Worst compliment you've ever gotten.



  • dleventhal
    "you don't sweat much for a fat boy....."

  • rich347
    rich347 Posts: 508 Member
    Your not like those others ******s your actually smart.


    You're kidding me... Right?

    Nope my 3rd grade (Mr. Rosenberg) teacher in Sheepshead Bay Brooklyn Told me that

    And THAT is what is wrong with the education system.

  • kirah1977
    You look better with some meat on your bones...:brokenheart:
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    Granny [tugging on my skirt]: Meg, have you lost anymore weight?

    Me: Yep. I'm down 50 pounds, Granny.

    Granny: Well, I can see it in your face, but I don't see it in your body.

    Me: ..........................

    God love her. :)
  • fyoufat
    "You have such a pretty face", I think some fat girls might get why this compliment is actually a little annoying
  • captndalton
    captndalton Posts: 53 Member
    'ooh, you've got soft hands' ...... I'm a guy.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    "If you lost 20lbs, you could do porn."


    that's kinda awesome actually, as a way to strike up a conversation with somebody and see if they have a sense of humor. :happy:

    Respond with: I retired, so I let myself gain a little since then

    What are you doing back on the boards, missy?!


    -backs out slowly-
  • KayRisTee
    KayRisTee Posts: 31 Member
    After losing 40ish pounds I ran into a guy I knew in high school who thought:

    "Dang girl if you looked like that in high school you might have been an option for me"

    was an appropriate comment to make. Gee thanks
  • vienna_h
    vienna_h Posts: 428 Member
    "You're 25? I thought you were 19! You still look great for your age!"

    What??? FU, IM 25, NOT 50!!!

    The other day, I was wearing a cropped top, and went out quickly to the convenience store, and while I was paying, this guy came up to me to ask if I had had surgery. I knew my surgery scars were tiny and not visible, I tried to ignore him but he was in my face and asked me again, so I said "no", and he said "Are you sure, cuz you look CUT". Is that a compliment??? Did he mean I have abs? The cashier told him I was married (I'm not) and the guy insisted my "husband" must be lucky to have such a "cut up" wife. I just rolled my eyes at him and walked out. Men, don't tell women they look "cut" or worse "cut up", it sounds scary.

    And a drunk student, towards the end of a field course (aka 3 weeks camping in the middle of nowhere), came up to me to say "you know, when I first met you I thought, 'wow, look at that girly girl' and I just thought you were sooo girly, but now that I know you it's like 'damn, that girl is smart, she KNOWS ****, like COOL ****' you're not even as ditsy as everyone thinks you are, you're actually smart!'". She kept repeating this to me all night long. Nice to know everyone thought I was a ditsy girly girl (but I know stuff so it's ok).
  • cedman1
    cedman1 Posts: 104 Member
    Received consoling and hug cause they assumed I had cancer with all my weight loss. :|
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    'ooh, you've got soft hands' ...... I'm a guy.

  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Shopping with my mom and being the biggest I have been in a long time...I was a tight size 16... I kept seeing these cute dress pants and it seemed like they were all size 8. So I said "I cant wait until I lose this weight and come back and buy all these cute size 8 clothes".

    Her response... "You better just shoot for size 12, you will never lose enough to fit into a size 8"

    That was all the motivation I needed.. now I am currently in size 14 and a few 12's ... slowly but surely I am proving her wrong. I now am smaller than her and can fit into the clothes that she gets that are too small for her.

    I'd always been bigger than my mom since I was 11. When I was in high school, she was 5'6" 130 lb and I was 5'8" 240 lb. You can imagine comments from people, "Oh! Your mom is thin?!" Yeah jerk. hehe

    My mom's struggled with very disordered eating her entire life, and she has health problems galore (partly due to that). I love her to pieces, and don't want her to be unhealthy. She never treated me badly even at my heaviest and has always made me feel good about myself.

    While I still weigh more than her (I'm 218, she's around 190)...I fit into things she doesn't, and have a lot more clothing options. For example her legs and ankles swell a lot and I wear lots of boots and sandals that she can't, including some of her old ones that she can't wear now. We're both pear shaped women and wear a 1X top but on the bottom, she has trouble because of her tiny waist and huge hips. I'm more proportional so it's a lot easier for me to find pants. She is constantly picking up inexpensive 16's and 18's that won't go over her hips/thighs but fit me well. There's not exactly a victorious feeling in that for me..I'd rather see my mom healthy! ...but it is definitely a novelty, in a way, after 25 years of being bigger than her by a lot.
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    "You have a pretty face, but your sister has the hottest body".

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    "You have such a pretty face", I think some fat girls might get why this compliment is actually a little annoying

    I get this " You're so pretty .....when you smile..." as if I'm a troll or an ogre any other moment of the day....
  • dizzysmile
    dizzysmile Posts: 71 Member
    "You'd be hot if you lost weight."
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    "you're cute"

    it's the worst

    Right there with you, except I hear that "You're cute. If it weren't for the red hair and freckles you'd be totally hot!"
  • 5n0wbal1
    5n0wbal1 Posts: 429 Member
    "Suck in your stomach. Now you like like you did when I met you"--DH

    When I met my now husband, he said I had cow eyes and DSL's. Guess he's not the master of pickup lines.
  • TheGirlsATimeBomb
    TheGirlsATimeBomb Posts: 434 Member
    you sure have a lot of confidence for someone who is a size 10.

    i wasn't aware that a size 10 was a bad size.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    any time I'm single my extended family is like, "it's ok, you'll find someone, you're so smart and funny and your face is so pretty!" as if I am sooooo sad about being single. no need for the backhanded compliments! :angry:

    Oh yeah...I am very familiar with the "pretty face" compliment. UGH! I used to work with a much younger woman who was very traditionally "hot" and she would say stuff like that to me all of the time. I really don't think she meant anything mean by it but it was irritating.

    seriously. If they didn't mention "face" it would be a compliment, but they just have to go and make it backhanded!
  • dizzysmile
    dizzysmile Posts: 71 Member
    'ooh, you've got soft hands' ...... I'm a guy.

    My fiancé works in IT and has the softest hands I've ever felt on a guy. I love that they aren't jointy, calloused "worker" hands, lol.