Revving up slowed metabolism, gaining weight :(



  • Docpremie
    Docpremie Posts: 228 Member
    Rainbow's right.

    Oh goody! Next time I won't waste my time going to medical school, doing a residency & fellowship, or having 23 years of ICU experience. I just apply for my doctorate from the MFP "Cracker Jack" box! :huh:

    I'm sorry, but don't use your prestigious degree to argue that everyone is subservient to you and clearly wrong. Nothing i stated has anything to do with your medical school or ICU experience. I stated facts. Albeit i probably could have added more fluff and *cheering the op on* crap to not get attacked.

    OP hasn't even mentioned how she measured body fat, simply that it's 40%. She hasn't added that she has gained 7 pounds of FAT. She hasn't mentioned an increase/decrease in measurements.

    As i stated above, we're all arguing semantics. But don't take it personally Doc! I never said anything that disagrees with your views personally.

    If you'll notice, that wasn't your post. It was from someone else. I directed that statement to that particular post, because the author of the post has advocated low calorie diets in other threads. His assumptions are wrong!

    As for your original post, you made some very good points. The problem evolved when the OP tried to answer you, and you continued to argue back. You refused to let the topic go, despite many pleas from her! You even went so for as to tell others not to waste their time responding to the OP. The OP repeatedly told you what she was specifically asking assistance with & you refused to listen. That is when you started embarrassing yourself. When presented with even more information that you are lacking some of the specific background related to the OP's question, you continued to argue. It's one thing to answer a question, it's a whole nuther to continue to argue for the sake of arguing & gaining the last word. You completely derailed the thread & tried to bully the OP and others away from disagreeing with you. If you had stopped after 2 or 3 post, you would've shown more authority & decorum, but you couldn't help yourself.

    This is the very first time I have answered/argued back & I'm not proud of myself! I assume you are proud of yourself??? I apologize to the OP for any part I played in this now mess of thread. I need to remember this is the internet where anyone & everyone is an expert, and those you cry loudest are king!
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    As for your original post, you made some very good points. The problem evolved when the OP tried to answer you, and you continued to argue back.

    To be fair, it wasn't even directed at her in particular. There were several posts that came in that offered the same sort of advice, and I responded to all, in an open-mic sort of fashion. It was at that point that she took it as a direct attack at what she had to say (which, by the way, aside from all the assumptions, actually contained sound advice). She escalated it to the point of ridiculous without me ever even speaking directly to her. So good job on that, Rainbow..... see what happens when you assume?
    You refused to let the topic go, despite many pleas from her! You even went so for as to tell others not to waste their time responding to the OP. The OP repeatedly told you what she was specifically asking assistance with & you refused to listen.

    Ya, all that banter was directed towards her specifically. Hell, I even started out with flowers and smiliey faces to show that while I don't agree with everyone's opinions and stances, it's all good. Not my fault some people can't take 'no thanks' gracefully.....
  • tgs1029
    tgs1029 increase the intensity of your excerise and trick or jumpstart your metabolism.
  • Penfoldsplace
    Rainbow's right.

    Oh goody! Next time I won't waste my time going to medical school, doing a residency & fellowship, or having 23 years of ICU experience. I just apply for my doctorate from the MFP "Cracker Jack" box! :huh:

    What did Rainbow say that was incorrect?

    I dont know who you are Penfoldsplace, but thank you for not immediately attacking me. Thanks for actually reading my original post. Thanks for at least seeing the malicious intent behind the OP of this thread. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    No problem, I thought you gave the OP good advice.
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member

    You're hilarious. :drinker:

    As if you'd actually have a conversation with anyone on here without telling them they're wrong. Stop wasting you're own time if you're convinced you have all the answer? I dont know, that's what i'd suggest. But it's pretty obvious everything we say is just being "cocky".

    As an aside, I have answered the OP's question & stuck to the topic. Now before you blow me off too, I'll just let you know that I am a physician with EXTENSIVE training & experience in newborn & ICU nutrition. That doesn't make me an expert in adult nutrition & weight loss, but it does prepare me to evaluate articles & research in the topic of weight loss & nutrition. I have read extensively in the topic since starting my weight loss & dare say I am a little more qualified than you. Care to take me on?


