How can i recover from a 5000 calorie binge , help :(



  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I am so glad I stopped working with youth. lol what a bunch of **** heads.
    Your 2 cents was not needed lol

    Your not getting what you want, so your throw a temper-tantrum like a 2 year old. Instead of focusing on your healthy/weight loss, perhaps a psychiatrist would be of more help to you.
    I actually have a psychiatrist because im depressed ... Now you can make fun of me and say that i deserve to be depressed or u can say whatever you want to about it . But just know that karma is real . Im still a human whether im 18 or 40 .. But if you wanna make fun of my depression , i promise you . will pay you back for me .

    I think you're missing some key words that would make this paragraph make sense.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    You're coming back to take your next shot. You're not responding to any of the meaningful questions being asked to try to help you. Why?

    - age
    - diary
    - exercise routine
    Im 18 . Do cardio everyday for 1 1/2 to 2 hours . im supposed to eat 1800 cals but im constantly binging

    So. Do you know what you're missing there?
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I am so glad I stopped working with youth. lol what a bunch of **** heads.
    Your 2 cents was not needed lol

    Your not getting what you want, so your throw a temper-tantrum like a 2 year old. Instead of focusing on your healthy/weight loss, perhaps a psychiatrist would be of more help to you.
    I actually have a psychiatrist because im depressed ... Now you can make fun of me and say that i deserve to be depressed or u can say whatever you want to about it . But just know that karma is real . Im still a human whether im 18 or 40 .. But if you wanna make fun of my depression , i promise you . will pay you back for me .

    I think you're missing some key words that would make this paragraph make sense.

    Perhaps a new psychiatrist?
  • grentea
    grentea Posts: 96 Member
    Maybe you should try to scale back the cardio or increase your calories. One binge is upsetting but not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. Try to think more positive.

    Everyone could try to be a little nicer. It's not fair to gang up on the OP. You have gotten some harsh replies, try not to take them to heart.

    ETA: We were all teenagers once. Try to be a little more understanding to where other people are in life.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    You're coming back to take your next shot. You're not responding to any of the meaningful questions being asked to try to help you. Why?

    - age
    - diary
    - exercise routine
    Im 18 . Do cardio everyday for 1 1/2 to 2 hours . im supposed to eat 1800 cals but im constantly binging . And weights like 4 times a week

    Do you mean 1800 cals + calories burned in your excessive cardio? I certainly hope so.

    Even if that's the case, 1800 sounds a little on the low side for your age.

    And why do you do so much cardio every day? That's almost certainly counterproductive to your goals.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    You're coming back to take your next shot. You're not responding to any of the meaningful questions being asked to try to help you. Why?

    - age
    - diary
    - exercise routine
    Im 18 . Do cardio everyday for 1 1/2 to 2 hours . im supposed to eat 1800 cals but im constantly binging

    So. Do you know what you're missing there?

    Oh oh pick me pick me!

    More food. Strength Training. A positive attitude. A little common sense.

    All of the above!

    What do I win? *please be cookies*
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Maybe you should try to scale back the cardio or increase your calories. One binge is upsetting but not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. Try to think more positive.

    Everyone could try to be a little nicer. It's not fair to gang up on the OP. You have gotten some harsh replies, try not to take them to heart.

    You obviously didn't read the entire thread. I suggest you do before passing your judgment on the appropriateness of the replies. OP has earned whatever harshness he has received in this thread (and if not for the CG (all hail), would have almost certainly received much harsher).
  • LeahT84
    LeahT84 Posts: 202 Member
    Time out.

    OP, how old are you?

    He sounds a lot like my younger brother (when said younger brother is throwing a tantrum) so I'm gonna say...15.-16.

    Funny, I was going to say he sounds like my 7 year old when he is throwing a tantrum... Except my 7 year old could type out a better sentence with properly spelled words, so I'm going to guess he's in kindergarten.

    OP, You have gotten a lot of great advice, but all you want to do is kick and scream until you get the answer you want, so please, just tell us what it is you want to hear, and I'm sure one of these "immature" adults will repeat it for you. Please go get a dictionary and read that while you're on the bike instead of angrily typing out your tantrums that make you look like a pompous halfwit.
  • I am so glad I stopped working with youth. lol what a bunch of **** heads.
    Your 2 cents was not needed lol

    Your not getting what you want, so your throw a temper-tantrum like a 2 year old. Instead of focusing on your healthy/weight loss, perhaps a psychiatrist would be of more help to you.
    I actually have a psychiatrist because im depressed ... Now you can make fun of me and say that i deserve to be depressed or u can say whatever you want to about it . But just know that karma is real . Im still a human whether im 18 or 40 .. But if you wanna make fun of my depression , i promise you . god will pay you back for me .

