lbs is not life-altering. You need to get your head straight and start taking a sensible and level-headed approach to getting the body you want and stop looking for quick fixes and stop ignoring advice.U There's a lot of experience here. Maybe find someone whose pictures look the way you want to look and ask them what they do.
    Maybe because the only ppl that have been giving me advice are people unsuccessful ppl and ones who are just as far from there goal weight as i am . If there advice were so good they would be were they want to be and they arent ... So i constantly post these post and hope for a successful person to come along and give me some real advice instead of a bunch of unsuccessful ppl that bearly know what there talking about .

    Perhaps some people aren't where they want to be because they've just started their journey, and they're making slow, steady progress instead of expecting it all to be done right now and then freaking out and thinking all is lost when they have a setback.

    This isn't the end of the world. Even if you ate enough to put that pound back on, get up tomorrow and start again. Try and consider these three weeks as a learning experience rather than a waste of time. If the binge was a one-time thing, write it off as a fluke and get back to exercising and eating a healthy amount of calories. If you find yourself binging again, try and work out why.

    And recognise that this is going to take time. Not days or weeks, but months. (For some people, years, but probably not for 20lbs - unless you give up when you hit a snag.) Sure, it'd be nice if everything could be done right now, but that just ain't how life works.

    Good luck.
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