    Care to take on what? The unverifiable "credentials" of an anonymous internet poster?

    Oh're being serious, aren't you?
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Rainbow's right.

    Oh goody! Next time I won't waste my time going to medical school, doing a residency & fellowship, or having 23 years of ICU experience. I just apply for my doctorate from the MFP "Cracker Jack" box! :huh:

    What does that have to do with anything?
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    You claim you have a damaged metabolism? Go get it tested.
    You claim you are eating "x" amount of calories but aren't losing weight? Test that the number is correct.
    You claim you are burning "x" amount of calories causing this huge deficit? Test the number is correct with a VO2 max in conjunction with your RMR testing.
    You claim you are gaining weight? Test to make sure you are gaining fat. If so, one of the above is not accurate.

    That sums it up.

    My prediction: OP will do none of that, opting instead to follow the "eat more" path and will, inevitably, gain more weight.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member

    You're hilarious. :drinker:

    As if you'd actually have a conversation with anyone on here without telling them they're wrong. Stop wasting you're own time if you're convinced you have all the answer? I dont know, that's what i'd suggest. But it's pretty obvious everything we say is just being "cocky".

    As an aside, I have answered the OP's question & stuck to the topic. Now before you blow me off too, I'll just let you know that I am a physician with EXTENSIVE training & experience in newborn & ICU nutrition. That doesn't make me an expert in adult nutrition & weight loss, but it does prepare me to evaluate articles & research in the topic of weight loss & nutrition. I have read extensively in the topic since starting my weight loss & dare say I am a little more qualified than you. Care to take me on?


    Care to take on what? The unverifiable "credentials" of an anonymous internet poster?

    Oh're being serious, aren't you?

    Hey watch your words... He's an important doctor and only he can have opinions, remember?
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Have you thought about raspberry ketones? Dr OZ says they work.
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I started eating healthy and regular exercise and I immediately noticed results. At first I didn't lower my food intact just worked on 3 squares a day. I'd lose 2 pounds amonth exercising 3-4 days a week. By month 3 I decided to count calories and add 2 snacks to my 3 meals a day. I upped my exercise to 4-5 days a week and by the end of a year I was over 80 pounds down.

    I've maintained this past year. I move around about 7 pounds each month, but stay in the 160's. One of these days I'll really knuckle down and get that last 25 or some pounds off.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I haven't read all the he said/she said between here and my previous post but I did read OP's "story". If you've been eating at that kind of deficit for that long, are the size you are and are now basically refeeding then most likely the 7 lbs is a combination of replenished glycogen stores and water. Also at your height/weight 7 lbs isn't a huge amount. I'm really small so 7 lbs is enormous but you have a lot more height to spread that over.

    It would have been helpful in the beginning to know the back story on your recent eating history. Maybe my misconception but I thought from the get go that you meant events in the more distant past, not within the last few months, It makes total sense that your body is trying to replenish stores it gave up during your enforced fast.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I haven't read all the he said/she said between here and my previous post but I did read OP's "story". If you've been eating at that kind of deficit for that long, are the size you are and are now basically refeeding then most likely the 7 lbs is a combination of replenished glycogen stores and water. Also at your height/weight 7 lbs isn't a huge amount. I'm really small so 7 lbs is enormous but you have a lot more height to spread that over.

    It would have been helpful in the beginning to know the back story on your recent eating history. Maybe my misconception but I thought from the get go that you meant events in the more distant past, not within the last few months, It makes total sense that your body is trying to replenish stores it gave up during your enforced fast.

    Replenishment is a real thing but that would've been over and done with within a couple of days, a week at most. She wouldn't have kept gaining for a month.
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    You claim you have a damaged metabolism? Go get it tested.
    You claim you are eating "x" amount of calories but aren't losing weight? Test that the number is correct.
    You claim you are burning "x" amount of calories causing this huge deficit? Test the number is correct with a VO2 max in conjunction with your RMR testing.
    You claim you are gaining weight? Test to make sure you are gaining fat. If so, one of the above is not accurate.

