Saying No to Vaccinations



  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Just confirmed on you tube there is a doctor saying this and it was on the news. There were no diesases in North America
    till the white men invaded. The natives were healthy and lived natural. So they needed vaccines then? But check you tube a doctor is saying what I said. So go argue with the doctors.

    they didn't need vaccinations, they had the colors of the wind

    They could sing with all the voices of the mountains too.
  • onezeronine
    onezeronine Posts: 37 Member
    Just confirmed on you tube there is a doctor saying this and it was on the news. There were no diesases in North America
    till the white men invaded. The natives were healthy and lived natural. So they needed vaccines then? But check you tube a doctor is saying what I said. So go argue with the doctors.

    HOLY CRAP GUYS HOLD THE PHONE WE'VE ALL BEEN PROVEN WRONG HERE. THIS LADY FOUND A DOCTOR ON YOUTUBE. The CDC clearly has no idea what they're talking about. Hey, did you send that youtube video to the CDC? I bet they'll want to know about that, god knows they've obviously been wrong for so long. Man, you are so right, I get all of my health information from Youtube. I should totally check that out. There is obviously no chance that since Youtube lets anyone post anything that this person is insane and maybe even not a real doctor. Everyone knows that Youtube is the most reliable source for health information, forget actual doctors and nurses. Jeez.
  • kiwitechgirl
    kiwitechgirl Posts: 145 Member
    This is such a hot point with me. My grandmother had polio because there were no vaccines. God rest her soul.

    Exactly. You ask anyone who lived through polio and smallpox eras whether they think vaccinations aren't necessary, and I don't need to guess at the answer you'll get.
  • fatfrost
    fatfrost Posts: 365 Member
    I don't know, I think my son either became autistic after the MMR vaccine, or during pregnancy when I worked as a correctional officer. While working the overnight shift and sometimes having to work doubles, I would only bring enough food from home for one shift and was not expecting to have to pull a double. Often times, I would get so hungry while working the overnight shift that I had to eat a sack lunch sometimes, that they would prepare for the inmates leaving for work. The sack lunch contained the worst kinds of foods that the average person would not eat. There was an apple and a packet of peanut butter, and some bologna with two slices of bread. I remember rinsing the bologna off real good and putting it in the microwave till it popped and eating the non-organic, highly pesticide-filled red apple that came with it, along with peanut butter on the top. My other theory for my son coming up autistic is that during my pregnancy, I had a threatened miscarriage with him and I had to be rushed to the emergency room because I was bleeding. He turned out to be okay, but maybe it caused brain damage that caused his autism. Maybe, I am secretly half-autistic myself, since I am extremely shy in person, and socially awkward and I passed on a gene to him. I don't know. However, I was vaccinated as a child, and although I consider myself kind of weird, I turned out fine. I have gotten the flu vaccine for him and myself and we have never gotten the flu. But a lot of my neighbors told me to stop vaccinating, since my son was autistic. I was like, "What difference does it make, he already has autism, so what is not vaccinating him going to prevent or prove?"

    cool story bro

    Damn. Harsh . . .
  • hungryhobbit1
    hungryhobbit1 Posts: 259 Member
    Honestly. My parents were just a bit older than the baby boomers, so were not vaccinated against many of the childhood diseases they have vaccines for today. My mother barely survived the measles, and my dad and his sister had polio when they were children. They were very lucky because they "only" experienced a splitting headache that went on for weeks, and did not come out of it with partial or total paralysis, as many children did.

    My mother tells me that one year they closed all of the public swimming pools up and down the East Coast, because the polio risk was so great. Only in the past couple of decades have the parks departments been building them again.

    If you are two generations removed from remembering what it is like to face potentially deadly childhood diseases, be grateful and get vaccinated if you can. We've had whooping cough going through our elementary school like wildfire because herd immunity is no longer working properly in Washington State, and the vaccine is not 100% effective. (Which is why herd immunity is EXTRA important with whooping cough.)

    People should let their bodies fight viruses off naturally, not depend on shots.

    Yeah, fighting off polio naturally worked out really well for people. And kids who die from whooping cough just aren't fighting it off hard enough, I suppose? *eye roll*
  • gingabebe
    gingabebe Posts: 165 Member
    Do you know when you get the flu shot they are actually injecting the virus into you, and you get sick.
    Everybody in my family got it, except me. Once you get it you always have to. They all get the flu, I
    only get the flu like once every 5 years. People should let their bodies fight viruses off naturally, not
    depend on shots.

