Saying No to Vaccinations



  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    And let's say for giggles that vaccines cause autism. It seems the anti vaxxers would rather their kid risk a terrible illness and die, rather than have autism but still be alive? Boggles my brains.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Darwin should eventually sort these people out. Sad for their kids though.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    I don't know, I think my son either became autistic after the MMR vaccine, or during pregnancy when I worked as a correctional officer. While working the overnight shift and sometimes having to work doubles, I would only bring enough food from home for one shift and was not expecting to have to pull a double. Often times, I would get so hungry while working the overnight shift that I had to eat a sack lunch sometimes, that they would prepare for the inmates leaving for work. The sack lunch contained the worst kinds of foods that the average person would not eat. There was an apple and a packet of peanut butter, and some bologna with two slices of bread. I remember rinsing the bologna off real good and putting it in the microwave till it popped and eating the non-organic, highly pesticide-filled red apple that came with it, along with peanut butter on the top. My other theory for my son coming up autistic is that during my pregnancy, I had a threatened miscarriage with him and I had to be rushed to the emergency room because I was bleeding. He turned out to be okay, but maybe it caused brain damage that caused his autism. Maybe, I am secretly half-autistic myself, since I am extremely shy in person, and socially awkward and I passed on a gene to him. I don't know. However, I was vaccinated as a child, and although I consider myself kind of weird, I turned out fine. I have gotten the flu vaccine for him and myself and we have never gotten the flu. But a lot of my neighbors told me to stop vaccinating, since my son was autistic. I was like, "What difference does it make, he already has autism, so what is not vaccinating him going to prevent or prove?"

    Your sons autism isn't the result of vaccinations, bologna, or the apple. I am sorry, but it was another reason.

    if processed meat caused autism I'm pretty sure my cat would be autistic by now
  • 4homer
    4homer Posts: 457 Member
    people are idiots not to vaccinate their kids.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Stupid is as stupid does.
  • nelinelineli
    nelinelineli Posts: 330 Member
    And let's say for giggles that vaccines cause autism. It seems the anti vaxxers would rather their kid risk a terrible illness and die, rather than have autism but still be alive? Boggles my brains.

    Well despite the fact that I am a strong advocate for vaccines, I do see a bit of a problem with this logic. Vaccines nowadays target relatively rare diseases (rare BECAUSE of the vaccines and the crowd immunity they imparted). So the risk to catch them is rather minimal, especially in developed countries.

    If autism WERE caused by vaccines, we'd have a really tough decision on our hands as a society, but thankfully, it is not.
  • Tigerman999
    Vaccines are like reely stupid. Never had one in my life. I don't need to take that crep
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Vaccines are like reely stupid. Never had one in my life. I don't need to take that crep

    Yes, your impeccable English skills really back that statement up.
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    Wow, I was ready to come in here guns-a-blazin' and was pleasantly surprised that you guys are all pretty much totally awesome and not buying into the anti-vax propaganda!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I don't know, I think my son either became autistic after the MMR vaccine, or during pregnancy when I worked as a correctional officer. While working the overnight shift and sometimes having to work doubles, I would only bring enough food from home for one shift and was not expecting to have to pull a double. Often times, I would get so hungry while working the overnight shift that I had to eat a sack lunch sometimes, that they would prepare for the inmates leaving for work. The sack lunch contained the worst kinds of foods that the average person would not eat. There was an apple and a packet of peanut butter, and some bologna with two slices of bread. I remember rinsing the bologna off real good and putting it in the microwave till it popped and eating the non-organic, highly pesticide-filled red apple that came with it, along with peanut butter on the top. My other theory for my son coming up autistic is that during my pregnancy, I had a threatened miscarriage with him and I had to be rushed to the emergency room because I was bleeding. He turned out to be okay, but maybe it caused brain damage that caused his autism. Maybe, I am secretly half-autistic myself, since I am extremely shy in person, and socially awkward and I passed on a gene to him. I don't know. However, I was vaccinated as a child, and although I consider myself kind of weird, I turned out fine. I have gotten the flu vaccine for him and myself and we have never gotten the flu. But a lot of my neighbors told me to stop vaccinating, since my son was autistic. I was like, "What difference does it make, he already has autism, so what is not vaccinating him going to prevent or prove?"
    Uh, seriously?
  • captain_reckless

    But then again to my hippy friends I'm a bad parent as my kids are all up to date for all their vaccinations, I know there is a lot of talk about kids becoming Autistic after their vaccinations and I read up quite a bit before I took my eldest for all his, and I honustly dont think these claims are sustanicated

    They disproved that ridiculous claim already, by the way!

    Yea I know but it still gets played by some od balls
  • Tigerman999
    Vaccines are like reely stupid. Never had one in my life. I don't need to take that crep

    Yes, your impeccable English skills really back that statement up.

    Thanks Babygirl. U r qute! I wanna make out with u, gurl
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I have nursed children with whooping cough - horrible disease; I am a family genealogist and so many children in my family history died of preventable diseases whilst just little - measles, etc - before vaccinations became available. Vaccination works to stop these diseases. If someone really doesn't want to do it, then OK, but don't push it onto others. I worked at a school and we had a list of all the kids who weren't immunised - if anyone got measles they had to be excluded from school, day care, etc.

    Autism is a worry, but I haven't read enough to know if it is linked to / proven to be linked to getting your kids immunised.

    I get the flu shot every year.

    I still remember being in school, or even when my 20 year old was in elementary, being required to provide an immunization record. Without it you could not start school. When did that change?
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    Vaccines are like reely stupid. Never had one in my life. I don't need to take that crep

    Yes, your impeccable English skills really back that statement up.

    Thanks Babygirl. U r qute! I wanna make out with u, gurl

    -5/10. I can direct you to some threads with good trolling examples if you want to be even a little convincing
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I do not get vaccinated for anything. I do not like the idea of some scientists whipping up some random mix in a lab and shooting people up with it. Like the H1N1 vaccination for example, how soon did they have that made? long term studies? I think not.

    BTW - I worked in a youth addiction facility last winter...I did not get sick ONCE. Eat healthy, exercise. :D
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    i've been getting the flu shot for 10 years or more. i've never had a problem. i'm going to get this year to. i'm not worried none
  • neonemesis
    neonemesis Posts: 74 Member
    i think if you want to take it take it. me myself i try to refrain from using most drugs in a lot of cases even for headaches i will just bear with it. but this whole BS of dying from it cmon there are a lot of things you can die from do you avoid all of those. heck i'm sure you have higher odds of dying while driving
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I do not get vaccinated for anything. I do not like the idea of some scientists whipping up some random mix in a lab and shooting people up with it. Like the H1N1 vaccination for example, how soon did they have that made? long term studies? I think not.

    BTW - I worked in a youth addiction facility last winter...I did not get sick ONCE. Eat healthy, exercise. :D

    Stop, just stop.
  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member

    I still remember being in school, or even when my 20 year old was in elementary, being required to provide an immunization record. Without it you could not start school. When did that change?

    All 50 states of the U.S. allow medical, religious, and/or philosophical exemptions to vaccines. School entry is not a problem if the parent signs and submits the proper forms to the school district.
  • DesireeNL
    DesireeNL Posts: 220 Member
    Hm.. Wonder if Dr Oz is pro or anti.. I remember an episode where he said you have to protect your kids from the dangers of the *gasp* grocery store! Apparently you can get cooties from buying groceries. Ah these shows are almost as entertaining as a good sitcom :-)
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