    That sums it up.

    My prediction: OP will do none of that, opting instead to follow the "eat more" path and will, inevitably, gain more weight. is with the assumptions around here? Good job!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    OMG. People around hear must be really bored.
  • excitedaboutfitness
    A few things!

    1. Check to make sure that you are wearing your BodyMedia right-side-up. I had the BodyBugg, and I know that it's an issue with several other bands, but if you wear them the wrong way, it overestimates calorie burn.

    2. How is your LBM? If you have really low muscle mass, that can be why your metabolism is stalling.

    3. What time of day do you weight yourself? I know from checking the scale that I can gain 10 pounds in one day (from first thing in the morning until right before bed).

    4. *What* do you eat? Are you getting 7-9 servings of vegetables and fruits every day? With no more than 3 fruits?

    Overall, if you are burning 2600ish calories per day (or whatever it was exactly) then you aren't really having metabolism issues. However, from what you are saying the signs seem to point at metabolism issues. This makes me think that there's a problem with you BodyMedia. 2600 calories per day is not bad metabolism.

    Good luck, and maybe put a little less credence in the BodyMedia :-)
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    LOL I'm wearing it right side up :) The only time it gives wonky results is when I'm riding my bike, but that's a known issue with the arm bands so I just take it off, use my Polar HRM for bike rides, and edit my 'off body' details for that duration.

    LBM sucks. :( It's a pretty good assumption that with all the VLCD'ing I've done over the years and recently, excessive cardio, and lack of lifting, that I've eradicated what little muscle I had. Eating more calories and lifting will help with that. :)

    I weight myself first thing in the morning, after using the bathroom, before getting in the shower. Same time every day for the most part, always before food or drink, before soaking myself in the shower, and after using the potty.

    As for what I eat.... breakfast- 2 egg whites + 1 whole egg and a low fat cheese stick.
    Morning snack- fruit of some sort and a cheese stick if I didn't eat one with the eggs.
    Lunch- I had grilled salmon and rice the other day, today I had a big salad with some grilled chicken sausage on top, balsamic vinegar for flavor.
    Afternoon snack- pumpkin puree with 0% fat greek yogurt, flax, a tablespoon of honey, vanilla, pumpkin pie spice, and ice blended in the blender.
    Dinner- chicken on the grill tonight, salmon tonight, both with a side of veg (steamed broccoli/ roasted squash)
    Evening snack- turkey jerky

    And ZOMG! If I can fit it in my calories and macros, I'll even have a COOKIE! So that must be it right there, like the poster who so graciously posting about me nom'ing on bon bons. That was very mature.....

    I ya, I eat pretty well, and balanced. Macros are 40/35/25 carbs/protein/fat.

    I didn't get here eating properly. I got here being lazy after losing weight- slacking off on the working out, some in part due to injury, some in part due to falling back into bad habits, and all the yoyo'ing finally caught up with me I guess, because this time around, it hasn't been as simple as cutting back the calories like I did in the recent past, which is what drove me to reassess my approach to weight loss in the first place. :)
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    This is my favorite article on this subject I've seen. People in the "bargaining" stage try to lawyer their way out of this all the time, but really, math is math.
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    You again? Really?
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    No, it's my identical twin.
  • KnitSewSpin
    KnitSewSpin Posts: 147 Member
    I have not read this whole post, but I wanted to let you know that I gained a lot of weight wearing the BMF. I followed the calories, did everything as accurately as you are, measured everything that went into my mouth, I was doing boot camp and walking and running and riding bike. I gained ten pounds in two or three months.

    I ditched the Body Media Fit and now I wear my fitbit. I love the fitbit. I take between 12,000-20,000 steps per day. I have your dieting history as well. I find it really, really hard to lose weight. I go at it for a few months, lose a few pounds, take a break for a few months, and continue on. It's taken me all summer and into the fall to lose 9 lbs. It's not easy, but I figure it's better than gaining weight.

    Some of us just don't fit the calories in and calories out equation. I don't know why.

    Keep plugging away and perhaps take a break from the BMF?

    Way to go on the walking by the way! I love my daily walks!