"The problem with sugar is your problem with sugar"



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have a raging sweet tooth. There are certain things (Oreos, Oreo Fudgees and Moose Tracks ice cream, to name a few) that I CANNOT have in my house. I will eat way too much of any of them. The only thing keeping me from eating the entirety of a package or container is I get sick at about half-way through.

    However, my SO pretty much always has a container of cookies and cream ice cream in the house and I keep bars of dark chocolate to have a few squares a day. I also have peanut butter (with sugar added) in my house at all times.

    I can control myself with those things.

    My conclusion is that it isn't sugar that is the issue. It is a personal taste in specific foods that some of us just like SO much we don't stop once we start. So cutting out all sugar when you could just keep away from some very specific foods seems silly and a bit of an overreaction to me.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I prefer salt.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    So after reading so many posts, I think I can summarize my take on the 'moderation vs abstaining' debate

    -learning moderation is difficult
    -abstaining from food is difficult

    However, you only have to learn moderation once. Abstinence will be difficult forever. You (royal you, not directed at any one person) are never going to forget that oreos are awesome, despite how militant you may become, and how loud you may shout about eating clean. As hard as anyone may try to keep their home free from any trigger foods, those foods still exist. They pop up at parties, outings, work, wherever you least expect them. You cannot control your entire external environment, so you might as well learn to control yourself.


    Recipe? :-D
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    So after reading so many posts, I think I can summarize my take on the 'moderation vs abstaining' debate

    -learning moderation is difficult
    -abstaining from food is difficult

    However, you only have to learn moderation once. Abstinence will be difficult forever. You (royal you, not directed at any one person) are never going to forget that oreos are awesome, despite how militant you may become, and how loud you may shout about eating clean. As hard as anyone may try to keep their home free from any trigger foods, those foods still exist. They pop up at parties, outings, work, wherever you least expect them. You cannot control your entire external environment, so you might as well learn to control yourself.

  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    fyi, since we are talking about OREOS... I made oreo truffles at 60-70 cals per truffle... they were super good!!!

    I used...

    1 pack sugar free chocolate sandwich cookies
    6 low fat honey gram cracker sheets
    1 container fat free cream cheese...

    crunch and mix these things like meat loaf... then rolled into 35 balls!

    then, I melted 200g sugar free white chocolate, and dipped the balls into it
    let the balls sit in fridge on wax paper for about 20 minutes to set...

    yum freakin yum...

    these are not SUGAR FREE... however, they are reduced sugar, reduced fat...

    my ONLY goal was to make with lowest calories possible, so...

    pics of the truffles are on my facebook page!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member

    ...because I have a compulsion to read threads w/ the word "sugar" in the title.

    Me too...I'm like addicted to it or something....I can't just look at these threads in moderation...once I start looking at these sugar threads in the morning, next thing I know it's lunch time and all I've done is read through sugar threads...it's a vicious cycle and I'm a helpless victim...
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    strawman argument is strawman.

    controlling hunger is about satiation.

    if you eat filling foods all day and meet your micro- and macro-nutrional needs, there is no reason you can't top off your calories at the end of the day with just a handful of Oreos without feeling the need to eat the whole bag. lots of people do just fine following that process (IIFYM).

    it's a poor workman who blames his tools.

    This is perfect example of someone else not understanding a behavioral addiction to food.

    When I sit down and eat 20 Oreo cookies, hunger has absolutely nothing to do with it. I am eating them for pleasure.

    I did this just last night - ate a sleeve of Oreos not 2 hours after eating a full dinner of PF Chang's. I did not eat them because I was hungry. I ate them because they tasted good.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    bump to read later
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    Exhibit A:
    Why do I love Saturdays??? I wake up to an Apple Fritter AND a lemon filled donut, every Saturday. My husband gets them nice and early for me when they are fresh! Then, later on, I usually have skittles... taste the rainbow... I love skittles!!! My weight loss has not been hindered by my LOVE AFFAIR with sugar!