    They are injecting the dead virus into you so that your body will detect the virus and begin producing virus-specific antibodies to fight it off.

    So no, once they get it they don't always have to get it.

    We have the option to get a flu shot at work, which I do b/c I have had the flu twice and both times I felt like I could die. There are always a lot who decline it b/c they swear it makes them sick. The pamphlet they send out beforehand explains that if you are harboring a cold and get the shot, your immune system is weakened a bit while it makes the antibodies to the dead flu virus, so that is why they ask you if you have been running a fever or had the sniffles before getting the shot. If so, you should wait. Also, sometimes the strain they use doesn't fight off the version that comes your way, viruses change.

    Now about dumb docs. Once when I was just diagnosed with PCOS and trying to get pregnant, my gyno had a student doc in training. She did the usual Q&A and asked if I used condoms w/ my husband. I said, "No we are trying to conceive and a condom would make that a bit hard to do!" and she went on this diatribe about men and how they all cheat and I should always use a condom or suffer diseases- for like 5 minutes. I was so shocked all I could say was "How in the hell would one get pregnant using condoms, are we all supposed to have test tube babies?" Totally off topic, but I thought I would share to show that some doctors are just wrong (and possibly insane). Hopefully that woman never made it through or picked another field.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    My friend is a doctor. They offer vaccines to people, but she said she would never take any herself. They are filled with mercury. Also vaccines has been shown to cause autism in some cases!

    Your friend is an idiot.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I have asthma. If I DON'T get the flu shot, I might die.
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    My friend is a doctor. They offer vaccines to people, but she said she would never take any herself. They are filled with mercury. Also vaccines has been shown to cause autism in some cases!

    Your friend is an idiot.

    I'd be curious to know what "kind" of doctor, because I can assure she would be an anomaly (and likely laughed out of her hospital) if she is a true MD.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Just confirmed on you tube there is a doctor saying this and it was on the news.

    Hold on, I better go get a subscription to the YouTube Journal of Medicine and read up on this!
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    Amazing how easily and successfully SkaterGirl is trolling everyone. U go girl.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Amazing how easily and successfully SkaterGirl is trolling everyone. U go girl.

    I hope for the sake of her gene pool that she is only trolling.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I do believe in vaccination. It has been a positive thing for society. I do not believe that the flu shot is good for anything. It is absolutely the most idiotic thing in the universe. Yeah, like they knew last month what the strain will be when it hits in a few months. So stupid I can't even believe it. Why? Why?

    They can predict how the virus evolves and try to head it off. It has done wonders for the elderly in particular.
  • cheryldc1
    Wouldn't this world be boring if we all thought alike. Someone just made the comment about pushing opinions on someone else. Think about it. Isn't that what you are doing.
  • percypat
    Amazing how easily and successfully SkaterGirl is trolling everyone. U go girl.

    I hope for the sake of her gene pool that she is only trolling.

    Probably not. I just peeked at her profile and she wants to get in shape to make people jealous (among other things). What a peach :)

    Though for entertainment's sake, I am kind of hoping we get a few more medical pearls of wisdom from her. This has been a fun read.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Wouldn't this world be boring if we all thought alike. Someone just made the comment about pushing opinions on someone else. Think about it. Isn't that what you are doing.

    If it were an opinion, then fine.
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    wheird beat me to it >:(
  • hungryhobbit1
    hungryhobbit1 Posts: 259 Member
    SMH. History is cool.
    The most notable disease brought by Europeans was the destructive smallpox disease. Smallpox was lethal to many Native Americans, bringing sweeping epidemics and affecting the same tribes repeatedly. Within 1837 to 1870, at least four different epidemics struck the Plains tribes.

    Numerous other diseases were brought to Native American tribes, including measles, scarlet fever, typhoid, typhus, influenza, pertussis (whooping cough), tuberculosis, cholera, diphtheria, chickenpox and sexually transmitted diseases ]including syphills, which was originally thought to be endemic in the Americas, but recent scientific research has now shown it originated in Europe. Each of these diseases brought destruction through sweeping epidemics, involving illness and extensive death. Many Native American tribes experienced extensive depopulation, averaging 25–50 percent of tribal life lost due to disease. Additionally, singular tribes also neared extinction after facing severely destructive spread of disease.
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