    I think you're missing some key words that would make this paragraph make sense.
    I forgot to put that "god will pay u back for me" so go ahead , come with the negative replies
  • bakingforlife
    bakingforlife Posts: 132 Member
    Start now,sleep. Get up and start over thats what im doing over did it also not sure really how much but very full .but thinking ok sunday is a new day ,we all do sometime. And we all get back in the worries what is done is done .have a great rest of dayor night and then have a awesome sunday :flowerforyou:
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    OP, does your psychiatrist know about your binging? If not, make sure you tell the doc what's going on.

    I think you may want to cut back on the cardio and see if that helps with the overeating. Try doing more strength building exercises; it may feel more productive and help you achieve your goals faster. You don't have to stop doing cardio, but cutting back from two hours a day would probably help.
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    You're coming back to take your next shot. You're not responding to any of the meaningful questions being asked to try to help you. Why?

    - age
    - diary
    - exercise routine
    Im 18 . Do cardio everyday for 1 1/2 to 2 hours . im supposed to eat 1800 cals but im constantly binging . And weights like 4 times a week

    1800 total a day? You're not eating nearly enough.

    At 18, 5'10 and 161, with 1 hours of cardio a day and weights 4 times a week I'm guesstimating you closer to 2500 to 2800/day and you'll still be eating at a significant deficit. Others with more experience should probably chime in here.

    Note I said 1 hour of cardio a day. You might consider splitting cardio with weight lifting; if you're looking to increase lean mass you want to be doing strength training and cardio - your cardio seems excessive.

    Where did the 1800 calorie target come from?

    Your calorie intake is not at all sufficient to fuel your body with that kind of exercise. You could be binging because your body is demanding fuel.

    Also, I don't know if you're on meds for your depression, and it's really not our business...but just as an FYI to you, anti-depressants can contribute to craving for food as well as to not wanting much....might be worth running this one past your doc, too, if that's the case.

    If you'd like to start over on a new thread with a new attitude - maybe tomorrow? - and explain your goals, what you've been doing, open your diary, and ask for input, I think you might get more help and support. Many people come here with similar goals and benefit from input from some very experienced and knowledgeable folks who are on MFP.
  • leia_ophelia
    leia_ophelia Posts: 44 Member
    I binged too and I'm sure a lot of people have! But you know what, after a week of clean eating and maintaining the calories, the binge eating did not make me gain weight at all. We all have those days, If you get depressed or frustrated over this, you'll might end up binge eating more. don't feel to bad and forget about it. Focus on the good results and you will be more encouraged to keep yourself on track.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    You're coming back to take your next shot. You're not responding to any of the meaningful questions being asked to try to help you. Why?

    - age
    - diary
    - exercise routine
    Im 18 . Do cardio everyday for 1 1/2 to 2 hours . im supposed to eat 1800 cals but im constantly binging

    So. Do you know what you're missing there?

    Oh oh pick me pick me!

    More food. Strength Training. A positive attitude. A little common sense.

    All of the above!

    What do I win? *please be cookies*

    Damn it! You gave it away. :grumble:

    *hands you oatmeal raisin cookies*
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    You're coming back to take your next shot. You're not responding to any of the meaningful questions being asked to try to help you. Why?

    - age
    - diary
    - exercise routine
    Im 18 . Do cardio everyday for 1 1/2 to 2 hours . im supposed to eat 1800 cals but im constantly binging

    So. Do you know what you're missing there?

    Oh oh pick me pick me!

    More food. Strength Training. A positive attitude. A little common sense.

    All of the above!

    What do I win? *please be cookies*

    Damn it! You gave it away. :grumble:

    *hands you oatmeal raisin cookies*

    Oatmeal raisin? Ugh. Glad I didn't try to win that one...
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    You're coming back to take your next shot. You're not responding to any of the meaningful questions being asked to try to help you. Why?

    - age
    - diary
    - exercise routine
    Im 18 . Do cardio everyday for 1 1/2 to 2 hours . im supposed to eat 1800 cals but im constantly binging

    So. Do you know what you're missing there?

    Oh oh pick me pick me!

    More food. Strength Training. A positive attitude. A little common sense.

    All of the above!

    What do I win? *please be cookies*

    Damn it! You gave it away. :grumble:

    *hands you oatmeal raisin cookies*


    Every time I eat a cookie expecting chocolate chips and it ends up raisins instead a puppy cries. Just saying.
  • I am so glad I stopped working with youth. lol what a bunch of **** heads.
    Your 2 cents was not needed lol

    Your not getting what you want, so your throw a temper-tantrum like a 2 year old. Instead of focusing on your healthy/weight loss, perhaps a psychiatrist would be of more help to you.
    I actually have a psychiatrist because im depressed ... Now you can make fun of me and say that i deserve to be depressed or u can say whatever you want to about it . But just know that karma is real . Im still a human whether im 18 or 40 .. But if you wanna make fun of my depression , i promise you . god will pay you back for me .

