Just not losing



  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Also it is not just about calories but the quality of your finis choices proper meal combinations for your genetic makeup and good fat burning foods tonic and supplements. I agree with the last post instead of lowering your calories you must increase your body sculpting using Exercises specific for the strongest muscles in our bodies the glutes exercises just as the classic hip thrust

    I lost 25 pounds eating pizza and ice cream. Weight loss has nothing to do with the type of food you're eating. Period.

    You are correct, weight loss does not have anything to do with the type of food you are eating (to an extent)


    Body composition does. Then we enter into the discussion of weight vs health but that's for a whole different thread.

    True this. :-)

    Highly debatable

  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Also it is not just about calories but the quality of your finis choices proper meal combinations for your genetic makeup and good fat burning foods tonic and supplements. I agree with the last post instead of lowering your calories you must increase your body sculpting using Exercises specific for the strongest muscles in our bodies the glutes exercises just as the classic hip thrust

    I lost 25 pounds eating pizza and ice cream. Weight loss has nothing to do with the type of food you're eating. Period.

    You are correct, weight loss does not have anything to do with the type of food you are eating (to an extent)


    Body composition does. Then we enter into the discussion of weight vs health but that's for a whole different thread.

    True this. :-)

    Highly debatable


    That very interesting coming from people I consistently see in threads preaching about protein intake. Or in fact macros in general.
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    That very interesting coming from people I consistently see in threads preaching about protein intake. Or in fact macros in general.
    I think there's a big difference between macro content and "quality". Getting protein from whole, unprocessed, organic, certified GMO-free unicorn flank is no different from getting protein from a snickers bar... as long as you get the protein.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    That very interesting coming from people I consistently see in threads preaching about protein intake. Or in fact macros in general.
    I think there's a big difference between macro content and "quality". Getting protein from whole, unprocessed, organic, certified GMO-free unicorn flank is no different from getting protein from a snickers bar... as long as you get the protein.

    I don't think anyone is debating if one 1 gram of protein in a snickers bar is better than 1 gram in a protein shake, that is not what is being said. It is more geared to say that 1400 cals of crap food can absolutely net a weight loss but 1400 calories of a well balanced diet will net a completely different body composition than just cake and pizza 1400 cal diet.

    For example, when your body is on the go it is going to need amino acids. Those are only going to come from 2 places, your food intake or your muscle. You choose but if you are eating a diet with low protein and there is nothing in your fuel tank to pull from.....well it's going to get it from its other source....and over time two people with the same 1400 diet at extreme ends like that are going to end up with a body composition drastically different.
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    I think you're both saying the same thing to a certain extent. The remark I was commenting on (quoted above) was that the type of food you eat contributing to body composition is highly debatable, and to your response of surprise that people who preach macros are willing to debate that. At least the way I read it, they weren't saying that macros should be ignored. Instead that you can get your macros met in many different ways. You can meet them with "junk" or "processed" foods, and/or you can meet them with "clean" or "whole" foods. People often claim that eating clean is the only way to alter body composition for the better. I disagree with that idea, putting me in the same camp as those who said "highly debatable" above.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    How do you track your exercise? Is it through MFP estimations or HRM estimations? Either way, you're eating almost all, if not all somedays, of your exercise calories back on your weekdays.

    Along with that you are over by 700-800 calories three days in a row over the weekend just gone, which is killing your weekly deficit.

    I have never had results eating back all of my exercise calories, I eat 50% or more if I'm hungry. Try doing this as you could be over estimating calorie burns, nothing that tracks your calories is 100% accurate.

    But it shouldn't be killing my deficit. What I eat at weekends is my TDEE - which I calculate from a sedentary level, then add in only 'proper' exercise - like 30DS or my mega hill-y cycling. I don't log in all the walking and running up and downstairs I do day in, day out.

    I know my calories burnt might not be entirely accurate, that's why I leave out the regular activity.

    Does that make sense?

    I am not sure why I feel compelled to comment, since I am still in the middle of trying to figure this out myself, but I recognized something that I believe has been a problem for me, and maybe you should think about it too, and perhaps avoid some problems.

    First a bit of background: I lost 40 lbs using MFP recommendations for net calories. (I believe the first recommendation was 1320 plus exercise. By the time I finished it was 1200 plus exercise. Now before everyone freaks out, realize that I am naturally small framed and short, and when I finished losing, I had a BMI of about 20, which means I was really slim. My BMR is only around 1200 so I was not eating under my BMR for the most part!) I always ate most, if not all my exercise calories back. It took me 11 months, and for the most part my loss was pretty steady. Of course I lost more at first, and then it slowed toward the end.

    Then I went to maintenance, and since I was scared of gaining, I decided to set my net goal at just below sedentary and keep logging exercise calories and eating them. The problem is, I am not really sedentary in my non-exercise life. I am probably at least moderately active on work days.

    So this set me up to begin under eating. Which eventually caused me to supress my metabolism, and suddenly I was gaining when there was no logical reason.. I now am beginning to understand just how much I was undereating because of my BodyMedia. It tells me that on a normal work day, without exercise, I burn about 2100-2200 calories. But because my goal was set to net sedentery, I was eating probably 1500 total calories. Or less. And I was very active in my everyday life, plus I was running probably 18-20 miles a week. So of course, after about 1 year of actual dieting and then another year of under eating like that, my body had had enough.

    I am telling you this so you can perhaps avoid this problem.

    Of course, it could be that undereating is not the problem at all. Really, only time will tell, along with meticulous record keeping.

    Go to the "In Place of a Road Map" group, and look for the posting about a spreadsheet that will help you calculate daily activity. There is a link to a dowloadable spreadsheet calculator. This can help you get on the right track with non-exercise activity as well as your exercise.

    Best of luck.