    Oh GOD... and the oreo truffles I made this weekend... yeah... they are already gone...

    There are no skittles better than sour skittles! Oh, and I think after all this oreo talk, I'm going to get some after lunch. :-D


    Lemon filled donut sounds great. And a husband who brought me ANYTHING on Saturday morning, even better.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    But it isn't the oreo that is the problem, it is your ("your" in this case and throughout this post is used as a generic pronoun, not as a direct statement to you personally) inability to limit yourself. Whether emotional or what, it is up to you to make a decision on how many oreos you eat. Yes, I can eat just one oreo. I got there over a three year period. How? I told myself I was going to eat one. I ate one, and I put the package away and did something else. After a while, I stopped going back for "just one more." The weight came off slowly, but it came off. I've been through the whole deprivation thing, the whole clean eating thing, and the sugar is the devil nonsense. The hardest thing about a person's relationship with food is the recognition that the fault lies with the person consuming the food. If you overeat, it's your fault. The food doesn't jump into your mouth.

    Ultimately, every addiction is "your" problem.
    It is a matter of disciplining yourself. Like getting up and going to the gym. It sucks at first, but if you do it long enough, it becomes second nature. Reteaching yourself how to treat food is the same thing. It's all a matter of discipline. Eating enough healthy food to get your micronutrients and saving room for treats is a blessing that comes through food education.

    Ultimately, beating every addiction is a "matter of disciplining yourself".

    It takes far more willpower to moderate than to abstain.
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    Yep. Honey in my tea at night and some fruit during the day is enough for me. I don't bother with donuts and whatever else, because these things do make me sleepy and not on my A game. Not to mention the uncomfortable headsplosion/sugar rush I get now when I eat more than about 15g of sugar at once.

    Someone snarked at someone else about cane sugar not being natural- I'm fairly certain I read in the recent National Geographic article on sugar that the difference between the cane sugar plant and refined white sugar is comparable to the difference between the coca leaf and cocaine- one is a very highly refined, more potent version of the other.

    Honey is 82% sugar, 17% water, and only 1% other, and contain only trace amounts of vitamins and minerals, and contains a similar fructose/sucrose ratio to HFCS. Demonizing table sugar, and then saying natural sweeteners like honey are fine, is EXACTLY one of the problems that this article points out.

    I like honey in tea, it tastes awesome, but I don't pretend it's somehow nutritional different because "reasons".
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    Disappointed....thought If I opened this thread a peanutbutter cup would fall in my lap.....
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    A couple of things I've gotten from this thread.

    There are other people as fascinated by these threads as I am.

    There are people who don't understand the meaning of the word 'moderation.'

    Surprisingly, I don't want any Oreos.

    Something I didn't learn but am curious about... those people who've cut out sugars/carbs entirely or near to entirely... is it all sugar things and/or carb things that you can't handle, or just some, or have you not taken time to sort it out?
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    fyi, since we are talking about OREOS... I made oreo truffles at 60-70 cals per truffle... they were super good!!!

    I used...

    1 pack sugar free chocolate sandwich cookies
    6 low fat honey gram cracker sheets
    1 container fat free cream cheese...

    crunch and mix these things like meat loaf... then rolled into 35 balls!

    then, I melted 200g sugar free white chocolate, and dipped the balls into it
    let the balls sit in fridge on wax paper for about 20 minutes to set...

    yum freakin yum...

    these are not SUGAR FREE... however, they are reduced sugar, reduced fat...

    my ONLY goal was to make with lowest calories possible, so...

    pics of the truffles are on my facebook page!

    Thank you! Sounds delish!!!
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    See the bold. This is important to note because you pop into threads all of the time with limited understanding of addiction and behavioral health. On numerous occasions you have attempted to use diagnostic criteria for gambling addiction (which was provided for you in a previous thread) and have applied it to other issues. This is wrong. While I appreciate your passion for educating others, it may be a good idea to fully understand addiction and behavioral health before doing so.