    I think you're missing some key words that would make this paragraph make sense.
    I forgot to put that "god will pay u back for me" so go ahead , come with the negative replies

    WHY are you seeking out negative replies?

    You don't want help, you want to pick fights with people on the internet. Why did I address you the way I did? Because it's the way I would address any kid who was throwing a tantrum. If you're going to be on a website for adults, then you're going to get advice from adults who don't have a high tolerance for children who think they know better. I'm not even slightly ashamed that I'm sitting here at 40 with a body that puts a lot of girls your age to shame. How do you think I got it?


    1) you're doing a ton of cardio. It is exactly the WRONG thing to be doing to get the body you're seeking. It won't happen.

    2) get on a real strength training program. You're at an age where muscle development will take off if you want it to. Do you want to look like those guys in the magazines? Get off the cardio. (there's a whole lot more to getting those bodies, but that's for another day.)

    3) EAT. Yes, eat. Eat, lift, repeat. And by lift, I mean get serious about it.

    4) Stop coming across as a complainer. You might actually learn something if you read instead of rant.
  • NordicAlien
    NordicAlien Posts: 110 Member
    You're coming back to take your next shot. You're not responding to any of the meaningful questions being asked to try to help you. Why?

    - age
    - diary
    - exercise routine
    Im 18 . Do cardio everyday for 1 1/2 to 2 hours . im supposed to eat 1800 cals but im constantly binging . And weights like 4 times a week

    Well, that explains a lot. If you're talking about high-intensity cardio, not just walking, you must be starving all the time. That's why you're binging, because you're starving yourself. This not only wrecks your body, it's probably playing havoc with your emotions. Google "neuroglycopenia symptoms". Irritability, rage, depression, suicidal thoughts - any of these sound familiar? I've been there. Anyone who's eaten a tiny amount of calories while doing copious amounts of exercise has been there. It's a rotten place to be, and I'm inclined to cut you quite a bit of slack because I can guess at how awful you must feel a lot of the time.

    But things don't have to be this way. Find yourself a dietician who will help you set out an eating plan that gets you the appropriate amount of calories, with the proteins, fibre and fats that you need to feel full. If you have medical insurance it may cover dietician's visits; if not you can enquire at your doctor's, your school if you go to one, or your local youth authority, and hopefully find someone who'll take minors for free, or at least who won't charge a fortune. (Sorry I can't be more specific than that - I'm in England and everything has to go through your family doctor here.) Cut back on the cardio until you're eating more. 90 minutes to 2 hours is a lot even if you're eating plenty.

    It's free advice. Take it or throw it away, it makes no difference to anyone but you. I do hope things work out for you, though. I mean that sincerely. I can tell you don't feel good, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    You're coming back to take your next shot. You're not responding to any of the meaningful questions being asked to try to help you. Why?

    - age
    - diary
    - exercise routine
    Im 18 . Do cardio everyday for 1 1/2 to 2 hours . im supposed to eat 1800 cals but im constantly binging

    So. Do you know what you're missing there?

    Oh oh pick me pick me!

    More food. Strength Training. A positive attitude. A little common sense.

    All of the above!

    What do I win? *please be cookies*

    Damn it! You gave it away. :grumble:

    *hands you oatmeal raisin cookies*


    Every time I eat a cookie expecting chocolate chips and it ends up raisins instead a puppy cries. Just saying.

    I'm sorry. That was beyond cruel and I'm ashamed.

    *hands you chocolate chip cookie*
  • I am so glad I stopped working with youth. lol what a bunch of **** heads.
    Your 2 cents was not needed lol

    JIYour not getting what you want, so your throw a temper-tantrum like a 2 year old. Instead of focusing on your healthy/weight loss, perhaps a psychiatrist would be of more help to you.
    I actually have a psychiatrist because im depressed ... Now you can make fun of me and say that i deserve to be depressed or u can say whatever you want to about it . But just know that karma is real . Im still a human whether im 18 or 40 .. But if you wanna make fun of my depression , i promise you . will pay you back for me .

    I think you're missing some key words that would make this paragraph make sense.

    Perhaps a new psychiatrist?
    Your a heartless *kitten* person to try make fun of my depression like that . God will make u feel worse than i feel today . I wish i knew how to delete this post
This discussion has been closed.