I'm kind of appalled...



  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Poor kid, she can't be doing well in school with that kind of food. No nurishment for the body, no nurishment for the brain either...

    The brain runs on glucose. Sounds like lots of nourishment for the brain. The body is what's suffering.

    Oh, so is that why you have a high then a crash when you have nothing but sugar for a snack? You can't tell me that that kid can focus after she has crashed...

    I don't. I do when I eat a high carb lunch, but that's a different story. The brain still runs on strictly glucose. There is nourishment. It's your endocrine system that is messing you up when you have this problem.

    Okie dokie... You got me. Since that is the case, I will now be packing my kids stricktly twinkies and ding dongs so they can be really really smart... :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    I never said to pack your kids twinkies and such. I just pointed out that the brain would not be starving based on what the kid had for her lunch. Way to go way beyond and read more into it. I have known plenty of kids who survive and do well academically on crappy sugary diets. They just fail to thrive.


    There is a serious lack of critical thinking here today.

    And a high level of emotion.

    Is it a high level of emotion, or a low level of intelligence?



    Unfortunately, along with it, some people's sarcasm meeter is broken...

    I assure you mine is very well tuned.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member

    I agree with all of this. But my daughter is Asperger's and you almost have to compromise on many issues... food being one of them.

    And may I also add that I eat M&M's almost daily, I'm completely healthy and lost 90 lbs doing it.

    However, the OP's complaint was that this child's lunch was all junk food, and that's not moderation either.

    I'm not a fan of 'Just throw candy in the lunch box' either, to be sure. I don't have an issue with the OP being scandalized (I mean I think it's silly but whatever) I'm just (dare I say) appalled at all of the "Eat this or nothing at all" sentiment being expressed.

    I don't really give my kids candy... they get fruit snacks or cereal bars, occassionally a snack cake. I'm just saying that I eat candy every day myself. There is nothing wrong with that.

    Sure isn't. I enjoy a diet full of sweets, and I'll give that up when my ice cream is pulled from my gold dead hands, and not a moment before.

    I know this is very sudden but can I ask your parents for your hand in marriage?


    Alas, I'm married. My delightful gold hands are already spoken for.

    Lucky guy! Just when I thought I found my golden ticket.
  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    Poor kid, she can't be doing well in school with that kind of food. No nurishment for the body, no nurishment for the brain either...

    The brain runs on glucose. Sounds like lots of nourishment for the brain. The body is what's suffering.

    Oh, so is that why you have a high then a crash when you have nothing but sugar for a snack? You can't tell me that that kid can focus after she has crashed...

    I don't. I do when I eat a high carb lunch, but that's a different story. The brain still runs on strictly glucose. There is nourishment. It's your endocrine system that is messing you up when you have this problem.

    Okie dokie... You got me. Since that is the case, I will now be packing my kids stricktly twinkies and ding dongs so they can be really really smart... :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    I never said to pack your kids twinkies and such. I just pointed out that the brain would not be starving based on what the kid had for her lunch. Way to go way beyond and read more into it. I have known plenty of kids who survive and do well academically on crappy sugary diets. They just fail to thrive.


    There is a serious lack of critical thinking here today.

    And a high level of emotion.

    Is it a high level of emotion, or a low level of intelligence?



    Unfortunately, along with it, some people's sarcasm meeter is broken...

    I assure you mine is very well tuned.

    Ok fine, then you realize I am not going to feed my kids twinkies and ding dongs.

    Here let me put it this way. When my kids eat junk, they can't focus. Yes I realize it is not because their brain function has cut out. But it effects how they learn. Kids and adults need other nutrients for mental health other than just glucose. Things like B6, Omega 3, Vitamin D... http://www.webmd.com/add-adhd/childhood-adhd/features/brain-foods-kids
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Poor kid, she can't be doing well in school with that kind of food. No nurishment for the body, no nurishment for the brain either...

    The brain runs on glucose. Sounds like lots of nourishment for the brain. The body is what's suffering.

    Oh, so is that why you have a high then a crash when you have nothing but sugar for a snack? You can't tell me that that kid can focus after she has crashed...

    I don't. I do when I eat a high carb lunch, but that's a different story. The brain still runs on strictly glucose. There is nourishment. It's your endocrine system that is messing you up when you have this problem.

    Okie dokie... You got me. Since that is the case, I will now be packing my kids stricktly twinkies and ding dongs so they can be really really smart... :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    I never said to pack your kids twinkies and such. I just pointed out that the brain would not be starving based on what the kid had for her lunch. Way to go way beyond and read more into it. I have known plenty of kids who survive and do well academically on crappy sugary diets. They just fail to thrive.


    There is a serious lack of critical thinking here today.

    And a high level of emotion.

    Is it a high level of emotion, or a low level of intelligence?



    Unfortunately, along with it, some people's sarcasm meeter is broken...

    I assure you mine is very well tuned.

    Ok fine, then you realize I am not going to feed my kids twinkies and ding dongs.

    Here let me put it this way. When my kids eat junk, they can't focus. Yes I realize it is not because their brain function has cut out. But it effects how they learn. Kids and adults need other nutrients for mental health other than just glucose. Things like B6, Omega 3, Vitamin D... http://www.webmd.com/add-adhd/childhood-adhd/features/brain-foods-kids

    And those things have to be replenished within a few hours? I'm pretty sure that the levels of those (and other nutrients) are fairly consistent over a longer period of time than the next meal. At the very least, you can take vit D off that list as the effect of any one meal has almost no effect.
  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    Poor kid, she can't be doing well in school with that kind of food. No nurishment for the body, no nurishment for the brain either...

    The brain runs on glucose. Sounds like lots of nourishment for the brain. The body is what's suffering.

    Oh, so is that why you have a high then a crash when you have nothing but sugar for a snack? You can't tell me that that kid can focus after she has crashed...

    I don't. I do when I eat a high carb lunch, but that's a different story. The brain still runs on strictly glucose. There is nourishment. It's your endocrine system that is messing you up when you have this problem.

    Okie dokie... You got me. Since that is the case, I will now be packing my kids stricktly twinkies and ding dongs so they can be really really smart... :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    I never said to pack your kids twinkies and such. I just pointed out that the brain would not be starving based on what the kid had for her lunch. Way to go way beyond and read more into it. I have known plenty of kids who survive and do well academically on crappy sugary diets. They just fail to thrive.


    There is a serious lack of critical thinking here today.

    And a high level of emotion.

    Is it a high level of emotion, or a low level of intelligence?



    Unfortunately, along with it, some people's sarcasm meeter is broken...

    I assure you mine is very well tuned.

    Ok fine, then you realize I am not going to feed my kids twinkies and ding dongs.

    Here let me put it this way. When my kids eat junk, they can't focus. Yes I realize it is not because their brain function has cut out. But it effects how they learn. Kids and adults need other nutrients for mental health other than just glucose. Things like B6, Omega 3, Vitamin D... http://www.webmd.com/add-adhd/childhood-adhd/features/brain-foods-kids

    And those things have to be replenished within a few hours? I'm pretty sure that the levels of those (and other nutrients) are fairly consistent over a longer period of time than the next meal. At the very least, you can take vit D off that list as the effect of any one meal has almost no effect.

    Oh my frick! I never said that!

    I realize that, really I do! I just think kids deserve better than crap food for lunch every day. Okay. Lets just leave it at that.

    Ya'll are just mad because I am a Broncos fan. I KNOW IT!!!!
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
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