    I think you are wrong.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member


    YES! It was a perfect combination of sweet and sour. Now there is too much sweetness. *kitten*.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    fyi, since we are talking about OREOS... I made oreo truffles at 60-70 cals per truffle... they were super good!!!

    I used...

    1 pack sugar free chocolate sandwich cookies
    6 low fat honey gram cracker sheets
    1 container fat free cream cheese...

    crunch and mix these things like meat loaf... then rolled into 35 balls!

    then, I melted 200g sugar free white chocolate, and dipped the balls into it
    let the balls sit in fridge on wax paper for about 20 minutes to set...

    yum freakin yum...

    these are not SUGAR FREE... however, they are reduced sugar, reduced fat...

    my ONLY goal was to make with lowest calories possible, so...

    pics of the truffles are on my facebook page!

    Thank you! Sounds delish!!!

    be careful! they are super yummy, make sure you have other people there to eat them with you... hehehe

    perfect for holiday parties coming up!!! I call them snow balls, they are a big hit!!! and no one even knows they are eating a low cal desert!
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member

    ...because I have a compulsion to read threads w/ the word "sugar" in the title.

    Me too...I'm like addicted to it or something....I can't just look at these threads in moderation...once I start looking at these sugar threads in the morning, next thing I know it's lunch time and all I've done is read through sugar threads...it's a vicious cycle and I'm a helpless victim...

    apt analogy is apt
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    strawman argument is strawman.

    controlling hunger is about satiation.

    if you eat filling foods all day and meet your micro- and macro-nutrional needs, there is no reason you can't top off your calories at the end of the day with just a handful of Oreos without feeling the need to eat the whole bag. lots of people do just fine following that process (IIFYM).

    it's a poor workman who blames his tools.

    This is perfect example of someone else not understanding a behavioral addiction to food.

    When I sit down and eat 20 Oreo cookies, hunger has absolutely nothing to do with it. I am eating them for pleasure.

    I did this just last night - ate a sleeve of Oreos not 2 hours after eating a full dinner of PF Chang's. I did not eat them because I was hungry. I ate them because they tasted good.

    there's no such thing as addiction to food.

    it's psycho-babble intended to make you feel like a victim. it's nonsense.

    every human being has a desire for food. we all experience pleasure from food. from its taste. its smell. etc. trying to claim that you're some special snowflake because you have a special addiction that the rest of us can't understand, is not going to be met with any sympathy or empathy from me.

    you ate all those Oreos either because you were hungry or bored.

    there is a strategy that you can learn to allow you to eat Oreos in moderation by controlling your hunger.

    if you're eating out of boredom, then you need to learn willpower. that's 100% on you. it's not the cookies. it's not the food. it's not anything except your unwillingness to address the real issue.

    i'm sorry if you disagree, but i live in the real world. it's a world of reason and logic and common sense and i grow weary of arguments predicated on the idea that somebody is not to be held accountable for their own actions. YOU ate the cookies. keyword: YOU.

    BTW, you can still eat a whole bag of cookies and lose weight if you want to bad enough. i ate 3500 calories yesterday and also walked 14.6 miles to give me an additional 2040 calorie burn for the day. i still came in at more than a 1000 calorie deficit for the day.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    fyi, since we are talking about OREOS... I made oreo truffles at 60-70 cals per truffle... they were super good!!!

    I used...

    1 pack sugar free chocolate sandwich cookies
    6 low fat honey gram cracker sheets
    1 container fat free cream cheese...

    crunch and mix these things like meat loaf... then rolled into 35 balls!

    then, I melted 200g sugar free white chocolate, and dipped the balls into it
    let the balls sit in fridge on wax paper for about 20 minutes to set...

    yum freakin yum...

    these are not SUGAR FREE... however, they are reduced sugar, reduced fat...

    my ONLY goal was to make with lowest calories possible, so...

    pics of the truffles are on my facebook page!

    I'm gonna make this, but the sugary version with full fat. =D